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Guest EPHRIAM777

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Guest leejosepho

Peace and Joy to all!

Some close friends of mine who are now in Yisra'el (and who believe all "taught ones" ought to be going there also) sent this to me several weeks ago.  I have greatly enjoyed reading it, but I am not sure what to do with it ... and it seems like it is related to the kind of discussion proposed elsewhere on this board.

So, if you who know will: Educate me and others!


LeeJosephO, curious and teachable



By Rabbi Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky


EDITOR'S NOTE- If you have not as of yet read part one of this teaching we recommend that you do so if at all possible before reading part two. Back issues are available from Your Arms To Yisra'el at no cost. Or if you prefer you can print it right off our website at www.teshuvah.com/yati/

In order to conclusively determine the makeup of the Renewed Covenant body of Yahshua called the Yisra'el of YHVH in Galatians 6:16, we have to understand several crucial truths. We must understand that the twin dispersions of both houses of Yisra'el, Ephraim in the north and Judah in the south was not only a punitive decision by YHVH, but one of faithfulness as well. In Genesis 13:14-16, Genesis 17:4 -5, Genesis 26: 4, Genesis 48:19, along with a host of other texts the patriarchs were promised the physical blessing of physical multiplicity that would see their physical sperm or zera fill the globe. Prior to the northern kingdom's dispersion, beginning with Tiglath Pileser III in 745 BCE and culminating in Sargon II's final conquest of the northern capital of Samaria in 721BCE,    scripture teaches that many from Judah in the south migrated northward and many from Ephraim in the north, in order to escape capture migrated to the South. Therefore both houses of Yisra'el most likely contained representative samplings of all twelve tribes but not the full numbers within the twelve tribes themselves. When the northern kingdom went into Diaspora due to paganism, idolatry and Torah breaking, they followed a northwest route taking them to parts of Assyria. Later according to history these Assyrian towns became part of the Scythian peoples who eventually settled in Europe and the west. Since these ten tribes had no interest in protecting their Yisra'elite identity they tossed it to the wind and literally became Gentiles. First Kings 12:24 reminds us that this 721 BCE Yisra'elite holocaust, was the divinely mandated plan of YHVH for the intermingling of Yisra'elite blood throughout the globe. YHVH decided to accomplish this plan to fulfill covenant faithfulness to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by allowing first the northern kingdom and later the southern kingdom to both experience diaspora and global scattering. Since there was this dramatic crossover and migration prior to 721BCE by the time both houses would be scattered globally each house contained a representation of all twelve tribes. This is not to say however that all within those twelve tribes can be found in either the Judahite people or in the Ephraimite people. What can be said is that when Judah was dispersed first in 520BCE and later in 70 CE they were far more careful to preserve their culture, customs and their beloved Torah to which they remained generally faithful. Therefore no matter where either house went globally they would carry Yisra'elite blood and seed to all creation and almost every creature. It had to be this way since the patriarchal promises of physical multiplicity were promised to be fulfilled through the Ephraim side of the family in Genesis 48:19, not through Judah. Judah rather was given the privilege, preeminence and honor of being the vehicle through which Shiloh the Messiah would be made manifest.

Thus according to Matthew 10:23 as prophesied by Yahshua every city on the globe would become a city of Yisra'el, since many if not most of its inhabitants would be made up of large populations of those descended from both houses. In this same verse Yahshua confirms this amazing truth when He both prophecies and reminds His talmidim that they will have so much area to cover in their mission that when the Son Of Man returns, they will still be busy preaching the Good News. This area He talks about must be global in scope since the twelve shilichim (apostles), could have covered all of Judea in less than a couple of years or a couple of decades at the most. Remember that Judea was about the same size as Rhode Island and that Bethlehem was and still is only five miles south of Jerusalem. Yet Yahshua prepares them for a major task that will be so global in character that they will not have the opportunity to finish this kingdom business when He returns. "Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Yisra'el before the Son Of Man be come". In other words Paris, London, Hong Kong, Tehran, Beirut, Tokyo, New York, Boston, Philadelphia etc., are all considered cities of Yisra'el by our Heavenly Father. When you combine this powerful truth along with Matthew 15:24 where Yahshua Himself states that He only came for the lost sheep of the House Of Yisra'el, we have strong evidence that the globe is "His Yisra'el". Of course we balance this scripture with others stating how the Son would save the whole world that He came to die for. If He died for the whole world and if He only came for lost sheep of Yisra'el, simple logic will tell you that the globe as it now stands today 2700 years after Ephraim's diaspora and 2000 years after Judah's last diaspora is made up largely of Yisra'elite blood. Notice that I did not say Jewish blood, since most of the Jewish nation remained small and never really multiplied physically due to holocausts, inquisitions, extermination attempts and genocide. We must be careful not to continue to use confusing terminology.

Ephraim Yisra'el on the other hand loved to assimilate and copy the ways of the heathen so they were not as easily detected and could not be identified for persecution and annihilation. They were more then happy to integrate and assimilate into any society they happened to find themselves in. It is through this carefree attitude towards YHVH and His Torah that actually aided YHVH in fulfilling the promise of Genesis 48:19. This yielding up of their Yisra'elite heritage allowed Ephraimite blood to multiply and spread globally undetected, largely escaping the persecution and tribulations that have historically been associated with openly demonstrative Judah. O the depths and the wisdom of the Almighty. How marvelous and unsearchable are His ways, past finding out.

It is evident to most serious students of the Scripture that Yahshua of Nazareth being Yisra'el's real Messiah has done exactly what He said he would do and has been regathering all Yisra'el, the chosen remnant of both houses right under our noses, while we have been sleeping and arguing about who has Jewish blood. Just like Adam woke up from a deep sleep to find his bride Chava next to him, so will Jewish Yisra'el soon wake up to find their beloved long lost brother Joseph, who has been heretofore unrecognizable right next to him! Ephraim Yisra'el was divinely sent ahead to provide Good News provision and spiritual manna for the last two thousand years. In order for Yahshua to regather both Jewish Yisra'el and Ephraim Yisra'el, He had to allow Judah to maintain identity lest they be consumed and Messiah's birth prevented and at the same time literally turn the descendents of Jeroboam the Ephraimite into pagan Gentiles. That is correct. The lost sheep of the house of Ephraim became pagan Gentiles. That is why over and over again in the Brit Chadashah the epistles refer to Gentiles getting saved. Gentiles being born again. Gentiles being washed in the blood. Gentiles, Gentiles, Gentiles! I am so tired of answering the same question over and over again -- "If the ten tribes became Gentiles, why doesn't the Brit Chadasha say that the body of Yahshua is made up of Judahites and Ephraimites instead of Jews and Gentiles?" I'll tell you why! It is because the authors of the Renewed Covenant took it for granted that those who follow Yisra'elite history and have done their homework, would be well aware of the historicity behind the ten tribes and their subsequent assimilation that has led to their becoming Gentiles. These Renewed Covenant authors simply took it for granted that you would know who most Gentiles were formerly. The burden of studious verification is on you not anyone else!

In the last issue we gave ample evidence that this truth is not only hinted at, but strongly addressed in Brit Chadasha. In James 1:1 and Acts 15:14-19, and many other scriptures which clearly talk about YHVH not wanting to hang out or take up residence with the heathen nations, but states that He is visiting them to pull off a massive rescue and return to Himself, of the people belonging to and already called by His Name (Acts 15:14). Yaakov states that all the prophets of Yisra'el agree that the primary purpose of the Renewed Covenant and Yisra'el's Messiah is to redeem and return all the seed of Yisra'el from both houses back into the Tabernacle Of David which had fallen. Obviously it fell due to division. Verse 16 of Acts 15 teaches us that YHVH is not doing something new by building a manmade church headquartered in Rome nor is He building a church where Gentiles will outnumber, surpass and suppress Jewish expression, rather that He is returning Davidic 12 tribe esteem to Yisra'el. He is rebuilding not building. In order to rebuild you must of necessity use the same inhabitants of David's Tabernacle (all twelve tribes) to rebuild it, in order for it to resemble it's former makeup and appearance. Verse 20 of Acts 15 states that those who are making up the rebuilt Tabernacle are those returning to YHVH. The Greek word in verse 20 is returning and these Ephraimites are returning because their Yisra'elite Ephraimite ancestors left and forsook the Father of esteem. Can it be any simpler? Once we can determine conclusively from scripture that multitudes of those coming into the body of Yahshua are bloodline descendents of the northern kingdom, then we will be forced to readjust our thinking in the Messianic movement. Just because we cannot recognize the house of Joseph as being from our own family and amongst us, doesn't mean they are not. Joseph dressed like an Egyptian was married to a pagan priestess with a pagan name having pagan children which were unrecognizable to his brethren. The situation has not changed one iota. No matter how much denial proceeds from the camp of Judah the fact remains unchanged that those we call saved Gentiles or non Jews are in many cases our brother Yosef who fathered Ephraim the pagan in Egypt, as well as the masses of returning Ephraimite pagans resulting from the first Yisra'elite holocaust in 721 BCE. It was this dual dispersion of both houses that has both fulfilled the promise of physical multiplicity and magnified Yahshua's greatness as the only one who can find and locate both houses, both containing representation of all 12 tribes, both needing restoration to YHVH and to the land.

Isaiah 49:6 is an amazing piece of Messianic scripture. In verse five it states that one of the reasons that the Father birthed Yahshua is to bring Jacob back. Not Jews only, but Jacob. Verse six of Isaiah 49 is even more profound. It prophecies that Messiah will raise up the tribes of Yisra'el. To raise up means to make reappear or to restore back to recognizable life. He will bring life by restoring the desolate parts. What part or parts of Yisra'el that had experienced Davidic esteem had become the most desolate?  That's right! Ephraim did! Isaiah 11:12 confirms that while Judah was merely scattered it was Ephraim Yisra'el that became the desolate part or the outcasts of Yisra'el. Isaiah 11:10 claims that Messiah the Root of Jesse and Branch of David will do this regathering of both dispersed (Jewish) Yisra'el as well as outcast (Ephraim) Yisra'el. Yahshua can differentiate between the two houses that were exiled in two different direction some 200 years apart, why can't we? If Yahshua is not gathering both houses from both diasporas then He is a false Messiah! Of course we know He is the Messiah therefore He is regathering both houses.

In verse 6 of Isaiah 49 Ephraim is called the desolation of Yisra'el. The beginning of these potent verses reminds us that Almighty YHVH is so omnipotent that what we consider an impossible task is such a light and small matter in the scope eternity for the omniscient and omnipotent Messiah, that the Father has also given Him the true non Yisra'elite Gentiles with no Yisra'elite blood as His possession just so He doesn't get bored with His task!

Messianic Judaism needs to make the break with the fears of the past and recognize the dawn of a new day where in Yahshua, Joseph our brother is sitting and dwelling with us and next to us. It is this recognition of our hidden brethren that will bring about not only the salvation of all Yisra'el but an overnight mushrooming of this still small movement. This next step of growth can only come by accepting as authentic the claims of those who claim Yisra'elite heritage, and are frankly willing to admit that they are not Jews, whose sole desire is to share in the destiny of Jewish Yisra'el along with the good the bad and the oftentimes ugly aspects of being an Yisra'elite.

If Yahshua is radiating His Good News all across the globe and bringing in all humanity in these last days global harvest from among the nations, then somewhere in that vast net there are hundreds of thousands even untold millions of descendents of Joseph and Ephraim who unknown to even themselves are returning to their Judahite brothers. You cannot have a final last days global Tikun Ha Olam without somewhere in that huge global harvest finding and coming across large amounts of the lost sheep of the northern house of Yisra'el. That would be a logical, historical, cultural and mathematical impossibility! Remember that as believers it is up to us to line up our doctrine with Yahshua's not His with ours or our organization's doctrinal statement of faith, whatever form that may take. If we can all agree that amongst the nations of the world there is to be found that scattered "zera" of both Jewish Yisra'el and Ephraim Yisra'el, then we now have that common ground and common vision that beats simultaneous to that of the Heavenly Father's heartbeat for all Yisra'el. Just because we in our finite mortality cannot identify these non Jewish Yisra'elites, does not mean that they disappeared off the face of the earth and does not mean that they are not showing up weekly in our midst and in our congregations and in our synagogues whether we like it or not. Shaking our collective heads in doctrinal disagreement with Your Arms To Yisra'el will not make them go away. In Jeremiah 31:9&10, the Father cries out to all with ears to hear that Ephraim is HIS SON AND FIRSTBORN and will gather him again! It is Yahshua who is restoring the Kingdom to Yisra'el one soul at a time and eventually in large masses. This massive Ephraimite assembling process results in the formation of the general assembly and congregation of "the first born", mentioned by Rav Shaul himself in Hebrews 12:23. He recognized that many in Renewed Covenant Yisra'el were of the lineage of Ephraim, the first born and therefore a congregation of firstborns. Notice the present tense backdrop for this scripture! This process is ongoing in the here and now even as it was already underway in Rav Shaul's day. This task could not and cannot be undertaken by any movement of man no matter how well intentioned such as Jewish or even Christian Zionism. It is a job that only omnipotent Moshiach can and has been performing!

That is what I believe the so-called rapture is all about. Let's be honest here. How many born again non-Jewish believers do you see lining up at the Yisra'eli consulate waiting in line for visas to make aliyah to Yisra'el?  Not even most Jewish Yisra'elites do that. So how can the Father bring to pass all those promises that no Yisra'elites will be left behind in any of the nations where He has scattered both houses. Ezekiel 39:28 talking about not a single Yisra'elite living anywhere outside Yisra'el during the millennium. Think about that promise! If one Yisra'elite remains anywhere outside Yisra'el then YHVH lied. He said not one would be left behind. To me and my small way of thinking that can only happen by virtue of the "catching away", where millions of Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians,  Nazarenes and other regathered born again folk, are supernaturally caught up and airlifted to Yisra'el on His Almighty wings to, be returned to their land forever more. Why would these folks plan aliyah since their Yisra'elite identity is lost to themselves as well. Most have no desire to return. Yes, I believe in the rapture of all Yisra'el, but not in the rapture of something called the church as it is commonly taught. In that version or should I say perversion, the Jews get zonked and the "so called " saved Gentiles" get a seven year heavenly cruise vacation. That perversion of the rapture is pure poppycock and for those waiting for that kind of rapture bus to show up pre tribulationally, you will not only be sorely disappointed and misled, but I urge you to bring your jacket and sleeping bag. It is guaranteed to be a long wait for a pre-tribulation rapture bus that will never show up! It just won't happen the way many of our readers want it to. That falsehood would further separate Renewed Covenant Yisra'el instead of rebuilding it, since the main thrust of that teaching is to have the Roman Church and her daughter hookers fly away unscathed while the "Jewish Christ killers" get zonked. The church and her Roman Pontiff fly to heaven while Jewish Yisra'el is left behind. However if Yahshua's Renewed Covenant bride is born again Yisra'el, then Jews escape as well! I see from scripture that there will be a bona fide snatching away, of redeemed blood washed Renewed Covenant Yisra'elites made up of Jews, Ephraimites and Gentiles as well, all returning to the mountains of our beloved homeland. The correct view of the rapture is to remove all of Renewed Covenant Yisra'el away from YHVH's wrath only to later return in mass to Yisra'el without remaining in heaven, though as glorified beings we will have free access to the heavens as and whenever we desire. Verse 25 of Ezekiel 39 tells us that the whole house of Yisra'el meaning the entire captivity of Jacob will return. When YHVH uses the term Jacob it talks about both houses coming home along with their Gentile companions.

It amazes me in my conversation with Messianic Jewish believers and leaders, how concerned they are that our two house truth doesn't forget to make an allowance for true Gentiles to be included in Renewed Covenant Messianic Yisra'el. Am I crazy or what? Hasn't it been the Gentiles that have been included in Messianism for two thousand years? Hasn't it been remnant Judah or the Jewish believers that have been experiencing revival since 1967, which has in turn allowed them an expression in and as New Covenant Yisra'elites? Haven't they experienced their newfound inclusion since 1967? It seems there is little or no concern out there for non Jewish Yisra'elites who are our flesh and bone brothers and the part they play and will yet play in the end times! Not once when sharing the truth about the two houses has anyone come and told me that the reason for their rejecting the teaching was the lack of room in it for the other house of Yisra'el. Never once has anyone expressed the concern over the fact that much of Messianism claims the body is made up of only Jews and true Gentiles ONLY! We must readjust our attitudes by reading scripture properly wherein The Father states that all things on earth, in heaven and even under the earth, are being gathered by Messiah Yahshua (Ephesians 1:10). This verse reiterates that all things and peoples needing to be restored and gathered (12 tribes) are being gathered by and through Messiah, in the here and now. Except of course the folks who refuse to recognize The House Of Joseph's literal physical seed (sperma in Greek), in the current makeup of the body Of Messiah (Galatians 3:29). It is a spirit of blindness and stupor upon much of Jewish Yisra'el. It's amazing how born again Jews can have a greater concern for true Gentiles, which according to scripture remain in the global minority, then for those who claim, desire and are destined to be Judah's physical brother Joseph. Where are our priorities as Jewish Yisra'elites? Are we not called to lay aside the murderous vexing, spirit of Cain and acknowledge and insist upon fulfilling our role as our brother's keeper. Is not that the spirit of meekness and contriteness that YHVH would be pleased with? That role can only begin to be assumed by Judah when he is willing to partake and engage in proper hermeneutics and exegesis. He must remind himself that according to Second Kings 17:23, written in about 538 BCE, about 200 years after Ephraim's diaspora the northern people of Yisra'el went to Assyria and most never returned to Judah in the south and according to Second Kings 17:23, ARE STILL THERE IN ASSYRIAN TERRITORIES! Further proof that Jewish Yisra'el today may represent all 12 tribes but not include their huge and vast numbers, is found in Zechariah 11:14, where the minor prophet is told to take his stick called Union symbolizing the union of the two houses and break it in half thus symbolizing the ongoing broken brotherhood between both houses even some 200 years after the northern diaspora in 520 BCE. If the Jews returning from Babylon at about the same time included the fullness of all 12 tribes of Yisra'el, why then would YHVH through Zechariah remind both houses that the brotherhood experienced under David's reign remained broken? If all Yisra'el CAME TOGETHER after returning from Babylon as some say, then YHVH should have told Zechariah to scotch tape or crazy glue his stick called Union. Obviously that didn't happen and those who say it did are the main proponents of the "Ephraim fell off the face of the earth theory", or was swallowed up by Judah theory! The truth is they were swallowed up. Not by Jewish Yisra'el but by the plethora of the world's goyim (nations) We who know better must not fall into that false explanation!

Just because replacement theology has attempted to destroy any vibrant Jewish witness in the body, does not mean that these past wrongs should dictate our attitude to the real existence of Ephraimites in the local as well as the universal body. When are we going to grow up spiritually and not react to people but react to the revelation of scripture? Let's make deal! I will begin to be more concerned for true Gentiles and their place in the Messianic body, if you who deny YHVH's illustrative word to Zechariah, take off your blinders and make room for your brother Ephraim in your theology and begin to become his keeper by searching for him along with your Master! Do we have a deal?

Let me remind you according to unsaved sabra born Yair Davidy of Brit Am ministries in Jerusalem, most of histories greatest atrocities against the Jewish people were committed by true blood Gentiles, not by those claiming a blood or spiritual link to the Jewish nation. Those who tended to see the Jewish nation as a blessing while they lived amongst the nations, was one of several outstanding character traits of lost Ephraimites according to Mr. Davidy's extensive research. Mr. Davidy has no Messianic agenda and is a world renown scholar on the 12 tribes of Yisra'el. He is a leading voice in the continuing existence of two still divided houses of Yisra'el, with neither being better or replacing the other, merely discovering each other's unique chosenness (Jeremiah 33:24 speaks of two chosen families of Yisra'el) and enjoying Yisra'elite brotherhood. Ordering information on his book "The Tribes" can be found at the end of this teaching.

Let us determine that as Yahshua's blood pulls in the nations, that within that call will be our long lost brother. Let us now establish from scripture that the ten tribes did in fact become Gentiles, losing their identity but not their bloodline. What one does or does not believe does not change bloodline. Bloodline has nothing to do with one's' religious practice or absence thereof.

(continued below)

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Guest leejosepho


The prophet Hosea was sent exclusively to the north just prior to his Assyrian captivity. In Hosea chapter one verses 1-9, Hosea tells Ephraim Yisra'el or the House of Yisra'el that his reign is coming to an end and that he will not be YHVH's people and will have no compassion from YHVH. He will no longer be their Elohim. Yet miraculously in verse 10 of Hosea one, the same people show up again or are born again, this time not as a corporate nation but as individuals who have become returning children of YHVH. Verse ten calls these former northerners more numerable then the sands of the sea. It states that "the number of the children of Yisra'el", shall be as the sand of the sea. That means that it is Ephraim Yisra'el that is destined to produce the millions or even billions of spirit filled children of YHVH for YHVH, promised to the patriarchs. This truth is confirmed in verse 11 as we see Jew and Ephraimite both getting saved through the same King. Hosea 2:22-23 confirms this great truth.  Remember their believing and coming to faith in Messiah and tragically perhaps even going to a Catholic church, still does not change their bloodline. That remains the same. Hosea chapter 2 verse 11 prophecies that after the northern house of Yisra'el is dispersed by Assyria he will totally lose his identity because YHVH will cause him to forget Shabbat, the moedim (Feasts) and Rosh Chodesh (new moons). He will remove those visible signs of Yisra'elism from him in order to facilitate his assimilation amongst true Gentiles. In their assimilated status as Gentiles, they will refer to YHVH as Baal, which means lord in English! We find this truth in Hosea 2:16&17. Yet when they return to YHVH through Messiah they will leave behind the names of paganized Gentile Christendom and begin to know and call YHVH "Ishi", meaning my husband. This prophecy coincides with Hosea 1:10. In Hosea 4:17 YHVH tells Judah to leave Ephraim alone since he is joined to idolatry. Hosea 5:9 talks about Ephraim's heritage becoming desolate! The very desolate heritage Yahshua is said to revive in Isaiah 49:5-6. According to Hosea 5:15-6:2 Yahshua would return to heaven but after two days or two thousand years Ephraim would be raised up to live both physically and spiritually in His sight. In context we see that the ten tribes of the former house of Yisra'el will see national revival and restoration after two days or two thousand years after Messiah's first advent. The sign that Ephraim's punishment is coming to an end is the blindness to his true identity being removed. The sign that Judah's punishment is coming to an end is his recognition of his blindness about the fact that YHVH has a Son who was manifest in the flesh for our forgiveness.

Hosea 7:8 states that Ephraim has mixed himself among the heathen. Obviously to find Ephraim Yisra'el you have to look amongst the heathen. Verse 11 states that the road to the nations went through Assyria. Hosea 8:8 reiterates in the clearest possible terms that Yisra'el will be swallowed up by the Gentile nations. The Hebrew word for swallow is bala, which literally means to become one flesh with by being devoured or taken away. In the same manner that meat eaten by a human being literally disappears and becomes one flesh with his body, so Yisra'el (Ephraim), will become one and the same as the Gentile nations, even as Yahshua and His Father are Echad! In scripture the term goy is a collective term for a nation and goy is never used in scripture in a derogatory manner against any individual since Gentiles mean corporate nations. There are even several references to the nation of Yisra'el as "Goy Yisra'el" instead of Am Yisra'el. Hosea 7:8 & 8:8 states that Ephraim would live among the nations or Gentiles, as his severe punishment for counting Torah as a strange thing (Hosea 8:12). No matter how much Torah YHVH shared with Ephraim he wanted no part of it feeling restricted by it. Sound familiar?  It should. That is the current state of most non Jewish believers. In Hosea 9:11 a heart wrenching scripture states that Ephraim Yisra'el will fly away like a bird, where there will be no birth, no carrying womb, no conception. There future as recognizable Yisra'elites will not continue, therefore no birth or conception (as Yisra'el). Verse 17 of Hosea 9 reiterates the clear historical fact that Ephraim Yisra'el was destined to wander among the nations.

Even Moshe Rabainu prophesied this Ephraimite diaspora in Deuteronomy 33:16-17! Moshe said in verse 16 that Ephraim was always separated from his brethren and in verse 17 reiterates Ephraim's eternal first born status as bullish or steadfast. Then amazingly he describes Ephraim as a unicorn which is the only member of the horse species with only one horn, symbolizing that when Ephraim would experience his yet future 721 BCE diaspora, he would be thrust out of Yisra'el alone (one horn), without Judah his brother. The end of Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:17 reconfirms that this unicorn (Ephraim) shall push the people of Yisra'el to the ends of the earth, where being scattered, they will multiply and become known as the ten thousands of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh! WOW!

Despite this terrible correction, YHVH promised that this global scattering would not result in Ephraim's destruction according to Hosea 11:9 and Jeremiah 31:35-37 and countless other texts. Therefore we know that though they have wandered and dwelt among the Gentiles becoming Gentiles, since Torah that was designed to knit them together, was treated as a strange thing to them, the Father promised that they would not be destroyed but would be individually preserved. If they are not destroyed and if one of Yahshua's missions was to find them in their desolate heritage and rebuilt the Tabernacle of David, where do you think many of them are today! That's right. They are in many instances your non Jewish believing brothers and sisters according to Hosea 2:1! Wake up O Yisra'el, put off your slumber and the truth will set you free!

Hosea 12:1 and Hosea 13:15, give very strong scriptural clues to the current location of scattered Ephraim Yisra'el. The Word states that Ephraim feeds on wind meaning he is being tossed around the globe and follows after an east wind. We know that an east wind blows west. Zechariah 10:8 -9 says that YHVH will whistle for Ephraim and summon them out of all the western nations where they have been sowed. That glorious re-gathering of both houses in scripture is called the Day Of Yezreal, which literally means the regathering and replanting of that which was previously uprooted! All land today west and northwest of Yisra'el such as the Americas, North, Central & South, as well as Europe and the British Isles are all locations of major population centers of Ephraimites.

Yair Davidy reached the following well documented conclusions from talmudic, historical, and archeological sources. Ephraim wound up in Britain, Manasseh in the USA, Reuben in France, Simeon in Celtic and Jewish Europe, Levi wherever the Jews went, Judah went everywhere, Issachar wound up in Switzerland and Finland, Zebulon wound up in Holland, Gad wound up in Sweden, Asher in Scotland, Benjamin with the Judahites in Belgium, Normandy and elsewhere. Dan with the Danes and Celts of Europe and Naphtali wound up with the Norwegians in Norway. As you can plainly see both houses went just about everywhere though Judah was more successful at sticking together.

This north and northwest flight will result in millions from both houses returning to Yisra'el in the last days from Russia where many multitudes of Ephraimites are found along with Judahites. Jeremiah 16:15-19 are strong proof texts that claim that the northern house of Yisra'el went directly north to modern day Russia and the current area known as the Commonwealth of Independent States, that make up the former Soviet Union. They will return from the north country. That return will be so massive that it will cause ALL YISRA'EL to downplay the Egyptian Exodus and magnify the numerically greater one currently underway. Messianic Judaism loves to proclaim YHVH's majesty in the return of the Jew from the former Soviet Union as well as the Jewish revival currently underway there, yet it fails to take into account scriptures like Jeremiah 3:17-18, that state that in the last days when we see this massive return of Yisra'elites from the north, or this Second Exodus, that it will be the seed and offspring of both houses returning to Yisra'el. In other words it is time to wake up and smell the coffee and allow Messiah to give you light! Some of the folks that we call Jewish in the former Soviet Union that are excepting Messiah in record numbers and returning to the land of Yisra'el are in fact Ephraimites not just Judahites. YHVH did not say He will bring Jewish Yisra'el back and leave Ephraim Yisra'el in the lands of the north only to suffer more pogroms (annihilation crusades) at the hands of anti-Semites like the Pamyat. Rather in Jeremiah 3:17-18, He stated that He will bring both houses back in the last days. Since both houses return it is obvious that both houses still exist. It is Yahshua's Good News light that seeks to make these two into one new man called Yisra'el! Jeremiah 50: 4-5 confirms that in order for all Yisra'el to be regathered both houses will learn how to walk together away from Babylon and Rome and hand in hand return to Zion. Whether you like it or not, there is no scriptural regathering of Judah without or apart from a simultaneous and equally ambitious effort on YHVH's part to regather the house of Joseph in the hand of Ephraim. They go together and are not separate rescues done at separate times! One must totally butcher scripture to even suggest that Judah's return to the land of Yisra'el is happening without brother Ephraimites. Whether Messianic Judaism at this juncture recognizes his brother or not, that will not stop the Father's plan which shall stand above all others, from being enacted.

Hosea 14:6 says that returning and repentant Ephraim will again be part of the olive tree of Yisra'el. This is confirmed by Rav Shaul who in Romans 11:16 calls returning Ephraimites wild (paganized) olive branches. In Amos 9:8 YHVH promised to destroy the northern nation but in verse nine He says that as individuals, not a single grain will fall to the ground, or be destroyed among the nations or Gentiles where they are destined to go. Verse 11 of Amos 9 states that the reason that not a singular grain of Yisra'elite corn will fall to the ground is that the Father must preserve them amongst the nations that they are going to be in, so that He can rebuild the Tabernacle of David which has fallen so completely. The idea of "LOST TRIBES", IS TOTALLY CHRISTIAN IN THEOLOGY AND HAS NO SCRIPTURAL OR JEWISH BASIS! There is much talmudic literature that talks about Ephraim still existing and waiting to experience a second birth through MOSHIACH!!

Ezekiel confirms the fact the northern kingdom became Gentiles amongst the nations in such verses as Ezekiel 36:15-38. These verses also bring to light the fact that Judah is not mentioned since Judah at the time of Ezekiel in around 5OO BCE had only know Babylonian dispersion not global dispersion. In Ezekiel's day the only segment of Yisra'el that at the time of Ezekiel's prophetic writings that had known global dispersion was the north or the house of Yisra'el. The only place Jewish Yisra'el needed to return from in Ezekiel's time were the ones left in Babylon who refused to return with Ezra and Nehemiah. That was only a one nation diaspora, not a global one. In Ezekiel 37:11 YHVH changes course by telling Ezekiel that the last days two stick vision is for the whole house of Yisra'el. The addition of the word "whole" is confirmed in verses 12-28 where we see both houses that make up the whole clearly mentioned.

It is therefore beyond any shadow of a doubt that Ephraim Yisra'el and to a lesser extent Jewish Yisra'el is safe and sound in our day as they have been in every other day simply being sifted on an individual basis until Yahshua brings them back into Renewed Covenant Yisra'el one at a time. What will happen in the millennium as both houses come together fully is happening in partial reality as Yahshua takes those far off, or far away from Jerusalem, as well as those near and makes both houses into one tree of life, by the precious blood of Messiah (Ephesians 2:13-14 ). The two houses, the near one and the far one, have after many years seen the ancient middle wall of partition broken down though YHVH's Son. The gradual and progressive process began at Calvary the day Yahshua died, will culminate at His return with the commencement of the Kingdom of YHVH on earth. HalleluYAH!!

We do not need Herbert W. Armstrong, Mormons, the replacement theologians of British Yisra'elism, or the American Indians, to tell us where to look for and find the Tabernacle of David restored and rebuilt. We need look no further than Yahshua's body, the body of believers and you will find all of redeemed Yisra'el living together in unity, harmony and love. Right under our nose, largely unknown to most of us, lies the mystery of regathered physical twelve tribe Yisra'el. That is why Rav Shaul's Olive Tree illustration is called a former mystery now revealed.

We see the first steps toward the inclusion of non Jewish Yisra'elites in the Master's visit to Samaria the former northern capital. In Matthew 10: 5 He forbids any evangelism by his talmidim in Samaria which is openly acknowledged former Ephraimite territory. Yet in John chapter four we find Him ministering to the Ephraimite or Samaritan woman at the well. What's going on? Why would He forbid his apostles from ministry in the hills of Samaria (Ephraim) and then turn right around and seemingly violate His own prohibition? The answer should be obvious. Due to His Jewish disciples prejudice and dislike of the Samaritans, Yahshua felt that they would botch the assignment at best, or fail to carry it out at worst. If left up to His talmidim they would more than likely bypass the hated Samaritans who were a half-breed race made up from the offspring of the widespread co-habitation of Ephraimites who stayed in the land, (at the request of the conquering colonial Assyrian Empire) and their conquerors. They were allowed to remain in the Samaritan mountains due to their farming ability which would provide food and provision for the conquering colonists. Unlike other armies such as Greece, Babylon and Rome, the Assyrian policy was to settle a conquered territory by assimilating their own people, as opposed to killing all the native inhabitants. This intermingling between colonial Assyrians and Ephraimite food providers, produced the mixed race of the hated Samaritans in existence at the time of Yahshua as well as today.

Despite the fact that they were half-breeds they had Yisra'elite (not Jewish) blood. This fact is far beyond dispute or argument and is confirmed in such verses as John 4:5, where the city of Shechem is called a city of the house of Joseph, and verse six where Jacob's well is mentioned. Since Jacob was the first Yisra'elite and since he both dwelt and raised cattle there, we know this account takes place in the former northern kingdom territory.  The Samaritan woman claims direct bloodline ancestry to Jacob in verse 12 of Yochanan 4, even calling Jacob or Yisra'el her father. At no point does Yahshua rebuke or correct her assertion to her Yisra'elite heritage, though He does rebuke her immorality. Had lying been one of here immoral character traits, He no doubt would have brought this up. The women at the well was definitely an Yisra'elite even though according to verse 9 of Yochanan 4,. Judean-Jews stayed away from Ephraim and Samaria, by refusing to go in and step out in love and recognition toward their brethren.  Sound familiar?  It should. Nothing has changed. His arrival to minister to her in Shechem an Ephraimite Samaritan village, was an open and unashamed act of love. There can be no doubt that Yahshua knew that this was a task that only He was capable of, due to Judah's prejudice and blindness. May we be more like our Messiah when it comes to granting recognition and ministering love to those in our midst who claim Ephraimite blood, without administering a DNA test to them every time we see them, since genealogy cannot be proven or disproved. Genealogy is an issue of faith in who you think you are. Let's be frank. Who would want to suffer as a Jew unless they were one? Who would want to receive vexation and ridicule as a non Jewish Yisra'elite except one who really is one?

At the commencement of the modern day state of Yisra'el in 1948, David Ben Gurion assembled 49 Jewish experts to determine who was a Jew eligible to return to Yisra'el under Yisra'el's new law of return and came up with 49 diverse opinions! The conclusion to the whole matter was Ben Gurion's famous remark born out of frustration with the rabbis, that a Jew "was anyone who said he was"! That must be our loving attitude to both Judahites and Ephraimites when they come into our midst, rather then refusing to deal with them or their claim to Yisra'elite heritage unless they admit to being a "Gentile". As we covered in our last issue there is no such thing as a saved Gentile and the Brit Chadasha confirms that in numerous places.

Perhaps Messianic Judaism's desperate attempts to make legal aliyah to the State of Yisra'el as Jews will be allowed by YHVH once Judah grants outcast Ephraim the recognition they demand. If you want recognition by the government of Yisra'el, you must sow recognition. It is the scriptural principal of sowing and reaping found in Galatians 6:7. We as Messianic Jews have tried every other angle at getting into our homeland, including being deceptive on paperwork and have still been denied entry, because our Jewishness is frowned upon as not being authentic. Maybe, just maybe, if we tried granting some family love and recognition, we may finally get some back from the State of Yisra'el and see our Heavenly Father go to bat for us as Yisra'el's doors swing open to aliyah for all Messianic Jews. We have tried everything else what have we got to lose?

Once Yahshua opened the former northern kingdom to the Good News, He through the Ruach Hakodesh after His ascension sent Phillip (Acts 8:5-14) and almost all of Samaria believed and became born again non Jewish Yisra'elites. As a matter of record this revival among Ephraim was so powerful that Shimon Keefa and Yochanan went up personally to survey and confirm the situation in Acts 8:14. Based on these and numerous other texts there is little doubt that the early Messianic community headquartered in Jerusalem, was made up of large numbers of Samaritans or non Jewish Yisra'elites. What happened to their descendents and children? Didn't they become believers? Isn't that the goal of raising set apart children? These believing Yisra'elite offspring that passed down the Messianic faith to future generations are still with us today. They are direct bloodline descendents of the early Samaritan believers. They are in our midst whether we grant them recognition or not! Also didn't the early Jewish believers have children and grandchildren?  Where are they? Didn't early first century Messianic Jews represent all twelve tribes? That's right many of them are still in the body of Yahshua 2000 years later right next to their Ephraimite brothers! It is utterly fascinating that in John 4:27 when the Jewish disciples returned to town only to find Yahshua witnessing to a Samaritan Yisra'elite woman, that none of them asked Him what He was doing or why He was doing this, since they all knew instinctively that despite their own prejudice, Yahshua was as He said in Matthew 15:24, ministering only to the lost sheep of the House of Yisra'el. By virtue of the fact that He was ministering to Samaritans they knew that He was starting the reclamation and returning of all Yisra'elites to the fold. That is why they were neither shocked, alarmed or inquisitive. We must learn from their response in John 4:27 and not be shocked or threatened to discover through correct prophetic and scriptural exegesis that Yahshua has been ministering to many non Jewish Yisra'elites for the past two thousand years by placing them under His care in His body or His assembly.

The past two thousand years have seen the ongoing restoration of both houses of Yisra'el only within Yahshua's universal body. The great news however is that He will duplicate that which is going on in believing Yisra'el and expand it to include all of lost Yisra'el, as we approach the millennial reign of Yahshua on earth. Therefore it is both a Kingdom in the here and now as well as a Kingdom yet to come. He is bound to His Word. His Word is truth!

In Part Three are the following topics:

Is Judah All Yisra'el?

Have We Missed The reunion?

Other fresh and exciting two house insights!

Mr. Yair Davidy can be reached at PO Box 595 Jerusalem 91004 Yisra'el

Phone (0) 2-9975819,9971153 or by e mail at britam@netvision.net.il

His book The Tribes is available as well as his quarterly journal "Tribesman"

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Guest EPHRIAM777
Peace and Joy to all!

Some close friends of mine who are now in Yisra'el (and who believe all "taught ones" ought to be going there also) sent this to me several weeks ago.

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Guest EPHRIAM777
Peace and Joy to all!

Some close friends of mine who are now in Yisra'el (and who believe all "taught ones" ought to be going there also) sent this to me several weeks ago.

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Guest EPHRIAM777

LEEJ...sends a copy of someone elses letter that closes with this....??

""""Let us determine that as Yahshua's blood pulls in the nations, that within that call will be our long lost brother. Let us now establish from scripture that the ten tribes did in fact become Gentiles, losing their identity but not their bloodline. What one does or does not believe does not change bloodline. Bloodline has nothing to do with one's' religious practice or absence thereof.""""

Eph writes..

Problem is here "SOMEONE" writes that "Ephraim" is the long lost brother...When in fact alot of Christians are made up of Ephraim and they don't even know it NOR do they need to...

So being IN Christ Jesus...their not lost or in need of finding...!

"Judah" is the one who is still in the dark..

Judah ( the Jews)..is the long lost brother...Messiah came and they knew him not..! (( Spiritually of course they are still lost in that sence ))...!

Plus...Why do you think I've been saying...It'll be America..Britian..and "Israel" ( Jesus rightly calls them Judia of course)...till the end...WE will stand together till the end..'cause God said so..! Some of Gods word is an easy "no brainer" but ya gotta read it to know it...!


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Guest leejosepho



Give me this final week to take care of my daughter's wedding and I will be back here with some questions ...

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Dear Eph,

I'm gonna try my hand at discussion on this with you, in hopes that you will be civil towards me and not attacking me?

But....from the Scriptures I read, it seems to me that Judah is symbolism for America and Ephraim is Israel.  I will post some examples as to why I believe so.  I also believe Edom is symbolism for the Islam nations coming against the 2 of us.

I do think Edom could be the symbolism in the Scriptures for what is happening now towards America and Israel.  In particular I would see Ezekiel 35, and although it does not name the two nations that  Edom is after, I also believe in many other references within the Prophets that Judah=America, Israel=Israel.  The Scriptures continually talk about the alliances of Judah and Israel, and the nations coming against the 2, even though the 2 are not walking in obedience to God, He says He will still restore them and raise them up to be a witness to the world about Him.  He continually stresses their being under attack and standing together in unity.  He also refers to them as prostituting themselves to other nations, which I believe we are and will continue to do with Saudi Arabia.  Anyway, I have many Scriptures talking about these things.   Jeremiah 33:23 (Jer. 31:31-34 -refers to Judah and Israel, yet when speaking further about putting the laws in their minds and hearts, He only refers to Israel.  Why not Judah too??? Because it's already been done, if Judah is symbolism of Christians?)  Also read Zech. 12.

Also in Jeremiah 9:26, a distinction there in Judah and Israel in regard to circumcision.  Why?  

Judah is the lineage of Christ, so to me that would symbolize Christianity and the difference between Judah and Ephraim. (Gen. 49:8, Heb. 7:14)

Jeremiah 33:24 - the 2 kingdoms God chose?  Wouldn't that be symbolic of Christians and Jews?

Just a few Scriptures to start with.

I realize your first response would be to disagree, but please extend the courtesy of reading the above posted Scriptures first with my understanding in mind, and then disagree with the particular Scripture references I made.

In His Love,


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Dear Eph,

I've noticed that you will come in a discussion and tell someone they have no understanding of something, and critique them on what they have posted.  You did it on Karen C's post about Israel, and told her the site that she posted was not accurate, you did it above on Josepho's posts, and then you won't even clarify anything by discussion with me on what I posted?  It makes me think, you just like to disagree with people .   I had hoped you would at least back up some of your disagreements with a basis?

No Comment? ? ?

Just wondering what the deal is?

In His Truth,


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Well in hopes that I have not offended you completely.  Here's what I was referring to Eph.

Zechariah 11:14  14 Then I cut in two my other staff, Bonds, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

15 And the Lord said to me, "Next, take for yourself the implements of a foolish shepherd. 16 "For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand. But he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces.

And I believe this also deals with the unity between Israel and America of the current time.  It will not always be.  The brotherhood I believe will be broken, and America will eventually turn on Israel.  And then there will be that shepherd who will not care for the flock.

In His Love,


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Guest EPHRIAM777

No the "brotherhood won't be broken....!


Because of JER 3:18.."In those days the H O J will walk..with..the H O I and THEY shall come together out of the Land of the North...TO...the Land that I have given for an inheritance unto YOUR fathers..

Let me break some of this down for you ..!  :P

Walk WITH..in that verse above can also be translated as Walk TO...Judah will walk TO Israel and THEY ( plural ) shall

( furture tense ) come together out of the North..( they had no word for Northwest.. Northeast so those loctaions could apply to the word North..BUT God said he would scatter Israel with an EAST wind..JER 18:17..Well an east wind blows you westward..So North WEST would apply to the exact direction...  :rofl:

Now when did Judah walk TO Israel and BOTH return unto the land given as inheritance to their "fathers"...Well after the 1st WW..The Jews came to Britian to recieve the right to return..The Balfour agreement..on NOV 2 1917 was the first agreement that the Jews would be allowed to return..! They got that by going (or walking) to the H O I...!

More to follow...!  :P

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