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Jacob Ben Avraham

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Everything posted by Jacob Ben Avraham

  1. ISAIAH 51:12-52:12 The prophet speaks through the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) “Therefore, my people shall know MY NAME…..” one thing is to know about God, the other is to KNOW HIM, and “HIS NAME” but we know that God has many names and titles, But his Most Holy Name is Y H V H (Yod Hey Vav Hey) The one who WAS, IS, and WILL BE, whose letters, in the ancient Hebrew, symbolize “Behold the nail, behold the hand” whose name is also YESHUAH which means SALVATION. ” How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger of good tidings, who announces “shalom” who announces YESHUAH (salvation), and who announces “God Rules!” This is the message that every born-again believer should be concerned with. When we talk to people about God, the message is that “YHVH is alive and well, and that He Rules in the hearts of all who come to him through YESHUA and that through YESHUA we get YESHUAH and SHALOM in our lives. ” YHVH hath made bare His HOLY ARM, in the eyes of ALL NATIONS, and all the ends of the earth shalt see the YESHUAH of our God” 2000 years ago, Adonai made bare his HOLY ARM in the person of Yeshua HaMashiach. The word "Arm" in "Holy Arm" is the Hebrew word "Zeroah" which always means the "upper arm", this is where the muscle and strength are. In the ancient sacrifices, it was the "upper arm and shoulder" of the animals which were given to the Levites and priests to eat, after being offered up to Adonai. Before the coming of Yeshua, the presence of God was revealed by fire, a cloud, and the Shekinah glory. The "humanity" of God was hidden, until "Yeshua" came (The Zeroah Kadosh) "God in the flesh." Yeshua walked on this earth, taught the truths of the Torah, healed the sick, raised the dead, and took upon himself all of our sins, the name YAH which is a short form of YAHWEH is spelled with only two Hebrew letters, the YOD, and the HEY, which symbolize “Behold the Arm (or hand) so…YeshuAH has the Y and the H, Salvation is for ALL THE NATIONS, for those who will put their trust in the Messiah Yeshua. One day, ALL the Nations will SEE YESHUA, in the flesh, and HE WILL REIGN! Baruch HaShem! JOHN 11:1-57 This is the story about “Elazar” (Lazarus) who died and was resurrected. We see that Miryam sends word to Yeshua that Elazar, her brother is sick and dying, yet Yeshua tarries, and does not rush to heal Elazar, he waits until he is finally dead, and then, 4 days later, he shows up. He could have arrived in time to heal him, yet he waits! But why? To understand, we need to understand one of the Jewish mindsets of that time. It was believed back then that when a person died, his or her soul left the body, yet stayed near the body for three days, on the fourth day, it left and descended to Sheol, It was believed that after 4 days, only the MESSIAH could resurrect a person, even from the pit of Sheol. When He called out “Elazar, come forth” he did come out of the tomb. As believers, we all look forward to the resurrection of our bodies, when we die, our bodies will be buried, yet WE will be in the presence of the LORD. Our bodies will be transformed into incorruptible bodies, which will join our souls in Heaven. Rav Shaul said, “To be absent from the body is to be in the presence of the LORD” which means, either we are in our bodies, or we are in heaven with the LORD, how else could one interpret that verse? So, take heart, we have “x” number of years to live here on earth, yet, the earth is not our permanent home, our home is in the New Jerusalem, where we will live…well…time is not a factor…FOREVER….is! MATT 7:1-3 “Judge Not lest ye be judged,” I thought I might add this verse since many people misinterpret this verse by saying; “Well, there are judges, and their job is to render decisions and even dictate prison sentences, why does it say that we should not judge?” The type of “judgment” that is being mentioned is “final condemnation” or “pre-judging” a person without knowing all the facts. We might talk to a person, or invite the person to church or synagogue. That person might come twice and then, not return, maybe two shabbats or Sundays, that person might be absent. It would be wrong to say; “So-and-so really didn’t accept Yeshua, where is he (or she)? That person isn’t here, so, that person was not really serious, watch out “so-and-so” You’re on your way to hell!” That person might be sick or had to work, we don’t know the situation. We should not “judge” that person in that way, with a condemning attitude, rather call or visit the person and find out if he or she needs help or what the case could be. Is the car working? Does the person need a ride? Careful that we do not condemn, because we will be “judged” by Adonai in the same way we might “condemn” another person. Let us reach out to the person and offer to advise from the Torah in a loving way if the person is erring, we should “correct” the person according to scripture, privately and in love, and never in a “condemning” fashion. Remember that we will ALL face our righteous “shofet” one day... LUKE 24: 27 This talks about Yeshua walking with two believers on the way to Emmaus, yet they did not realize it was Him. "Don't you realize what has happened? This Yeshua was crucified in Jerusalem, and..." Yet Yeshua speaks up and says; "Didn't the Messiah have to die like this before entering his glory?" and he began to explain the prophecies about Mashiach, starting with Moses and going through all the prophets. Moshe himself spoke about the Messiah in Deuteronomy 18:15 "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him." Yeshua probably mentioned this verse. The "Arm of the LORD" revealed, a fellow Jew, born in Beit-Lechem (Bethlehem) the "House of Bread" from which the "Bread of Life" came. He came to fulfill all prophecies including Isaiah 52 and 53. He is the "Netzer" (branch) that rose from the House of David. The name "Nazereth" has the root "Netzer" Shalom, have a good and godly week. Coconuts, palm branches, and ocean waves. San Luis Talpa, El Salvador
  2. Parasha: Shoftim (Judges) DEUT: 16:18: -21:9 This parashah starts off with; “Judges (shoftim) and officers shalt thou make thee at thy gates, which YHVH thy Elohim giveth thee…. they shall judge the people with “righteous judgment…” The word "officers" is rendered "Shoterim" in Hebrew, which is equivalent to "police officers, constables, deputies, etc, in our day and age. Many people when they think of the word “judge” think of the elderly man or woman with the black robe in the courtroom who points a finger and dishes out a prison sentence, a sentence that condemns a criminal who is standing before said, judge. While it is true that the word “judge” can mean to issue or decide a sentence that could condemn, in Hebrew, it also means one who “knows, teaches, and decides issues related to the Torah” . A “shofet” was someone like a Torah teacher, but the job not only included making plain the teachings of Adonai through His Torah, but the “shofet” also rendered decisions based on God’s Holy Writ. Today, there are “shoftim” in every Bible-based church, synagogue, congregation, Torah study group, etc., perhaps we do not call them “shoftim” or “judges” we just call them “rabbis, pastors, Torah teachers, Sunday school teachers. They (should) expound and make plain the scriptures to those who are listening, and if needed, give counsel based on God’s Word, concerning matters such as finances, church/synagogue discipline, or any decision based on our Judeo-Christian faith and ethics. Some call them “gatekeepers” The “gatekeepers” keep sound doctrine, and “do not let in” false teaching, or, have to “expose” false teaching that perhaps has been circulating. “making righteous judgment” is making “correct or decisions which are “right” according to God’s Word. The Word of God and the Torah is for ALL PEOPLE, and for this reason, the Torah says; “thou shalt not respect persons…” meaning that “one should not single out a person because that person is either rich, poor, famous, in politics, etc.… in order to say, “well, because it is YOU, my friend, I will make an exception to the Torah rule” Elohim says NO!, we are ALL EQUAL, we are ALL SINNERS are deserve righteous judgment, and what applies to the rich man, applies to the poor man as well. These "shoftim" or "gatekeepers" were usually found at the entrances of cities, by the city gates or entrances. Issues concerning the law were conducted there at the city gates. The shoftim would send out the "shoterim" to bring in people that were involved in different cases, much like police officers and constables do today when they bring in people who have arrest warrants. (16:20) “Tzedek, Tzedek tirdof” (Righteousness, Righteousness pursue!) Why does the Torah say “righteousness twice? There are two points of view from the rabbis. One is that one must pursue (run after) righteousness as long as the end result is also righteous. An example is, from the Talmud, a story about an olive grower. The Owner owns many acres of olive trees and he makes a lot of olive oil and fills many urns with the oil and sells each urn for 100 shekels. A servant of the owner is carrying an urn to the storehouse and he slips and falls, dropping and breaking the urn. As a result, the oil is lost. The owner’s son drags the servant to the judge at the city gate, and the judge judges according to the “eye for an eye” judgment. He renders a “right” judgment, that, the servant will have to pay 100 shekels for the lost oil. The son is also in agreement. He will dock the servant's pay for that month, which is also 100 shekels. The servant cries out to the owner and explains the situation. The owner who is kind and merciful calls his son. “My son, you had the right to bring the servant to judgment, and the judgment is just and right according to the Torah…HOWEVER… the end result would be very unfair and unrighteous, the servant’s family will suffer loss and will not be able to buy food for the month….so…we, on the other hand, can afford the loss, while the servant cannot. I will render this judgment, that the servant’s mishap is forgiven, and no wage kept back!” Thus, “righteousness, righteousness we will pursue!” The other understanding of this verse is that there are two kinds of “righteousness” “Righteous faith” and “Righteous works” both we must pursue! We pursue “righteous faith” through prayer and our personal relationship with Yeshua HaMashiach, reading/studying the Torah, and occupying ourselves as well with “righteous mitzvoth” through our obedience and following the commandments. The scripture says that “we are saved (righteous faith) unto good works (righteous works). But we must always remember that “righteous works never lead to righteous salvation, rather it is the other way, “righteous salvation leads us to do works of righteousness” Also, the three Hebrew letters “Tzadik, Dalet, and Qof” TzaDiQ" could also mean “The Righteous ONE” and there is only “One righteous one” whom we must follow, that is Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ our LORD, not only in this present world but in the world to come as well. Chapter 17 deals with offering sacrificial animals with blemishes. Since today, we don’t sacrifice animals, how can we relate to this verse? The animals were “offered up” to Adonai, and we “offer up” to YHVH our praises, prayers, and our service in the form of our spiritual gifts, may our prayers be “without blemish” (without distraction, wholehearted, and sincere) not just repeating words that are printed in a prayer book, but “understanding” the words in the prayer book, or better yet, your own words from the heart. May we offer up our spiritual gift with a whole heart to the best of our ability? (17:14) talks about “setting a king over thee” It was not Adonai’s perfect will that Israel would have kings, as He already knew what the outcome would be. You could probably count on one hand the righteous kings of Israel; David, Josiah, and Hezekiah, the rest were perverted and evil (perhaps there were a few more). Manasseh corrected his ways towards the end of his life. God instructs every king to make a copy of the Torah and to study the Torah (17:18). If every president of every nation did that, every nation would be at peace, one with the other, we would not have anti-immigrant laws, racism, etc. We must pray that our president, men, and women in authority govern according to the commandments of the Torah, in accordance to what the Bible teaches. Chapter 18. The priests and Levites are supported by the people, they get food, (meat, and produce from the field) and skins from the animals that are sacrificed. This was God’s provision for his ministers. Should it be any different today? I would say not! Those who live to teach God’s Word should be maintained by God’s people. Unfortunately, in many countries, some pastors, rabbis, etc. live lives in poverty because the people of their congregation don’t give, yet, some probably do live well, IF they teach their people to give, then, they will, because they love God’s teaching servants and want the best for them and their families. Some ministers have to work secular jobs in order to survive, this affects their ministry because their time is limited. (18:9) “When you come unto the land which YHVH gives you…you will NOT… and the Torah mentions the abominations that the pagan peoples do. When we move to go to a new town, city, or even to a different job, we will notice the habits, and customs of the people of those new towns, cities, or job sites. Perhaps some of their ways will not be in accordance with what the WORD of God teaches; Cheating on spouses, cheating at work, gossiping, (Leshon Hara) dirty jokes, lying to the boss, ill-treatment of others, the list could go on, will we separate ourselves from them? Or…in order to be accepted and not ridiculed, will we “compromise” our standards? Yet the Torah says; “thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations!” (or job sites, neighborhoods, cities, towns, etc.) Yes, we have to work with those people and get along with them, but we do not have to emulate their actions nor participate in their activities that are contrary to what the Bible teaches us. (19:14) “Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor’s landmark which they of old time have set” I remember when I lived in New York, seeing 4-foot-high stone walls that were in the wooded area behind my house. I was told that way back in colonial days, the owners of that property built those walls to separate their property from the property of others. The stone walls indicated, “Behind this wall is my area, beyond the wall, is your area”. God has established “landmarks” His WORD is a “boundary” a “landmark” When we venture out of God’s Holy Writ, we leave the protection of “His property” and enter into the property of HaSatan. In this world, there are only two standards of living, God’s standards, and Satan’s standards. YHVH has guidelines, it is called “The Torah” The landmarks are the 66 books of his Torah, and outside of that, is the “anything goes” philosophy, “do whatever feels good” way of living. If we attempt to change a biblical landmark, we are “taking away” from the Word of God, we are headed for trouble. Dad told Jimmy, “Ten feet away from the wasp nest is the landmark, don’t go beyond it!” but Jimmy went beyond it, he got closer, the wasps didn’t like that, and a wasp flew over and stung little Jimmy on the leg” had Jimmy obeyed the voice of his father, and had respected the landmark, he wouldn’t have gotten stung. (yes, that is a portion from “my life”) (20:19) teaches us to respect trees. Yes, YHVH is concerned about trees. There are some trees that are used for building, like Oak, pine, willow, etc.… yet there are trees that are for fruit and nuts. Many times, when people build homes, they must first clear the field. At times, these fruit trees are cut down. These trees are for food, I have seen in some places, that homes are built “around” a certain fruit tree, and the tree grows in the corner of the kitchen, and a place is made in the roof so that the tree can keep growing without hitting obstacles. The family then can enjoy the fruit and is honoring God’s Word concerning fruit trees. If we remember back in Genesis, the whole food menu consisted only of fruit and nuts from the trees, and from grains and vegetables, and people lived to 900 years. Kind of makes sense to protect “food trees”. So remember, we DO have the right to judge others, but not CONDEMN! We can give counsel from God's WORD, and suggest that the person will adhere to what God's WORD says. We must do that in a loving and not condemning way. Be mindful and let's start with ourselves, judgment starts with our own selves, more now that we are in the "Days of Awe". Always remember, that one day, ALL BELIEVERS will be "judged" at the "Judgment Seat of Christ" for the things we did while on this earth. We will be judged in accordance with how we treated or judged others. Something to think about. Ben Avraham foot stomping tunes
  3. Parasha: Shoftim (Judges) DEUT: 16:18: -21:9 This parashah starts off with; “Judges (shoftim) and officers shalt thou make thee at thy gates, which YHVH thy Elohim giveth thee…. they shall judge the people with “righteous judgment…” The word "officers" is rendered "Shoterim" in Hebrew, which is equivalent to "police officers, constables, deputies, etc, in our day and age. Many people when they think of the word “judge” think of the elderly man or woman with the black robe in the courtroom who points a finger and dishes out a prison sentence, a sentence that condemns a criminal who is standing before said, judge. While it is true that the word “judge” can mean to issue or decide a sentence that could condemn, in Hebrew, it also means one who “knows, teaches, and decides issues related to the Torah” . A “shofet” was someone like a Torah teacher, but the job not only included making plain the teachings of Adonai through His Torah, but the “shofet” also rendered decisions based on God’s Holy Writ. Today, there are “shoftim” in every Bible-based church, synagogue, congregation, Torah study group, etc., perhaps we do not call them “shoftim” or “judges” we just call them “rabbis, pastors, Torah teachers, Sunday school teachers. They (should) expound and make plain the scriptures to those who are listening, and if needed, give counsel based on God’s Word, concerning matters such as finances, church/synagogue discipline, or any decision based on our Judeo-Christian faith and ethics. Some call them “gatekeepers” The “gatekeepers” keep sound doctrine, and “do not let in” false teaching, or, have to “expose” false teaching that perhaps has been circulating. “making righteous judgment” is making “correct or decisions which are “right” according to God’s Word. The Word of God and the Torah is for ALL PEOPLE, and for this reason, the Torah says; “thou shalt not respect persons…” meaning that “one should not single out a person because that person is either rich, poor, famous, in politics, etc.… in order to say, “well, because it is YOU, my friend, I will make an exception to the Torah rule” Elohim says NO!, we are ALL EQUAL, we are ALL SINNERS are deserve righteous judgment, and what applies to the rich man, applies to the poor man as well. These "shoftim" or "gatekeepers" were usually found at the entrances of cities, by the city gates or entrances. Issues concerning the law were conducted there at the city gates. The shoftim would send out the "shoterim" to bring in people that were involved in different cases, much like police officers and constables do today when they bring in people who have arrest warrants. (16:20) “Tzedek, Tzedek tirdof” (Righteousness, Righteousness pursue!) Why does the Torah say “righteousness twice? There are two points of view from the rabbis. One is that one must pursue (run after) righteousness as long as the end result is also righteous. An example is, from the Talmud, a story about an olive grower. The Owner owns many acres of olive trees and he makes a lot of olive oil and fills many urns with the oil and sells each urn for 100 shekels. A servant of the owner is carrying an urn to the storehouse and he slips and falls, dropping and breaking the urn. As a result, the oil is lost. The owner’s son drags the servant to the judge at the city gate, and the judge judges according to the “eye for an eye” judgment. He renders a “right” judgment, that, the servant will have to pay 100 shekels for the lost oil. The son is also in agreement. He will dock the servant's pay for that month, which is also 100 shekels. The servant cries out to the owner and explains the situation. The owner who is kind and merciful calls his son. “My son, you had the right to bring the servant to judgment, and the judgment is just and right according to the Torah…HOWEVER… the end result would be very unfair and unrighteous, the servant’s family will suffer loss and will not be able to buy food for the month….so…we, on the other hand, can afford the loss, while the servant cannot. I will render this judgment, that the servant’s mishap is forgiven, and no wage kept back!” Thus, “righteousness, righteousness we will pursue!” The other understanding of this verse is that there are two kinds of “righteousness” “Righteous faith” and “Righteous works” both we must pursue! We pursue “righteous faith” through prayer and our personal relationship with Yeshua HaMashiach, reading/studying the Torah, and occupying ourselves as well with “righteous mitzvoth” through our obedience and following the commandments. The scripture says that “we are saved (righteous faith) unto good works (righteous works). But we must always remember that “righteous works never lead to righteous salvation, rather it is the other way, “righteous salvation leads us to do works of righteousness” Also, the three Hebrew letters “Tzadik, Dalet, and Qof” TzaDiQ" could also mean “The Righteous ONE” and there is only “One righteous one” whom we must follow, that is Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ our LORD, not only in this present world but in the world to come as well. Chapter 17 deals with offering sacrificial animals with blemishes. Since today, we don’t sacrifice animals, how can we relate to this verse? The animals were “offered up” to Adonai, and we “offer up” to YHVH our praises, prayers, and our service in the form of our spiritual gifts, may our prayers be “without blemish” (without distraction, wholehearted, and sincere) not just repeating words that are printed in a prayer book, but “understanding” the words in the prayer book, or better yet, your own words from the heart. May we offer up our spiritual gift with a whole heart to the best of our ability? (17:14) talks about “setting a king over thee” It was not Adonai’s perfect will that Israel would have kings, as He already knew what the outcome would be. You could probably count on one hand the righteous kings of Israel; David, Josiah, and Hezekiah, the rest were perverted and evil (perhaps there were a few more). Manasseh corrected his ways towards the end of his life. God instructs every king to make a copy of the Torah and to study the Torah (17:18). If every president of every nation did that, every nation would be at peace, one with the other, we would not have anti-immigrant laws, racism, etc. We must pray that our president, men, and women in authority govern according to the commandments of the Torah, in accordance to what the Bible teaches. Chapter 18. The priests and Levites are supported by the people, they get food, (meat, and produce from the field) and skins from the animals that are sacrificed. This was God’s provision for his ministers. Should it be any different today? I would say not! Those who live to teach God’s Word should be maintained by God’s people. Unfortunately, in many countries, some pastors, rabbis, etc. live lives in poverty because the people of their congregation don’t give, yet, some probably do live well, IF they teach their people to give, then, they will, because they love God’s teaching servants and want the best for them and their families. Some ministers have to work secular jobs in order to survive, this affects their ministry because their time is limited. (18:9) “When you come unto the land which YHVH gives you…you will NOT… and the Torah mentions the abominations that the pagan peoples do. When we move to go to a new town, city, or even to a different job, we will notice the habits, and customs of the people of those new towns, cities, or job sites. Perhaps some of their ways will not be in accordance with what the WORD of God teaches; Cheating on spouses, cheating at work, gossiping, (Leshon Hara) dirty jokes, lying to the boss, ill-treatment of others, the list could go on, will we separate ourselves from them? Or…in order to be accepted and not ridiculed, will we “compromise” our standards? Yet the Torah says; “thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations!” (or job sites, neighborhoods, cities, towns, etc.) Yes, we have to work with those people and get along with them, but we do not have to emulate their actions nor participate in their activities that are contrary to what the Bible teaches us. (19:14) “Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor’s landmark which they of old time have set” I remember when I lived in New York, seeing 4-foot-high stone walls that were in the wooded area behind my house. I was told that way back in colonial days, the owners of that property built those walls to separate their property from the property of others. The stone walls indicated, “Behind this wall is my area, beyond the wall, is your area”. God has established “landmarks” His WORD is a “boundary” a “landmark” When we venture out of God’s Holy Writ, we leave the protection of “His property” and enter into the property of HaSatan. In this world, there are only two standards of living, God’s standards, and Satan’s standards. YHVH has guidelines, it is called “The Torah” The landmarks are the 66 books of his Torah, and outside of that, is the “anything goes” philosophy, “do whatever feels good” way of living. If we attempt to change a biblical landmark, we are “taking away” from the Word of God, we are headed for trouble. Dad told Jimmy, “Ten feet away from the wasp nest is the landmark, don’t go beyond it!” but Jimmy went beyond it, he got closer, the wasps didn’t like that, and a wasp flew over and stung little Jimmy on the leg” had Jimmy obeyed the voice of his father, and had respected the landmark, he wouldn’t have gotten stung. (yes, that is a portion from “my life”) (20:19) teaches us to respect trees. Yes, YHVH is concerned about trees. There are some trees that are used for building, like Oak, pine, willow, etc.… yet there are trees that are for fruit and nuts. Many times, when people build homes, they must first clear the field. At times, these fruit trees are cut down. These trees are for food, I have seen in some places, that homes are built “around” a certain fruit tree, and the tree grows in the corner of the kitchen, and a place is made in the roof so that the tree can keep growing without hitting obstacles. The family then can enjoy the fruit and is honoring God’s Word concerning fruit trees. If we remember back in Genesis, the whole food menu consisted only of fruit and nuts from the trees, and from grains and vegetables, and people lived to 900 years. Kind of makes sense to protect “food trees”. So remember, we DO have the right to judge others, but not CONDEMN! We can give counsel from God's WORD, and suggest that the person will adhere to what God's WORD says. We must do that in a loving and not condemning way. Be mindful and let's start with ourselves, judgment starts with our own selves, more now that we are in the "Days of Awe". Always remember, that one day, ALL BELIEVERS will be "judged" at the "Judgment Seat of Christ" for the things we did while on this earth. We will be judged in accordance with how we treated or judged others. Something to think about. Ben Avraham
  4. The month of "Elul" A time for self-examination, reflection, "Days of Awe" and time to ask ourselves "How is my relationship with God?" It's time to STOP, TURN AROUND, and RETURN to the LORD! The month of "Elul" started on the 18th of this month. Erev Shabbat. It is a time to think about God's mercy (Rachamim) his forgiveness, (Selichot) and grace (Chen). We are looking at and going through 40 days of "Awe" culminating on Yom Kippur, in the month of Tishrei (towards the end of September). We should ask ourselves these questions: Is my relationship with God on the "up and up?" Is my family relationship good? Is there secret sin in my life that I have not confessed? Have I gotten off the straight and narrow road and now I am in the thorn bushes? If I were to die right now, would the LORD welcome me with open arms with the words "Well done my faithful servant?" or would he have a paddle in his hand ready to tan my fanny about 1000 times? All these are questions we should ask ourselves including "Have I offended others and have not asked forgiveness?" We would probably have to answer yes to many of these questions. So, it is time for "Teshuvah" or "Shoov" which means "turn around, have a change of mind and go the other way" towards the LORD once again. "Elul" has 4 letters, both in Hebrew and in English. the number "4" can mean the 4 corners of the world. All inhabitants of the 4 corners of the world should take time now and reflect on their personal relationship with Adonai. The Hebrew gematria of "Elul" is 67. This is also the gematria of the word "Binah" (understanding). We need to "understand" that our relationship with the LORD is real and if we are lacking, we need to make amends and return to our first love. The word "Elul" also has the acronyms for the Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" If we are HIS beloved, then, if we have strayed away from the bridegroom, we need to come back. The number "67" in gematria can also be added up to "13" (6 + 7) This reminds us of the 13 attributes of Adonai, which include; mercy, forgiveness, and longsuffering grace. (Rachamim, Selichah, and Chen) (Exodus 34:6-7) According to the great sage Rambam, there are 4 steps to "returning" (Teshuvah) 1. realizing our error (sin) 2. abandon our sinful ways 3. Confession of our sin to God, or to the person we have offended, 4. Resolve not to repeat our sinful act. The woman caught in the act of adultery is a good example. (In the New Testament). Here are some good Bible verses to read during this time of "Elul" that speak of "returning;" Psalm 27; Deut 30:2; Jeremiah 3:12-15; Joel 2:13; Hosea 14:1; Zechariah 1:3; Nehemiah 1:9; Job 22:23; Isaiah 59:20;55:7 Here are some good Bible verses that speak on "mercy and grace" Proverbs 28:13; Psalm 145:8; Ephesians 2:4-5; Luke 6:36; Here is something interesting about the Hebrew word "Rachamim" (mercy, merciful) it comes from the root word "rechem" which means "womb" The mother protects her child inside her womb, since the child is part of her, yet also, separate from her. So therefore, the LORD wishes to protect us within the confines of his WORD. And wants HIS Word to be part of us, yet wandering away from HIS Word, is to go beyond his protection. (the "ch" in Hebrew is pronounced like an "h") So, be mindful of these days of "awe" yet we are free to "shoov" anytime, 24-7. God's heart is always open. Shalom.... Ben Avraham
  5. The month of "Elul" A time for self-examination, reflection, "Days of Awe" and time to ask ourselves "How is my relationship with God?" It's time to STOP, TURN AROUND, and RETURN to the LORD! The month of "Elul" started on the 18th of this month. Erev Shabbat. It is a time to think about God's mercy (Rachamim) his forgiveness, (Selichot) and grace (Chen). We are looking at and going through 40 days of "Awe" culminating on Yom Kippur, in the month of Tishrei (towards the end of September). We should ask ourselves these questions: Is my relationship with God on the "up and up?" Is my family relationship good? Is there secret sin in my life that I have not confessed? Have I gotten off the straight and narrow road and now I am in the thorn bushes? If I were to die right now, would the LORD welcome me with open arms with the words "Well done my faithful servant?" or would he have a paddle in his hand ready to tan my fanny about 1000 times? All these are questions we should ask ourselves including "Have I offended others and have not asked forgiveness?" We would probably have to answer yes to many of these questions. So, it is time for "Teshuvah" or "Shoov" which means "turn around, have a change of mind and go the other way" towards the LORD once again. "Elul" has 4 letters, both in Hebrew and in English. the number "4" can mean the 4 corners of the world. All inhabitants of the 4 corners of the world should take time now and reflect on their personal relationship with Adonai. The Hebrew gematria of "Elul" is 67. This is also the gematria of the word "Binah" (understanding). We need to "understand" that our relationship with the LORD is real and if we are lacking, we need to make amends and return to our first love. The word "Elul" also has the acronyms for the Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" If we are HIS beloved, then, if we have strayed away from the bridegroom, we need to come back. The number "67" in gematria can also be added up to "13" (6 + 7) This reminds us of the 13 attributes of Adonai, which include; mercy, forgiveness, and longsuffering grace. (Rachamim, Selichah, and Chen) (Exodus 34:6-7) According to the great sage Rambam, there are 4 steps to "returning" (Teshuvah) 1. realizing our error (sin) 2. abandon our sinful ways 3. Confession of our sin to God, or to the person we have offended, 4. Resolve not to repeat our sinful act. The woman caught in the act of adultery is a good example. (In the New Testament). Here are some good Bible verses to read during this time of "Elul" that speak of "returning;" Psalm 27; Deut 30:2; Jeremiah 3:12-15; Joel 2:13; Hosea 14:1; Zechariah 1:3; Nehemiah 1:9; Job 22:23; Isaiah 59:20;55:7 Here are some good Bible verses that speak on "mercy and grace" Proverbs 28:13; Psalm 145:8; Ephesians 2:4-5; Luke 6:36; Here is something interesting about the Hebrew word "Rachamim" (mercy, merciful) it comes from the root word "rechem" which means "womb" The mother protects her child inside her womb, since the child is part of her, yet also, separate from her. So therefore, the LORD wishes to protect us within the confines of his WORD. And wants HIS Word to be part of us, yet wandering away from HIS Word, is to go beyond his protection. (the "ch" in Hebrew is pronounced like an "h") So, be mindful of these days of "awe" yet we are free to "shoov" anytime, 24-7. God's heart is always open. Shalom.... Ben Avraham It's time to STOP, TURN AROUND, and COME DOWN from there little guy! Too steep a climb! (ME...in 1962, age 8)
  6. ISAIAH 54:11-55:5 “Navi Yeshayahu” (Prophet Isaiah) speaks as directed by the Holy Spirit, as a father who comforts his children, promising them blessings, but begins with “Unhappy, storm-tossed one”, meaning that Israel has been through a lot, deportation to Babylon, destruction of the temple, scattered throughout the nations of the world…YET…blessings, protection, etc. will follow for THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD. Yes, for THOSE who SERVE the LORD. Yes, we have to be on HIS side, part of HIS FAMILY, and walk in OBEDIENCE. Again, we can not get away from the "Blessing" or the "curse" which line up with the "Father-Son" or "Father-children" relationship. Just as a father will punish his children for wrong-doing, and the children might call it a "curse" going to their room without dinner, or taking TV, or video privileges away from them, taking the cell phone away (now THAT's a curse!) I mean, they think so. I grew up in the 1960s when cell phones were non-existent. Even the paddle or belt across the fanny. Yet, the father wants to teach their children lessons, to follow the "commandments" of the home, or else. While they are under Mom and Dad's rule, they need to obey because they are in a relationship. That's the key word; "relationship". Israel, and now all born-again believers are in a "relationship" with our Heavenly Father through Yeshua/Jesus. The relationship covenant was set down in blood, in Messiah's blood "HaDam Yeshua". Now that we are family members, we need to follow the rules to receive the "blessing" or ignore his commandments, and receive the "curse". Today it is no different than yesteryear. We are blessed by the "blessings" or suffer through "the curse" yet "salvation" is a fixed covenant already ours through Yeshua's blood. We are not saved by following the commandments, but rather by trusting in HIM who shed his blood for us all. ” Come, all who are thirsty, come for water….” (Chap 55) Yeshua mentions LIVING WATER (himself) on Hoshanah Raba (the eighth day of Sukkot) and also, to the woman of Samaria, this water is available to US ALL, if we just choose to drink of his WORD. If we have been distancing ourselves from the Living Water (Mayim Chayim) we need to "turn around and return" (shoov, Teshuvah) to the source. Thursday starts a 40-day period of "Awe" We are entering into the Hebrew month of "Elul" which is a "soul-searching" time of reflection on our personal relationship with God, culminating on "Yom Kippur" in the month of Tishrei. It's time to return to the LORD if we have strayed away. JOHN 9:1-10:42 This is the story of the healing of the blind man. Yeshua spat in the dust and make him “new eyes!” What a miracle, and why not? Are we not made from the dust of the earth (Adamah)? So Yeshua takes the same dust and adds his own spittle (a form of water) and now, the blind man washes in the “Pool of Siloach” (which means “sent”) So, we see this; a man who has a defect (blindness) meets Yeshua (The Living God) who made man from the dust of the earth, puts dust on the blind man’s eyes, add a bit of water, then “sends” the man to wash in the pool that means “Sent” and then, he sees! There are many who are blind spiritually, they cannot or don’t want, or will not “see” the truth. They see it, yet they don’t. The Bible is TRUTH yet many just see a book with stories in it, yet when the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind, then, they can now SEE! The difference between the “clean” and the “unclean” the “worldly” and “Holy”, “obedience” and “disobedience” before they were blind, and now they can see. We were all blind, yet now, we can see! Baruch HaShem! Have a blessed week, Ben Avraham
  7. ISAIAH 54:11-55:5 “Navi Yeshayahu” (Prophet Isaiah) speaks as directed by the Holy Spirit, as a father who comforts his children, promising them blessings, but begins with “Unhappy, storm-tossed one”, meaning that Israel has been through a lot, deportation to Babylon, destruction of the temple, scattered throughout the nations of the world…YET…blessings, protection, etc. will follow for THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD. Yes, for THOSE who SERVE the LORD. Yes, we have to be on HIS side, part of HIS FAMILY, and walk in OBEDIENCE. Again, we can not get away from the "Blessing" or the "curse" which line up with the "Father-Son" or "Father-children" relationship. Just as a father will punish his children for wrong-doing, and the children might call it a "curse" going to their room without dinner, or taking TV, or video privileges away from them, taking the cell phone away (now THAT's a curse!) I mean, they think so. I grew up in the 1960s when cell phones were non-existent. Even the paddle or belt across the fanny. Yet, the father wants to teach their children lessons, to follow the "commandments" of the home, or else. While they are under Mom and Dad's rule, they need to obey because they are in a relationship. That's the key word; "relationship". Israel, and now all born-again believers are in a "relationship" with our Heavenly Father through Yeshua/Jesus. The relationship covenant was set down in blood, in Messiah's blood "HaDam Yeshua". Now that we are family members, we need to follow the rules to receive the "blessing" or ignore his commandments, and receive the "curse". Today it is no different than yesteryear. We are blessed by the "blessings" or suffer through "the curse" yet "salvation" is a fixed covenant already ours through Yeshua's blood. We are not saved by following the commandments, but rather by trusting in HIM who shed his blood for us all. ” Come, all who are thirsty, come for water….” (Chap 55) Yeshua mentions LIVING WATER (himself) on Hoshanah Raba (the eighth day of Sukkot) and also, to the woman of Samaria, this water is available to US ALL, if we just choose to drink of his WORD. If we have been distancing ourselves from the Living Water (Mayim Chayim) we need to "turn around and return" (shoov, Teshuvah) to the source. Thursday starts a 40-day period of "Awe" We are entering into the Hebrew month of "Elul" which is a "soul-searching" time of reflection on our personal relationship with God, culminating on "Yom Kippur" in the month of Tishrei. It's time to return to the LORD if we have strayed away. JOHN 9:1-10:42 This is the story of the healing of the blind man. Yeshua spat in the dust and make him “new eyes!” What a miracle, and why not? Are we not made from the dust of the earth (Adamah)? So Yeshua takes the same dust and adds his own spittle (a form of water) and now, the blind man washes in the “Pool of Siloach” (which means “sent”) So, we see this; a man who has a defect (blindness) meets Yeshua (The Living God) who made man from the dust of the earth, puts dust on the blind man’s eyes, add a bit of water, then “sends” the man to wash in the pool that means “Sent” and then, he sees! There are many who are blind spiritually, they cannot or don’t want, or will not “see” the truth. They see it, yet they don’t. The Bible is TRUTH yet many just see a book with stories in it, yet when the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind, then, they can now SEE! The difference between the “clean” and the “unclean” the “worldly” and “Holy”, “obedience” and “disobedience” before they were blind, and now they can see. We were all blind, yet now, we can see! Baruch HaShem! Have a blessed week, Ben Avraham
  8. Parashah: “Re’eh” (see) DEUT: 11:26-16:17 Why are they "our choices?" Well, that's all we have in this world. The blessings and the curses, obedience or disobedience. We learn that at home from Mom and Dad. Disobey them and we might feel the belt across our fannies. Obey the law or we get arrested and go to jail. Are God's laws any different? I would say not. More so, because they come from a divine source. After this Parasha, we start the month of Elul, which is the month of soul searching and meditation on our relationship with Adonai. This year it starts on the 18th of August. It starts the 40 days of Awe which culminate with Yom Kippur in the month of Tishrei. We should ask these questions to ourselves; “where am I in my relationship with G-d?” Where have I fallen short? And how do I make things right again? Re’eh means “see” yet it is not so much “physical sight” but “insight” To be aware of following HaShem, his commandments, and our faith walk. It is also about “understanding” (Binah). So, this month of Elul is about “understanding” Adonai’s will for us, understanding more Torah, more of Yeshua. There is a relationship between the two words; “Elul” and “Binah” they both total “67” in Hebrew gematria. “6” is the number of man and “7” is God’s perfect number. Through Yeshua, Adonai looks upon us as “7”s, even though we are “6”s. Also, “Elul” (Alef, Lamed, Vav, Lamed) are the acronyms for the verse “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” in the Song of Solomon 6:3 “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li. Our heavenly Father loves us, because we belong to Him.” See” (Re’eh) this day I set before you a blessing and a curse” We wonder why YHVH did not say in the plural, “blessings and curses?” one could say perhaps “blessing” goes with “obedience” and “curse” with “disobedience” both words are also singular. One could also say that “all blessings” fall under “ONE BLESSING” (B’rakhah Echad) and all curses fall under ONE CURSE, “K’lalah Echad” the word “Echad” is ONE in UNITY, Elohim (who is unity) blesses all humanity (also Echad) that is in obedience to the WORD, and to the LIVING WORD. and also, the curse is also upon “All humanity” that does not obey and that walks in rebellion against Adonai. Well, that’s one way to look at it. This is a repetition of last week’s parashah, Moshe mentions this many times, and cannot stress it enough to his people. Even the pronoun “I” in “I set before you. is stressed in Hebrew “Anochi!” meaning “I MYSELF!!!!” (People, I am really serious!) Moshe states to his people; “you have not yet come into your rest” (12:9) Once they get into the promised land, and IF they obey the commands of Adonai, follow HIS precepts, and drive out all the pagan peoples, THEN, they will have their rest. Yet Israel did not obey all the commandments since they were still fighting against enemies and did not drive them all out. They never really came unto their “perfect rest” (Menuchah Tamim) The L-RD wanted a permanent rest for His people, yet because of disobedience, that was never accomplished. Adonai wants a “rest” for us all. The Hebrew word “Menuchah” if looked at from an ancient Hebraic point of view, could symbolize (by the paleo-Hebrew letters) “behold the living water who gives life through the nail) the letter “Chet” symbolizes a fence, a fence serves as an area of protection. We are protected and surrounded by HIS love, through the sacrifice of blood by our Messiah, who is the Living Water, who gives us life, through the nails that he received in his wrists. This gives us spiritual peace and rest, from a lifestyle of sin. It is interesting to also note that one of the towns where Yeshua ministered was “Capernaum” which, in Hebrew, is “Kaphar-Nachum” (Village of rest) 12:2 “You must destroy all the sites….” The pagan nations gathered together at different places to erect false gods and worship them, these must be destroyed! Today, we must walk away from false gods, put them behind us, and even, destroy them if necessary. If a TV has become a god to you, and you find yourself addicted to it, sell it, give it away, or destroy it. If money has become like a “god” to you, give some of it away to the poor and needy. Anything that comes before your love and worship of Adonai is considered a “false god” get rid of it! 12:13 speaks of burnt offerings, it is good to dedicate our meals to Adonai, we are blessed to be able to go to a store and buy chicken and beef already prepared. We must remember to thank YHVH for this food, ALL FOOD which means ALL that is mentioned in Leviticus 11, is for us to enjoy, now, verse 15 says, “The unclean and the clean alike may partake of it, as of the gazelle and the deer…” this is NOT talking about unclean and clean FOODS, it is talking about PEOPLE who are clean and unclean. Anyway, gazelles and deer are both clean animals, but I have never seen gazelle steaks in the supermarket, maybe in Africa they have them. It is saying that people who have diseases that render them “unclean” like lepers, may partake of this food, just like people who are disease free may, verse 22 mentions this again, “the unclean may it to together with the clean” (people). Another point to mention is that even though the gazelle and deer are clean animals to eat, they were not permitted as sacrificial animals. As we know, the animals permitted for sacrifices were bulls, sheep, goats, rams, and certain birds. Chap 13 deals with false prophets. These deceivers were NOT TOLERATED back then! Turning people away from the true worship of Adonai warranted a death sentence. Back then, God was dead serious about true worship and teaching the truth, and…HE STILL IS! We must all worship him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, when study the scriptures (Truth) we must do so in the ‘spirit” of joy and ask for wisdom. Chap 14 deals with the chosen kosher foods which YHVH has selected for all humanity, it is a repetition of Leviticus 11. However, man thinks he is smarter than God and has added stuff to His perfect menu, and the result is obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. We all know what foods have been added to the menu, I won’t go over them as that will produce a bunch of negative comments from readers. When people’s “food comfort zone” is threatened, it is very uncomfortable to “give up” those unclean meats, no matter how tasty they may be. Well, we all can either obey or disobey, the choice is ours. ” You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk” This verse has caused questions, and traditions, even unto separating meat and milk items, getting separate refrigerators, etc. All it is saying is this; (literally) if you have a female goat, and the mother goat is raising its kid, do not kill the kid, then milk the mother goat, and boil the kid in its mother’s milk. I mean, who would go out of the way to do that anyway? However, this might also have a deeper spiritual meaning. So, there is more than meets the eye and the basic understanding. ” meat” can symbolize the “flesh” and “milk” symbolize “life” it is the mother’s milk which maintains life to her young, yet “meat” once off the bone is dead! dead flesh! So, the connection is “our carnal flesh is sinful” yet the “milk of the WORD” (as said by Rav Shaul/Paul the Apostle) is what gives us LIFE. The Hebrew word for meat is “Basar” yet milk, in Hebrew, is “Chalav”. written with the same Hebrew letters, but with different vowels is “Chelev” which means “pleasure” and the three Hebrew letters “Chet, Lamed, and Beit, (CH L V) “LeiV” is also the word for “heart” so “milk” can be connected to “pleasure for the heart” and indeed, the sincere “MILK of the WORD of God is indeed, pleasure for the heart, while the things of the “flesh” (meat) are of the world. So, there is a separation of “meat and milk” symbolizing “things that give life, from things that produce death” This, of course, is not a literal separation, but spiritual and moral. (if literal, we shouldn’t eat Lasagna! Or cheeseburgers) Chapter 16 deals with “Yamim Kadoshim” the HOLY DAYS, the days that YHVH has separated for our observance and worship; PASSOVER, we remember the “Passover Lamb” who was Yeshua HaMashiach who gave his life for us all. The week of UNLEAVENED BREAD, when we put leavened bread away since leaven reminds us of SIN in our lives. SHAVUOT (Pentecost) when the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) came to earth to stay, and when the Torah was given to Israel on Har Sinai. SUKKOT the feast of booths, is a time of Thanksgiving, similar to the Thanksgiving of the pilgrims of Plymouth. When we thank God for abundant harvest, and for the coming of God to earth (as Yeshua) to walk among humankind, to teach Torah, heal, raise the dead, and die for our sins. Have you accepted HIM as your LORD and Savior? Shavua tov...Have a blessed week.
  9. Parashah: “Re’eh” (see) DEUT: 11:26-16:17 Why are they "our choices?" Well, that's all we have in this world. The blessings and the curses, obedience or disobedience. We learn that at home from Mom and Dad. Disobey them and we might feel the belt across our fannies. Obey the law or we get arrested and go to jail. Are God's laws any different? I would say not. More so, because they come from a divine source. After this Parasha, we start the month of Elul, which is the month of soul searching and meditation on our relationship with Adonai. This year it starts on the 18th of August. It starts the 40 days of Awe which culminate with Yom Kippur in the month of Tishrei. We should ask these questions to ourselves; “where am I in my relationship with G-d?” Where have I fallen short? And how do I make things right again? Re’eh means “see” yet it is not so much “physical sight” but “insight” To be aware of following HaShem, his commandments, and our faith walk. It is also about “understanding” (Binah). So, this month of Elul is about “understanding” Adonai’s will for us, understanding more Torah, more of Yeshua. There is a relationship between the two words; “Elul” and “Binah” they both total “67” in Hebrew gematria. “6” is the number of man and “7” is God’s perfect number. Through Yeshua, Adonai looks upon us as “7”s, even though we are “6”s. Also, “Elul” (Alef, Lamed, Vav, Lamed) are the acronyms for the verse “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” in the Song of Solomon 6:3 “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li. Our heavenly Father loves us, because we belong to Him.” See” (Re’eh) this day I set before you a blessing and a curse” We wonder why YHVH did not say in the plural, “blessings and curses?” one could say perhaps “blessing” goes with “obedience” and “curse” with “disobedience” both words are also singular. One could also say that “all blessings” fall under “ONE BLESSING” (B’rakhah Echad) and all curses fall under ONE CURSE, “K’lalah Echad” the word “Echad” is ONE in UNITY, Elohim (who is unity) blesses all humanity (also Echad) that is in obedience to the WORD, and to the LIVING WORD. and also, the curse is also upon “All humanity” that does not obey and that walks in rebellion against Adonai. Well, that’s one way to look at it. This is a repetition of last week’s parashah, Moshe mentions this many times, and cannot stress it enough to his people. Even the pronoun “I” in “I set before you. is stressed in Hebrew “Anochi!” meaning “I MYSELF!!!!” (People, I am really serious!) Moshe states to his people; “you have not yet come into your rest” (12:9) Once they get into the promised land, and IF they obey the commands of Adonai, follow HIS precepts, and drive out all the pagan peoples, THEN, they will have their rest. Yet Israel did not obey all the commandments since they were still fighting against enemies and did not drive them all out. They never really came unto their “perfect rest” (Menuchah Tamim) The L-RD wanted a permanent rest for His people, yet because of disobedience, that was never accomplished. Adonai wants a “rest” for us all. The Hebrew word “Menuchah” if looked at from an ancient Hebraic point of view, could symbolize (by the paleo-Hebrew letters) “behold the living water who gives life through the nail) the letter “Chet” symbolizes a fence, a fence serves as an area of protection. We are protected and surrounded by HIS love, through the sacrifice of blood by our Messiah, who is the Living Water, who gives us life, through the nails that he received in his wrists. This gives us spiritual peace and rest, from a lifestyle of sin. It is interesting to also note that one of the towns where Yeshua ministered was “Capernaum” which, in Hebrew, is “Kaphar-Nachum” (Village of rest) 12:2 “You must destroy all the sites….” The pagan nations gathered together at different places to erect false gods and worship them, these must be destroyed! Today, we must walk away from false gods, put them behind us, and even, destroy them if necessary. If a TV has become a god to you, and you find yourself addicted to it, sell it, give it away, or destroy it. If money has become like a “god” to you, give some of it away to the poor and needy. Anything that comes before your love and worship of Adonai is considered a “false god” get rid of it! 12:13 speaks of burnt offerings, it is good to dedicate our meals to Adonai, we are blessed to be able to go to a store and buy chicken and beef already prepared. We must remember to thank YHVH for this food, ALL FOOD which means ALL that is mentioned in Leviticus 11, is for us to enjoy, now, verse 15 says, “The unclean and the clean alike may partake of it, as of the gazelle and the deer…” this is NOT talking about unclean and clean FOODS, it is talking about PEOPLE who are clean and unclean. Anyway, gazelles and deer are both clean animals, but I have never seen gazelle steaks in the supermarket, maybe in Africa they have them. It is saying that people who have diseases that render them “unclean” like lepers, may partake of this food, just like people who are disease free may, verse 22 mentions this again, “the unclean may it to together with the clean” (people). Another point to mention is that even though the gazelle and deer are clean animals to eat, they were not permitted as sacrificial animals. As we know, the animals permitted for sacrifices were bulls, sheep, goats, rams, and certain birds. Chap 13 deals with false prophets. These deceivers were NOT TOLERATED back then! Turning people away from the true worship of Adonai warranted a death sentence. Back then, God was dead serious about true worship and teaching the truth, and…HE STILL IS! We must all worship him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, when study the scriptures (Truth) we must do so in the ‘spirit” of joy and ask for wisdom. Chap 14 deals with the chosen kosher foods which YHVH has selected for all humanity, it is a repetition of Leviticus 11. However, man thinks he is smarter than God and has added stuff to His perfect menu, and the result is obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. We all know what foods have been added to the menu, I won’t go over them as that will produce a bunch of negative comments from readers. When people’s “food comfort zone” is threatened, it is very uncomfortable to “give up” those unclean meats, no matter how tasty they may be. Well, we all can either obey or disobey, the choice is ours. ” You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk” This verse has caused questions, and traditions, even unto separating meat and milk items, getting separate refrigerators, etc. All it is saying is this; (literally) if you have a female goat, and the mother goat is raising its kid, do not kill the kid, then milk the mother goat, and boil the kid in its mother’s milk. I mean, who would go out of the way to do that anyway? However, this might also have a deeper spiritual meaning. So, there is more than meets the eye and the basic understanding. ” meat” can symbolize the “flesh” and “milk” symbolize “life” it is the mother’s milk which maintains life to her young, yet “meat” once off the bone is dead! dead flesh! So, the connection is “our carnal flesh is sinful” yet the “milk of the WORD” (as said by Rav Shaul/Paul the Apostle) is what gives us LIFE. The Hebrew word for meat is “Basar” yet milk, in Hebrew, is “Chalav”. written with the same Hebrew letters, but with different vowels is “Chelev” which means “pleasure” and the three Hebrew letters “Chet, Lamed, and Beit, (CH L V) “LeiV” is also the word for “heart” so “milk” can be connected to “pleasure for the heart” and indeed, the sincere “MILK of the WORD of God is indeed, pleasure for the heart, while the things of the “flesh” (meat) are of the world. So, there is a separation of “meat and milk” symbolizing “things that give life, from things that produce death” This, of course, is not a literal separation, but spiritual and moral. (if literal, we shouldn’t eat Lasagna! Or cheeseburgers) Chapter 16 deals with “Yamim Kadoshim” the HOLY DAYS, the days that YHVH has separated for our observance and worship; PASSOVER, we remember the “Passover Lamb” who was Yeshua HaMashiach who gave his life for us all. The week of UNLEAVENED BREAD, when we put leavened bread away since leaven reminds us of SIN in our lives. SHAVUOT (Pentecost) when the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) came to earth to stay, and when the Torah was given to Israel on Har Sinai. SUKKOT the feast of booths, is a time of Thanksgiving, similar to the Thanksgiving of the pilgrims of Plymouth. When we thank God for abundant harvest, and for the coming of God to earth (as Yeshua) to walk among humankind, to teach Torah, heal, raise the dead, and die for our sins. Have you accepted HIM as your LORD and Savior? Shavua tov...Have a blessed week. Brother "Tito" enjoying our time of Torah Study at his place (Colonia Las Colinas) "Hang on to your chair Tito, don't fall out" San Salvador, El Salvador
  10. ISAIAH 49:14-51:3 Israel cries out “The LORD hath forsaken me and forgotten me” but the prophet through the Holy Spirit assures the people, NO, the LORD has NOT forsaken you. There is a big difference between, “abandonment, forgetfulness, and chastisement”. The fact that YHVH has punished his people does not mean that He has abandoned Israel. When a father chastises his son or daughter, does that mean he no longer loves him or her? Does he cast them out of the house? Or say, “You are no longer my son or daughter?” No, of course not, Scripture tells us that a father who loves his children will discipline them. We can say the same with YHVH and “Am Israel” He loves his people, and so, HE will discipline them. Yes, he cast them out of the land, but in foreign lands, they continued to live and spread the teaching of the ONE GOD (Echad) who is Adonai-Elohim-Yeshuah. We are loved by our heavenly father, even when it hurts. God takes what seems to be sad and horrible experiences and turns them around to his Glory. Yes, the Children of Israel were "ousted" from their land because of disobedience, yet the surrounding nations were all pagan. Israel had an influence in those lands and the People of Israel were like "shining Stars" that "shone forth God's light" through the Torah. Some went North to the nations of Europe, and others went East and West, to North Africa and the Middle East. Others went South to the lands in Africa. That's why there are Jews in all nations of the world. Yet today, many Jews are returning to their land which was re-established as a nation in 1948. Yes, it is challenging, and I guess it is not for everyone, but many have made Israel their home. Let's stay within the parameters of God's WORD. As we obey our earthy fathers and mothers, so should we, and more so, our Heavenly Father, who has given us "Yeshuah" (Salvation) through "Yeshua" (play on words?) JOHN 7:1-8:59 Some are a bit confused when Yeshua says to his brothers, “You guys go up to Yerushalayim to Sukkot, I will not YET go up. He did NOT LIE, (as some critics try to say). He was planning to go up, but not at that time. Remember that the celebration of Sukkot (Tabernacles) is a 7-day celebration, culminating on the 8th day, “Hoshanah Raba” it is possible that his brothers and his talmidim went during the beginning of the festivities, and Yeshua waited until the end, the 8th day. It was on the 8th day that the priests brought up water from the pool of Siloam, and Yeshua took this opportunity to say to the people; “If anyone is thirsty, let him keep coming to me and drink, whoever puts his trust in me, as the scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his inmost being” We can remember the time when “B’nei Israel” (the children of Israel) were in the desert, and they got water from a ROCK. The ROCK symbolizes Yeshua, who is the ROCK of ages and the LIVING water. Water flowed from the rock so that the Israelites and the cattle could drink as much as they wanted. That ROCK (Selah) is still there to this day in North West Saudi Arabia, close to Mt. Sinai. The water that Yeshua talks about is our inner life through a renewed spirit, remember that He also told the woman of Samaria the same thing. It was to her that he revealed himself as the Messiah openly. So, when we read the WORD of God or listen to the WORD on the radio or on TV/YouTube, we are receiving “living water”. "Listen to" in Hebrew is "Shema" it includes letting what we listen to sink into our minds and hearts (through our eyes and hears) "Shamar" in Hebrew (keep and guard) and then "put into practice" through our good works (mitzvoth) Shalom. A mountaintop view of Apopa, (El Salvador) from the top of Mt. Sarten.
  11. ISAIAH 49:14-51:3 Israel cries out “The LORD hath forsaken me and forgotten me” but the prophet through the Holy Spirit assures the people, NO, the LORD has NOT forsaken you. There is a big difference between, “abandonment, forgetfulness, and chastisement”. The fact that YHVH has punished his people does not mean that He has abandoned Israel. When a father chastises his son or daughter, does that mean he no longer loves him or her? Does he cast them out of the house? Or say, “You are no longer my son or daughter?” No, of course not, Scripture tells us that a father who loves his children will discipline them. We can say the same with YHVH and “Am Israel” He loves his people, and so, HE will discipline them. Yes, he cast them out of the land, but in foreign lands, they continued to live and spread the teaching of the ONE GOD (Echad) who is Adonai-Elohim-Yeshuah. We are loved by our heavenly father, even when it hurts. God takes what seems to be sad and horrible experiences and turns them around to his Glory. Yes, the Children of Israel were "ousted" from their land because of disobedience, yet the surrounding nations were all pagan. Israel had an influence in those lands and the People of Israel were like "shining Stars" that "shone forth God's light" through the Torah. Some went North to the nations of Europe, and others went East and West, to North Africa and the Middle East. Others went South to the lands in Africa. That's why there are Jews in all nations of the world. Yet today, many Jews are returning to their land which was re-established as a nation in 1948. Yes, it is challenging, and I guess it is not for everyone, but many have made Israel their home. Let's stay within the parameters of God's WORD. As we obey our earthy fathers and mothers, so should we, and more so, our Heavenly Father, who has given us "Yeshuah" (Salvation) through "Yeshua" (play on words?) JOHN 7:1-8:59 Some are a bit confused when Yeshua says to his brothers, “You guys go up to Yerushalayim to Sukkot, I will not YET go up. He did NOT LIE, (as some critics try to say). He was planning to go up, but not at that time. Remember that the celebration of Sukkot (Tabernacles) is a 7-day celebration, culminating on the 8th day, “Hoshanah Raba” it is possible that his brothers and his talmidim went during the beginning of the festivities, and Yeshua waited until the end, the 8th day. It was on the 8th day that the priests brought up water from the pool of Siloam, and Yeshua took this opportunity to say to the people; “If anyone is thirsty, let him keep coming to me and drink, whoever puts his trust in me, as the scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his inmost being” We can remember the time when “B’nei Israel” (the children of Israel) were in the desert, and they got water from a ROCK. The ROCK symbolizes Yeshua, who is the ROCK of ages and the LIVING water. Water flowed from the rock so that the Israelites and the cattle could drink as much as they wanted. That ROCK (Selah) is still there to this day in North West Saudi Arabia, close to Mt. Sinai. The water that Yeshua talks about is our inner life through a renewed spirit, remember that He also told the woman of Samaria the same thing. It was to her that he revealed himself as the Messiah openly. So, when we read the WORD of God or listen to the WORD on the radio or on TV/YouTube, we are receiving “living water”. "Listen to" in Hebrew is "Shema" it includes letting what we listen to sink into our minds and hearts (through our eyes and hears) "Shamar" in Hebrew (keep and guard) and then "put into practice" through our good works (mitzvoth) Shalom A mountaintop view of a nearby city (Apopa) From the top of Mt. Sarten. (In El Salvador)
  12. PARASHAH: Ekev (as a result) DEUT: 7:12-11:25 “Now, O Israel, what does Adonai your Elohim ask of you? Only to fear Adonai your Elohim, walk in His Ways, Love Him, and Serve Him, with all of your heart and all of your soul” (10:12) I am jumping the gun a little bit, but just “How much do you love God?” is the question. We might say, “With all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!” Really? Seriously? Well, if you do, then you should be… or asking yourself the following; Following his commandments with all seriousness, (and there are a lot more than just 10.) Yet we know that not all 613 are for today. “His Ways” are “His Commandments” That is the reason behind Bible study. Making the Sabbath and Sundays the most important days of the week by getting together with God’s people and studying, not making any other plans, and being in church or the synagogue all day (if possible, but I doubt it). Not closing your wallet to give to the poor and needy. Do you speak positive words in one breath, and negative words in the other.? Remember, can a tree produce both good and bad fruit? No, not a biological tree, but a human tree can! And we do it every day, blessings and curses from the same mouth. Are you following God’s chosen diet for you in Leviticus 11? It is for your own good health and welfare. Are you saying “The Torah commandments are in the past, we don’t need to follow them anymore” then why don’t you go out and steal? Or take someone’s wife? Those commandments are in the Torah! The Torah/Law was not crucified on the Cross of Calvary, our sins WERE! The curse of sin and death WAS, because Yeshua bore it ALL. Would you risk your life for another life? Even for a street bum? Are material things very important in your life? Or too important? Would you risk losing them? Would you give them up to follow the Master? Do you let anger loose in your life? Or do you have it in check? Do you look forward to studying HIS word, even if it is not on the Sabbath or Sundays? There are many that say “I love God with all my heart” but the fruits don’t jive with the words. I am speaking to myself as well. It is just something to think about the next time you say; “I love God with all my heart” Now let’s get started with this Midrash entitled “Ekev” It starts out with "because" the word "Ekev" can also be translated as "heel". The name "Ya'akov" (Jacob) is almost the same, only "Jacob" has a "Yod." As we know, the "heel" is the back part of the foot. So, we can ask ourselves. Are we "walking" in the commandments, are we following Adonai in HIS footsteps, or are we "treading" upon them, walking on top of them? In this portion of the study. We see "cause and effect." "if" (cause) and "then" (effect). Any time we see a future tense of a verb, it is the "effect" of the "cause". In this case. the "cause" is "because" (Ekev). Moshe starts out reminding and giving “Am Israel” assurance that “because ye harken unto these ordinances and keep them, and do them…YHVH shall keep with thee the covenant…. He starts out on a positive note; however, we know that history reveals that Israel did NOT keep the covenant, but broke the covenant, and went after strange gods, idolatry, etc. Perhaps this was an incentive to obey, and they would reap the blessings of obedience…IF…they would obey. Many parts of this Parashah are a repetition of the words; “if” and “then”. We are talking about a conditional covenant. ALL covenants are conditional. The word “life” itself contains the word “if” right in the middle. We can sum up “life” as many “conditional experiences” depending on how we react to them; “if” we react in one way, “then” the result will follow, either negative or positive. Even the covenant of salvation which is for ALL mankind is “conditional” “If” we repent and accept Yeshua as our Redeemer and LORD, “Then” we will receive the gift of salvation which follows. Salvation is a gift for all mankind, yet we must receive it through a repentant and contrite heart, a willingness to turn “Shoov” and follow the Master. Our master is like our father who loves his children very much. The father promises his son that if the son would obey the rules of the house, do his homework on time, help take out the garbage, clean the bathroom, help mom with the dishes…THEN…the father would take the son camping during the summer. It is all about “rewards” for “obedience” Is this any different for us? I would say not. Rewards for obedience have nothing to do with our salvation experience. Our salvation is based on FAITH and FAITH ONLY, and not on our obedience to mitzvoth, yet obedience to the Torah comes as a result of our relationship with Yeshua HaMashiach. Even he said; “If you love me, obey my commandments. Yes, he gave some new ones unlike those written down by Moshe, who received them from G-d on Mt. Sinai. Yet even back then, Yeshua was with the Father during the giving of the Ten Commandments, and later, the rest of the 603 that were given during the 40-day period of being with God on Har Sinai. So, did Yeshua give us ALL the mitzvoth? I would have to say YES. More than once Moshe reminds the people to “follow and obey” the commandments, to “Hear” (Shema) the word “Shema” is related to “Shamar” which is to “guard”. So, to “Shema” the commandments of Adonai, is to “remember, observe, put into action, and guard, not only “hear and listen to”. We must always remember that obedience to the commandments of Adonai, the ones that can be observed literally today, has nothing to do with our salvation experience. We are saved, secure, forever, by the blood of Yeshua, by his once-only sacrifice. Obedience to the Torah commandments comes as a “result of” our family relationship with Adonai, as obedient children, we will “want to” do as our father tells us to do, for our own good, to be a Holy, set-apart people. An interesting verse is 8:1 “All the COMMANDMENT which I command thee this day shall yet observe to do, the ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land….” in the Hebrew it is “Kol ha Mitzvah” it is written in the singular and not in the plural! But shouldn’t it be “mitzvoth” (commandments)? One would think so, but it IS in the SINGULAR, but why? The sages’ comment that all the commandments can be summed up into ONE commandment; “Love YHVH thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might, and strength” and when we do love Adonai in this way, we will follow all the rest of the commandments, including loving our neighbor as ourselves. Chap 9:4…. Moshe reminds the people that it isn’t because they are a “righteous” nation that God is allowing Am Israel to move into the land Canaan, conquer the pagan inhabitants and take possession, rather it is because of those nations’ “unrighteousness” and “wickedness” that is the reason. Just like the time of the flood, the wicked world was destroyed and Noach and his family were saved, yet Noach had his problems too, his righteousness had flaws too, just like ALL of us. Our holiness is full of “holes”, and our salvation is because our God is a merciful God and he just chose to love us, just because HE is a LOVING and MERCIFUL GOD, and not that we deserve salvation. We can also state that the land of Canaan was being given to the Israelites because of the promise that YHVH made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob too. YHVH never breaks his promises. Chap 11, Moshe gives an order; “Therefore, thou shall love YHVH thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his ordinances and his commandments ALWAYS! Moshe cannot say this enough, like a father tells his children, “obey the rules, obey the rules, obey the rules” it is for their own good. Unfortunately, the admonition of obedience for many people goes in one ear and out the other. We can also see in various occasions that Moshe intercedes before “Am Yisrael” before Adonai. He reminds them of their sin with the golden calf, and how Adonai wanted to destroy Israel, and even Aaron, for permitting the people to do such a thing. Yet Moshe convinces Adonai to give Israel and Aaron another chance…and then another…and then…Could we go on? Does not that describe all of us? Moshe here is a type of Mashiach who intercedes for his people, as Yeshua intercedes on our behalf before the Father. We all continue to have a rebellious heart, many times walking in the flesh, disobeying His Mitzvoth, yet we have life, we are not struck down, He forgives our trespasses through Yeshua, whose blood paid for all of our sins, past, present, and future. We just have to have discipline and learn to walk in His commandments, trusting Him as Messiah and LORD. Trusting in HIM seals the covenant personally, walking in HIS commandments is a result of the first. Let us go forth with a renewed heart, and show our love to God, by learning and obeying his Torah, of course, we cannot be Torah observant 100%, but through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh, we can be obedient sons and daughters of Adonai El Elyon, and live a lifestyle that honors HIM. Have a blessed week, and remember to always walk in the footsteps of Messiah Yeshua. Ben Avraham "Afternoon shadows;" Guazapa, El Salvador. This is where we had our Sunday afternoon Bible study 8/6/23 (this can't be straightened out, so just turn your head to the side. Or lay your PC on its left side.)
  13. PARASHAH: Ekev (as a result) DEUT: 7:12-11:25 “Now, O Israel, what does Adonai your Elohim ask of you? Only to fear Adonai your Elohim, walk in His Ways, Love Him, and Serve Him, with all of your heart and all of your soul” (10:12) I am jumping the gun a little bit, but just “How much do you love God?” is the question. We might say, “With all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!” Really? Seriously? Well, if you do, then you should be… or asking yourself the following; Following his commandments with all seriousness, (and there are a lot more than just 10.) Yet we know that not all 613 are for today. “His Ways” are “His Commandments” That is the reason behind Bible study. Making the Sabbath and Sundays the most important days of the week by getting together with God’s people and studying, not making any other plans, and being in church or the synagogue all day (if possible, but I doubt it). Not closing your wallet to give to the poor and needy. Do you speak positive words in one breath, and negative words in the other.? Remember, can a tree produce both good and bad fruit? No, not a biological tree, but a human tree can! And we do it every day, blessings and curses from the same mouth. Are you following God’s chosen diet for you in Leviticus 11? It is for your own good health and welfare. Are you saying “The Torah commandments are in the past, we don’t need to follow them anymore” then why don’t you go out and steal? Or take someone’s wife? Those commandments are in the Torah! The Torah/Law was not crucified on the Cross of Calvary, our sins WERE! The curse of sin and death WAS, because Yeshua bore it ALL. Would you risk your life for another life? Even for a street bum? Are material things very important in your life? Or too important? Would you risk losing them? Would you give them up to follow the Master? Do you let anger loose in your life? Or do you have it in check? Do you look forward to studying HIS word, even if it is not on the Sabbath or Sundays? There are many that say “I love God with all my heart” but the fruits don’t jive with the words. I am speaking to myself as well. It is just something to think about the next time you say; “I love God with all my heart” Now let’s get started with this Midrash entitled “Ekev” It starts out with "because" the word "Ekev" can also be translated as "heel". The name "Ya'akov" (Jacob) is almost the same, only "Jacob" has a "Yod." As we know, the "heel" is the back part of the foot. So, we can ask ourselves. Are we "walking" in the commandments, are we following Adonai in HIS footsteps, or are we "treading" upon them, walking on top of them? In this portion of the study. We see "cause and effect." "if" (cause) and "then" (effect). Any time we see a future tense of a verb, it is the "effect" of the "cause". In this case. the "cause" is "because" (Ekev). Moshe starts out reminding and giving “Am Israel” assurance that “because ye harken unto these ordinances and keep them, and do them…YHVH shall keep with thee the covenant…. He starts out on a positive note; however, we know that history reveals that Israel did NOT keep the covenant, but broke the covenant, and went after strange gods, idolatry, etc. Perhaps this was an incentive to obey, and they would reap the blessings of obedience…IF…they would obey. Many parts of this Parashah are a repetition of the words; “if” and “then”. We are talking about a conditional covenant. ALL covenants are conditional. The word “life” itself contains the word “if” right in the middle. We can sum up “life” as many “conditional experiences” depending on how we react to them; “if” we react in one way, “then” the result will follow, either negative or positive. Even the covenant of salvation which is for ALL mankind is “conditional” “If” we repent and accept Yeshua as our Redeemer and LORD, “Then” we will receive the gift of salvation which follows. Salvation is a gift for all mankind, yet we must receive it through a repentant and contrite heart, a willingness to turn “Shoov” and follow the Master. Our master is like our father who loves his children very much. The father promises his son that if the son would obey the rules of the house, do his homework on time, help take out the garbage, clean the bathroom, help mom with the dishes…THEN…the father would take the son camping during the summer. It is all about “rewards” for “obedience” Is this any different for us? I would say not. Rewards for obedience have nothing to do with our salvation experience. Our salvation is based on FAITH and FAITH ONLY, and not on our obedience to mitzvoth, yet obedience to the Torah comes as a result of our relationship with Yeshua HaMashiach. Even he said; “If you love me, obey my commandments. Yes, he gave some new ones unlike those written down by Moshe, who received them from G-d on Mt. Sinai. Yet even back then, Yeshua was with the Father during the giving of the Ten Commandments, and later, the rest of the 603 that were given during the 40-day period of being with God on Har Sinai. So, did Yeshua give us ALL the mitzvoth? I would have to say YES. More than once Moshe reminds the people to “follow and obey” the commandments, to “Hear” (Shema) the word “Shema” is related to “Shamar” which is to “guard”. So, to “Shema” the commandments of Adonai, is to “remember, observe, put into action, and guard, not only “hear and listen to”. We must always remember that obedience to the commandments of Adonai, the ones that can be observed literally today, has nothing to do with our salvation experience. We are saved, secure, forever, by the blood of Yeshua, by his once-only sacrifice. Obedience to the Torah commandments comes as a “result of” our family relationship with Adonai, as obedient children, we will “want to” do as our father tells us to do, for our own good, to be a Holy, set-apart people. An interesting verse is 8:1 “All the COMMANDMENT which I command thee this day shall yet observe to do, the ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land….” in the Hebrew it is “Kol ha Mitzvah” it is written in the singular and not in the plural! But shouldn’t it be “mitzvoth” (commandments)? One would think so, but it IS in the SINGULAR, but why? The sages’ comment that all the commandments can be summed up into ONE commandment; “Love YHVH thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might, and strength” and when we do love Adonai in this way, we will follow all the rest of the commandments, including loving our neighbor as ourselves. Chap 9:4…. Moshe reminds the people that it isn’t because they are a “righteous” nation that God is allowing Am Israel to move into the land Canaan, conquer the pagan inhabitants and take possession, rather it is because of those nations’ “unrighteousness” and “wickedness” that is the reason. Just like the time of the flood, the wicked world was destroyed and Noach and his family were saved, yet Noach had his problems too, his righteousness had flaws too, just like ALL of us. Our holiness is full of “holes”, and our salvation is because our God is a merciful God and he just chose to love us, just because HE is a LOVING and MERCIFUL GOD, and not that we deserve salvation. We can also state that the land of Canaan was being given to the Israelites because of the promise that YHVH made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob too. YHVH never breaks his promises. Chap 11, Moshe gives an order; “Therefore, thou shall love YHVH thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his ordinances and his commandments ALWAYS! Moshe cannot say this enough, like a father tells his children, “obey the rules, obey the rules, obey the rules” it is for their own good. Unfortunately, the admonition of obedience for many people goes in one ear and out the other. We can also see in various occasions that Moshe intercedes before “Am Yisrael” before Adonai. He reminds them of their sin with the golden calf, and how Adonai wanted to destroy Israel, and even Aaron, for permitting the people to do such a thing. Yet Moshe convinces Adonai to give Israel and Aaron another chance…and then another…and then…Could we go on? Does not that describe all of us? Moshe here is a type of Mashiach who intercedes for his people, as Yeshua intercedes on our behalf before the Father. We all continue to have a rebellious heart, many times walking in the flesh, disobeying His Mitzvoth, yet we have life, we are not struck down, He forgives our trespasses through Yeshua, whose blood paid for all of our sins, past, present, and future. We just have to have discipline and learn to walk in His commandments, trusting Him as Messiah and LORD. Trusting in HIM seals the covenant personally, walking in HIS commandments is a result of the first. Let us go forth with a renewed heart, and show our love to God, by learning and obeying his Torah, of course, we cannot be Torah observant 100%, but through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh, we can be obedient sons and daughters of Adonai El Elyon, and live a lifestyle that honors HIM. Have a blessed week, and remember to always walk in the footsteps of Messiah Yeshua. Ben Avraham A corn farmer in Guazapa, El Salvador, also opens his house for Bible study on Sundays.
  14. ISAIAH 40:1-26 The prophet comforts Israel that their sins have been forgiven, and the punishment is over. YHVH again is compared to a father who must punish his children for sins and disobedience. The father will chastise, yet not forever. Darkness has passed and the light has come. “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of YHVVH, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Yochanan the Baptizer fulfilled these words. As we know, he prepared the way for Yeshua, his cousin, and his LORD, preparing people's hearts and minds “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young” (vs 11) Doesn’t this sound like our Savior and LORD? We are HIS flock and He feeds us with His WORD. His word guides us and leads us all. This reminds me of this week's Bible reading which starts at Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11. It mentions (8:3) "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the Mouth of God." and Yeshua quotes this in the New Testament. Yes, we need the physical bread, but the spiritual bread is just as important. Many people live the lifestyle of "living to eat" instead of "eating to live." Yes, physical food is important, healthy food, and "bread" is basic. "Bread" in Hebrew is "Lechem" If we look at this word through the ancient Hebraic symbolism, we would get; "Instruction and learning are within the fence for the multitudes" So, it all goes back to instruction through the WORD of God. He has sent shepherds to teach his word and to guide us. There are many “old sheep” and “young sheep” those that are young are young in the WORD, yet through the right guidance, the young will mature into older and wiser sheep. Yeshua tells Peter: "feed my sheep" and "feed my lambs" He was talking about older and younger believers. A lamb is a sheep under a year. We all start out as lambs yet progress into sheep. And, who knows, many of us will go from "sheep to shepherd" (it took me 10 years for that to happen). As a shepherd leads his sheep, we should pray: "Allow us LORD to be led by YOUR Word, and by your shepherds who have been sent by You to lead, guide, and teach ALL of your people. Amen” JOHN 6:1-71 This starts out “After these things…” What things one might ask? In the previous chapter, it talks about Yeshua going up to Yerushalayim after the feast of the Passover, and he healed a lame man at the pool of Siloam. Yes, he was criticized by many, as even many of his believers and followers were and still “are” criticized, made fun of, and even murdered, all in HIS name. “After these things, Yeshua went over the Sea of Galilee, which is of Tiberias. I have been to the city of Tiberias. In July, it is “Hot” very much so, but the Sea of Galilee is very refreshing, but watch out, there are a lot of fish that come by to nibble at your feet. This is where the crowd comes to hear Yeshua, he goes to a nearby mountain and has the people to sit down. The number was about 5000. Yeshua knew that the people were hungry, so, he turns to Philip and says; “Where shall we buy bread so that these may eat?” Didn’t he know? Yes, of course, He was just waiting for Philip’s response. Perhaps, He was waiting for an answer such as; “We can’t possibly buy so much bread, so…YOU feed them LORD!” but he didn’t say that. It was Andrew who came with the boy who had 5 loaves of barley bread and 2 fish. We need to know that first, the boy must have come forward to offer his lunch. Of course, the boy knew that 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish would not be enough for the whole crowd…BUT…with a little bit of faith…ANYTHING is possible. I mean, if Yeshua could heal the lame man, he could also feed this crowd. We have the offer, 5 pieces of bread and 2 fish. We have the blessing and thanks, Yeshua lifts the loaves and fishes, (probably found a basket to put them in) and then, the distribution. There was enough for ALL. With the faith of a little boy, the faith of a mustard seed, we see a “mountain” of pieces of bread and a whole bunch of fish. The result; 12 baskets full were left over. One wonders who got the baskets of bread and fish. Probably the boy, to redistribute the blessing to his family and friends. We look at the numbers, “5” and “2” “5” is the number of grace, and “2” is the number of a covenant. It also means "unity or division" It takes “2” entities or parties to make a covenant. Yeshua shows “grace” to the people, and "divides up" the bread and the fish. This is a blessing to this crowd, for the faith of a small boy” When we add 5 + 2 we get the perfect number “7” which is the number of God. Yeshua, who is the “bread of Life” who has made his followers “fishers of men” has made a covenant in heaven, His life and blood for our salvation. The Word of God is also the “Bread of Life” which comes from the Father for all of us to eat and digest. Let us all go forth and be “fishers of men (and women) to reach and teach them the Words of the Master so that ALL might have eternal life through HIM who died to set us free. have a week of perfect "Shalom" A piece of "countryside" in El Salvador (Apopa)
  15. Yes, I can agree with you on that. He sees into our minds and knows our inner motives.
  16. ISAIAH 40:1-26 The prophet comforts Israel that their sins have been forgiven, and the punishment is over. YHVH again is compared to a father who must punish his children for sins and disobedience. The father will chastise, yet not forever. Darkness has passed and the light has come. “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of YHVVH, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Yochanan the Baptizer fulfilled these words. As we know, he prepared the way for Yeshua, his cousin, and his LORD, preparing people's hearts and minds “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young” (vs 11) Doesn’t this sound like our Savior and LORD? We are HIS flock and He feeds us with His WORD. His word guides us and leads us all. This reminds me of this week's Bible reading which starts at Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11. It mentions (8:3) "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the Mouth of God." and Yeshua quotes this in the New Testament. Yes, we need the physical bread, but the spiritual bread is just as important. Many people live the lifestyle of "living to eat" instead of "eating to live." Yes, physical food is important, healthy food, and "bread" is basic. "Bread" in Hebrew is "Lechem" If we look at this word through the ancient Hebraic symbolism, we would get; "Instruction and learning are within the fence for the multitudes" So, it all goes back to instruction through the WORD of God. He has sent shepherds to teach his word and to guide us. There are many “old sheep” and “young sheep” those that are young are young in the WORD, yet through the right guidance, the young will mature into older and wiser sheep. Yeshua tells Peter: "feed my sheep" and "feed my lambs" He was talking about older and younger believers. A lamb is a sheep under a year. We all start out as lambs yet progress into sheep. And, who knows, many of us will go from "sheep to shepherd" (it took me 10 years for that to happen). As a shepherd leads his sheep, we should pray: "Allow us LORD to be led by YOUR Word, and by your shepherds who have been sent by You to lead, guide, and teach ALL of your people. Amen” JOHN 6:1-71 This starts out “After these things…” What things one might ask? In the previous chapter, it talks about Yeshua going up to Yerushalayim after the feast of the Passover, and he healed a lame man at the pool of Siloam. Yes, he was criticized by many, as even many of his believers and followers were and still “are” criticized, made fun of, and even murdered, all in HIS name. “After these things, Yeshua went over the Sea of Galilee, which is of Tiberias. I have been to the city of Tiberias. In July, it is “Hot” very much so, but the Sea of Galilee is very refreshing, but watch out, there are a lot of fish that come by to nibble at your feet. This is where the crowd comes to hear Yeshua, he goes to a nearby mountain and has the people to sit down. The number was about 5000. Yeshua knew that the people were hungry, so, he turns to Philip and says; “Where shall we buy bread so that these may eat?” Didn’t he know? Yes, of course, He was just waiting for Philip’s response. Perhaps, He was waiting for an answer such as; “We can’t possibly buy so much bread, so…YOU feed them LORD!” but he didn’t say that. It was Andrew who came with the boy who had 5 loaves of barley bread and 2 fish. We need to know that first, the boy must have come forward to offer his lunch. Of course, the boy knew that 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish would not be enough for the whole crowd…BUT…with a little bit of faith…ANYTHING is possible. I mean, if Yeshua could heal the lame man, he could also feed this crowd. We have the offer, 5 pieces of bread and 2 fish. We have the blessing and thanks, Yeshua lifts the loaves and fishes, (probably found a basket to put them in) and then, the distribution. There was enough for ALL. With the faith of a little boy, the faith of a mustard seed, we see a “mountain” of pieces of bread and a whole bunch of fish. The result; 12 baskets full were left over. One wonders who got the baskets of bread and fish. Probably the boy, to redistribute the blessing to his family and friends. We look at the numbers, “5” and “2” “5” is the number of grace, and “2” is the number of a covenant. It also means "unity or division" It takes “2” entities or parties to make a covenant. Yeshua shows “grace” to the people, and "divides up" the bread and the fish. This is a blessing to this crowd, for the faith of a small boy” When we add 5 + 2 we get the perfect number “7” which is the number of God. Yeshua, who is the “bread of Life” who has made his followers “fishers of men” has made a covenant in heaven, His life and blood for our salvation. The Word of God is also the “Bread of Life” which comes from the Father for all of us to eat and digest. Let us all go forth and be “fishers of men (and women) to reach and teach them the Words of the Master so that ALL might have eternal life through HIM who died to set us free. have a week of perfect "Shalom" A look into the distance from a mountain top (near Apopa, El Salvador)
  17. PARASHAH; “V’et’ Chanan” (and I pleaded); DEUT 3:23-7:11 We get angry or might lose faith when God answers NO, at times. Yet, all of his answers to prayer, requests, and pleadings, are for our own good, whether we understand them or not. We have to trust in HIM still. Moshe continues to retell the experiences of his life to “Am Israel” as the end of his life is nearing, He is like a father on his deathbed and causes all of his children to come near and listen to their father’s experiences, or rather “all” of their experiences “V’et ‘Chanan l’Adonai” begins Moshe, “I pleaded to YHVH…” on the account of entering into the promised land. As we remember, Moshe in anger and had struck the “Rock” (Selah), and yet, water still came forth because of the mercy of Adonai, yet now Moshe pleads for mercy, the word “chanun” is a form of the Hebrew “mercy”. One Israeli singer has a song which is; “Avi Chanun” (My father who is merciful). So, Moshe in a way is saying, “I plead for mercy to Adonai” let me see the promised land. Yet the answer of Adonai was still “No” (Speak no more of this matter). He said: "Rav Le'kha" (it is too much for you). We can understand that God answers ALL prayers. His answers, though, might not be the answers we expect. His answers are; "Yes", "No" or "Later on". By the words "Rav Lekha" God may be saying "Moses, you have done enough. 80 years with these people through thick and thin. Let someone else take over. Yehoshua is your second in command. He can lead them into the Promised Land. It is time for you to come home, my dear servant." And rightly so, the name "Yehoshua (Joshua) is the long form for "Yeshua" (Jesus) He represents our LORD and Savior, who will bring US into the 'PROMISED LAND' The "New Jerusalem" to partake of our final "Shalom." We are all destined for an “x” amount of years on this earth, who knows if, through actions we do, might “speed up” that time, or even “prolong” the time? King Hezekiah pleaded for more years of life, and he was granted the years, however, during those extra years, there was born to him “Manasseh” who proved to be one of the worst kings in Israel. Should Hezekiah have asked for those extra years? We should take advantage of the years that God is giving to us on this planet called “earth” and make the best of them. If He has called us into ministry, let us perform that which He has called us to do to the best of our ability, doing it unto HIM who is the author of life, and when he calls for us, we will go, without complaining, or ask for “more years” In this Parashah, we see the review of the Ten Commandments. What are these all about? They formed the “Ketubah” the contract between Elohim and Israel. They were given on Har Sinai, directly to the Israelites by HaShem himself, the rest of the 603 mitzvoth were given to Moshe who relayed them to the people, still, they ALL came from Adonai. (4) “Now, therefore, harken O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them” Moshe was the teacher, taking all that the “Master” charged him to teach, and not “adding to” nor “diminishing” anything, teaching all the details, the “fine print” sort of to say. Teachers of God’s Word, have a unique calling, it is their life, it is their passion, and they will not rest until they accomplish what they have set off to do. I AM the LORD thy God: “Anochi Adonai Eloheicha” He is emphasizing “I AM” (I MYSELF AM) “Anochi” a very important statement, telling his people, that is was HE who brought them out of Egypt, and out of slavery. Two very important things, therefore, He has every right to be their God, and He has every right to be OUR God, since He has taken us out of the “World of Sin” (Egypt) and out from “Spiritual slavery” “THOU shall not have any other gods before me” Since pagan worship was the norm of Egypt, worshiping and bowing down to false “elohim” this was a reminder to Israel that YHVH is different, He is NOT like the false deities of Egypt, He is UNIQUE (Yachid) and He is ONE (Echad). But when people over-emphasize jobs and work, making money, sports, etc.… making them more important than our worship and attention towards Adonai, those “things” become “other gods” Yes, Adonai is a “Jealous” and “Zealous” God! (El Kanah) and has every right to be so. “THOU SHALT NOT take the name of YHVH thy God in vain” What is that? It is using our LORD’s holy name in unholy ways, in unholy conversations, making promises using God’s name, like “I swear to God that I’ll…” and then, not fulfilling those promises. We should use HIS HOLY NAME in worship and praise only. “KEEP (guard) the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy” Where are we on the sabbath day? We should be in God’s House to worship, praise, and learn from his word through teachers of the Word. It is a time of rest, and relaxation, a time for family to get together and worship the LORD, even for the housewives, turn off the ovens and husbands, take them out to eat, or just whip up some sandwiches. Enjoy the Sabbath day, it is the LORD’s to rejoice and relax in. The Sabbath day has always been Saturday, it was never changed to Sunday (this will probably create some comments). But EVERY day of the week is a time to study God’s Word and praise Him for all of his blessings. “HONOR Thy Father and Thy Mother” this goes without explanation. I think it is common sense for children to honor and obey their parents, for they are the ones who raise them up. Yet the Fathers and Mothers have a GREAT responsibility, to raise them in the knowledge of God and his word. If not, then, they will be responsible for possible “rebels” later one in life. “THOU shalt not kill; THOU shalt not commit adultery; THOU shalt not steal”. Ever wonder why these are listed together? Example, if one commits adultery, takes the wife of another in sex, that person is “killing” that relationship and is “stealing” what does not belong to him. The word “Kill” means “murder” taking an innocent life, it does NOT refer to self-defense or soldiers fighting in a war. There are many ways of “stealing” some rabbis say that “all sins” are a form of “stealing” not just taking money, coming back late from lunch break is “stealing” time from your employer, telling a lie is “stealing” the confidence one might have had in you, and it is “murdering” that trust. “THOU shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” being truthful to someone is very important, and not telling the whole truth, is in fact, telling a lie, and being false to someone who is close to you, again, it is “stealing trust” and “murdering a relationship” through being “false”. ‘THOU shalt not covet” If Adonai wants you to have what your neighbor has, He will give it to you. We should be content with the much or the little we have, anyway, when we die, ALL will be left behind. So, no need to covet, it just brings about headaches. (6) This chapter has the “Shema” one of the most important verses in the Torah; “Shema Israel, YHVH Eloheinu, YHVH Echad” “Shema” (Listen to and heed/do/obey) “Yisrael” we are part of HIS people. It started out as 12 tribes, sons of Jacob, then it included those Egyptians who chose to follow Moshe out of Egypt. Adonai did not reject them just because they were Egyptians, they also became part of the nation, through “adoption”. In the beginning, America consisted of only the indigenous tribes that came from Asia during the Ice Age, but later, European peoples came as immigrants and settlers, when it became a nation in 1776, the United States of America consisted of ALL peoples who were living in the land. The 12 tribes of Israel became a great “Adat” (congregation, community) now consisting of all believers in Yeshua. we have been adopted into HIS Chosen family through Yeshua HaMashiach, it pertains to ALL believers. Adonai is OUR GOD since we are FAMILY, and He is ONE in Unity (Father, Son, Spirit “Echad” the word for “Adonai Eloheinu” consists of the most sacred letters YHVH, in the ancient Hebrew, those letters symbolize “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. So, if we looked at the words “YHVH Eloheinu” from an ancient Hebraic position, we could read; “Behold the hand, Behold the nail, who is G-d that instructs (us) and leads us to (eternal) life through the nail that (penetrated) the hand” I guess that is one way one could look at it. The word “Elohim” has three meanings; One is the Tri-unity of G-d, yet if we spell it “elohim” with a small “e” in English, then it means “gods” in the plural (usually false gods) yet it also means “ambassadors” or “representatives” of “Adonai-Elohim” Remember that Yeshua, when He addressed the Prushim (Pharisees) said, “No ye not that ye are gods?” (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6) “You shall love…” (vs 5) Yes, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This includes “teaching” His word to our children, at all times, to others who have the ears and willingness to listen Be the person in our house, Be the person “walking with us on the “way” at bedtime and in morning time, the time for God’s Word and teaching it is at ALL TIMES, provided of course that the other person wished to hear it. God’s Word is to be shared and taught, NEVER to be forced upon another! Binding upon the hands and frontlets between our eyes, using Tefillin are symbolic in that God’s Word is to be in our minds and put into action using our hands, in performing mitzvoth (good works) Writing them and putting God’s Word on our doorposts and gates using “mezuzot” is symbolic to let people know that “living here is a family who honors God and His Word” Even though this is a Jewish practice, It can be a practice for ALL believers. Moses reminds the people, again and again, to “Keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and his testimonies and statutes” in many verses. Just keep in mind that “keeping the commandments does not “save a soul” Salvation comes only from accepting Yeshua (Jesus) as LORD and Savior, and ONLY YESHUA saves a person from eternal condemnation. Obedience to the commandments comes “after” as a sign that we are now part of HIS family, and we now have new desires to follow HIM in HIS ways. There is “Yeshuah Kadosh” (Righteous Salvation) and “Mitzvoth Kadoshim” (righteous works) both are separate yet both go together. The latter is a result of the first. As we live out our lives on this earth, for a season, let us not forget HIS commandments. Let us walk our walk of faith combined with the commandments, which is a perfect mixture and essential to our spiritual health. Have a blessed week. Sunlight through palm leaves. San Luis Talpa, El Salvador
  18. PARASHAH; “V’et’ Chanan” (and I pleaded); DEUT 3:23-7:11 We get angry or might lose faith when God answers NO, at times. Yet, all of his answers to prayer, requests, and pleadings, are for our own good, whether we understand them or not. We have to trust in HIM still. Moshe continues to retell the experiences of his life to “Am Israel” as the end of his life is nearing, He is like a father on his deathbed and causes all of his children to come near and listen to their father’s experiences, or rather “all” of their experiences “V’et ‘Chanan l’Adonai” begins Moshe, “I pleaded to YHVH…” on the account of entering into the promised land. As we remember, Moshe in anger and had struck the “Rock” (Selah), and yet, water still came forth because of the mercy of Adonai, yet now Moshe pleads for mercy, the word “chanun” is a form of the Hebrew “mercy”. One Israeli singer has a song which is; “Avi Chanun” (My father who is merciful). So, Moshe in a way is saying, “I plead for mercy to Adonai” let me see the promised land. Yet the answer of Adonai was still “No” (Speak no more of this matter). He said: "Rav Le'kha" (it is too much for you). We can understand that God answers ALL prayers. His answers, though, might not be the answers we expect. His answers are; "Yes", "No" or "Later on". By the words "Rav Lekha" God may be saying "Moses, you have done enough. 80 years with these people through thick and thin. Let someone else take over. Yehoshua is your second in command. He can lead them into the Promised Land. It is time for you to come home, my dear servant." And rightly so, the name "Yehoshua (Joshua) is the long form for "Yeshua" (Jesus) He represents our LORD and Savior, who will bring US into the 'PROMISED LAND' The "New Jerusalem" to partake of our final "Shalom." We are all destined for an “x” amount of years on this earth, who knows if, through actions we do, might “speed up” that time, or even “prolong” the time? King Hezekiah pleaded for more years of life, and he was granted the years, however, during those extra years, there was born to him “Manasseh” who proved to be one of the worst kings in Israel. Should Hezekiah have asked for those extra years? We should take advantage of the years that God is giving to us on this planet called “earth” and make the best of them. If He has called us into ministry, let us perform that which He has called us to do to the best of our ability, doing it unto HIM who is the author of life, and when he calls for us, we will go, without complaining, or ask for “more years” In this Parashah, we see the review of the Ten Commandments. What are these all about? They formed the “Ketubah” the contract between Elohim and Israel. They were given on Har Sinai, directly to the Israelites by HaShem himself, the rest of the 603 mitzvoth were given to Moshe who relayed them to the people, still, they ALL came from Adonai. (4) “Now, therefore, harken O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them” Moshe was the teacher, taking all that the “Master” charged him to teach, and not “adding to” nor “diminishing” anything, teaching all the details, the “fine print” sort of to say. Teachers of God’s Word, have a unique calling, it is their life, it is their passion, and they will not rest until they accomplish what they have set off to do. I AM the LORD thy God: “Anochi Adonai Eloheicha” He is emphasizing “I AM” (I MYSELF AM) “Anochi” a very important statement, telling his people, that is was HE who brought them out of Egypt, and out of slavery. Two very important things, therefore, He has every right to be their God, and He has every right to be OUR God, since He has taken us out of the “World of Sin” (Egypt) and out from “Spiritual slavery” “THOU shall not have any other gods before me” Since pagan worship was the norm of Egypt, worshiping and bowing down to false “elohim” this was a reminder to Israel that YHVH is different, He is NOT like the false deities of Egypt, He is UNIQUE (Yachid) and He is ONE (Echad). But when people over-emphasize jobs and work, making money, sports, etc.… making them more important than our worship and attention towards Adonai, those “things” become “other gods” Yes, Adonai is a “Jealous” and “Zealous” God! (El Kanah) and has every right to be so. “THOU SHALT NOT take the name of YHVH thy God in vain” What is that? It is using our LORD’s holy name in unholy ways, in unholy conversations, making promises using God’s name, like “I swear to God that I’ll…” and then, not fulfilling those promises. We should use HIS HOLY NAME in worship and praise only. “KEEP (guard) the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy” Where are we on the sabbath day? We should be in God’s House to worship, praise, and learn from his word through teachers of the Word. It is a time of rest, and relaxation, a time for family to get together and worship the LORD, even for the housewives, turn off the ovens and husbands, take them out to eat, or just whip up some sandwiches. Enjoy the Sabbath day, it is the LORD’s to rejoice and relax in. The Sabbath day has always been Saturday, it was never changed to Sunday (this will probably create some comments). But EVERY day of the week is a time to study God’s Word and praise Him for all of his blessings. “HONOR Thy Father and Thy Mother” this goes without explanation. I think it is common sense for children to honor and obey their parents, for they are the ones who raise them up. Yet the Fathers and Mothers have a GREAT responsibility, to raise them in the knowledge of God and his word. If not, then, they will be responsible for possible “rebels” later one in life. “THOU shalt not kill; THOU shalt not commit adultery; THOU shalt not steal”. Ever wonder why these are listed together? Example, if one commits adultery, takes the wife of another in sex, that person is “killing” that relationship and is “stealing” what does not belong to him. The word “Kill” means “murder” taking an innocent life, it does NOT refer to self-defense or soldiers fighting in a war. There are many ways of “stealing” some rabbis say that “all sins” are a form of “stealing” not just taking money, coming back late from lunch break is “stealing” time from your employer, telling a lie is “stealing” the confidence one might have had in you, and it is “murdering” that trust. “THOU shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” being truthful to someone is very important, and not telling the whole truth, is in fact, telling a lie, and being false to someone who is close to you, again, it is “stealing trust” and “murdering a relationship” through being “false”. ‘THOU shalt not covet” If Adonai wants you to have what your neighbor has, He will give it to you. We should be content with the much or the little we have, anyway, when we die, ALL will be left behind. So, no need to covet, it just brings about headaches. (6) This chapter has the “Shema” one of the most important verses in the Torah; “Shema Israel, YHVH Eloheinu, YHVH Echad” “Shema” (Listen to and heed/do/obey) “Yisrael” we are part of HIS people. It started out as 12 tribes, sons of Jacob, then it included those Egyptians who chose to follow Moshe out of Egypt. Adonai did not reject them just because they were Egyptians, they also became part of the nation, through “adoption”. In the beginning, America consisted of only the indigenous tribes that came from Asia during the Ice Age, but later, European peoples came as immigrants and settlers, when it became a nation in 1776, the United States of America consisted of ALL peoples who were living in the land. The 12 tribes of Israel became a great “Adat” (congregation, community) now consisting of all believers in Yeshua. we have been adopted into HIS Chosen family through Yeshua HaMashiach, it pertains to ALL believers. Adonai is OUR GOD since we are FAMILY, and He is ONE in Unity (Father, Son, Spirit “Echad” the word for “Adonai Eloheinu” consists of the most sacred letters YHVH, in the ancient Hebrew, those letters symbolize “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. So, if we looked at the words “YHVH Eloheinu” from an ancient Hebraic position, we could read; “Behold the hand, Behold the nail, who is G-d that instructs (us) and leads us to (eternal) life through the nail that (penetrated) the hand” I guess that is one way one could look at it. The word “Elohim” has three meanings; One is the Tri-unity of G-d, yet if we spell it “elohim” with a small “e” in English, then it means “gods” in the plural (usually false gods) yet it also means “ambassadors” or “representatives” of “Adonai-Elohim” Remember that Yeshua, when He addressed the Prushim (Pharisees) said, “No ye not that ye are gods?” (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6) “You shall love…” (vs 5) Yes, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This includes “teaching” His word to our children, at all times, to others who have the ears and willingness to listen Be the person in our house, Be the person “walking with us on the “way” at bedtime and in morning time, the time for God’s Word and teaching it is at ALL TIMES, provided of course that the other person wished to hear it. God’s Word is to be shared and taught, NEVER to be forced upon another! Binding upon the hands and frontlets between our eyes, using Tefillin are symbolic in that God’s Word is to be in our minds and put into action using our hands, in performing mitzvoth (good works) Writing them and putting God’s Word on our doorposts and gates using “mezuzot” is symbolic to let people know that “living here is a family who honors God and His Word” Even though this is a Jewish practice, It can be a practice for ALL believers. Moses reminds the people, again and again, to “Keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and his testimonies and statutes” in many verses. Just keep in mind that “keeping the commandments does not “save a soul” Salvation comes only from accepting Yeshua (Jesus) as LORD and Savior, and ONLY YESHUA saves a person from eternal condemnation. Obedience to the commandments comes “after” as a sign that we are now part of HIS family, and we now have new desires to follow HIM in HIS ways. There is “Yeshuah Kadosh” (Righteous Salvation) and “Mitzvoth Kadoshim” (righteous works) both are separate yet both go together. The latter is a result of the first. As we live out our lives on this earth, for a season, let us not forget HIS commandments. Let us walk our walk of faith combined with the commandments, which is a perfect mixture and essential to our spiritual health. Have a blessed week. Following the footprints in the sand on a tropical beach (San Luis Talpa, El Salvador)
  19. ISAIAH 1:1-27 The prophet has a difficult calling, he tells Israel of their unfaithfulness, sinfulness, how they wander away from God, and Adonai has to put up with the sacrifices, celebration of “new Moons” the High Holy Days. Etc. not that there is anything bad in celebrating them, BUT…. when these are done in the “flesh” and not with the heart, and because these are “things that you just have to do” then, God wants NONE OF THESE! Many people that adhere to “religion” go through “rites and traditions” just because they are used to “doing them” this in no way pleases Adonai, HOWEVER…when we do things with a pure heart, and with a spirit of “worship and praise” then…Adonai welcomes it. The LORD says through the prophet; Come now, let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool… IF…ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” It is all CONDITIONAL! Yes, he says he has a "remnant" a few who are following. Like the Marines; "A few good men" Adonai, has a "few good followers who have not corrupted themselves. We need to be that remnant. We have the same choice, IF we choose to love and follow the LORD, by accepting HIM as LORD and Savior, then follow and do his commandments, following in his footsteps, THEN… we will reap the rewards, first is eternal life in Heaven. Remembering that salvation does not come by performing the commandments, it comes through faith in Yeshua/Jesus, the RESULT is, to follow HIS commandments. Second will be spiritual blessings and perhaps even physical blessings while we are on earth, and even more, in Heaven. Again, the choice is ours to take. JOHN 4:1-5:47 This tells the story of the woman of Samaria, who comes to the well to draw water, and she receives even a better blessing. She gets her water and even more, the “Living Water” She meets her “Messiah”. It is very interesting that she is the first person who Yeshua reveals himself as Messiah to, without riddles, just in plain words; The woman said; “I know that the Messiah is coming, and when he comes, he will teach us all things” (John 4:25. Yeshua responds saying; “I AM the one who speaks to you” in Aramaic it’s “Enah-na damalel na amehee” as this was the common language of the street then. Or one could rephrase and say, “It is I, (the Messiah) who speaks to you” Remember that a well symbolizes life, since there is water in a well. Yet an empty well, can symbolize death. No water, no life. If you fall into an empty well, how do you get out? No doubt she had a life changing experience, she went to tell the others about Yeshua. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do? Receive Yeshua as LORD and Savior, then, go tell the world, go and teach others to respond to the calling of Adonai in their lives. Is HE part of YOUR LIFE? Just a nice place to sit, relax, think, eat, and swim. (San Luis Talpa, El Salvador)
  20. Parashot: “D’varim” (Words) DEUTERONOMY 1:1-3:22 We start the final book of the original 5 books of the Torah, in which Moshe wrote down all the statutes, commandments, precepts, details, etc. that Adonai dictated to him to write. We must remember that Am Israel received the first 10 commandments directly from the mouth of Adonai, written down in stone, and given to the people, as a form of “Ketubah” or “marriage contract. Later, Adonai called Moshe back up to the mountain and there, dictated the rest of the Torah, the rest of the 603 commandments which he wrote down on the scrolls. The word "Deuteronomy" comes from the Greek; "Deutero" which sounds like "duo" or "two" and "Nomos" which means "law" or "Torah". So, Deuteronomy, or Devarim is the "Second telling of the Torah" The Torah contains all the commandments. 603 were written down by Moshe, yet dictated by Adonai, and 10 were dictated and written by YHVH himself. All in all, we must conclude that ALL the TORAH comes from YHVH, whether directly or indirectly written. This book of Deuteronomy is the last. Moshe began writing it, and it was probably finished by Yehoshuah (Joshua) or another leader. The book relates the travels and experiences that “Am Yisrael” took and went through in 40 years’ time. Moshe retells the experience somewhat as a father would relate to his son. Let’s say that father and son travel across the USA for 6 months, then, perhaps 10 years later, the father would remind the son of their trip by remembering their “experiences” “Remember son, the time when we were traveling through Texas and, well, you insisted in exploring that abandoned house, even when I said it would NOT be a good idea…….” And...the time my own father told me; "Jimmy, stay away from the wasp nest" but Jimmy went close anyway, and Jimmy got stung" (This really happened, I think in 1961 or 62) And dad said; "I told you!" The father tells both the good experiences and the bad experiences, the times when the son obeyed and the times when the son disobeyed. Moshe is doing the same thing. This is similar to last week’s parashah “Masei” (journeys) in which Moshe relates the journeys of Israel. He reminds the Israelites (The second generation) of the failure to trust in the LORD, when 10 of the 12 spies returned with a negative report, from scouting out Canaan (The first generation. Now, the first generation has been buried). Perhaps he is saying; "Don't do as your fathers did!" "Trust in the LORD! He will provide and protect." The second generation also came out of Egypt, but they were under 20 years old then. An interesting midrash is the difference and similarity between two words; “D’varim” (words) and “D’vorim” (bees) One could say that the words that Moshe spoke to the Israelites were like the “stings of bees” and after giving this message, a little later on, Moshe went up Mt. Pisgah a died, just like when a bee stings, it leaves the stinger in the victim and dies. What can we learn from the beginning of D’varim? Are we mature enough to receive rebuke? From elders? From others who are in authority? When a believer or even a non-believer is rebuked, it is for his or her own good, either to bring that person to the knowledge of Messiah Yeshua or to turn that person from error to walk in harmony with the Torah. Moshe tells the people the words of Adonai: “YHVH your Elohim spoke to us in Horeb saying “You have dwelt long enough in this mountain…turn you and take your journey…. (1:6) It seems that the people of Israel were in their “comfort zone”. They were at Mt. Horeb. Perhaps they wanted to stay right there, yet it was NOT the promised land. It was where they received the Torah, it was where they received instruction, but now they have to go to where Adonai wanted them to be. It's like being part of a University. We are there to learn, but graduation day comes and we get our diplomas and then "move on" to the "job world" to put into practice what we have learned. But when we learn from the Torah (Bible) we put into action what we learn, yet continue to learn. Learning from God's Word is a never-ending experience It is interesting that the word “Horeb” is written without a “vav”. The word “Horeb” in Hebrew has only three letters; “Chet” “Resh” and “Beit”. These are the same letters that spell out the word “Sword” which is “Cherev”. So we have “Chorev” and “Cherev” The only difference is the vowels “o” and “e”. Is there a “Remez” here? A symbolism? The sages say that in a way, Moshe is telling the people; “You have received the Torah at “Chorev” now, continue on towards the Promised Land, the Land of Canaan, and put into practice the Torah. If you disobey, a curse will fall upon you and the “Cherev” (the Sword) will pursue you. So, it is either “Obedience” which you learned from the Torah at “Chorev” …or…the “Cherev” will destroy you for “disobedience”. OR...we can look at this in a positive light. The WORD of God is also called the SWORD of the LORD. Do we know how to use it? We can use it to cut, or it can cut us. (two-edged sword). Now, the Israelites were right at the border of Moab and Canaan; the Jordan River separated the two nations. It was time to leave their “comfort zone” and “cross over” and conquer the pagan peoples, and lay claim to the land! They had fought giants before, you know, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, especially if Adonai “falls” them. Remember that it all starts in Egypt (Mitzraim) the land of “restriction”, Moshe leads them out, symbolizing a sort of Messiah, leading them to Mt Sinai, they receive the Torah, for 40 years they undergo instruction, go through both “good times” and “bad times” sometimes, “very bad times” when YHVH chastised and killed many of them for disobedience and rebellion. Yet now, it is time for the promise to be fulfilled, the “Promised Land” We go through the same thing in our lives. We start out being liberated from our “Egypt” we are liberated from the “lost world and the ways of the lost” by accepting Yeshua as our Messiah and LORD. We grow in faith, in spiritual maturity, or…perhaps fail in our relationship with YHVH, going through valleys and dark places, yet always emerging into the light of Torah again. Sometimes we get comfortable in one place, or doing one thing, yet, God is saying…” turn now and take your journey” or “Continue your journey and continue to grow in faith, expose yourself to different “stuff” “situations” yet always trusting in HaShem. Shalom Ben Avraham A nice countryside view (near Apopa, El Salvador)
  21. Parashot: “D’varim” (Words) DEUTERONOMY 1:1-3:22 We start the final book of the original 5 books of the Torah, in which Moshe wrote down all the statutes, commandments, precepts, details, etc. that Adonai dictated to him to write. We must remember that Am Israel received the first 10 commandments directly from the mouth of Adonai, written down in stone, and given to the people, as a form of “Ketubah” or “marriage contract. Later, Adonai called Moshe back up to the mountain and there, dictated the rest of the Torah, the rest of the 603 commandments which he wrote down on the scrolls. The word "Deuteronomy" comes from the Greek; "Deutero" which sounds like "duo" or "two" and "Nomos" which means "law" or "Torah". So, Deuteronomy, or Devarim is the "Second telling of the Torah" The Torah contains all the commandments. 603 were written down by Moshe, yet dictated by Adonai, and 10 were dictated and written by YHVH himself. All in all, we must conclude that ALL the TORAH comes from YHVH, whether directly or indirectly written. This book of Deuteronomy is the last. Moshe began writing it, and it was probably finished by Yehoshuah (Joshua) or another leader. The book relates the travels and experiences that “Am Yisrael” took and went through in 40 years’ time. Moshe retells the experience somewhat as a father would relate to his son. Let’s say that father and son travel across the USA for 6 months, then, perhaps 10 years later, the father would remind the son of their trip by remembering their “experiences” “Remember son, the time when we were traveling through Texas and, well, you insisted in exploring that abandoned house, even when I said it would NOT be a good idea…….” And...the time my own father told me; "Jimmy, stay away from the wasp nest" but Jimmy went close anyway, and Jimmy got stung" (This really happened, I think in 1961 or 62) And dad said; "I told you!" The father tells both the good experiences and the bad experiences, the times when the son obeyed and the times when the son disobeyed. Moshe is doing the same thing. This is similar to last week’s parashah “Masei” (journeys) in which Moshe relates the journeys of Israel. He reminds the Israelites (The second generation) of the failure to trust in the LORD, when 10 of the 12 spies returned with a negative report, from scouting out Canaan (The first generation. Now, the first generation has been buried). Perhaps he is saying; "Don't do as your fathers did!" "Trust in the LORD! He will provide and protect." The second generation also came out of Egypt, but they were under 20 years old then. An interesting midrash is the difference and similarity between two words; “D’varim” (words) and “D’vorim” (bees) One could say that the words that Moshe spoke to the Israelites were like the “stings of bees” and after giving this message, a little later on, Moshe went up Mt. Pisgah a died, just like when a bee stings, it leaves the stinger in the victim and dies. What can we learn from the beginning of D’varim? Are we mature enough to receive rebuke? From elders? From others who are in authority? When a believer or even a non-believer is rebuked, it is for his or her own good, either to bring that person to the knowledge of Messiah Yeshua or to turn that person from error to walk in harmony with the Torah. Moshe tells the people the words of Adonai: “YHVH your Elohim spoke to us in Horeb saying “You have dwelt long enough in this mountain…turn you and take your journey…. (1:6) It seems that the people of Israel were in their “comfort zone”. They were at Mt. Horeb. Perhaps they wanted to stay right there, yet it was NOT the promised land. It was where they received the Torah, it was where they received instruction, but now they have to go to where Adonai wanted them to be. It's like being part of a University. We are there to learn, but graduation day comes and we get our diplomas and then "move on" to the "job world" to put into practice what we have learned. But when we learn from the Torah (Bible) we put into action what we learn, yet continue to learn. Learning from God's Word is a never-ending experience It is interesting that the word “Horeb” is written without a “vav”. The word “Horeb” in Hebrew has only three letters; “Chet” “Resh” and “Beit”. These are the same letters that spell out the word “Sword” which is “Cherev”. So we have “Chorev” and “Cherev” The only difference is the vowels “o” and “e”. Is there a “Remez” here? A symbolism? The sages say that in a way, Moshe is telling the people; “You have received the Torah at “Chorev” now, continue on towards the Promised Land, the Land of Canaan, and put into practice the Torah. If you disobey, a curse will fall upon you and the “Cherev” (the Sword) will pursue you. So, it is either “Obedience” which you learned from the Torah at “Chorev” …or…the “Cherev” will destroy you for “disobedience”. OR...we can look at this in a positive light. The WORD of God is also called the SWORD of the LORD. Do we know how to use it? We can use it to cut, or it can cut us. (two-edged sword). Now, the Israelites were right at the border of Moab and Canaan; the Jordan River separated the two nations. It was time to leave their “comfort zone” and “cross over” and conquer the pagan peoples, and lay claim to the land! They had fought giants before, you know, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, especially if Adonai “falls” them. Remember that it all starts in Egypt (Mitzraim) the land of “restriction”, Moshe leads them out, symbolizing a sort of Messiah, leading them to Mt Sinai, they receive the Torah, for 40 years they undergo instruction, go through both “good times” and “bad times” sometimes, “very bad times” when YHVH chastised and killed many of them for disobedience and rebellion. Yet now, it is time for the promise to be fulfilled, the “Promised Land” We go through the same thing in our lives. We start out being liberated from our “Egypt” we are liberated from the “lost world and the ways of the lost” by accepting Yeshua as our Messiah and LORD. We grow in faith, in spiritual maturity, or…perhaps fail in our relationship with YHVH, going through valleys and dark places, yet always emerging into the light of Torah again. Sometimes we get comfortable in one place, or doing one thing, yet, God is saying…” turn now and take your journey” or “Continue your journey and continue to grow in faith, expose yourself to different “stuff” “situations” yet always trusting in HaShem. Shalom Ben Avraham Following a forest path up Mt. Sarten, (near Apopa, El Salvador) (does someone know how to rotate this?)
  22. JEREMIAH 1:1-2:3 The calling of Navi Yirimyahu (the prophet Jeremiah) As we see in the beginning, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!” This a great statement, a great truth that flies in the face of abortionists, those that say, “A fetus is not yet human”. If God is saying that EVEN BEFORE” being formed in the womb, He had Jeremiah in mind. Where are we before being formed in the womb of our mothers? No one seems to know; the WORD does not say. Some believe that we are in Spirit form and that we await bodies to go into, and that when a man and woman unite together there is a guardian angel that is sent to be with that new person being formed, and either God or the angel takes the spirit and puts it inside the tiny microscopic body. Well, who knows if this is true, but it might just be that way. Everyone has a calling in life, we just have to find out what it is. Our first calling is to “get right with God” and accept Yeshua as our Messiah, LORD, and Savior, that act of faith will secure our eternity in Heaven. Then we must search our hearts and ask the LORD what our calling will be. It may be a full-time ministry, it may be a secular job joined with the ministry. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will enable us to do many things. Jeremiah was called to a difficult task, to “wake up” the nation of Israel that was seeded deep in sin, his calling as “Prophet” (or spokesman) was for him, he accepted it, and we have his book to prove it. Prophets declared the words of Adonai to the nations, today we have the complete written word of God. Everything we need to know is written in the Bible. His entire WORD is in 66 books. Can God speak through individuals today with “special words?” Sure, but those words will NOT contradict what is already written in the Torah. If you are called to teach and expound God’s WORD, (which was the mission of the prophets of old in a general way) STUDY to show thyself WORTHY, a WORKMAN that needeth not be ashamed, but rightfully dividing the WORD of TRUTH! JOHN 1:1-51 ” In the beginning, was the WORD, and the WORD was with God and GOD was the WORD” This opening statement clarifies that YESHUA was part of the creation in the beginning, Yeshua has many names; Son of David, The Second Adam, Son of Man, the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE, the LIVING WORD, and many more. WORDS are alive, and with words, Elohim created the heavens and the earth, bringing into being all that is in existence today. There are the things that were “created” (Bara) being "spoken" into existence, and those things (such as man) that were “Made” (Asah) “Asah” is used when things are “made” from pre-existing material, such as Adam (man) from earth, dust, water, and the spirit was put inside the body. Yet both Hebrew words "Bara" and "Asah" mean "to bring into existence something with a purpose" Every living thing has a purpose, even if we can see that purpose. (maybe cockroaches were created for the purpose of judgment) The title of Yeshua “The Living Word” in Hebrew is “HaD’bar Chayim” The word “Dabar” which is “word” consists of three Hebrew letters, “Dalet, Bet, and Resh” when we look at this from an ancient Hebraic perspective, we see the symbolism in these letters which can say; first door to the house” We are “households” and when Yeshua knocks on our “doors” do we open our door to let Him in? the word in Hebrew for “door” is “Delet” which can mean in the ancient Hebrew symbolic letters “instruction is the door to the covenant” God’s instruction through the Torah points us to Yeshua who is the “covenant” of our salvation. In time, GOD was manifested in human form as YESHUA, who is the “Living WORD” He fulfilled the covenant of the cross to pay the price of sin, to crush the head of HaSatan, to teach the Torah, heal the sick, we as followers of Yeshua are called to share and teach his WORD to all who will listen. Are you fulfilling YOUR CALLING? A view from a mountaintop into the distance (Apopa, El Salvador) 7/12/23
  23. JEREMIAH 1:1-2:3 The calling of Navi Yirimyahu (the prophet Jeremiah) As we see in the beginning, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!” This a great statement, a great truth that flies in the face of abortionists, those that say, “A fetus is not yet human”. If God is saying that EVEN BEFORE” being formed in the womb, He had Jeremiah in mind. Where are we before being formed in the womb of our mothers? No one seems to know; the WORD does not say. Some believe that we are in Spirit form and that we await bodies to go into, and that when a man and woman unite together there is a guardian angel that is sent to be with that new person being formed, and either God or the angel takes the spirit and puts it inside the tiny microscopic body. Well, who knows if this is true, but it might just be that way. Everyone has a calling in life, we just have to find out what it is. Our first calling is to “get right with God” and accept Yeshua as our Messiah, LORD, and Savior, that act of faith will secure our eternity in Heaven. Then we must search our hearts and ask the LORD what our calling will be. It may be a full-time ministry, it may be a secular job joined with the ministry. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will enable us to do many things. Jeremiah was called to a difficult task, to “wake up” the nation of Israel that was seeded deep in sin, his calling as “Prophet” (or spokesman) was for him, he accepted it, and we have his book to prove it. Prophets declared the words of Adonai to the nations, today we have the complete written word of God. Everything we need to know is written in the Bible. His entire WORD is in 66 books. Can God speak through individuals today with “special words?” Sure, but those words will NOT contradict what is already written in the Torah. If you are called to teach and expound God’s WORD, (which was the mission of the prophets of old in a general way) STUDY to show thyself WORTHY, a WORKMAN that needeth not be ashamed, but rightfully dividing the WORD of TRUTH! JOHN 1:1-51 ” In the beginning, was the WORD, and the WORD was with God and GOD was the WORD” This opening statement clarifies that YESHUA was part of the creation in the beginning, Yeshua has many names; Son of David, The Second Adam, Son of Man, the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE, the LIVING WORD, and many more. WORDS are alive, and with words, Elohim created the heavens and the earth, bringing into being all that is in existence today. There are the things that were “created” (Bara) being "spoken" into existence, and those things (such as man) that were “Made” (Asah) “Asah” is used when things are “made” from pre-existing material, such as Adam (man) from earth, dust, water, and the spirit was put inside the body. Yet both Hebrew words "Bara" and "Asah" mean "to bring into existence something with a purpose" Every living thing has a purpose, even if we can see that purpose. (maybe cockroaches were created for the purpose of judgment) The title of Yeshua “The Living Word” in Hebrew is “HaD’bar Chayim” The word “Dabar” which is “word” consists of three Hebrew letters, “Dalet, Bet, and Resh” when we look at this from an ancient Hebraic perspective, we see the symbolism in these letters which can say; first door to the house” We are “households” and when Yeshua knocks on our “doors” do we open our door to let Him in? the word in Hebrew for “door” is “Delet” which can mean in the ancient Hebrew symbolic letters “instruction is the door to the covenant” God’s instruction through the Torah points us to Yeshua who is the “covenant” of our salvation. In time, GOD was manifested in human form as YESHUA, who is the “Living WORD” He fulfilled the covenant of the cross to pay the price of sin, to crush the head of HaSatan, to teach the Torah, heal the sick, we as followers of Yeshua are called to share and teach his WORD to all who will listen. Are you fulfilling YOUR CALLING? Shavua Tov (Have a blessed week) Walking through "green pastures" to the "mountain top" ahead
  24. PARASHIOT “Matot v’ Masei” (Tribes and Journeys of) Numbers 30:1-32:42, 33:1-36:13 Is God with you on your life's journey? or "journeys throughout your life?" I hope you include Him on your trip. Without Him, you will hit many bumps and you will bounce around. With him on your journeys, you will still hit many bumps, but HE will be with you and will absorb the bumps. This study is about "taking journeys" and some other topics. The first topic is all about "vows" We need to be careful upon making “vows” Adonai takes serious “promises” that we make, especially using “His” Holy Name (YHVH). We might have said in times before words like; “I swear to God that I’ll…or… “I promise that I’ll” …or … “Next week by this time, I’ll…! But how do you know that you will still be in the land of the living by next week to fulfill your promise? We take “making promises too lightly”. If we remember the Israelite “Yephtah” who, upon winning a war against Israel’s enemies, “vowed” a vow and said, “Whatever comes out first from my house to meet me, I will offer it up as a burnt offering”. I am sure that he was probably thinking of some animal, be it a lamb or a goat, yet when he got home, his only “daughter” came out to meet him. The WORD of God says he “kept” his vow, yet how can we imagine that God would accept a human sacrifice? The WORD does not say, but there is a possibility that he DID offer up his daughter, yet not as a burnt offering, but perhaps as a "living sacrifice" perhaps a servant to the Levites in the Tabernacle. The scripture says that he DID keep his vow, yet it might have been altered in that aspect. I suppose that there are situations in that we might "vow" or "promise" something, yet, in order to fulfill the promise, it might have to be altered in some way. "I promise to God I will pay you back the $100 at the end of the month." Yet you have car problems, and you have to spend that, however, you could still keep the vow, and pay back the money in two payments. You are still fulfilling your promise, but it has to be altered a bit. What did Yeshua say about vows? “Let our YES be YES, and NO, be NO” without more words. We might have good intentions, yet only the LORD manages our time on earth. If we say that we will do something, and we use God’s name, and we end up NOT doing it, we will have taken HIS HOLY NAME in vain. So, what words can we say when we want to do something, without “vowing”? ”If God permits, I will try to…” or “I am not sure if I can, but, I will try to…” These words seem better because it leaves the option “if God permits”. We can make plans for the future, but the future is always in the hands of Adonai. In this parashah, we look at a woman vs a man making and keeping vows. If the woman is married, then, as long as the husband agrees to the vow, it is OK, and she must make it good, however, if he doesn’t agree to the vow, then, the vow that the woman makes is annulled. The same thing if the woman is under her father’s roof, (or tent). If the father agrees, all is well, if not, all is NOT well, the vow is nullified. How do we take this today? When making vows or promises, and really, it is better NOT to promise, but if so, it should first be discussed between the husband and wife, or between father and daughter, and an agreement reached, whether or not such promise, vow, or decision, is to be made. It is good to serve Adonai and be involved in ministry, but it should be agreed upon when it involves families. Chapter 31 speaks about the “slaughter of the Midianites” When we read this, we shudder, at such bloodshed, yet it was because of the influence of Balaam, that the Midianite prostitutes caused sin to enter the camp, thus bringing a “curse” upon Israel. It was necessary to wipe out the Midianites so as to prevent further sin, yet we see that the soldiers bring back captive women and children, which was common practice in Bible days as well as the rest of the “loot” such as livestock, silver, gold, etc. The problem is that the “women” were the cause of the sin which was brought upon Israel. That is why Moshe was so upset, so he ordered the “women who knew men” to be killed as well as the male children, but why the male children? What harm can a little boy do? Perhaps nothing at that time, but in time, these “little boys” would grow up and seek vengeance against “those Israelites who killed daddy!” Today in modern warfare, we do not see soldiers “looting” houses and people’s property, but they do capture weapons, war equipment, etc. Question! What is to become of all that “drug money” which is captured in drug busts, which is a form of war? Isn’t that “loot?” Well, yes, it is, and, what is to be done about it? I would say, divide up the “loot” and give some of it to the soldiers, officers, and agents involved in the drug busts, because they put their lives on the line, the rest, divide it up among clinics, hospitals, half-way houses that deal with drug-addicts and their treatment and recovery. But again, my opinion only. Chapter 32 deals with the settlement of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh in Gilead, on the east side of the Jordan River. Was it a bad thing that they settle on that side? Moshe was of the opinion that if they build shelters for their children, wives, and cattle first and then, join the other tribes to conquer the land of Canaan, then, after the wars and conquest, they could go back to their families. It is interesting to note that they said; "We are going to build cities for our children and shelters for their livestock." But didn't they destroy the cities of the Midianites with fire? Yes, so, We suppose that they will have the task of rebuilding those cities so that they will become livable again. When we see the land of Israel and then look around at the other nations, there are many more Jews living “outside” of the land of Israel than “inside”. However, we are ALL “Am Echad” (One people) even though divided by oceans and continents. We might be separated by rivers, oceans, continents, national borders, etc... yet we still need to respond to needs in the body of Messiah, no matter where they are Chapters 34 to the end of Numbers deal with the journeys of the Israelites during their time in the desert up to the death of Moshe. They journeyed to many different places, yet were ALWAYS guided by the RUACH ELOHIM (God’s Spirit). We also journey a lot in our life. One could say that our lives can be considered “journeys and stops” Perhaps there are 8 different journeys and stops, the journey of “childhood” which enters later “adolescence” then goes to “young-adulthood” then to “education and career” then to “marriage and family” then to “Senior-adulthood” then to “retirement and rest” then to “eternal rest and Shalom” at death. Each can be a “journey” but are we letting Adonai lead us during these journeys? Or are we doing our “own thing?” The Book of Numbers ends with; “These are the commandments and the ordinances which YHVH commanded to B’nei Yisrael through Moshe in the Plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho” Thus, we see that ALL the Torah mitzvoth come from Adonai, the first Ten being spoken directly to the People of Israel, and the rest, through Moshe to the people. The Torah leads us all to a knowledge of Yeshua, to accept Him as our Savior and LORD, through faith and faith ONLY. “Masei” (journeys) A Torah Midrash over NUMBERS 33:1-36:13 ” Masei” or “journeys” or “stages” in some translations, describes the encampments of the Israelites starting in “Mitzraim” (Egypt) which comes from the root word “Mtzr” or “m’tzar” meaning “restricted” and ending at last in the promised land, giving the division of Canaan” between the different “matot Israel” (the tribes of Israel.) In Numbers 33:1,2 it reads; “These were the wanderings of B’nei Israel who went out of the land of Egypt under the leadership of Moshe and Aaron. Moshe recorded their DEPARTURES, stage by stage as directed by YHVH; and these are the stages of their DEPARTURES. We see in these 2 verses that the word “departures” is mentioned twice, once at the beginning of the verse, and then at the end. One way we can look at this is that we can either look back to where we came from, we can look forward to where we are going, or both! We can say “we departed from… or we can say; “We departed towards…” It is important to remember where we come from, how we were raised, and perhaps even our shortcomings, our mistakes, yet NOT to DWELL ON THEM! But concentrate on what the LORD has ahead for us, our goals, family goals, work goals, and ministry goals. Don’t let our lives in Egypt depress us, look forward to our land of Canaan. We can’t just look at this from a superficial view, saying, “Well, so what, they traveled here and there and they finally made it home, they would have made it a lot sooner if they hadn’t complained so much! I mean, they listened to the spies, etc.”. We need to look into the moral, spiritual, and symbolism. It is much more than just, “going from place to place physically” They started out “restricted” to a place called “Egypt” and that is what “Mitzraim” means from the root word, m-Tz-r, (mem, Tzadik, resh) using the Hebrew letters, “Mitzraim” sounds more plural, so it could also mean “restrictions”. What was restricted? Their FREEDOM! They were surrounded by pagan idolatry, they couldn’t leave! Because they were slaves to Pharaoh. It took the power of Adonai-Elohim the great I AM-YHVH, to get them out using his chosen servant Moshe. They left on the 15th of Nisan, the morning after Passover. The Word says they left with a “high hand” in some translations, “Boldness” with all “confidence” “fearless” with “valor”. It is interesting that the word “Masei” in Hebrew is spelled, “mem, samech, ayin, yod” if we could see this word in the ancient Hebrew spelling, the symbols would look like, “water, leaning on a short staff, an eye, and a hand connected to the arm” So, what could this word symbolize? What does “journeys” mean? Well, here is one idea; the “multitudes march forward, leaning on the staff in sight of the hand!” huh? OK, sooo what does THAT mean? Look at it this way, Moshe led the way, and he walked with a staff, as the custom of all leaders back then, the people kept Moshe in sight, and as he leaned on his staff, they followed the “hand” But whose "hand" did they follow? The Hand of God! in the form of a cloud during the day and probably a column of fire at night. As they journeyed, they kept YHVH in sight! The staff also symbolizes leadership, we lean on HIS leadership, and we have the “hand” in our sight, the “hands” that were pierced with the nails on Calvary. “Journeys” are not only physical but also spiritual! The Israelites left Egypt, and crossed the Red Sea, now, they left “restrictions” behind, the sacrificed lambs of Passover symbolized Yeshua, the sacrificial lamb, who conquered the curse of sin and death, of HaSatan. Now they are on their way to a new life, just as we begin a new journey starting from the cross of Calvary. The Israelites experienced “bitter waters” at Marah, yet they experienced an oasis at Elim. We experience both bitter times and times of “refreshing cool waters”. Good times and bad times are part of our wanderings, or “life’s journeys” They encamped at Mt Sinai, to receive the Torah, to become officially united as a nation. “Am Echad b’Elohim” (One united People of God) We receive Yeshua as our Messiah and LORD, and we receive his WORD, his Torah to guide us through the “wilderness of life”. Then comes a list of all the places where they stopped, camped, and continued when the Glory Cloud lifted. All these stopping places took place during a period of 40 years. The number “40” symbolizes “testing” The LORD was “trying, testing” his people. Each place they stopped at, they learned new things, and they experienced the sacrificial offerings once the Mishkan (tabernacle) was fully erected. Yes, they complained, and Adonai chastised, yet forgave his children. He was with them all through the 40 years of journeys, and He brought them into the promised land through their new leader “Yehoshua” who took Moshe’s place. Our journeys through life will take us to many “stops” and “settlements” One might consider a “new job” a kind of “Stopping to settle down for a while” just like moving from “house to house” or “apartment to apartment” or “mobile home to mobile home”. Another “journey” in life is the “marriage journey” and then there are the “childhood, adolescence, teenage, young adult, middle age, and Senior” journeys. In each journey, we learn and experience different things, “bitter waters” as well as “refreshing new waters” all the time being led by “the LIVING WATER! There will be enemies to fight, the worse kind being “spiritual enemies from the Kingdom of Darkness” who will put traps in our way, stumbling blocks, bad attitudes, issues, carnality, etc. But all these are part of the journeys in life. Aaron’s journey lasted 123 years. Methuselah’s journey lasted 969 years, while Abel’s journey was very short, maybe his journey ended when he was a teen. Enoch’s journey lasted 300 years. We don't know how long our journey will last, it is in God’s hands. What is important is that we learn from our experiences during our “stops” along the way, especially the “education stops” Education is a life-long stop, it should continue all of our days. We have our secular education and our Torah education. Sometimes there are conflicts between them, and we must adjust our ways, to the TORAH ways, not the other way around. The last stop is the “Canaan” stop, “death” is our trip across the Jordan River that will bring us to the River of Life in the World to Come, In the New Jerusalem, we will receive our share of our inheritance, issued out to us by Our LORD and Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, (Jesus the Christ) Then, in the New Jerusalem, begins our “new journey” which will never end. How can we imagine a journey without end? We really can’t, not with finite minds. “Time” as we know it will be meaningless. Perhaps 100 years on Earth will be like 10 seconds in heaven. As Elohim says, “One day is likened unto a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day” It is said that the “Jew is always wandering/traveling” Is this really true? The Jewish nation was sent out of the land to foreign lands, yes, they were cast out, and expelled, but for what eternal and divine purpose? To take the belief in One God, in Adonai-Elohim, Adonai-Echad, YESHUA! To the pagan peoples. Many look at expulsion as a punishment, yet the big picture is “evangelism”. Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) was a traveling Jew, He founded many congregations of believers in many different areas of the middle east and southern Europe. ” Ashkenaz” was a descendant of Japheth, son of Noah, who “journeyed” to what is now Germany, and his descendants to East Europe and Russia (probably after the fall of “Babel”), and “B’nei Israel” (the Children of Israel) in their “journeys” met with the “descendants” of Ashkenaz, intermarried, and thus spreading the belief of ONE GOD to Germany and East Europe, thus we have the “Y’hudim-Ashkenazim” (The Ashkenazim Jewish peoples). Some say that the desire to “travel” and “journey” is inbred into all Y’hudim, perhaps not all, many Jewish families have stayed in one place for centuries, while others are on the move. As we physically journey from place to place, remember that we are also “journeying” spiritually, being guided (hopefully) by God’s WORD, through his Holy Spirit. May you prosper in your journeys through life, "Tia Paula" and her son "Dany" at "Paula's country cookin" Turkey stew in the pot. Apopa, El Salvador Dany took me moutain climbing and Paula gave us lunch. Wonderful people in the LORD! (7/12/23)
  25. PARASHIOT “Matot v’ Masei” (Tribes and Journeys of) Numbers 30:1-32:42, 33:1-36:13 Is God with you on your life's journey? or "journeys throughout your life?" I hope you include Him on your trip. Without Him, you will hit many bumps and you will bounce around. With him on your journeys, you will still hit many bumps, but HE will be with you and will absorb the bumps. This study is about "taking journeys" and some other topics. The first topic is all about "vows" We need to be careful upon making “vows” Adonai takes serious “promises” that we make, especially using “His” Holy Name (YHVH). We might have said in times before words like; “I swear to God that I’ll…or… “I promise that I’ll” …or … “Next week by this time, I’ll…! But how do you know that you will still be in the land of the living by next week to fulfill your promise? We take “making promises too lightly”. If we remember the Israelite “Yephtah” who, upon winning a war against Israel’s enemies, “vowed” a vow and said, “Whatever comes out first from my house to meet me, I will offer it up as a burnt offering”. I am sure that he was probably thinking of some animal, be it a lamb or a goat, yet when he got home, his only “daughter” came out to meet him. The WORD of God says he “kept” his vow, yet how can we imagine that God would accept a human sacrifice? The WORD does not say, but there is a possibility that he DID offer up his daughter, yet not as a burnt offering, but perhaps as a "living sacrifice" perhaps a servant to the Levites in the Tabernacle. The scripture says that he DID keep his vow, yet it might have been altered in that aspect. I suppose that there are situations in that we might "vow" or "promise" something, yet, in order to fulfill the promise, it might have to be altered in some way. "I promise to God I will pay you back the $100 at the end of the month." Yet you have car problems, and you have to spend that, however, you could still keep the vow, and pay back the money in two payments. You are still fulfilling your promise, but it has to be altered a bit. What did Yeshua say about vows? “Let our YES be YES, and NO, be NO” without more words. We might have good intentions, yet only the LORD manages our time on earth. If we say that we will do something, and we use God’s name, and we end up NOT doing it, we will have taken HIS HOLY NAME in vain. So, what words can we say when we want to do something, without “vowing”? ”If God permits, I will try to…” or “I am not sure if I can, but, I will try to…” These words seem better because it leaves the option “if God permits”. We can make plans for the future, but the future is always in the hands of Adonai. In this parashah, we look at a woman vs a man making and keeping vows. If the woman is married, then, as long as the husband agrees to the vow, it is OK, and she must make it good, however, if he doesn’t agree to the vow, then, the vow that the woman makes is annulled. The same thing if the woman is under her father’s roof, (or tent). If the father agrees, all is well, if not, all is NOT well, the vow is nullified. How do we take this today? When making vows or promises, and really, it is better NOT to promise, but if so, it should first be discussed between the husband and wife, or between father and daughter, and an agreement reached, whether or not such promise, vow, or decision, is to be made. It is good to serve Adonai and be involved in ministry, but it should be agreed upon when it involves families. Chapter 31 speaks about the “slaughter of the Midianites” When we read this, we shudder, at such bloodshed, yet it was because of the influence of Balaam, that the Midianite prostitutes caused sin to enter the camp, thus bringing a “curse” upon Israel. It was necessary to wipe out the Midianites so as to prevent further sin, yet we see that the soldiers bring back captive women and children, which was common practice in Bible days as well as the rest of the “loot” such as livestock, silver, gold, etc. The problem is that the “women” were the cause of the sin which was brought upon Israel. That is why Moshe was so upset, so he ordered the “women who knew men” to be killed as well as the male children, but why the male children? What harm can a little boy do? Perhaps nothing at that time, but in time, these “little boys” would grow up and seek vengeance against “those Israelites who killed daddy!” Today in modern warfare, we do not see soldiers “looting” houses and people’s property, but they do capture weapons, war equipment, etc. Question! What is to become of all that “drug money” which is captured in drug busts, which is a form of war? Isn’t that “loot?” Well, yes, it is, and, what is to be done about it? I would say, divide up the “loot” and give some of it to the soldiers, officers, and agents involved in the drug busts, because they put their lives on the line, the rest, divide it up among clinics, hospitals, half-way houses that deal with drug-addicts and their treatment and recovery. But again, my opinion only. Chapter 32 deals with the settlement of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh in Gilead, on the east side of the Jordan River. Was it a bad thing that they settle on that side? Moshe was of the opinion that if they build shelters for their children, wives, and cattle first and then, join the other tribes to conquer the land of Canaan, then, after the wars and conquest, they could go back to their families. It is interesting to note that they said; "We are going to build cities for our children and shelters for their livestock." But didn't they destroy the cities of the Midianites with fire? Yes, so, We suppose that they will have the task of rebuilding those cities so that they will become livable again. When we see the land of Israel and then look around at the other nations, there are many more Jews living “outside” of the land of Israel than “inside”. However, we are ALL “Am Echad” (One people) even though divided by oceans and continents. We might be separated by rivers, oceans, continents, national borders, etc... yet we still need to respond to needs in the body of Messiah, no matter where they are Chapters 34 to the end of Numbers deal with the journeys of the Israelites during their time in the desert up to the death of Moshe. They journeyed to many different places, yet were ALWAYS guided by the RUACH ELOHIM (God’s Spirit). We also journey a lot in our life. One could say that our lives can be considered “journeys and stops” Perhaps there are 8 different journeys and stops, the journey of “childhood” which enters later “adolescence” then goes to “young-adulthood” then to “education and career” then to “marriage and family” then to “Senior-adulthood” then to “retirement and rest” then to “eternal rest and Shalom” at death. Each can be a “journey” but are we letting Adonai lead us during these journeys? Or are we doing our “own thing?” The Book of Numbers ends with; “These are the commandments and the ordinances which YHVH commanded to B’nei Yisrael through Moshe in the Plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho” Thus, we see that ALL the Torah mitzvoth come from Adonai, the first Ten being spoken directly to the People of Israel, and the rest, through Moshe to the people. The Torah leads us all to a knowledge of Yeshua, to accept Him as our Savior and LORD, through faith and faith ONLY. “Masei” (journeys) A Torah Midrash over NUMBERS 33:1-36:13 ” Masei” or “journeys” or “stages” in some translations, describes the encampments of the Israelites starting in “Mitzraim” (Egypt) which comes from the root word “Mtzr” or “m’tzar” meaning “restricted” and ending at last in the promised land, giving the division of Canaan” between the different “matot Israel” (the tribes of Israel.) In Numbers 33:1,2 it reads; “These were the wanderings of B’nei Israel who went out of the land of Egypt under the leadership of Moshe and Aaron. Moshe recorded their DEPARTURES, stage by stage as directed by YHVH; and these are the stages of their DEPARTURES. We see in these 2 verses that the word “departures” is mentioned twice, once at the beginning of the verse, and then at the end. One way we can look at this is that we can either look back to where we came from, we can look forward to where we are going, or both! We can say “we departed from… or we can say; “We departed towards…” It is important to remember where we come from, how we were raised, and perhaps even our shortcomings, our mistakes, yet NOT to DWELL ON THEM! But concentrate on what the LORD has ahead for us, our goals, family goals, work goals, and ministry goals. Don’t let our lives in Egypt depress us, look forward to our land of Canaan. We can’t just look at this from a superficial view, saying, “Well, so what, they traveled here and there and they finally made it home, they would have made it a lot sooner if they hadn’t complained so much! I mean, they listened to the spies, etc.”. We need to look into the moral, spiritual, and symbolism. It is much more than just, “going from place to place physically” They started out “restricted” to a place called “Egypt” and that is what “Mitzraim” means from the root word, m-Tz-r, (mem, Tzadik, resh) using the Hebrew letters, “Mitzraim” sounds more plural, so it could also mean “restrictions”. What was restricted? Their FREEDOM! They were surrounded by pagan idolatry, they couldn’t leave! Because they were slaves to Pharaoh. It took the power of Adonai-Elohim the great I AM-YHVH, to get them out using his chosen servant Moshe. They left on the 15th of Nisan, the morning after Passover. The Word says they left with a “high hand” in some translations, “Boldness” with all “confidence” “fearless” with “valor”. It is interesting that the word “Masei” in Hebrew is spelled, “mem, samech, ayin, yod” if we could see this word in the ancient Hebrew spelling, the symbols would look like, “water, leaning on a short staff, an eye, and a hand connected to the arm” So, what could this word symbolize? What does “journeys” mean? Well, here is one idea; the “multitudes march forward, leaning on the staff in sight of the hand!” huh? OK, sooo what does THAT mean? Look at it this way, Moshe led the way, and he walked with a staff, as the custom of all leaders back then, the people kept Moshe in sight, and as he leaned on his staff, they followed the “hand” But whose "hand" did they follow? The Hand of God! in the form of a cloud during the day and probably a column of fire at night. As they journeyed, they kept YHVH in sight! The staff also symbolizes leadership, we lean on HIS leadership, and we have the “hand” in our sight, the “hands” that were pierced with the nails on Calvary. “Journeys” are not only physical but also spiritual! The Israelites left Egypt, and crossed the Red Sea, now, they left “restrictions” behind, the sacrificed lambs of Passover symbolized Yeshua, the sacrificial lamb, who conquered the curse of sin and death, of HaSatan. Now they are on their way to a new life, just as we begin a new journey starting from the cross of Calvary. The Israelites experienced “bitter waters” at Marah, yet they experienced an oasis at Elim. We experience both bitter times and times of “refreshing cool waters”. Good times and bad times are part of our wanderings, or “life’s journeys” They encamped at Mt Sinai, to receive the Torah, to become officially united as a nation. “Am Echad b’Elohim” (One united People of God) We receive Yeshua as our Messiah and LORD, and we receive his WORD, his Torah to guide us through the “wilderness of life”. Then comes a list of all the places where they stopped, camped, and continued when the Glory Cloud lifted. All these stopping places took place during a period of 40 years. The number “40” symbolizes “testing” The LORD was “trying, testing” his people. Each place they stopped at, they learned new things, and they experienced the sacrificial offerings once the Mishkan (tabernacle) was fully erected. Yes, they complained, and Adonai chastised, yet forgave his children. He was with them all through the 40 years of journeys, and He brought them into the promised land through their new leader “Yehoshua” who took Moshe’s place. Our journeys through life will take us to many “stops” and “settlements” One might consider a “new job” a kind of “Stopping to settle down for a while” just like moving from “house to house” or “apartment to apartment” or “mobile home to mobile home”. Another “journey” in life is the “marriage journey” and then there are the “childhood, adolescence, teenage, young adult, middle age, and Senior” journeys. In each journey, we learn and experience different things, “bitter waters” as well as “refreshing new waters” all the time being led by “the LIVING WATER! There will be enemies to fight, the worse kind being “spiritual enemies from the Kingdom of Darkness” who will put traps in our way, stumbling blocks, bad attitudes, issues, carnality, etc. But all these are part of the journeys in life. Aaron’s journey lasted 123 years. Methuselah’s journey lasted 969 years, while Abel’s journey was very short, maybe his journey ended when he was a teen. Enoch’s journey lasted 300 years. We don't know how long our journey will last, it is in God’s hands. What is important is that we learn from our experiences during our “stops” along the way, especially the “education stops” Education is a life-long stop, it should continue all of our days. We have our secular education and our Torah education. Sometimes there are conflicts between them, and we must adjust our ways, to the TORAH ways, not the other way around. The last stop is the “Canaan” stop, “death” is our trip across the Jordan River that will bring us to the River of Life in the World to Come, In the New Jerusalem, we will receive our share of our inheritance, issued out to us by Our LORD and Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, (Jesus the Christ) Then, in the New Jerusalem, begins our “new journey” which will never end. How can we imagine a journey without end? We really can’t, not with finite minds. “Time” as we know it will be meaningless. Perhaps 100 years on Earth will be like 10 seconds in heaven. As Elohim says, “One day is likened unto a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day” It is said that the “Jew is always wandering/traveling” Is this really true? The Jewish nation was sent out of the land to foreign lands, yes, they were cast out, and expelled, but for what eternal and divine purpose? To take the belief in One God, in Adonai-Elohim, Adonai-Echad, YESHUA! To the pagan peoples. Many look at expulsion as a punishment, yet the big picture is “evangelism”. Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) was a traveling Jew, He founded many congregations of believers in many different areas of the middle east and southern Europe. ” Ashkenaz” was a descendant of Japheth, son of Noah, who “journeyed” to what is now Germany, and his descendants to East Europe and Russia (probably after the fall of “Babel”), and “B’nei Israel” (the Children of Israel) in their “journeys” met with the “descendants” of Ashkenaz, intermarried, and thus spreading the belief of ONE GOD to Germany and East Europe, thus we have the “Y’hudim-Ashkenazim” (The Ashkenazim Jewish peoples). Some say that the desire to “travel” and “journey” is inbred into all Y’hudim, perhaps not all, many Jewish families have stayed in one place for centuries, while others are on the move. As we physically journey from place to place, remember that we are also “journeying” spiritually, being guided (hopefully) by God’s WORD, through his Holy Spirit. May you prosper in your journeys through life, Tia Paula's country cooking. Kind of crude, but with all love and heart! (Turkey stew in the pot) Apopa, El Salvador (7/12/23)
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