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Posts posted by neil_

  1. All these words and nothing said...typical.




    Nothing said? Buddy, it was you who claimed trips to the Moon use heliocentric calculations. I just woke you up to reality.


    Now, are there other things you’d like to know, or you’ll just prefer to keep your head in the sand and pretend the reality is how you say it is?


    By the way, where exactly did you learn physics? Because I can tell you right now you can safely throw your diplomas away: they are no good to you.


    And please don’t call this a personal attack. On the contrary, I’d like for you to get a real education.




      By the way...i am not an evolutionist....seems you can't even get basic facts right  


    I am sure not even you know exactly what you are.




      This guy is going to be a ton of fun, people that make.personal attacks their first day on the forum always ar


    So far I only see you making personal attacks. Prior to me coming here you looked very convinced that your universe (the big bang universe) exists. Now, instead of defending your universe (that would be scientific, wouldn’t it?), you make instead personal attacks. Which speaks loudly about both your credentials and your character.




     the universe is bajillion miles across. now, please prove me wrong.


    It’s no surprise to me that you don’t actually know what science is. Buddy, it’s not that you’re allowed to make any claim you want and the others have to disprove it, on the contrary, you have to prove each and every of your claims.


    Now, once you prove your claim, don’t worry, it will be very easy for me (guaranteed) to disprove it.

  2. Wow.  In our midst we have someone who claims to be able to disprove the big bang, evolution, gravitational theory, relativity, and heliocentrism. 


    That happens, you know, when one uses his or her own mind, instead of blindly believing whatever they were fed in pseudo-schools.



    IOW, the greatest scientific mind the world has ever known!!  


    I’m not sure how many times I have to tell you that evolution has nothing to do with science. Neither of its forms. Regardless if billions of people on Earth emptily claim it has, this doesn’t mean that it has. Instead, it only shows the “quality” of education lately.


    That’s why I’m sorry but it’s not much of an effort to prove your beliefs wrong. Really… Which speaks loudly about the “quality” of “science” in things that you believe in.

  3.    This is remarkable, in 50 years of life I have never ran across anyone that doubted heliocentrism 


    Then I strongly suggest you change your buddies. You have nothing to learn from them.


    Regardless, now you are privileged to have met me.



      I do have to ask, do you view the moon landing as a hoax?  I mean with heliocentrism is false, we would have missed the moon by a long, long way. 


    I am quite amused each time I meet evolutionists. Because they never ever really know what they believe in - they are simply too busy believing.


    Buddy, for your information, what EACH AND EVERY launch (into either local orbit or space) uses are 2 references frames. Both of them are geo-centric. One of them is fully geo-centric (i.e. including geo-static). They are called ECEF and ECI. The ‘E’ stands for Earth – just in case you wouldn’t know…


    I strongly suggest you go find a proper education before talking about things that you don’t know. This time, a real education – one that isn’t too busy indoctrinating people with false beliefs such as evolution.


    Oh, and just for the fun of it, could you tell me the size of your universe? You know, the big bang universe. Trust me, I know what you’re going to say, and it’s wrong. Ironically, not wrong according to my standards (regardless that according to me the universe is much smaller), but according to yours (or should I say theirs). But I’m waiting for you to specify the size, to prove you wrong. It will be my pleasure, as always, to correct evolutionists in what THEY believe…

  4.  Welcome to worthy, neil_. 



    Thank you.







    Actually, big bang is wrong. And it’s so simple to prove that. Literally, it would only take 2 words…



    What are they?



    Common, it’s not that hard: accelerated expansion.




       Sounds like you are a fellow believer?  



    I’m a YEC. So I’m not sure if you can use “fellow” in there, since you eagerly believe what they indoctrinated you in schools with.




      What objection do you have to cosmic evolution?   



    Nothing other than it’s false. And it takes me just one word to prove it false. Would you dare to guess?




      In the context of this conversation, we were implying "biological evolution" when we said "evolution. 



    That’s really strange, since the conversation (the entire thread actually) is about big bang.




      Explain "your universe doesn't exist"?   



    Today doesn’t exist in your universe. Would you like to know why, or you can take it from here?




       If this isn't what you were getting at, then why do you think that evolution is not science?  



    For one, biological evolution is not science because it’s not observable, testable and repeatable. For the rest (falsifiability), read Popper.


    Then, it involves a huge amount of faith (even more: blind faith). Unlike Creationism, which is immensely more logical and requires immensely less faith.

  5.   Galileo, who was a Christian, discovered helio-centrism   


    Discovered? Perhaps you meant promoted it. Because, to this day, it’s no certainty at all.



      Johannes Keplar discovered the  laws governing planetary motion   


    First, it’s Kepler. Then, those laws are wrong, so don’t bother getting the name right.



     these men would be ridiculed today for their belief in God as Creator.  


    You have the wrong heroes. Certainly Kepler went a long way AGAINST the Bible. Also, Galileo not only did not have any proof for the idea that he supported (really none – a situation falsely taught otherwise in today’s schools), but the situation has stayed the same to this day (i.e. there is still no proof for heliocentrism).

  6.  The theory of gravity STILL isn't complete. 


    It’s not even true…


    And by the way, there are multiple theories of gravity, not just Einstein’s (and obviously not including Newton).



     Yet the things we don't understand about gravity do not disprove gravity.


    I can tell you one thing about gravity which is true: it doesn’t work. Do you want me to tell you why, or you can do your own research?

  7.  My understanding is that this isn't something Hawking made up, but a direct consequence of applying Einstein's Relativity (space-time) to the big bang. 


    How interesting that the famous spacetime doesn’t actually exist. So simple to prove - only three words…



     Although, if there is a multiverse or whatnot, I'm not sure what that would do.   


    It’s amusing how evolutionists (cosmic evolutionists in this case) must invoke other universes each time this universe proves them wrong.

  8. Science, in this case the big bang, tells me HOW He did it. i.e. God created via the big bang. 


    Actually, big bang is wrong. And it’s so simple to prove that. Literally, it would only take 2 words…



      The biggest thing I disagree with atheists about is not science, but philosophical naturalism.   


    Good. Then you don’t believe in evolution. But then why exactly would you believe in cosmic evolution (aka big bang)? You’re contradicting yourself.



       The BB doesn't cover creation or evolution, it is just a theory of beginnings.  


    Big bang cosmology covers the entire time (except the very beginning) – including today. Which by the way, in your universe doesn’t exist.



       A scientific reading of Genesis clashes with evolution. I dont think we should read it scientifically though.  


    Evolution and science clearly don’t belong in the same sentence (unless you use one to negate the other). Popper clearly proved that in regard to both big bang cosmology and biological evolution.



    but that said, evolution is not synonymous with the big bang. The time periods in which they operate don't overlap.


    If you believe so dearly in what evolutionists promote with their godless agendas, then how exactly did you miss terms like “cosmic evolution”, “geologic evolution”, “chemical evolution”?

  9.  If you're looking for more complex answers, I suggest researching the Lambda-CDM model



    Perhaps you meant “looking for more questions”, instead of answers.




     According to Hawkins' latest proposal, time and space itself came into existence at the moment of the big bang. 



    Perhaps you meant Hawking’s old proposal.




    Therefore, there was no "before the big bang".  



    Indeed, the most important exists outside time. The rest will soon get to pass, together with time itself.




       Are you saying that evolutionary biologists and such all have an "atheistic worldview" and are conspiring (e.g., fudging data, rigging results) to discredit the Bible?  



    Absolutely. I’ll leave others here to provide such evidence in regard to biological evolution. In regard to cosmology however, if you’re asking me you’re asking the right person.




       it is indeed a conspiracy by "atheistic scientists"   



    Correct. This once again proves the Bible right (the world has never wanted God).




     Where is their work?  Where are their manuscripts and the resulting arbitrary rejection letters from the prestigious scientific journals?   



    You obviously mean prestigious EVOLUTIONARY journals. Which never include Creationist science. So there’s your answer.

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