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Standing with Israel

Guest shiloh357

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Guest shiloh357

The Importance of Standing with Israel

   Before going any further, the question that needs to be answered at the forefront of any discussion of this nature is, “What does standing for Israel mean?”   What exactly are we standing for? For our purposes here, “standing with Israel,” means that we are standing in solidarity with Israel with respect to her right to exist as a nation on her biblical homeland, “Eretz Yisrael.”  We are standing for God’s eternal covenant with Abraham wherein He promised the land to not only Abraham, but to his descendents, the Jewish people, forever. We are standing with Israel against the Islamic terroristic war of attrition that has been plaguing the nation for the last 60 years.  We stand with Israel against the hypocrisy of the international community of nations, which regularly sides with Israel’s enemies, and who hold the Jewish nation to an unreasonable standard of conduct that these very same nations do not hold themselves to and would not hold to were they facing a similar threat to what Israel faces.  We stand with Israel against the double standards that have been erected wherein Israel is criticized for actions and policies of self-defense and self-preservations that do not even bring minor criticism when the same actions are employed by non-Jewish countries.  Standing with Israel means that we stand against anti-Semitism in all its forms, and that we stand for Israel’s right to exist, prosper, flourish and operate as a sovereign Jewish nation and as an equal member in the community of nations.


            Israel is a nation under siege.  The four corners of Israel are under attack on a daily basis.  Israel’s enemies include not only Palestinian terrorists, but also the entire Arab world, which is obsessed with one singular objective, namely the complete and utter destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish people.  Israel is a nation comprised of approximately 8,500 sq. miles and populated by 6,000,000 Jews.  Israel is surrounded by 22 Arab nations, which occupy approximately 6,145,000 sq. miles and have a combined population of approximately 500,000,000 people. By comparison, the United States possesses roughly 3,800,000 sq. miles and this figure includes the state of Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands. To add further perspective, the entire nation of Israel would fit inside the borders of New Jersey with room to spare; or to put it differently, Israel is approximately 1/6 the size of the state of Michigan.


            Not only is Israel under siege from the Arab/Muslim world alone, but is continually beleaguered by double standards, irrational hatred, blatant hypocrisy and misinformation in the international community and by liberal media outlets. Israel is the only nation in the world that is forced to justify her right to exist.  The United Nations’ Security Council and General Assembly have passed more resolutions against Israel than any other nation in the world.  There seems to be an international obsession against Israel concerning both her right to her live in her biblical homeland, as well as her right to exist at all.  No other nation is as much reviled, nor the target of so much irrational hatred from every corner of the globe.  Despite the fact that Israel has never started a war (all six of the wars Israel has fought were in self-defense), despite the fact that Israel is not employing the use of suicide bombers nor sending her soldiers to attack and murder innocent Palestinians, despite the fact that Israel has taken incredible risks and made unthinkable concessions in a sincere desire for peace, only to have those efforts repaid with more terrorism and more Jewish blood spilt on her own streets, the world insists upon the laying the blame for the Middle East conflict squarely on Israel’s doorstep. While we must admit that we do not always agree with the decisions of the leadership in Israel and that Israel has made mistakes, to the detriment of their own cause, it must be pointed out that Israel’s mistakes were made in a sincere attempt at self-defense and not out of any motivation to brutalize, terrorize or discriminate against the Palestinians.  Furthermore it should be noted that those mistakes would have never been made in the first place were Israel not being subjected to continuous day and night onslaught of terrorism, threats of annihilation from maniacal enemies that outnumber her 100 to 1, and crushing pressure from the world community to make insane concessions that threaten her well being not to mention, create security nightmares all over Israel.  This in the vain pursuit of peace with an enemy that has never promised or even offered peace, but is sworn to Israel’s destruction. 


            Yet, in spite of world opinion, in spite of wars and the continuous day and night plague of terrorism, in spite of every attempt to weaken Israel, this small country has not only continued to exist in the face of impossible odds, but has gone on to outstrip her enemies in every field of endeavor. That in part, why Israel’s Islamic enemies hate Israel so much.  Israel, because of its advancements in the fields of science, medicine and technology stands as a living reproach to Islam’s inability to adapt to the 21st century. Time limitations preclude me being able to list all of the scientific, medical and technological advancements and accomplishments that have been discovered or invented in Israel and are now being employed by our own doctors and scientists here in the United States.  The very existence of Israel is a miracle insomuch as its greatest wartime victories cannot be explained by conventional military wisdom.  For Israel to exist given the odds it has faced since day one, May 15, 1948, would be enough of a miracle in and of itself.  Israel has not merely existed but has gone on to become a prosperous and strong nation, which boasts the fourth most powerful military in the world.

            The existence and stunning prosperity of this nation in the hostile, unforgiving environment in which she finds herself cannot be explained by mere human ingenuity or strength of will.   Israel is a nation that is ultimately born of a promise.  Her rebirth in the 20th Century cannot be explained apart from the Hand of God.  It is my position that the rebirth and existence of Israel is our day is nothing short of a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. We need Christians who stand above the fog moral indifference to the current struggle for Israel’s survival.  We need Christians who are not afraid to stand defiantly in support of Israel in the face of liberal bigotry.  We need more Christians who will speak out against the irrational, anti-biblical hatred of Israel that is gaining steam in churches and universities.  As Christians, we need to begin to take the Bible seriously where Israel is concerned.  We need to take Israel as seriously as God does.  God is very sensitive where His covenant people are concerned, and it behooves us to have a biblically accurate perspective on Israel.


          There are three primary Bible reasons why standing with Israel should be important to all Christians. 


1.      God has an eternal covenant with Abraham and his descendents through Isaac and Jacob.

2.      Standing with Israel affirms the integrity of God’s word

3.      God has promised to bless those people and nations who bless Israel and the Jewish people.



I.          God’s covenant with Abraham. Gen. 12:1-7, 8; 13:4, 12-18.

            A.        Four Altars:  All in what is known as the West Bank


1.                  Shechem – Gen. 12: 1-7

2.                  Bethel – Gen. 12:8, 13:4

3.                  Hebron – Gen. 13: 12-18

4.                  Jerusalem – Gen. 22: 2-9

"And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD. (Ezekiel 36:1)

Now what is God referring to when He refers to the "mountains of Israel?" Norma Archibald in her book “The Mountains of Israel” correctly observes that the term as used in this prophecy refers to the heart of the Land of Israel. The mountains of Israel are eight biblical cities

1. Shechem
2. Shiloh
3. Bethel
4. Ai
5. Bethany
6. Bethlehem
7. Hebron
8. Jerusalem.

Those eight cities are in the area known as the "mountains of Israel" also referred to in the Bible as Judea and Samaria and commonly referred to today as "The West Bank.

 Abraham built altars in four locations as memorials as he walked the Land promised to him and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob, by God. Abraham was given the West Bank.  It is not surprising then that the enemies of Israel have homed in on the areas that are fundamental to God’s Covenant with Israel.  It is no coincidence that one of the reasons the West Bank is such a place of contention is that there is a spiritual war taking place and the enemies of Israel are attempting to annul God’s covenant with Israel.   Many Muslims, in an attempt to promote Islam as a tolerant religion.  claim to the Islam accepts Jesus and Moses as prophets, yet those who believe on  Jesus in Muslim countries are murdered for their faith and there are concerted attempts in Jerusalem to destroy any evidence of a Jewish presence in the Land thus discrediting the account of Moses and Joshua leading the Children of Israel to the Land of promise.


B.        It is a blood covenant.  Gen. 15: 1-11.

1.                 Blood covenants were binding upon pain of death.  Blood covenants were the strongest covenants that could be cut and they were unbreakable.  God's promises to Abraham are irrevocable because that is what God wanted Abraham to understand in Genesis 15 when God walked between the animal halves.   Ordinarily, both parties walked between the halves.  But God put Abraham in a deep sleep and He walked alone between the animal halves to signify that He alone was responsible for the covenant and the promises that He made.   God cannot revoke the land promises without violating His sworn promise to Abraham cut in blood.   Abraham saw fire and smoke pass between the halves. That was the Father and the Son. 

2.                Fire and smoke Gen.15: 13-17  (The Father and Jesus) Ex. 14:24. The maintenance of the covenant was independent of Abraham.  It was the Father and Jesus that made the covenant together; Abram was simply a beneficiary.  It was fire and smoke that made the covenant and it was fire and smoke that made good on the promise.  It was fire and smoke that led the children out of bondage to the Land just as He promised.


C.        It is an eternal unbreakable covenant Gen. 17: 7,8


1.                 Eternal = Hebrew “Olam.”

2.                 The Jewish people shall endure forever and shall they never cease being God’s nation. (Gen. 26: 3-4; 353: 10-12; Psa. 105: 6-11; Jer. 31: 35,36; 33: 20-26)

3.                 All of the covenants that God made with Israel have their basis on God’s covenant with Abraham.  Note that the covenant God made with David is just as eternal and unbreakable as the Abrahamic covenant.


II.        Standing with Israel Affirms the Integrity of God’s Word

A.        Standing with Israel is a public statement of faith in the promises of God. It is a profession that God’s Word is trustworthy.  The Bible is 100% reliable.  This is not just any good book. This is the Word of the Living God.  It is God’s revelation of Himself to man.  It is the blueprint for life, the Word of God is perfect, refreshing the soul, it makes the simple wise, it is a lamp to our feet and a light unto our path, it is the Christian’s two-edged sword; it is the Word that will never come back void, it has the answer to every need of the human heart; the entrance of it brings light to a dark place; its every promise is firm and true, it is tried as pure silver; it is to be desired more than gold, it is sweeter than honey from the honeycomb.   

B.        Standing with Israel begins with the assumption of the Bible’s complete reliability, as well as a literal interpretation of God’s Word with respect to the fulfillment of all promises made to Israel by the Lord.


1.         God’s promises to restore Israel are to be understood in the literal sense.  (Explain what “literal” means)


(a).       The worldwide return of the Jews to the Land  (Isa.  43:5-6)

(b).       Israel will be rebuilt and resettled by the Jewish people (Eze. 36: 33-35)

(c).       Israel will be restored and repopulated (Eze. 36: 8-10)

(d).      Israel will be brought back to life (Eze. 37: 10-14)

(e).       The Jews will buy back the Land (Jer. 32: 44)

(f).       The people of Israel will once again be a united people (Eze. 37: 15-19)

(g).       The Jewish people will be planted in their Land in the last days and will never be uprooted again. (Amos 9: 14-15

(h).       Israel, in the last days, will be strong and victorious over all of her enemies. (Zechariah 12: 6-9)


2.         God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises to Israel is proof that God will be faithful to fulfill His promises to us.


(a).       Denying the literal fulfillment of God’s promises to restore

Israel is an attack on God’s integrity (Eze. 36:17-23).

(b).       Replacement Theology calls God a liar. 


(1).      Replacement Theology is internally inconsistent with respect to biblical interpretation.

(2).       Replacement Theology is based upon no clear statement of Scripture but is read into the Bible.

(3).       It was the root of Christian moral indifference during the Holocaust and is the source of much of the anti-Israel sentiment in many areas of the Church today.


                                    (c).       God is glorified when we stand with Israel.


(1).       Because we are honoring His eternal Covenant with Abraham.

(2).       Because we are declaring to the world that God’s word is true.

(3).       We become living testimonies of God’s faithfulness and integrity.


III.       God has promised to bless those people and nations who bless Israel and the Jewish people.          

A.        Genesis 12: 1-3; 27:29; Num. 24:9.  The same promise is repeated twice more, once to Jacob and then to the entire camp of the children of Israel.

B.        Every nation that has mistreated the Jewish people in history is either completely disappeared or is irrelevant on the world scene.    

C.        The Palestinians are the living epitome of the Gen. 12:3 curse.


1.         They have sought to deny that the Jewish people ever had a homeland in Israel

2.         They have tried to destroy any connection of the Jewish people to the Land.

3.         They have continued an ongoing war of attrition by intentionally and indiscriminately murdering the most innocent and vulnerable members of Israeli/Jewish society.

4.         They refuse to live in peace with Israel and calls for Israel’s destruction are delivered every Friday evening in Palestinian mosques, which sit on Israeli soil.

5.         As a result of this, the Palestinians live in squalor. They live under brutal, terrorist regimes that are willing to sacrifice their own women and children as cannon fodder or human shields in order to gain a few propaganda points when Israel responds to terror attacks.  Their Arab brethren (who made them refugees in the first place) will not take absorb them into any of the surrounding Arab countries.  Israel is not responsible for the Palestinian’s refugee condition and since Israel did not make them refugees, it is unfair to expect Israel to solve a refugee problem it did not create

6.         Most of the Palestinians who do work make less money than they need to live and support their families. Even after the disengagement from Gaza, the Palestinians could not support themselves and their elected government, Hamas, is so riddled with financial corruption that is unable to offer any relief.   As a result o the recent civil war in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah, many Palestinian families were left fatherless because Hamas killed the only one allowed to work and bring money into those families.  The ground that was once producing bumper crops of fruits, vegetables and other types of vegetation under Israeli control in Gaza is reverting back to desert.  The ground will not produce for the Palestinians.   Add to this the fact that Hamas has put up a blockade on any fruits and vegetables produced in Israel from being shipped into Gaza, and life only gets more difficult.

7.         If the Palestinians would only give up their insane goal of destroying Israel, and instead choose to live in genuine peace and mutual goodwill with the citizens and government of Israel, they would be the most prosperous Arabs in the world.


D.        God is very serious about how Israel is to be treated. Zech. 2:8, Matt: 25: 32-45 cf. Joel 3: 1-3; 12-21.   You can be wrong about other theological matters and God will be far more patient.  But He has a zeal for Israel and the irrational hatred that is expressed against Israel and the Replacement Theology of may "Christians"  are things for which He has little to no patience.  

E.         Why bless Israel?


1.         Because God is zealous for Zion (Zech. 8: 1-8).  The fact that we are commanded to bless Israel shows God’s heart on the matter.  He is zealous for His nation and his heart is to bless Israel.  Modern Israel and its unexplainable existence and prosperity is proof of God’s blessing upon the nation of Israel.

2.         Because Jesus and Paul both teach that we are to bless Israel.  Jesus’ ministry was primarily to the children of Israel.  Jesus blessed those who blessed Israel:  Luke 7: 2-10. Paul wrote the book of Romans as an appeal to the Gentiles to bless Israel.

                        3.         Blessing Israel glorifies the Lord.

4.         We are commanded, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they that love thee shall prosper.” (Ps. 122:6)  John Hagee wrote, “It is not possible to say ‘I am a Christian,’ and not love the Jewish people.” I will add to that, the simple fact that it is not possible to not love the Jews, but yet claim to love the King of the Jews. 



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We are to pray for Israel because we are their extended family as Christians. As they are are God's first born according to the word, we are God's adopted children, we therefore must pray for the peace of God's people because as we bless them God will honour us and bless us.


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Israelis—but not Jews among the diaspora—are very tribal, which is just a polite way of saying they’re xenophobic and sort of racist. Have you even seen the way non-Jews are treated in Israel? Here is an article called “Christians in Jerusalem wants Jews to quit spitting on them.”  https://www.haaretz.com/1.4715226

It isn't good to support Israel when Christians are treated so poorly in that country. And have you read about their human rights abuses against the Palestinians? It's horrific what they're doing to them.

Edited by ambc
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Guest shiloh357
30 minutes ago, ambc said:

Israelis—but not Jews among the diaspora—are very tribal, which is just a polite way of saying they’re xenophobic and sort of racist.

They are nothing of the sort, which is why there are over 2 million Arabs living in Israel and many other ethnicities as well. 


Have you even seen the way non-Jews are treated in Israel? Here is an article called “Christians in Jerusalem wants Jews to quit spitting on them.”  https://www.haaretz.com/1.4715226

Yeah a few ultra-orthodox Jews take it on themselves to do stuff like that.   But you are making it look like they all do that.   That would be like someone making out like all Christians are like Westboro Baptist group that harasses funerals and promotes hate.   It is unfair and largely untrue.  



It isn't good to support Israel when Christians are treated so poorly in that country. And have you read about their human rights abuses against the Palestinians? It's horrific what they're doing to them.

No, it is the Palestinians with the human rights abuses.  Israel has no policy of violating the human rights of Palestinians.  It's the Palestinians that are calling for the Jews to be annihilated and they are the ones sending out terrorists to murder Jews, not the other way around. You really don't know what you're talking about.  I

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3 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

They are nothing of the sort, which is why there are over 2 million Arabs living in Israel and many other ethnicities as well. 

Yeah a few ultra-orthodox Jews take it on themselves to do stuff like that.   But you are making it look like they all do that.   That would be like someone making out like all Christians are like Westboro Baptist group that harasses funerals and promotes hate.   It is unfair and largely untrue.  


No, it is the Palestinians with the human rights abuses.  Israel has no policy of violating the human rights of Palestinians.  It's the Palestinians that are calling for the Jews to be annihilated and they are the ones sending out terrorists to murder Jews, not the other way around. You really don't know what you're talking about.  I

Haredim Jews will eventually become the majority in Israel, with their high birth rates and low birth rates of all other types of Jews. Do you really want to be supporting such a state where Christians' human rights are severely neglected?

  • Huh?  I don't get it. 1
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Guest shiloh357
1 hour ago, ambc said:

Haredim Jews will eventually become the majority in Israel, with their high birth rates and low birth rates of all other types of Jews. Do you really want to be supporting such a state where Christians' human rights are severely neglected?

No, they will not ever come close to being the majority in Israel.  Orthodox Jews are less than 12% of the Jewish people in Israel.   Christian human rights not neglected at all in Israel.  It would be the year 2100 before they would ever get even close to the majority.

It's the Palestinians that mistreat Christians quite heavily.

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Guest shiloh357

Human Rights in Israel

Israel is one of the most open societies in the world. Out of 5.6 million people, nearly 1.1 million-19 percent of the population-are non­Jews (815,000 Muslims, 163,000 Christians and 96,000 Druze).

Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Today women hold 9 of the 120 Knesset seats. Eleven Arabs and one Druze are in the current Knesset. Israeli Arabs have also held various government posts, including one who served as Israel's Consul­General in Atlanta. Arabic, like Hebrew, is an official language in Israel.

Today, more than 200,000 Arab children attend Israeli schools. At the time of Israel's founding, there was but a single Arab high school in the country. Today, there are hundreds of Arab schools.

The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army. This was to spare Arab citizens the need to take up arms against their brethren. Nevertheless, Bedouins have served in paratroop units and other Arabs have volunteered for military duty. Compulsory military service is applied to the Druze and Circassian communities at their own request.

Although Israeli Arabs have occasionally been involved in terrorist activities, they have generally behaved as loyal citizens. During the 1967, 1973 and 1982 wars, none engaged in any acts of sabotage or disloyalty. Sometimes, in fact, Arabs volunteered to take over civilian functions for reservists.

Some economic and social gaps between Israeli Jews and Arabs result from the latter not serving in the military. Veterans qualify for many benefits not available to non­veterans. Moreover, the army aids in the socialization process. On the other hand, Arabs do have an advantage in obtaining some jobs during the years Israelis are in the military. In addition, industries like construction and trucking have come to be dominated by Israeli Arabs.

Another impediment to the full integration of non-Jews in Israeli society is the fact that Arab municipalities have historically received less financial support from the government than Jewish ones. Efforts are being made, however, to redress the imbalances. According to the State Department's 1996 Human Rights Report, "Government efforts to close the gaps between Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens have resulted in an estimated 160 percent increase in resources devoted to Arab communities between 1992 and 1996."

The United States has been independent for well over 200 years and still has not integrated all of its diverse communities. Even today, more than three decades after civil rights legislation was adopted, discrimination has not been eradicated. It should not be surprising that Israel has not solved all of its social problems in only 49 years.

Religious Freedom

"The law provides for freedom of religion, and the Government respects this right," according to the State Department report. In fact, each religious community has legal authority over its members in matters of marriage and divorce. They also control their own holy places in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the country.

Political Rights

"The law provides citizens with the right to change peacefully their government, and citizens exercise this right in practice through periodic, free, and fair elections held on the basis of universal suffrage for adult citizens," the State Department observed. In 1996, voters elected the Prime Minister by direct ballot for the first time.

The State Department report also notes that "Israel is a parliamentary democracy, with an active multiparty system representing a wide range of political views. Relatively small parties, including those whose primary support is among Israeli Arabs, regularly win seats in the Knesset. Elections are by secret ballot."

Legal Rights

"Israeli law prohibits arbitrary arrest of citizens," according to the State Department, "and the Government observes this prohibition....The law provides for an independent judiciary, and the Government respects this provision in practice. The judiciary provides citizens with a fair and efficient judicial process."

Israel inherited and continued certain laws adopted by the British. One is the use of administrative detention, which is permitted under certain circumstances in security cases. Israel's policy is that administrative detention is only to be used against violent offenders. The detainee is entitled to be represented by counsel, and may appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court. The burden is on the prosecution to justify holding closed proceedings. Often, officials believe presenting evidence in open court would compromise its methods of gathering intelligence and endanger the lives of individuals who have provided information about planned terrorist activities. Still, many detention orders are reduced or reversed on appeal.

In addition, Israel's prisons are probably among the most closely scrutinized in the world. One reason is the government has allowed representatives of the Red Cross and other groups to inspect them regularly. The State Department observes that "laws and administrative regulations prohibit the physical abuse of detainees." The courts and a variety of Israeli human rights organizations carefully monitor the treatment of prisoners. Nevertheless, abuses do occur, as they do in the United States.

The death penalty, which had been used by Jordan, has been applied just once. That was in the case of Adolf Eichmann, the man largely responsible for the "Final Solution." No Arab has ever been given the death penalty, even after the most heinous acts of terrorism.

Alan Dershowitz put the Israeli legal system in perspective in a speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's annual meeting (May 23, 1989):

One does not judge a democracy by the way its soldiers immediately react, young men and women under tremendous provocation. One judges a democracy by the way its courts react, in the dispassionate cool of judicial chambers. And the Israeli Supreme Court and other courts-have reacted magnificently. For the first time in Mideast history, there is an independent judiciary willing to listen to grievances of Arabs-that judiciary is called the Israeli Supreme Court.

Land Ownership

In the early part of the century, the Jewish National Fund was established by the World Zionist Congress to purchase land in Palestine for Jewish settlement. This land, and that acquired after Israel's War of Independence, was taken over by the government. Of the total area of Israel, 92 percent belongs to the State and is managed by the Land Management Authority. It is not for sale to anyone, Jew or Arab. The remaining 8 percent of the territory is privately owned. The Arab Waqf, for example, owns land that is for the express use and benefit of Muslim Arabs.

Government land can be leased by anyone, regardless of race, religion or sex. All Arab citizens of Israel are eligible to lease government land.


"Workers may join and establish labor organizations freely," the State Department noted in its report. "Non­resident workers in the organized sector, including Palestinians from the occupied territories, are represented by Histadrut and are covered under its collective bargaining agreements. They may join, vote for, and be elected to shop­level workers' committees. Labor laws applicable in Israel are applied to Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Syrian Arabs and Druze on the Golan Heights."


Israel has one of the broadest anti-discrimination laws of any country. According to the State Department, "The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status, or sexual orientation. The law also prohibits discrimination by both government and nongovernment entities on the basis of race, religion, political beliefs, and age."


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All I know is I developed a love for the Jewish nation and Israel almost supernatural since I became ''born again'' .. I know they/some don't love or care for Christians but it doesn't matter to me at all .. I envy all my Christian Brothers who have been blessed with being fortunate enough to visit the land of Judea and mingle with the citizens there .. I kinda think our oldest son wants to send his mother and I there one day before too long to visit .. I think I'd be overtaken with emotion several times while there , a little now while even thinking about it now .. God Bless Israel !!!

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Guest shiloh357
11 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

Something to consider is that more Jews are leaving Israel each year than those immigrating or returning. Ironically the growing US economy is what's causing a lot of Jews to leave Israel and start new businesses in the US. The Arab and Orthodox populations are growing faster than the Jewish population and they are expected to be the majority in about 40 years from now. That prediction didn't factor in the increase in recent years of Jews departing the country, so it could happen even sooner. Another problem with Israel is that the population is growing so fast that infrastructure and service providers can't keep up. What ever problems Israel is having today, they will be multiplied in the not to distant future because of overcrowding. 

That 's nothing to worry about.   Israel is not going anywhere and the Muslims will never be the majority living there.  God is faithful to His promises to the Jewish people and nothing that man does is going to change that.   Israel will always exist through the millennium.

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2 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

Human Rights in Israel

Israel is one of the most open societies in the world. Out of 5.6 million people, nearly 1.1 million-19 percent of the population-are non­Jews (815,000 Muslims, 163,000 Christians and 96,000 Druze).

Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Today women hold 9 of the 120 Knesset seats. Eleven Arabs and one Druze are in the current Knesset. Israeli Arabs have also held various government posts, including one who served as Israel's Consul­General in Atlanta. Arabic, like Hebrew, is an official language in Israel.

Today, more than 200,000 Arab children attend Israeli schools. At the time of Israel's founding, there was but a single Arab high school in the country. Today, there are hundreds of Arab schools.

The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army. This was to spare Arab citizens the need to take up arms against their brethren. Nevertheless, Bedouins have served in paratroop units and other Arabs have volunteered for military duty. Compulsory military service is applied to the Druze and Circassian communities at their own request.

Although Israeli Arabs have occasionally been involved in terrorist activities, they have generally behaved as loyal citizens. During the 1967, 1973 and 1982 wars, none engaged in any acts of sabotage or disloyalty. Sometimes, in fact, Arabs volunteered to take over civilian functions for reservists.

Some economic and social gaps between Israeli Jews and Arabs result from the latter not serving in the military. Veterans qualify for many benefits not available to non­veterans. Moreover, the army aids in the socialization process. On the other hand, Arabs do have an advantage in obtaining some jobs during the years Israelis are in the military. In addition, industries like construction and trucking have come to be dominated by Israeli Arabs.

Another impediment to the full integration of non-Jews in Israeli society is the fact that Arab municipalities have historically received less financial support from the government than Jewish ones. Efforts are being made, however, to redress the imbalances. According to the State Department's 1996 Human Rights Report, "Government efforts to close the gaps between Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens have resulted in an estimated 160 percent increase in resources devoted to Arab communities between 1992 and 1996."

The United States has been independent for well over 200 years and still has not integrated all of its diverse communities. Even today, more than three decades after civil rights legislation was adopted, discrimination has not been eradicated. It should not be surprising that Israel has not solved all of its social problems in only 49 years.

Religious Freedom

"The law provides for freedom of religion, and the Government respects this right," according to the State Department report. In fact, each religious community has legal authority over its members in matters of marriage and divorce. They also control their own holy places in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the country.

Political Rights

"The law provides citizens with the right to change peacefully their government, and citizens exercise this right in practice through periodic, free, and fair elections held on the basis of universal suffrage for adult citizens," the State Department observed. In 1996, voters elected the Prime Minister by direct ballot for the first time.

The State Department report also notes that "Israel is a parliamentary democracy, with an active multiparty system representing a wide range of political views. Relatively small parties, including those whose primary support is among Israeli Arabs, regularly win seats in the Knesset. Elections are by secret ballot."

Legal Rights

"Israeli law prohibits arbitrary arrest of citizens," according to the State Department, "and the Government observes this prohibition....The law provides for an independent judiciary, and the Government respects this provision in practice. The judiciary provides citizens with a fair and efficient judicial process."

Israel inherited and continued certain laws adopted by the British. One is the use of administrative detention, which is permitted under certain circumstances in security cases. Israel's policy is that administrative detention is only to be used against violent offenders. The detainee is entitled to be represented by counsel, and may appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court. The burden is on the prosecution to justify holding closed proceedings. Often, officials believe presenting evidence in open court would compromise its methods of gathering intelligence and endanger the lives of individuals who have provided information about planned terrorist activities. Still, many detention orders are reduced or reversed on appeal.

In addition, Israel's prisons are probably among the most closely scrutinized in the world. One reason is the government has allowed representatives of the Red Cross and other groups to inspect them regularly. The State Department observes that "laws and administrative regulations prohibit the physical abuse of detainees." The courts and a variety of Israeli human rights organizations carefully monitor the treatment of prisoners. Nevertheless, abuses do occur, as they do in the United States.

The death penalty, which had been used by Jordan, has been applied just once. That was in the case of Adolf Eichmann, the man largely responsible for the "Final Solution." No Arab has ever been given the death penalty, even after the most heinous acts of terrorism.

Alan Dershowitz put the Israeli legal system in perspective in a speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's annual meeting (May 23, 1989):

One does not judge a democracy by the way its soldiers immediately react, young men and women under tremendous provocation. One judges a democracy by the way its courts react, in the dispassionate cool of judicial chambers. And the Israeli Supreme Court and other courts-have reacted magnificently. For the first time in Mideast history, there is an independent judiciary willing to listen to grievances of Arabs-that judiciary is called the Israeli Supreme Court.

Land Ownership

In the early part of the century, the Jewish National Fund was established by the World Zionist Congress to purchase land in Palestine for Jewish settlement. This land, and that acquired after Israel's War of Independence, was taken over by the government. Of the total area of Israel, 92 percent belongs to the State and is managed by the Land Management Authority. It is not for sale to anyone, Jew or Arab. The remaining 8 percent of the territory is privately owned. The Arab Waqf, for example, owns land that is for the express use and benefit of Muslim Arabs.

Government land can be leased by anyone, regardless of race, religion or sex. All Arab citizens of Israel are eligible to lease government land.


"Workers may join and establish labor organizations freely," the State Department noted in its report. "Non­resident workers in the organized sector, including Palestinians from the occupied territories, are represented by Histadrut and are covered under its collective bargaining agreements. They may join, vote for, and be elected to shop­level workers' committees. Labor laws applicable in Israel are applied to Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Syrian Arabs and Druze on the Golan Heights."


Israel has one of the broadest anti-discrimination laws of any country. According to the State Department, "The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status, or sexual orientation. The law also prohibits discrimination by both government and nongovernment entities on the basis of race, religion, political beliefs, and age."


Look up the birth rates by ultra Orthodox (Haredim) Jews in Israel. By some estimates they will become the majority by mid century. If Israel is a secular society now, and it isn't, then it will be a whole lot different in the future. Demography is destiny.

By the way, the Soviet Union had a very nice Constitution with all sorts of fancy human rights laws but didn't follow it. Maybe it's the same way with Israel.

Edited by ambc
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