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  1. I was only taught Ninjutsu for.. uhhh 3-4 years. Now Im just remembering what ive already learned (Which in truth is alot) and some newer things I learned since then (Being watching some videos). What really sucks is I did this martial art for 8 Years Before I got saved. Meditating all that time. It was kind of hard to get out of it when I got saved as I was unsure. Ive seen some crazy things done with meditation.. Ive done some of that stuff myself... I wanna see if I could do that with Iyrssa's suggestion. Alex
  2. high you can log on chuck noris web page and he wil be able to help you out he is a christian and his heart is in the right place i know where you are comming from as i use self defence my self and have done some martial arts in my younger days the christians in the philippines know how to handle them selves my partner is a female pastor and she has been taught from a young age she only uses martial arts when she feels she is going to be harmed she is only a small women and a very pretty women all the single women and married women know how to protect them selves i know what you mean christians can sometimes blow it with out looking at what is being said in a post when some one comes searching especialy on forums like this we need to respect the person where they are at and allow them to express them selves you have a free wil and dont let no one take that free will off you i know christians who have done good i also know sevral security gaurds who are black belts and these guys reach out to the ones the church finds hard to reach out too its like telling chritians who live in america they cant arm them selves and protect their property or family from harm america has a lot off freedoms other countrys dont have hear in Australia we cant walk into a shop and purchase a gun and then carry the weapon we have purchased like you can in america even though us aussies want the same right my american brothers and sisters have we have to abide by the laws but it does not stop us from prottecting our home or our loved ones i know a pastor who used martial arts to protect him self from 4 guys and i know another pastor who only used his thongs to defend him self this crazy guy came at him with a sharp knife and if the pastor did not use his head he would be dead their is nothing wrong with using martial arts wher we come unstuck is when we bow to the spirits these guys worship i use to watch kung foo when i was a child and i liked bruce lee i watched all his movies and was hooked most of my asian and chines friends know martial arts and watching these guys blows me away they even teach their kids from a young age even their women know how to handle them selves i learnt Judo and kick boxing i hope no one comes down on you and your questions are answered honestly welcome to the forum log onto chuck noris web sight and have a look at it you can leave questions and you will have your questions answered God bless from damo Alright.. I will check it out. Thank you
  3. Yes It sounds like it does work! Great idea. I think ill do that.. Thank you Iryssa, I have now found a Way to continue Studying all of what my martial art... There are many Definitions of "Meditation" and one is simply; Contemplation. So Ill just Contemplate My and God's Relationship, or a scripture. Thanks Again Iryssa! Alex
  4. You see.. I am multi-martial art (Meaning I practice more then 1).. well my favorite one and the first one I started learning was Ninjutsu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjutsu alot of info there). I see 17 out of the 18 skills ok, I mean everyone should learn how to protect themselves and their loved ones. But the 1st one listed on the page which is; Seishin-teki kyōyō (Or Spiritual Refinement) which means we have to meditate... so far I have been able to escape meditating since I got saved about 10 Months ago. For those 10 Months I have done something similar to meditation.. What do you think, is meditation Ok to do, or is it not. Before this turns into a total Flamefest; I havent actually meditated for a bit, I just need your opinions, as I would like to be able to get back into Meditation and I really am not a genius (Believe me Im not) and I need more then One person's, even a person I respect alot, opinion. Alex
  5. I guess that DOES make sense.. Im sorry for my being stupid...
  6. Well as we all know Karma in a nutshell is "What goes around comes around" and what we also know is most Christians disagree with this theory (Im NOT one). I personally believe Christians believe in it too, just they don't call it Karma. I may be reading it wrong or such, if I am.. tell me. Heres one; Sounds alot like what goes around comes around, or what you do to others will be done to you. P.S. I am a Christian im just saying... Alex
  7. Same here. Thank God that he helped me. AlexanderBrown
  8. Thats CRAZY! Why in the Sam Hill would somebody do that? Its a court order.. I doubt his Ex Wife even wanted cut apart junks
  9. Agreed! Aww So Sweet.. I have a puppy named Marley!
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