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Everything posted by LouF95

  1. Okay, then. Show the internal textual indicators where the author indicates that he intends to be taken allegorically. That is a fair challenge but you are implying that Genesis, as 100% historical, is the default position and the burden of proof is on me to prove otherwise. I think we each have to prove our position. You implied that the ancient Jews and prophets took Genesis as historical. That doesn't prove historicity. The ancient greeks believed there was a Mt. Olympus. Does that make Mt. Olympus historical? Would a trained historian accept your claim as proof. You said Jesus mentioned Adam & Eve so Adam & Eve must have existed. You need to prove 1) That Jesus took A&E as historical when He mentioned it. I can mention Dick Tracy to make a point about detective work but I know Dick Tracy doesn't exist. 2) That Jesus actually mentioned A&E. To do that, you need to prove the bible as a 100% historical reliable text. The gospel writer may have included Jesus in his parable. He may have put the words in Jesus's mouth to give his writing more authority. He may have misquoted Jesus. For clarification, let me ask you. Is Genesis 100% factual? Is any segment allegorical, i.e. the talking snake, the tree A&E were supposed to say away from?
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