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iams daughter

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Posts posted by iams daughter

  1. I think God is communicating the very nearness of the Rapture.

    The nearness of His coming, yes. But not the rapture.

    Interesting comment Sis. Care to expound? You did a great job before!

    the question should be are you ready when Christ comes not when he comes

    indeed the question should be are you ready. in the book of revelation it speaks of the bride she has made herself ready. unless we are ready for jesus return we will be left behind

  2. The coming of our lord will be witnessed by all. He will not come in secret. His coming is a ways off. We may go to him before the world sees his coming. Paul said two things must happen first; the mass apostasy and the appearance of the lawless one. During his reign the dross will be eliminated from the silver.

    the apostacy is happening now and i believe we will be caught up before the lawless one appears

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