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About this blog

:) To start with... :)

This is not something I normally do. But I think it's the right space to execute my plan. At this time, I find I need better understanding.  I find myself having a lot of questions.  I want to use this space to introduce myself at first, just for the sake of background. But in general I want to use it to discuss issues on my heart, and to do an open Bible study.


The idea is to help me search the scriptures afresh and issues that arise from that. It needs to get practical. I am deliberately avoiding starting a thread or reading through old ones. This will allow me to direct things in appropriate directions. It also means I can change topics. I welcome comments and discussions.  I cautiously open myself up to this because I have a need to start looking at my faith more critically. I am clear on the basics. I trust the Bible. I say "cautiously" with reason. 

I don't want to end up more confused than ever.  I have been questioning in my heart who I can trust. Especially online. If you understand my background,  you will understand why. In general,  I have found that online advice and information can be dangerous, even when well intentioned. So don't take it personally if I hesitate to accept something. I also ask for patience and no heated conflict. My biggest worry is that I'm not going to be able to tell what to believe. I'm hoping to be teachable but I don't want to be deceived.  


I also hope to include fellowship and general discussions about what's happening in my life. I encourage humour.  :cool:



Entries in this blog

Henry iain Lawrie 1

Although I've been part of Worthy for almost 9 years, I begin this blog by introducing myself, as it were. The first few entries will likely becabout this. My name is Henry iain Lawrie.  Much of my details is on my profile. Let me therefore describe what I do for a living and a bit about my parents. I studied B social work at the University of Stellenbosch.  However, for reasons I will talk about later, I have been unable to work in that field full time.  I did a few internships and volunte


Henry_iain in Background

Mark 1:1 - 13

In my country,  we have a big energy crisis.  Which means we often get disruptive blackouts for long periods of time. That's what was happening yesterday. But I also had plenty to do.  So now at last we'll be diving into Mark.  I'm using special headings and different colours to indicate each part so that it is clear where I am and where I'm going. I will be doing this fairly slowly, so I can rather go for quality than quantity. I trust you can all read so I won't quote the whole section, 


Henry_iain in Mark part 1


As usual my Monday has been my busiest day, since I help out around the house a lot and this is laundry day, which is especially busy,   Although my blogs will be mainly Bible Study, do expect a bit of humour thrown in and also be aware that I will be mentioning things that are happening in my life. Just so you know where I'm at.  Introduction:  I have to start my Bible study by explaining a bit about how I'm going about this, practically.  I am a very methodical person about thin


Henry_iain in Bible Study

Deep thoughts

Thoughts I am hoping that I can give you, some insight into my thought process. I am also hoping to tie together this part of my blog, although I might add to it later.  I am going to throw out some ideas here. I am a deep thinker. So before I finally get to the Word studies I want to do, I need to give you an idea of how I think. It us quite a lot today. But that can't be helped at this point.  I believe that a person's worldview is strongly dependant on a mixture of background,


Henry_iain in Background

The Gospel According to Mark intro

The Gospel According to Mark introduction  I will begin my study today with a brief outline. I have already done this, so I will simply give you an idea of the notes I already have. Just a quick note: I am not a theologian.  So this is just how I see it and I'm bound to make mistakes. I do appreciate any input but also remember that I am just saying things as I see them.   1. Vital statistics: Author: John Mark. Barnabas' cousin. Peter was probably also involved in the writin


Henry_iain in Bible Study

Mark 1:14 -28

So let us continue.  I had a great weekend an spent it mostly relaxing.   Mark 1:14 - 28 As we continue, after his time in the desert and with John's mission accomplished, Jesus begins his public ministry. We are presented with Jesus' message in its most basic form (v. 14 - 15). It is a simple invitation to be part of God's Kingdom. And the entrance requirements are "repent and believe." Interestingly, Jesus is coming to us, but He is also requiring for us to come to Him.  As I un


Henry_iain in Mark part 1

Taking a break.

I know it's  been a few days already, but I have some things I need to sort out and this will require some time away from Worthy, especially over the weekend  if you have been looking forward to more entries I would ask you to be a bit patient with me as I do what I must do . 


Henry_iain in Personal notes

Henry iain Lawrie church background

This blog is intended to lead to a kind of Bible study and an expression of my thoughts. Therefore I think it necessary to explain something of how I got where I am today. There are certain realities that are a result of the country, town and culture I live in and I will explain that at a later stage. Yesterday I mentioned that my father is a theologian.  He is also been a minister in the church for many years. My whole family was in the Dutch Reformed Church, one way or another. South Afri


Henry_iain in Background

South African dynamics

South African society  Yesterday I described my church background. Today I will focus on my South African background.  I have spoken about South African history and society in the past and information about this is widely available. This just a brief summary which i hope will help you understand where I am coming from in future entries.  Let me begin with a terminological difference. The terms conservative and liberal mean very different things to a South African. In fact,  almost the


Henry_iain in Background

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