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About HeyThere

  • Birthday 05/22/1984

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  1. As a hard core pro lifer I do not have blinders on. My prayer is for the unborn, newborn and children in this world. I will fight for every unborn and newborn child to have a chance at life. The life that Christ would want for them.
  2. I would think the fact that God inspired it makes it more than a clarification of conversation. It certainly is a guidebook - for our walk with God. Well, I'm sorry, I though the original topic was asking what the bible was TO ME... I am assuming that you cant TELL ME WHAT THE BIBLE IS TO ME. Which is what I did... you dont have to agree, but dont try to clarify or imply that I am wring in my belief.
  3. A guideline... a source book. A clarification of conversation.
  4. Some people HAVE to drive the gas guzzling vehicles... We have no choice. I paid 4:05 at the pump yesterday.
  5. Then you must be ok with this. Didn't God tell them to have sex with those little kids? Well luckily, I dont think we serve the same God. That didn't answer the question. Would you be ok with a 13 year old marrying a 40 year old man? I'm not talking about FLDS.....just your normal everyday christian. What are your thoughts on that? Something finally struck me so I have to say this in regard to the original post I really find this question very odd coming from a fully mature christian well grounded in the word.I know all about people in the old testament having wives and concubines and dozzens of kids but jesus addressed that. Now was it you that said YOU would or could never marry again if divorced, yet you have no problem with multipule marriage. I find that odd for a fully mature Christian. I'm not saying you are not, just VERY ODD. YOu asked a legitimate question but one very sensitive to a fully mature Christian so you must have been prepared for a negative response but you are not scripturally prepared to defend your position and resist most attempts to answere your post. Have you asked your pastor or elders this same question and what was their response? If not, please do so and inform us of the results, i Would be most interested to hear back. Hi... I dont know who you are talking to... but I was wondering, who said they didnt have a problem with polygamy? (Can you show me a quote, I think i may have missed it...)
  6. Then you must be ok with this. Didn't God tell them to have sex with those little kids? Well luckily, I dont think we serve the same God.
  7. I agree! God didnt say go forth and populate the earth until global warming. God coming back y'all!
  8. Um, no, it doesnt. If my teenage daughter (15 or older) wanted to marry an older man and I felt that was what God was leading her to do, then I would sign a consent. Hypothetically. That does not make me FLDS. The only time I posted under Merins name, I said it was me. I am not doing any talking for him... his thoughts are his own. I know you will deny it but that is not what you said. You said if you were sure it was what god wanted you would agree whether you did or not. so if your pastor said that God told him your daughter was to marry his 40 year old brother then hyperthetically you would say yes. that hyperthetically makes you an FLDS believer. Hypethetically speaking, that is? IF GOD TOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you must not know what the FDLS believe, because its way more than that. Edited to add- I went back and read ALL of my posts and no where does it say what you said I said. Go read them. So, if God told me too, I would want what God wants. How would God tell you this? Prayer, fasting. I dont know about you (not snotty, I really dont know) but I have a relationship with God. I go to him with all of my decisions and get answers every time.
  9. Um, no, it doesnt. If my teenage daughter (15 or older) wanted to marry an older man and I felt that was what God was leading her to do, then I would sign a consent. Hypothetically. That does not make me FLDS. The only time I posted under Merins name, I said it was me. I am not doing any talking for him... his thoughts are his own. I know you will deny it but that is not what you said. You said if you were sure it was what god wanted you would agree whether you did or not. so if your pastor said that God told him your daughter was to marry his 40 year old brother then hyperthetically you would say yes. that hyperthetically makes you an FLDS believer. Hypethetically speaking, that is? IF GOD TOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you must not know what the FDLS believe, because its way more than that. Edited to add- I went back and read ALL of my posts and no where does it say what you said I said. Go read them. So, if God told me too, I would want what God wants.
  10. 1 Timothy 4:14-- "Dont let others look down on you because you are young, but set an example in life, love, speech, purity and holiness."
  11. Not suitable for a public library. Why would someone look at porn at the library anyway? Geez.
  12. I think it should be 18. I dont like that there are a bunch of different ages for different things. A 18 year old can go off and die for this country, but cant have a beer with his friends? Nonsense.
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