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Posts posted by Bronzesnake

  1. There's a huge problem where Christians believe in evolution.

    Read Genesis 1 and see with your own eyes. There is no figurative language used, there is no parable there is no allegory. So how can anyone see millions or billions of years here?

    Could plants live for million or billions of years without sun?


    God goes out of His way to be certain that we understand exactly how He created.

    God creates - then describes what He created, then God is clear there was evening, and there was morning - the first day

    and there was evening and there was morning - the second day

    and there was evening and there was morning - the third day

    and there was evening and there was morning - the forth day

    and there was evening and there was morning - the fifth day

    and there was evening and there was morning - the sixth day


    Christians, don't let atheists and their beliefs cause us to doubt God. That very same tactic was used by the serpent, remember that? "did God really say?" 


    Christians, stand up straight. We fell behind and allowed false doctrines and doubts about what God did, or did not say, or do. To cause us to doubt God "Did God really say He created everything in six days?"

    We have His Word! They have fallible science, they have  a weak, rotting sick and dying theory.

    There are faithful men of God who are archaeologists, we have geologists, we have paleontologists! These strong, and faithful men and women are tearing down Darwin's plastic castle. The hypothesis is melting down around Darwin's feet!.


    How many times have these scientist proudly held up the "missing link"! with great fan-fare, and back patting all around. Then, a short while later, after other scientists have had a look at the bones, very quietly, and as private a showing as they can muster...yes, this latest of a long line before him, turns out not to be a missing link at all,,,so, in reality, there are no missing links - the entire chain is missing!


    God created everything in six days, and I could care less if anyone thinks less of me!



  2. wow! I just wrote a huge response to Jerry, and when I was done, I clicked `post` and I was somehow signed out, and lost the entire post!

    That`s enough to put me off from ever posting another word here.

    Late cats and kittens.

    Oh, Jerry, you are so wrong! The end is near, get right with Jesus brother.



  3. Tell you what Jerry.

    I'll make it easy for you, and I'll explain the different meanings of evolution, then you can try and either deny these are part of evolution, or, you will explain how each happened in the first time.


    1) COSMIC EVOLUTION                                -    The origin of time, space, and matter

    2) CHEMICLE EVOLUTION                            -    The origin of higher elements from hydrogen

    3) STELLAR AND PLANETARY EVOLITION -    The origin of stars and planets

    4) ORGANIC EVOLUTION                              -   The origin of life from non life

    5) MACRO EVOLUTION                                 -    Changing from one animal into another

    6) MICRO EVOLUTION                                  -     Variations from kinds


    No one disputes #6 there are variations within a kind. There are over 200 variations of dogs fro example.

    No one has ever seen a dog produce any other than a dog. The same for every animal. Each kind of animal produces it's same kind.


    So, there you go Jerry, have at it brother. The first five on this list are purely religious - no one has ever observed them.


    I hear some people say, "well, what about the star nursery then? we can see stars forming"  No you can't! What you see is something in the sky getting brighter, it could be the dust clearing away and there's a star behind it. 


    Anyway, I'll wait to see what you think about evolution before I even begin to value your opinions.



  4. Hello.

    I'm the new guy!


    Evolution is really on it's final last gasps.

    There really isn't much left to believe in, that doesn't require a tremendous faith.


    The fossil record is a complete and thorough bust.

    Now, genetically, we can pretty much rule out any hope in finding examples where new DNA is seen.

    We now know that instead of new DNA all we actually see is copying of DNA, or reshuffling of existing DNA, or a complete loss of DNA - all totally discount evolution.


    Every attempt to force some Australopithecine to be a human ancestor, has failed miserably, examples put forth have either been found to be frauds, or apes/monkeys.

    The Darwinian hypothesis has been all but given up as wishful thinking, even the most hard core evolutionists, have given up on Charlie, and have proposed what may turn out to be even more unlikely hypothesis in Punctuated Equilibrium - the changes happen so fast, we can't see it! First it was changes happening so slow that we can't see it happening, now it's the other end off the scale.

    P.E. is not based on any science. It's actually an example of just how desperate the evolution scientists are.

    They appear to be willing to accept anything, regardless of how unlikely it may be, other than creation.



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