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Posts posted by WarriorsLegend

  1. Thank you all for your advice. I'm well aware of where i stand spiritually, and where i need to be spiritually. I have fallen off the edge, but have not fallen down. I am working to bring myself up off the edge with the help of God. I am educated well in scripture. I do discern what is going on in the spirit i. The situation, around me, and around her. she use to deal with witchcraft, and her mother was cursed because of her beauty by another woman. She knows the bible, she learns from her father about it who he himself studies the word and know the scriptures very well. She herself is aware that she is possessed because she has experienced it being awake within herself and the demon speaking and her being helpless to stop it from controlling. I know that the next level to ending this will come by fasting with prayer. That why i seek help from those that can handle such a level in spiritual warfare. I did not pick a fight with a demon. The fight was brought to me. Because she got to know me, stirred up the demon because i pose a threat to it when i speak of God to her and bring enlightenment to her. I am 100% sure this is a demon and not a natural issue. I can discern spirits.

  2. This is for the spiritually mature prayer warrior, educated in scripture, and experienced in dealing with demons!!! This woman I've been acquainted with (close to a year now) is currently possessed. It took some time but with the help of God's power I've been been able to bring her to the understanding that she is in fact possessed and the only way to be set free from this demon is through salvation (acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. my problem is, my current daily life doesn't allow me to to take all the steps i need to intercede for her at the level i need to to break her lose from that demonic hold and to cast out that demon(s) and bring to the point of salvation. I will be completely transparent here about myself! I have slacked spiritually, and i know it's affecting me in this situation. This person understand the situation to the degree that she helps me help her my listening to what i tell her to do. I have told her to stay away from having sex (because it is a sexual demon) of any kind, and she does so as best as she can. She understands that it feeds off of it (the sinful act), she can only hold off but for so long before it forces her against her will to do it when the opportunity comes. I know God has a purpose for me in her life and her in mine. She nicknamed me Emiliano (which in it's root meaning, means RIVAL!!) She tells me that the demon hates me (a hate so deep that can't be comprehended by a natural mind) and wants me to stay away from her. She says it desires my fall. I am the only one of all them that has crossed her path (and the demon) that has said NO to having sex. I know these things and more not just because she has told me, but because i have spoken to this demon myself! More than once. I can only speak to her about the situation of the demon for a limited amount of time before she becomes sick and weak physically because of the spiritual draining that manifests in the body. I need help. I am in this battle and can't walk out of it. I need a break through and i need people to pray for me and with me in power. I need to hear from God on what to do. I know there's a plan and a purpose... i need a circle of people help me stand strong i battled once with this demon and silenced it to be able to speak to her in the beginning. But it's fighting to grow stronger and so need to myself. I need spiritual direction can anyone help me on this???

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