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It is so undeserved!

Ani Tefillah


I'll start this testimony with this poem: 






Help me to see that You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, and that You want me to be likewise in every way, each and every day!




Without Holiness, I shall not enter into Your Kingdom, and I will not be able to see Your Face, as I then will walk out of Your Grace!




Teach me and help me to fear You as I should - in Holy fear ; so I through Your Word can understand this very clear!




Give me grace to pursue Holiness even more from now on ; so I'm not satisfied until Your work in me is done!




Then I will forever see Your beautiful Face in the Heavenly place - by Your wonderful Grace!






For over 20 years ago, before I had an huge WAKE up call, I was a big hypocrite, claiming to be a Christian, and living a sinful and unholy life, and even leading the worship in such state. I didn't had the clue what Godliness, holiness and sanctification actually meant, and lived just like a worldly person in many ways, so they {the world} could certainly not find any difference between them or me....so 😔


But after I had the wake up call, I finally understood that Abba Father is Holy, and that He wanted me to be likewise, both inwardly and outwardly, and He gave me a desire to start to live in Holiness, to dress holy, act holy, to hate and abhor all worldliness, ungodliness and unholiness, and I discovered that the deceiver of the world had succeeded to deceive many people {also among the believers}, to dress and act unholy and in that way rebel against holiness and Abba Father Whom is Holy. 


The deceiver hates holiness so much, that he has stolen the most Holy symbol {Abba Father's "rain" bow}, and made it to the most abomination symbol! Can you imagine? And many of the world embrace it with all their hearts, and unfortunately some of the believers too. 😔


My hope and pray today, is that more believers will have an huge WAKE up call when it comes to this matter, so they can understand that Abba Father is Holy, and that He has called us to live in Holiness in every way, so that we can be Holy examples for Him to the world, as they really should see a difference between them and us. Shouldn't the world see that I belong and live for a Holy God? 


Please don't go into "self defense" now, proclaiming you can "live as you want" if you're living in unholiness, as you will not only be deceiving yourself, but also many others on your way. 


Today is the day of repentance! 😊 I hope and pray that you will feel the deep sorrow of your hypocrite life that I felt, and come wholeheartedly with a contrite heart to Abba Father, pleading Him to forgive you, and I know that He will gladly do so! I'm forever grateful to Him for waking me up and for His loving forgiveness! Amazing Grace above all! 🎶 🆙 🎶 🆙 🎶 🆙 🎶



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