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Jacob Ben Avraham

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Posts posted by Jacob Ben Avraham

  1. EZEKIEL 43: 10-27

    The prophet receives a vision of the heavenly temple, which is an exact replica of the tabernacle and temple on earth. When YHVH gave the instructions to Moshe to make the tabernacle and later, when Solomon built the temple, it was with the plan of the heavenly temple that was in mind. When Yeshua died for our sins, He went up to the Heavenlies and placed his own blood on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, meaning that our sins are forgiven, erased, and blotted out forever!

    One day soon, we will all see that heavenly temple with our new eyes created for eternity. Every piece of furniture, both in the Mishkan (the tabernacle) and the "Beit HaMikdash" (The Temple) points to Yeshua/Jesus.

    The Brazen Altar = HIS atoning death and judgment of our sins. The Bronze Lavar = Yeshua the Living Water. The Menorah = Yeshua, the Light of the World. The Golden table of Shewbread = Yeshua, the Bread of Life. The Altar of Incense = Our prayers and HIS mediation between us and the Father. The Ark of the Covenant = His Holy presence forever.

    MARK 5:1-6:56

    This is when Yeshua heals the man who was possessed by demons. There were one thousand demons inside the body of this man, since demons are in the spirit world, the physical body is not an obstacle, no, they didn't feel “crowded”. And since the demons have to obey the voice of God, they left, and as we read, they went into the bodies of swine.

    we can see how far away some Israelites were, from walking in fellowship and obedience to the Torah, since they herded swine, which was and still is, an unclean animal, unsuitable for eating although many Christians believe the contrary. When the swine took a suicide leap from the cliff into the Sea of Galilee, they told Yeshua to “Leave”! Imagine that, telling “God” that he was not welcome in their city. “Hey, you just ruined our business, get out of here!” well, THEY had no business herding and raising pigs, to begin with. Sheep and goats would have been better.

    How do we react when God calls our attention to something, do we tell him to “get away from us?” or do we “welcome” his visit and correct our sinful ways? The man who was demonized, now in his right mind wanted to follow Yeshua, yet Yeshua told him; “go and tell what has happened to you to your family and people”

    Even though he wanted to follow Yeshua personally, Yeshua sent him on another mission, to “evangelize and be a living witness” He had credibility, since everyone knew him. YHVH sends each and every one of us on special missions to fulfill while we are on earth. He has equipped each and every believer with the gifts of the spirit to fulfill our missions. Let us be faithful to HIM who has provided us with such a blessing as eternal life.


    Ben Avraham
  2. PARASHA: “Tetsaveh” (you shall command) EXODUS 27:20-30

    In this parashah, we will see the preparation of the Menorah, and the clothing of the priests. The study starts out with preparing olive oil to fill the lamps of the Menorah, The Torah tells us that it was a “permanent light” (Ner Tamid). It would be the only light outside of the “Kadosh Kedoshim” (The HOLY of Holies) where the “Shekinah” illuminated that small area where the only article was the “Aron Ha Kodesh” (The Ark of the Covenant.

    The first theme is “Light” and this would be in the form of the Menorah. But why do we associate “light” with “God?” One reason is that “light” is not so much an object we can touch. One could call “light” an essence. We can’t see “light” yet we can see the reaction when light beams hit an object.

    Go inside a dark, dusty room and turn on a flashlight and you might say “See, I see a beam of light!” yet what we are seeing is “light particles reflecting against dust particles” so, we are seeing the particles of dust, which “are” objects reacting to the “light particles” which are invisible. Shine a flashlight inside a dark yet clean room, and you will see a circle of light on the wall. You see the light reflected against the wall, not the light itself. Light beams or rays are invisible, yet objects will react to those same light beams.

    God is invisible in His pure form, yet He radiates light, and we as believers reflect HIS light in our lives as believers, in the forms of mitzvoth (good works) our changed characters and personalities, and how we look at the world and the material things in the world. There are so many scriptures about light and how we as believers should “walk in the light, as HE is in the light” Let HIS light be seen in us at all times.

    Verse 20 states; “And thou shalt command the children of Israel that they bring unto thee pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to burn continually.”

    In the original Hebrew, this verse has 15 words. The word “Shemen” (oil) is the “eighth” word. It is the “middle word” with 7 words before and after. Is this coincidence? from the word “Shemen” we get “Shemini” (eighth). What does the number 8 symbolize? It symbolizes a “New Beginning.”

    This is a “New Beginning” after their slavery in Egypt. While in Egypt, Pharaoh symbolized the “light of Ra!” yet now, the “light of Elohim” would be the light of “Yeshuah” (OR YESHUAH) the Light of Salvation. The instrument of light would be the Menorah, which would hold the “shemen” the “Olive Oil.”

    The “Ner Tamid” (eternal Light) also reminds us of Isaiah 60:19 which states; …YHVH shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory”

    The Menorah was “outside” the curtain, yet still inside the tabernacle. In the same room with the Menorah was the Table of Shewbread, where the 12 loaves of bread were, and the Table of Incense. Here we have a three-fold symbolism of Messiah Yeshua.

    The table of Shew Bread, “Yeshua HaLechem Chaim” (Yeshua the Bread of Life) and the incense altar, where our “Prayers go upward to heaven” and where “Yeshua intercedes on our behalf. The Menorah is “Yeshua HaOr Olam v'ha Or Tamid” (Yeshua the Light of the World and the Eternal Light.

    The Menorah was to burn all night, and in the morning, the high priest (Aaron) would come in to trim the wicks and prepare the Menorah for the evening lighting. The Menorah was all about “Light” in the words “from Morning to evening” (the lamps of the Menorah were to burn” we can see the Hebrew word “Ad” (ayin and dalet)

    The word “Ad “means “witness” during the evening, the Shekinah Elohim was the outside light, while the lamps were the inside lights. During the day, the Shenika glory which was above the Mercy Seat of the Aron Ha Kodesh (Ark of the Covenant) was the inner light of the Mishkan (Tabernacle).

    There is a difference between light and darkness, Good and Evil, Holiness, and Sin, and the lost and the saved. The olive oil in the lamps symbolizes the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which the wicks can symbolize every believer. If we are to burn bright, we must be in constant contact with the oil, if not, we will “burn out”

    In pagan cultures, darkness was when evil came about, demons, etc. In ancient Egypt, their god “Ra” went to sleep at night, so the Egyptians were without protection against the “evils of the night”. Those who ventured out usually took a cat with them, symbolizing “Bastet” the goddess of the night, who would protect the person against “evil”. Wow, what if the cat saw a mouse or a dog, and....ran off? Oh, well.

    The Menorah that burned during the night symbolized “Elohim” who would be the “light in the evening” as well as in the day. The light was inside the tabernacle, and also, outside in the form of the “column of Fire” We are blessed by the presence of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) at all times, in the day and during the night, inside and out, the believer is NEVER alone, the Light of G-d is forever with us.

    The Menorah had seven branches, it was made of pure gold, the middle branch was called the “Shamash” or the “helper”. “Seven” is the perfect number of holiness. “Six” branches (six is the number of mankind) are on either side of the Shamash, three on the right and three on the left. Mankind needs the presence of Yeshua, to fulfill his destiny, to get right again, into a right relationship with his creator through Yeshua, through the “New birth” (John 3:3).

    The wicks are “all of us” and the oil that goes into the lamps,is the “Holy Spirit” we need to be in continuous contact and communion with the Ruach HaKodesh, so that our lamps will “shine brightly” continuously, after all, Yeshua said to his followers, “Ye are the Light of the world” (Atem ha Orot ha olam). Israel's purpose was to be the “light to the Gentiles” to go into the world and teach the pagan peoples who worshipped idols, that there was only ONE GOD, to bring the Torah to the world.

    This is what happened during the “scattering” of the tribes of Israel to the nations, now, there are “Y'hudim” in all nations, and in all nations, there are many who worship our LORD and God. Even among the Jewish peoples of the world, there are many Messianic believers who embrace Yeshua HaMashiach.

    The next chapter talks about the vestments of the priests. Clothing has always been a thing of importance. The world says, “according to how a person dresses, that person IS.” A “bum” or “hobo” (a word of the 1930s), usually has dirty and torn clothes, unkempt hair, and a scraggly beard, HOWEVER, that “bum” or “hobo” might be a “born again believer” who is going through hard times, maybe that person has fallen out of fellowship with the LORD.

    I think that everyone has his or her favorite “Super Hero” like Superman, Batman, The Flash, etc…All these superheroes wear special clothing, and uniforms, which make them “stand out” from the regular crowd. Their mission is to protect “Joe Citizen” and uplift honor and the law. The Cohenim were the same, their “special clothing” lifted them “above the rest” as “reps for God” going on “their behalf” before a righteous and holy God.

    Many ask what was the first “clothing” like. How were Adam and Eve dressed? If we go back to Genesis, we can get an idea and answer that question to the best of our ability. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, yet they were not ashamed; Gen 2:25. This verse is insinuating that there IS SHAME connected to nakedness, yet, Adam and Eve did not have any physical clothing at that time. This was before their sin. But was there something that covered their bodies? If we remember, Moshe was with the LORD for 40 days and nights. When he came down from Mt. Sinai, he was “aglow” His was shining with the Ruach HaKodesh. Could that be the case with Adam and Chavah?

    Many believe that they were covered with a “skin of light” (play on words) Since these two Hebrew words are the same pronunciation; “OR” yet the first letters are different. “Light” is spelled with an “Aleph” which symbolizes the spiritual essence of Adonai (Aleph, Vav, Resh)

    The other word “OR” (skin) is spelled with an “Ayin” (Ayin, Vav, Resh) . The letter “Ayin” symbolizes, the “eye” or “insight” “Skin” is something we can “see” Our souls/spirits are inside our bodies, and our bodies are covered with “skin” on the outside. So the “light” covered the “skin” meaning the oneness in the relationship with the Creator.

    However, after the sin of Adam and Chavah, we read the verse; “Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked” (Gen 3:7) …” I was afraid because I was naked so I hid myself (Adam) Gen 3:10.

    Here we can relate “nakedness” with “fear” yet not before, only NOW. How is it that NOW they realized that they were naked? It was because the covering of light was lifted up, and taken away from their bodies, leaving them only with their “skin”. “Nakedness” And “shame/fear = broken relationship with the Creator!

    Adonai made them new clothing, an “animal skin covering” which required the sacrifice and death of an innocent animal. This first material clothing symbolizes our Messiah who died and not only “covered” our sins, but completely “atoned for” them. With physical clothing, Adam and Eve could now have fellowship with the creator again. YHVH looking down at them and seeing the animal skin covering would think of the future covenant of blood of Yeshua.

    When my family went to worship at our congregation, we all put on our suit and ties, and mom wore her best dress. Yet today, some come to synagogue or church dressed as if they were going on a walk in the park, or to the beach. I mean, God still sees our hearts, even if we wear a sport shirt or long sleeve shirt with a suit and tie, BUT... if we are going to meet with the KING of Kings, shouldn't we wear our BEST? What would you wear if the president of your nation invited you to his house?

    The completely white tunic was worn on Yom Kippur, when the Cohen Gadol would enter the “Holy of Holies” to meet with YHVH. Perhaps this completely white tunic reminds us of the white glowing light that must of covered the bodies of Adam and Eve before their sin. We are also reminded that the clothing of Yeshua was “glowing white” when He was on Mt. Tabor, when he met with Moshe and Eliyahu. There the three represented the whole Torah! Moshe, the Torah, Eliyahu, the Prophets, and Yeshua, the Brit HaDashah, “The New Covenant”

    As you read the parashah chapters and verses, we see the tunic/robe, bonnet, ephod, breastplate, etc., all meaningful. The onyx stones on the priests’ shoulders had the names of the tribes of Israel engraved, the priest would “shoulder the burden” of the nation, taking the animal sacrifices (that represented Yeshua's death) would intercede before YHVH on the nation's behalf. Now, Yeshua intercedes before the Father on our behalf with his “once only” death/sacrifice for all sin for ALL time.

    The breastplate would have 12 stones engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel, “Israel was/is next to YHVH's heart! As we are too, since we are all part of the commonwealth of Israel. Two interesting things are the “Urim and Thumim” no one knows exactly what they were, but there are suggestions, they might have been two stones that lit up and glowed when the priest would ask YHVH a question, the “Urim and Thumim' (Lights and perfections) were placed under the breastplate. When the priest went before YHVH seeking an answer to some judgment concerning the people, the stones would light up “illuminating” the priest with perhaps special wisdom from God, and it would be a “Perfect” response from God.

    Some say that there was a parchment with the most sacred name of God (Y H V H) on it, and placed inside the breastplate, and then, some think, that the letters of the names of the tribes of Israel that were engraved on the stones, would glow. The priest under the anointing of the Spirit of God, would then put the letters together and would “read” God's answer. But these are just ideas, nothing 100% certain. In heaven, we will discover what the “Urim and Thumim were/are! “

    Today, we have the Word of God. YHVH speaks to us through his written Word, but also, through dreams, at times, through other people who are very sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, YHVH conveys messages through events in our lives. If we look back on our lives, we can see that YHVH has been right there working and preparing events/people to bring us to where we are now.

    In chapter 29, we have the anointing/dedication of Aaron and his sons for the ministry. The sacrifices were a bullock and two rams, unleavened bread with olive oil. All these point to Yeshua, these were clean animals, whose blood symbolizes the blood of our Messiah, just like the unleavened bread, “Yeshua the Bread of Life” and the oil, the “Ruach HaKodesh” a little bit of the blood was placed on Aaron's right ear lobe, right thumb, and on the right toe, the same was done to his sons. What does this symbolize? We could say that as priests, “May they always HEAR, LISTEN TO the voice of God, that they might DO his will, and follow his commandments, and WALK in HIS footsteps, FOLLOWING the path of Torah.

    This would be the same expectation of ministers who are anointed as rabbis, chaplains, pastors, priests, etc. that they might always listen to the voice of God, and follow/do his will through his Word, to serve those who are placed under their leadership. We don't use blood today, but we do use anointing oil, so, the next time you might be called to anoint a minister, place some anointing oil on the right ear lobe, on the right thumb, and the right toe, (or on top of the shoe) for those that don't wear sandals.

    Chapter 30 talks about the altar of incense, which was made of shittim wood overlaid with gold, again, the humanity of Yeshua and the purity of HIM who is God. On this altar, the incense was burned, symbolizing our prayers that go up to YHVH as a sweet savor.

    A final thought on “clothing” let us “clothe” ourselves in the Spirit of God so that we might be spiritually controlled. Just as the Ark of the Covenant was “clothed” inside and out by pure gold, we should also be “clothed” inside and out with vestments that are God-honoring.


    Ben Avraham



  3. 1 KINGS 5:12-6:13 

         The tabernacle was used for many, many years.  It followed “B'nei Israel” when they crossed over the Jordan,  but 480 years later, it was replaced by the first temple which Melech Shlomo (King Solomon) built.  It must have been magnificent.  The Ark of the Covenant and the furniture that were inside the Mishkan were transferred to the new temple.  Yet many years later, after the death of Shlomo, the priesthood corrupted themselves, and the kings as well.  The temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, and the furniture was taken away. However, it is said that (according to some stories) the Levite priests hid the Ark of the Covenant from the invading Babylonians, and later, shipped it down the Nile River to the city of Axom in Ethiopia, and it is still there today. 

     The other story is that it never left Jerusalem.  It was hidden in a cave under Mt. Calvary and when Yeshua was crucified on the cross, during the brief earthquake, a crack opened up where our Savior was hanging on the cross, and his blood dripped down the crack and anointed the Ark of the Covenant which was directly below it a few hundred feet down.  But as I said, these are stories.

    Today our bodies are the "temples" of the Holy Spirit, it is where the Ruach HaKodesh comes to live when we accept Jesus as LORD and Savior.  We honor the Spirit of God in our bodies.  Do we defile it with unhealthy food or unhealthy physical practices? smoking? etc

         A believer can walk away from God, we can go astray, and the Ruach HaKodesh will call for us, to invite us back into fellowship, yet for how long?  Will the Spirit of God call us back indefinitely?  Or...like the Spirit of God that finally, “Left” the presence of the Temple, leaving it “Ichabod” just an empty building, can we become like an “empty vessel? Just walking around empty and lifeless? 

         But just as a believer is capable of going astray and walk away from the presence of God, the believer can also return, and be received with open arms by the Father.  One day, the third temple will be built, and the presence of YHVH will be there, and Yeshua will be back to rule the earth.  We will be there too, to share in this rule for one thousand years, and then...into eternity.   

    MARK 3:1-4:41 


         Here we see Yeshua on the sabbath, and he heals a man with a withered hand, yet receives criticism from the Prushim (Pharisees).  Yet Yeshua explains, “doing a good deed on the sabbath is permitted” so, YES, if one works, doing a “mitzvah” on the Sabbath is permitted if it is to bless another, help another, be it to bring medicine for someone who is sick, help repair a hole in a roof (if you see the rain clouds a comin'!). 

         Yeshua went down to the Lake and more people came to be healed.  The Sea of Galilee is a peaceful place to swim in.  Just standing in the water and feeling the fish nibble at your feet, is quite an experience.  I swam down about 10 feet in The Sea of Galilee or "Lake Tiberias" as some call it and brought up a ceramic dish. Still have it, a free souvenir.  But just looking at the Lake brings back thoughts of Yeshua there 2000 years ago, healing those with illnesses.  He still does, and he heals our souls as well. 


    The saucer I found 10 feet under the lake, nothing fancy, just meaningful because of where I found it


  4. Parashah: “T'rumah” (offering) EXODUS 25:1-27:19

    In this Torah study, we see that a request is made for a “free-will offering” so that the tabernacle can be built and the articles of furnishings for the same. As we remember, when the Israelites left Egypt, they left with quite a treasure that the Egyptians gave them so that they would leave. We could consider this, “back pay” for all the work they had done for four-hundred years.

    Egypt had quite a wealth in gold, silver, gems, fine fabrics, etc., and now, Egypt remained poor and in ruins while “B'nei Yisrael” left with the “spoils of war” a war which YHVH fought against the gods of Egypt, and won. So, in a battle, the spoils of war belong to the victor. So, while the Israelites were protected, G-d fought against the demonic entities, in the guise of the “gods of Egypt” Pharaoh included. So, rightly, the riches and spoils of Egypt belong to YHVH, being carried by HIS people. Also, they could also be considered "back-pay" for 400 years of labor.

    So, where in the desert are the people going to spend it all? they are just carrying it around, a lot of extra weight and burden that could be put to good use. The plan is to build a place where YHVH can come down and live with his chosen people. It isn't that YHVH can only live in one place, He is eternal, everywhere, yet He will “rest” with His people, minister to His people right there, visible by a cloud by day and fire by night. The “invisible God” will be “visible” in those two ways.

    In “Yitro” The Torah was given to Israel, the marriage “Ketubah” was given in the form of the Ten Commandments, written in stone, In “Mishpatim” “justice” was given, and some more commandments explained by YHVH through Moshe, and now, YHVH is saying “Take ME into your life, make ME a place to dwell among you”

    Yet first, the people have to gather the materials in order to make HIM a “Mikdash” (Sanctuary) yet more on this word later. The materials would be “freely given” The Word says; “Take for me an offering” (Terumah) yet at the end of the verse, the word is “Terumati” (my offering). Question, is it Israel’s offering, or God’s offering? It is BOTH. Israel gave and God made sure it was enough, and it was “more than enough”.

    Remember in the New Covenant when the boy offered 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes? “He gave” and then, Yeshua multiplied the offering, “HE gave BACK”. In the days of Elisha, the widow gave a bit of wheat and oil to make some bread for the prophet, then, GOD through Elisha gave back! Many pots of olive oil were left over, enough to sell and pay off the widow’s debt. Whatever we have to offer, Adonai will bless and double it in only a way that HE will be glorified.

    There is also an interesting word in verse 2; “meiet kol ish” (of every man). Each man would give an offering, a free-will offering. The word “meiet” is really the letter “M” with “ET”. “ET” carries the symbolism of “God of the Covenant” or the “Alef and the Tav”. So, what can we see here? It is that since every man would give a free-will offering, we are reminded that Yeshua, who is the “Alef and the Tav” gave HIMSELF as a free-will offering for sin, once and only once on Calvary’s cross for ALL MANKIND, (Kol ish!). The letter “m” (mem) can mean “of” or “from” it also symbolizes “Mashiach” and “water”. Messiah is the “Living Water”.

    We look at 25:8, and there is something interesting; “.and let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them…” thus said Adonai speaking to Moshe. The word “to dwell among” is “Shakhn’ti” and it not only means “to dwell among” it also means “to dwell inside” and that is the way it is today, the “Ruach Elohim” the “Spirit of God dwells “inside” of every born-again believer. God is our “neighbor”. The word “neighbor” in Hebrew is the word; “Shakhein” and we can see those letters in the word “shakhn’ti” the three main letters in the word “Shakhein” are “sheen” “kaph” and “nun” “sh” “k” “n” we can also see those letters “inside” the word “Mishkan” (tabernacle) and the word “Shekinah” (the Shekinah glory) today we know it as the Spirit of God, who dwells inside every believer. So, YHVH is our “neighbor” who dwells inside of us 24-7.

    Another word “Tabernacle” is “sanctuary” (Mikdash) Something interesting about this word is that in Hebrew, the word has 4 letters; “m” “k” “d” and “sh” (mem, qof, dalet, sheen). The letter “k” or “Qof” symbolizes “holiness” it is right in the middle of the word. Without the “Qof” we would have the other 3 letters and if one puts the “Sheen” (sh) first, the word would be “Sh +m+d” (Shemed) which means “vanity”. What is the symbolism here? A sanctuary without holiness would be a place for vanity. Without holiness, what else is there besides vanity?

         Something else is here.  The words "Mikdash" (Sanctuary) and "Mishkan (Tabernacle) are both used.  Within the word, "Mikdash" are the letters that spell out the word "Kadosh" (Holy) So, Adonai wants a "Holy Sanctuary" for Him to dwell in to have fellowship with his people.  Also, the word "Mishkan" (Tabernacle) and "Kadosh" (holy) have the same gematria, (410)   when we add these numbers  4+1+0 = 5   "5" is the number of "grace" by grace Adonai came and dwelt with His people.   "Mikdash" has the gematria of  444.   4+4+4 = 12.   All "12" tribes contributed to the building of the Mikdash or Mishkan   (same place, different words) 

    The building project was, one could say, financed by Egypt. For 4 hundred years, Israel worked for a hard taskmaster, “Pharaoh and Company” building edifices dedicated to false gods, now, Israel has a new master, The Creator of the Universe, the Maker of Man, the future “Yeshua Ha Mashiach” A place will be built for HIM to minister to his people, and every piece of furniture will reflect who HE IS.

    There are 13 general items for the building project; 1. Gold, 2. Silver, 3. Brass, 4. Blue, purple, and scarlet fabric, 5. Fine linen, 6. Goat’s hair, 7. Ram’s skins, 8. Sealskins, 9. Acacia-wood, 10. Oil, 11. Spices, 12. Onyx stones, 13. Other gemstones. The number “13” in Gematria is the sum of the letters in the word “Echad” which means “ONE in unity”. With those materials, the Mishkan/Mikdash was built, so that Adonai could be ONE with HIS PEOPLE, which now includes all believers. We are all ONE with Messiah Yeshua.

    Gold, silver, precious stones, fabric, and wood. Now there is a question, where did the wood come from? Is there any Shitim and Acacia trees in the desert? If one looks at the desert of Saudi Arabia today, even through “google maps” or “google earth” one can see almost no trees, just bare mountains. But we are talking about a desert almost 4000 years ago, it was probably very different, it had to be, remember that the Israelites brought with them cattle and sheep, what are they going to eat? Sand? No, there had to have been vegetation, trees. They could have cut the trees down in the desert and fashioned them into boards for the “Mishkan” (tabernacle) or they might have brought them out of Egypt, already cut and fashioned, perhaps some of the Egyptian lumber yards just gave them all that, since not all of the Egyptians were rich in gold and silver (just an idea)

    This is a “free-will offering” Moshe states, “of every man whose heart maketh him willing”. So it was not forced, it was “of free will”. We know that the people gladly gave, so much that later on, Moshe has to say, “Stop giving already, we have enough”. Can you imagine a pastor or rabbi from a church or synagogue that would say to his congregation,

    “OK brothers and sisters, we have enough money for all of our needs, you can stop giving?” I don't think that will ever happen, when one gives of his or her time, talent, and treasure, God gives back many times over. Money is like a conduit, it should flow like water through a pipe, to be spread out, not backed up.

    There are many who hoard money like a squirrel hoards nuts in a tree, no amount in the bank seems to be enough. One rich man was asked, “how much is enough?' he said, “only one dollar more...” and it never ends. Adonai has promised us that He would provide for ALL of our needs, through his abundance in grace, both in spiritual ways, physical, and material ways, if we will only trust Him.

    We ask ourselves, what kind of “T’rumot” (offerings) can we “offer up” today? Gold, silver, and bronze? Yes, that would be money, from our paychecks, tithes, and offerings. Fine linen, blue, purple, and scarlet threads? Yes, that would be clothing. There are ministries that collect used and new clothing to donate to the poor and needy. I would say, we can offer up almost anything of value to someone in need. But most of all, we can “offer up ourselves” as living sacrifices. We can offer up our abilities to serve, offer up our spiritual gifts since that is why God has given spiritual gifts, to edify the body of Messiah. The Hebrew word for "service" is "Avodah" within this word there are two letters that stand out; A + D ("Ad" in Hebrew is "witness" when we serve, they are always witnesses, both on earth and in heaven. They see us. Now, on to the building project

    So, the building project is starting, with the “tent of meeting” (The tabernacle/Mishkan) with its wooden boards, bars, clamps, and curtains of linen, the furniture that would go inside; The brazen Altar, the brazen Laver, the Menorah, the table of shew-bread, the incense altar, and finally, the Ark of the Covenant, (Aron Ha Kodesh. Each and every one of these pieces reflects who Yeshua is and his finished work on Calvary's cross.

    The Ark of the Covenant is mentioned first, made of acacia wood overlaid with gold, both inside and out. Inside this box would be the tables of the Law, the “Torah” It symbolizes the purity and sinlessness of YHVH. The wood; the humanity of Yeshua who was YHVH in the flesh, both God and man. As it was covered with gold inside and out, it symbolizes that we also should be, through the Holy Spirit, “pure” inside and out, both physically, and spiritually, where people can see and where only God can see, inside us. The Torah, God's teaching and instruction to us, is inside the Ark, as the “Living Torah” who is Yeshua is inside of us, and also, his teaching, his “Torah” inside of us, to understand, learn from, and put into action in our daily lives.

    The Cherubim that are on top of the Kaporet look down upon the mercy seat, and they remind us of God's Holy Angels that are around us and who protect us. The “Shekinah Glory” the “Holy Presence of YHVH” was on top of the “Kaporet” (the cover) and when the high priest would sprinkle blood on the cover, YHVH would see the blood. The blood on the cover symbolized (before Yeshua) that the sins of man were “covered” for one year, but after Calvary, the sins of all of us were “erased” “wiped away” and “blotted out” forever.

    The 7 branch Menorah (candlestick) was made of pure gold, with 7 branches, the “perfect number of God” the six branches would extend from the center branch, just like we, believers, depend on the center branch, or “trunk” for our sustenance, there were “6” branches, (number of man) connected to the “7th” main branch. This Menorah symbolizes “Yeshua” as the “Light of the World” and the oil inside it as the “Ruach Ha Kodesh” (The Holy Spirit) We see the “wicks” that are inside the lamps as “believers” who depend on the “oil” (the Ruach HaKodesh) for our continuous growth, as part of the body of Messiah Yeshua.

    The table of shew-bread symbolizes Messiah Yeshua as the “Bread of Life” with 12 loaves of unleavened bread. The bread was to be there, “continuously” the priests would eat the bread on the sabbath and more bread was placed on the table, so that there would be “always the presence of “the Bread of Life” As believers, the living Torah is our spiritual bread, and we must partake daily of this bread. No wonder Yeshua was born in Bethlehem, yet in Hebrew, the name is “Beit-Lechem” the “House of Bread” Again, the table was made of Acacia wood overlaid with gold, the purity of the sinless presence of God and the humanity of Messiah Yeshua.

    Then there is the table of Incense, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold. This is where coals from the brazen altar were placed, and incense burned. The incense symbolizes our prayers, which go up to Heaven as the sweet-smelling incense smoke also goes up.

    The curtains of the tabernacle were to be made of fine linen, with the colors, blue, purple, and scarlet. These colors remind us of “blue skies of heaven above” “purple” (the color of royalty, Yeshua the King), and scarlet, (the color of blood) reminding us of Yeshua's blood that was shed for all our sins, past, present, and future. And of course, the wooden planks that remind us of the humanity of Yeshua.

    In the outer court of the tabernacle, there is the brazen altar, made of bronze and filled with water. This is where the priests washed their hands and feet. Bronze symbolizes judgment, imagine when the priests approached the still waters in the bronze laver, they would be able to see their reflection in the water. Imagine that is us looking into a mirror, what do we see? The image of a holy God, yet tainted with sin, we need to judge ourselves, and turn from our sinful ways, repent of our sins, like Yeshua said, “Your sins are forgiven, GO, and SIN NO MORE”.

    Finally, there is the brazen altar, which is really the first thing a person would see inside the tabernacle. It symbolizes Yeshua who was judged for our sins. It is made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze. The bronze symbolizes the judgment that Messiah Yeshua went through to pay our sin price. The animal sacrifices were placed on the grills which were on top of the altar. The animals symbolize our Messiah Yeshua, their blood symbolizes HIS blood, and the fire symbolizes the “fires of judgment” that Yeshua endured on the cross of Calvary, once and only once. It was sufficient, for our sins, past, present, and future. Let not his sacrifice for sin be for naught. If you have never placed your faith in Yeshua as Messiah, Savior, and LORD, do it now.



    The Shoe-Man.  Always ready to fix your footwear.  Can you walk in the shoes of Messiah Yeshua? Quite a challenge 




  5. JEREMIAH 34:8-22, 33:25-26 

        Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet” because Israel had returned to idolatry, and corruption, YHVH sends him with a message to Israel, “Repent” and “turn from your sins”, one of the sins was to go back on their word.  Jeremiah told them that God had said, “release your slaves” since they had not released them after 7 years, they did that, but afterward, they “re-captured” their slaves and returned them to captivity, this is to be “double-minded” for “appearance sake” they released the slaves/servants, but when they thought that “the prophet wasn't looking” they went back on their word. Result? Babylon came and captured Israel! And king Zedekiah was taken to Babylon as a slave. 

         How well do we as believers respond when someone calls our attention? When we are in the wrong, do we really repent, and turn from our sins? or.... when we think no one is looking, go back to our sins? Our old attitudes, our old “issues?” A thief looks ahead, in back, to the left, to the right, to make sure that no one is looking, but the thief never looks “up”! Yes, our Heavenly Father who is on high is looking down on us all, and observes ALL our actions, even in private, so, we really are NEVER alone! Someone is always watching us. 

         God, his holy angels, Satan and his demons, all that are in the spirit realm are always watching our every move.  So, make sure our lives are holy, unto God on high.  

    MARK 1:1-2:28 

         The talmid/disciple Mark writes about John the Baptist, and his ministry to prepare the people for the coming of his cousin, Yeshua, preparing hearts, and minds.  Baptism was important in Jewish life, it symbolized who was once unclean, is now clean, from “Tamei” to “Tahor”, from “death to life”. 

         When a born-again believer is baptized, the believer identifies himself or herself with Yeshua in death and life, death, burial, and resurrection.  But John was just “preparing” the way for He who is THE WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.   In the early part of the first century, the followers of Yeshua were known as "those of the WAY" even before the name "Christian" was used.  "Christian" came from the Greek  "Kristianos" from "Kristos" while "Messianics" came from the original Hebrew "Mashiach" or "Messiah" Both titles point to those who follow Yeshua. Yet the way God looks at us is;  
    "B'nei Elohim" (Sons and daughters of God) 

         Yeshua is the WAY to eternal life, He is the TRUTH, which is the opposite of lies and deception, and He is LIFE eternal, to those who embrace Him as Savior and LORD. 

         So, How are we to walk our “Halacha?” (Spiritual walk) we need to walk in HIS WAYS.  What are HIS WAYS? The way of the Torah, obedient to HIS mitzvoth.  If we are walking in HIS WAYS, We are walking in the TRUTH, and if we walk in the TRUTH, and we have accepted the LIVING TRUTH (Emet Chai) then we have ETERNAL LIFE, No wonder Yeshua identifies himself by these three words.  

         Yeshua went walking along the Sea of Galilee, and there he invited Kefa and Andrew to come with him, and later, at K’far Nachum (Capernaum) went to the synagogue there and began to teach the people.  I thank God that I visited that same synagogue back in 2015 when I went to Israel to serve the IDF with the reserve units.  My friend Alon and I went by car to Capernaum, walk around, and visited the part of the lake that served as a dock for the fishing boats, that is probably where Yeshua met Kefa and Andrew. 

         We are all called by Yeshua through his spirit, to follow him, do we follow Him? or...do we expect HIM to follow US? He teaches us through HIS word, are we listening? 




    The dawning of a new day on the Sea of Galilee, at Tiberias 


  6. PARASHA: “Mishpatim” (Judgments) EXODUS 21:1-24:18 “Bringing to light the meaning of some difficult commandments"

    This parashah involves the giving of a variety of commandments, that Elohim gave to Moshe to give/write down, and teach to “b'nei Israel” the first has to do with servants and their treatment. The system of slavery in Israel back in Biblical times was very much different than the cruel slavery of Africans here in the United States, starting from the 1600s, into colonial days, up until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

    Unfortunately, the slave owners used the bible as a “reason” to own slaves, as they said, “The Bible permits slavery!” Yes, but only in extreme circumstances when one could not pay one's debts. And the person was only a slave for 6 years, in year 7, the master had to release the slave, and give the slave gifts of oil, wine, and wheat, so he or she could start life over again.

    The slave could not be abused like slaves were whipped and abused under American slavery. But if the slave wished to remain with the master, the master could make a hole in the slave's ear and put in a ring, indicating that the slave was a slave for life, (being the choice of the slave) but “life” was up to 50 years, until the year of “Jubilee” if the slave chose to be with his or her master for “life” and the year, let's say was “40” then, “Life” was 10 years more, and then the slave would be released.

    It is interesting to read that the scripture says in Exodus 21:6 “Then his master will bring him before Elohim and shall bring him to the door or the doorpost and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl”

    The word, Elohim, can not only mean “God” but also, “Those who represent God” perhaps Levites, officials of the Tabernacle, the temple, city, etc. The word “Master” is a form of “Adonai” in this part, it is spelled; “Adonav” (his master). The doorpost was the official place of doing business, like at the county clerk’s office. So, the person who loved his master made his love for him official, before “Adonav” (His master) before “Elohim” (God himself and before those who represent Him.

    If the slave was hurt in any way, say the master hit the slave and knocked a tooth out, or put an eye out, the slave was to be released immediately, and with compensation. Not so in America during the years of slavery.

    Rav Shaul/Paul the Apostle talks about being “bond slaves” to Messiah Yeshua, and that is our state. Would we want to be “released” from following HIM? Would we want to be under a “different master?” There are only two that claim our lives; Yeshua or HaSatan. We were “bought with a price” the price of blood, and we were released from Satan's bondage, to follow and subject ourselves to a new master, “Adonai” which means; “my master” We are “servants” to the Most High God. The Hebrew word for “Slave” and “servant” is the same word: “Eved” slaves/servants were not considered “objects of purchase” or “property” they were considered “human beings” just like we are considered in the eyes of YHVH his “servants’ “children” “adopted sons and daughters”. Do not sons and daughters serve their parents?

    ”An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe; (21:24....) if you read on, we see that it doesn't mean, “if you knock out my tooth, I have a right to knock your tooth out too” or “if you blind me in on eye, I have the right to put out your eye” or in modern terminology, “If you break my stereo, I have the right to go into your house and smash your stereo” how I ask you, does that solve the problem? It doesn't, it just creates more problems. If we look at this situation in light of scripture, it is saying in other words; “just compensation for hurt or damage received”

    How would that work? If I broke your arm accidentally or on purpose, I would be responsible for taking you to the doctor and paying the medical bill, and even, paying you “lost wages” if you couldn't work. It doesn't mean that the other guy could break “my arm too”. If you broke my stereo, then I would expect you to either pay to have it fixed or buy me another one of equal value, (arm for an arm, stereo for stereo, etc.)

    We continue to read about many rules, commandments, and judgments, that make very good sense, even today, yet many of these judgments are not practiced today, everyone is off to the lawyers for a lawsuit. My opinion is that if the legal system today, was set up to reflect the Biblical standards of criminal justice in accordance with God's Word, there would be a lot less crime. The criminals would think twice before committing crimes. An example would be the following; A man goes to prison for stealing a car, sells it, and spends the money, so the prisoner has to work in prison and the money he would make would be sent to the victim to compensate the loss.

    His sentence would end only when the sum is completed. Or...the court system would pay the victim the money lost in the theft, and the thief would have to work to pay back the court. This type of punishment would reflect more the Torah standard of criminal justice.

    We come now to Exodus 23:19. “You shall bring the first fruits of thy land unto the House of YHVH, thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk”

    One commandment does not even reflect the other. It would be like saying, “turn out the lights when you leave the house, hey, don't forget to check the mailbox for mail”. What has one got to do with the other? G-d is saying here to bring your tithe to the House of YHVH but then goes on to a different subject. Would this; “seething a kid in its mother's milk” be taken literally? In order to break this commandment, one would have to take a kid goat, butcher it, cut up the meat, then take the mother goat, milk her, then boil the meat in the mother's milk. Who would go to the trouble to do all that? Today, when people make stew, the meat is usually boiled/seethed in water with condiments, not in milk. But if we look at this commandment in a derashic sense, (the moral and spiritual sense) we could get this understanding;

    It may be all about the separation of life and death, of the clean from unclean (Tamei from tahor) good from bad. In “Basar v'chalav” (meat and milk) we can see that the word “Chalav”(milk) spelled in Hebrew is “Chet, Lamed, Beit (ch+l+v) yet the word “fat” is also spelled (ch+l+v) yet pronounced “Chelev” They are related, “milk” is a form of “fat”, and the fat of an animal was offered up on the altar to YHVH, as a “sweet savor” a “pleasant smell” unto YHVH, this was part of the worship service.

    We worship G-d with our full “heart” and the word “Ch+l+v” contains the letters “lamed” and “beit” (l+v) (Lev) which means “heart” Milk symbolizes “life” a baby is nurtured by its mother's milk to live, to have life. Yet the flesh (Basar) symbolizes death, as a believer, to be in the “flesh” is the opposite to being “in the spirit, full of life”. Once the animal is cut up, if not used, the flesh sits and rots, flies come around, and it becomes “Tamei” (unclean) when we are in the “flesh” we are in a way of speaking, “unclean” spiritually, until we confess our sins, and become as “milk” (full of life) again, walking in the spirit, and, like the fat of a clean animal, being a “sweet savor unto YHVH .

    This is just one way one can look at this prohibition of boiling a kid in its mother's milk, from a Derashic (moral and spiritual) standpoint. (watch “Basar v' Chalav/Meat and Milk” on YouTube “Kehilah Melech Yisrael”)

    ”if you meet an enemy's ox or his ass going astray, you will bring it back to him again” (Ex 23:4) This is one way to make your enemy, your friend, make peace with him. Would not this be for today as well, of course, it would! It may not be an ox, maybe his wallet with his ID and money. “Do not oppress the stranger, seeing you were strangers in the land of Egypt?” other bibles say “foreigner” the USA used to welcome all immigrants, but now many are being oppressed, being deported, being cheated in wages, we must turn this around and start helping those who come to this country to seek a better life, thus turning a curse into a blessing.

    If you read from chap 21 to 24 and look carefully at the commandments/judgments, you will see that most make perfect sense even in our modern days. God's Word is right on the money!


    From Ben Avraham


    Shabbat dawn, 2/18/23 at 6:30 am.  Outside the studio window of Radio KYST; 920 AM on the dial.  Our weekly Spanish language Torah study.


  7. ISAIAH 6:1-7:6

    ” KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TZEVA’OT” ... Holy, Holy, Holy, is YHVH of hosts” When the Torah mentions the “Holiness” of God, the word is KADOSH, the “O” is there, (the letter “vav” in Hebrew) but when “holiness” is mentioned referring to mankind, the “O” is missing, and we have KAD_SH, this “missing “vav” symbolizes the “incompleteness of our holiness, because of our inborn “sin nature”

    Yeshayahu (Isaiah) is being asked by God, “Whom shall I send, who will go for US?” (Elohim) The Prophet answers, “Here am I, send me!” and God responds, “Go, and tell the people!” That should be our attitude as well, we have those orders too from God, to “tell the people” about Yeshua, to teach those who will listen, to his WORD, even though many will not understand at the beginning, or will refuse, we have to try, WE (all believers) are responsible for taking the “Good News” to others who will listen, and with the modern technology, the internet, this has become possible, what used to be almost impossible, now is possible, with fingers going across the keyboard and with the click of the mouse, the word is sent out.

    Isaiah must be saying right now, “Oh how I wish I had a laptop back then!”

    MATTHEW 27:1-28:20

    This relates to the age-old story of Yeshua's trial, execution, and resurrection, this story we know well, He did it to pay the price of our sins, past, present, and future, His one-time-only sacrifice was good forever, and still IS good forever. But many people still reject this sacrifice, reject this free gift of salvation, for a short-lived world of pleasure, for an eternity of suffering and pain.

    When we look at Passover, which is coming up soon, we are reminded of the “Passover lambs” which were sacrificed/slaughtered on the eve of Passover. The blood of the lambs sprinkled on the doorposts of the Israelite houses in Goshen, thus protecting them from the Angel of Death. We could also presume that if an Egyptian family did the same, they also would have been spared being struck dead by the Death Angel. (the firstborn that is).

    All those sacrificed lambs point to Yeshua, who was the “Lamb of God” who took away the curse of sin from the world. The unleavened bread which was eaten that night, which we still eat on Passover, is “Yeshua the Bread of Life”. The Lamb of God and the Living Bread go together.

    Pilate wrote these words on the cross, YESHUA OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS, in Hebrew it would have been 'YESHUA HA NOTZRI, V'HA MELECH Y'HUDIM. Within this title are the letters YHVH, which explain who Yeshua is really, God on earth, made flesh and blood, whose blood was shed to set us free.

    Ben Avraham 
    Good times with some of the grandkids (Miami, FL) (Vanessa, Jessica, Julian, and Kathy) 
  8. Nice to hear from you again.  Of course, we will not be judged according to the commandments, but according to what we have done with Messiah Yeshua as our LORD and Savior.  However, our receiving or losing rewards might be according to how we have acted to the commandments, whether keeping or ignoring.   Just a thought.  I still think you are the image of my mother.  You look just like her (Antonnetta Nappi Macarro)  (1912-1971) 

  9. PARASHA: “Yitro” (Jethro) EXODUS 18:1-20:26 (Good Advice from Jethro and the "Ten Commandments")

    We see in this parashah, a lot of wisdom on the part of Moshe and Yitro, his father-in-law. First, we learn that Moshe had sent his wife and children back to stay with her father and his son's grandfather. I believe this was for safekeeping. When one sees danger, it is wise to care for one's family, as Moshe did, His wife and children might have been in danger. The Egyptians might have retaliated, might have kidnapped his wife and children, or killed them, so Moshe took precautions, which is a good thing.

    The second piece of wisdom comes from Yitro, He is a man of experience, so he says; “Moshe, what are you doing to this people?” hey, you are only one man, and a few million of them? Come on dude, get wise-er, this isn't a one-man deal here." no such things as “lone rangers” in ministry, even the “Lone-Ranger” was not alone, he had “Tonto”.

    Ministry is to be shared with other believers, that is why the Ruach Ha Kodesh has given the Spiritual gifts, to be shared, to minister to others, by many, not just one. The rabbi cannot do it alone, and neither can the pastor. The rabbi needs his co-workers, and so does the pastor, if not, they are going to run themselves ragged. This is called “pastor/rabbi Burn-out”

    Another thing to point out is that it directs us to a question. The scripture says that Moshe sat in judgment of the people and made known the ordinances of God. But…Moshe and the people had not received the Torah yet. That came afterward. So, if Moshe hadn’t received the commandments yet, how did he know the ordinances of God with which to judge the people?

    Two possibilities. The “Oral Torah” was probably given to Adam, who passed it on to Seth, from Seth to Enoch and from Enoch to Methuselah, and so forth until it reached Moses. So, he knew, from the teaching of the patriarchs.

    The other possibility is that during the time that Moshe was sent back to Egypt, God revealed his laws and statutes to him personally through visions or dreams. Remember that God spoke to Moshe as one man speaks to another. These are just possibilities, then on Sinai, they were given on stone tablets and written down on parchment papers or o lamb skins. From the “Oral Torah to the Written Torah.”

    This is the parashah of the “Ten Mitzvoth” the “Ten Commandments” but before the giving of these, YHVH presents the deal to the people, kind of like when the bride-groom presents himself to the bride, these are beautiful words;

    ” Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you unto myself, therefore IF you harken unto my voice and keep my covenant, THEN ye shall be my own treasure from among all peoples; for all the earth is mine, and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation” (19:4-6)

    It is all conditional, like all contracts, and covenants. We see the “IF” and “THEN” He says that He bore Israel on eagles' wings. An eagle will carry her young on her wings to protect them from harm. So did YHVH, He brought Israel through the Sea on dry land, and brought them nigh unto Har Sinai, now, they have to decide, will they accept YHVH as their one and only God? And obey HIS words?

    It is like asking the bride to accept the groom as her only husband, provider, and loving ruler, (not tyrant) BUT…even though Israel broke the covenant many times, YHVH has remained faithful and we are HIS HOLY PEOPLE, his ELECT, whether we were born and raised in Israel or from the nations, doesn't matter, we are HIS because we have accepted HIS sacrifice in YESHUA our “Goel” (Redeemer), and we choose the follow his Torah, his LIVING Torah.

    The HE lays out the first 10 of the 613 commandments, which generalize, one can say “all” of the Torah: We need to realize that the first ten were given directly by Adonai to his people, HIS voice to HIS people, the other 603 were given to the people THROUGH Moshe, but still, they are all GOD’s commandments. Moshe simply did not make them up.

    ”ANOCHI YHVH ELOHEIHA” ( I AM ADONAI YOUR GOD) with the I AM emphasized, one can say “Ani” (I) or Anochi (I really AM) He is saying, I am who I have claimed to be, the God who took you out of Egypt and brought you here, I am ready to be your God, so if that is the case, there can only be ONE God in your life, that is ME, I don't want statues of me, that what the Egyptians did, so, don't do as they did, (It took one day to take Israel out of Egypt, but 40 years to take Egypt out of Israel if you get the meaning). Don't bow down and worship other gods, that will NOT be accepted. It is interesting to see that the word “Egyptians” and “Egypt” is the same in Hebrew, it is the word “Mitzraim”.

    When Israel crossed the Red Sea, the “Egyptians” were drowned in the sea, yet “Egypt” followed Israel still, in the manner of “mindset” “philosophy”, “and influence”. Today when we reject the ways of the world, and come to “Yeshua” there are still “world-ways” one tends to follow, sometimes we do things even without thinking, which reminds us of the “ways of the world” (evil things).

    Yet we see today, even though we don't make or bow down to silver, gold, wooden statues that symbolize who God is, or TRY to symbolize who he is, sorry guys, they didn't have cameras back then to take pictures, many bow down and consider more important things like; football, soccer, money, sex, TV, fast cars, work, you name it, if these come before our worship and service to our God YHVH, then those things ARE OUR gods!! put them in their proper places, lest YHVH take them from us by force!!


    What is being said here? When many take oaths, and promises, many times the name of GOD is used; like “I swear to God I'll pay you back next week”

    Well, if next week rolls around and you pay back what you owe, you will have HONORED the NAME of GOD, yet if you don't, you will have taken the NAME of God in vain! It is better not to make promises and use God's name, we can always say “I'll do my best to pay you back as soon as I am able” and leave it at that.

    One can take the name of the LORD thy GOD in vain without words, our mere actions and comportment speak of God and who He is, if we behave unlike born-again believers, if we behave like a lost person, using foul language in front of others, getting upset and throwing temper fits, we are TAKING HIS NAME IN VAIN. And using those ugly 4 letter words, And other sorts of ugly language...well. that is not swearing, that is just plain vulgar.


    The sabbath is and always will be Saturday, it was never changed to Sunday, nothing wrong with going to church on Sunday, to me, it is a “double blessing” to worship Adonai two days straight. Yes, the early believers met on the first day of the week (Sunday) to break bread and have fellowship, this was “Havdalah” this was the close of the Sabbath and the welcome of the new week.

    This was a “custom” that they did, and we still do, it was not a CHANGE of sabbaths. Yeshua resurrected on the first day of the week, Baruch HaShem!! great! And we also can worship on Sundays at local churches, but it was NEVER a change of sabbaths. We should dedicate the sabbath day to be in the Synagogue or at church, to worship, and learn from his word through God's chosen ministers, Sunday school teachers, and Torah teachers. Go home and rest, or take the family out to lunch, give the wife a break from the kitchen, or eat lunch at the synagogue (Oneg) and leave the material things and worldly things to the next day.

    Rest means rest! I have read in rabbinical commentaries that when “The World keeps the Sabbath perfectly...THEN… Messiah will return!” well, He still has never returned, does that mean that the world has not kept Shabbos perfectly? Guess so. Shabbat is Satan's perfect and favorite time to stir up trouble and tempers so that we will NOT have a restful Shabbat. Be aware of that.


    This really needs no explanation, it is common sense to honor our parents and respect them because of WHO they are, and what they have done for us. My mom and dad used to say to me; “We went without many times to give you the things that you have today” Our parents give us love, and raise us, hopefully, to love God.

    ( I can't speak for all of you readers, since everyone is different) But, if our parents gave us love and taught us about God and Yeshua/Jesus, then, we ought to do the same for our kids. Honoring fathers and mothers does not mean sticking them in a rest home when they are old and going off and forgetting about them. It doesn't work like that. Were your parents rotten to you? Did they mistreat you? Well, love them anyway! It is what Yeshua taught.


    Ever wonder why those three commandments are together? If one commits adultery, sleeping with another man's wife or husband, one is “murdering” a marital relationship, and “stealing” what does not belong to you, being another person's spouse. Yeshua explains it even better, He said if you only “think” of sleeping, or having sex with another person's wife or husband, that person has already committed adultery in his or her mind, it gets pretty intense if you look at it that way.

    “Murder” does NOT include going to war and fighting for your nation, you are DEFENDING your family and homeland. “Stealing?” that can be a two or three-page explanation, if you come back late from lunch, you are “stealing” time from your employer, if you do not do your very best, then you are “stealing” from your employer, your own ability and usefulness. Can a man rob God? Malachi says, “Yes” God speaking through his prophet, “You have ROBBED me of your tithes and offerings” One can rob from God when we do not utilize our spiritual gifts, or waste them on worldly things. The rabbis of old say that every sin is a manner of theft. We need to think about that.


    This is another lengthy subject, but with simple words, always tell the truth, and do not hide the truth from others. If to know that some thieves are planning to rob your neighbor, and you remain silent and do not alert your neighbor, it is if you opened your neighbor's door for the thieves, you are being false. To tell a half-truth is to be false. Yes, the truth at times can be costly, and painful, but being false can be worse. It seems that at times the cheaters and liars get ahead in this world, and those who are 100 percent truthful about everything are left behind sucking their thumbs.

    DO NOT COVET....

    Be satisfied with what you have, the job you have, the bank account you have, the car you have, with the wife or husband you have...Coveting can lead to worse crimes, look at Aachen, who coveted the Babylonian tunic and gold from Jericho, it cost him his life, and his family's lives too. If you want more than you have already, take it to the LORD in prayer, if the LORD sees that there is nothing wrong with giving you a little more, HE will give it to you in HIS perfect time. You never know, people with “more things” usually have “more headaches” or “more” to worry about. I remember what the TV preacher Rex Humbard said once, “God may give you what you want, but you're not going to want what you get!” So, give thanks for what you already have, when we go to heaven, we will leave it ALL BEHIND.

    Ben Avraham



    A passageway in the old city of Joppa, Israel 


    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. JUDGES 4:4-5:31

    In this reading, we read about Devorah and Jael, two women of God who played an important role in Israel's history. We read about many “men of God” but very few “women of God” but they are out there, and today, we have many women who are used mightily by God in ministry. Through Deborah and Jael, Sisera and his army were vanquished, just as Moshe was an example of a godly leader, Deborah was also a leader, and Jael, whose name in Hebrew “Yah-El” means "God's strength, was also instrumental in defeating Sisera.

    The name "Ya-El" also means "Ibex" which is a mountain goat with long horns. Yet the name is spelled with three Hebrew letters; Yod, Ayin, and Lamed. It is a combination of "the strength of the hand and arm with the insight of leadership" So, with God's strength and insight, she developed the plan to put Sisera asleep so as to kill him, which showed intelligent leadership, so, she lived up to her name

    It is interesting that when Sisera came to Ya-El's tent and asked for some water, she gave him goat's milk instead.(Yael gave Sisera milk from a Yael? play on words?) It was all in her plan to vanquish the enemy with a fatal headache. Milk induces sleep because it has a property called "tryptophan." Now, I am sure that Ya-El didn't know that name but through experience, she knew that milk relieves stress and calms the nerves. So, when Sisera drank his fill, he fell asleep and never woke up (in this life)

    If you are a woman and reading this Parashah, never say “because I am a woman, God cannot use me” Yes, he can, there are ministries for women, mostly, women ministering to other women, reaching out to those who have been abused in marriages, victims of rape, assault, homeless women, etc. YOU my sister, have a place in ministry. Venture out and discover what it is, just be available.

    MATTHEW 26:1-75

    This chapter deals with Yeshua's final days with his talmidim on earth, His anointing by the generous woman who poured the “nard” perfume on him, the betrayal by “Y'hudah Ish Kariot” (Judas, the man from the region of Kariot) in every group of disciples, there are always a few who are “fakers” We have the final “Pesach” dinner with his disciples and Peter's denial,

    But there is a lot we can learn from this, Peter denied knowing Yeshua, out of fear, but Judas openly rejected him by identifying him by a kiss on the cheek. Both sins are forgivable, the only difference is that Peter confessed and received forgiveness, while Judas felt remorse, but did not cry out for forgiveness, but went out and committed suicide. There is sin that leads to remorse and a “feeling sorry for oneself” and the sin that leads to remorse, and from remorse to confession, and from confession to forgiveness, and from forgiveness to restored fellowship.

    How many readers out there have chosen the latter? We are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God, but the confession of sins, and receiving forgiveness is something only you can do, I cannot do it for you. Yeshua receives ALL who come to him, no matter how bad or evil you have been, nor what you have done, no sin is beyond forgiveness. Just ask, and turn from your sin, and forgiveness and restoration are yours.

    Shabbat Shalom

    Ben Avraham


    "Old Tom" behind the cooler


  11. PARASHAH: “B'shalach” (when he let go) EXODUS 13:17-17:16

    Good question to ponder. Have we left "Egypt" behind, or do we have Egyptian baggage with us still? The ways of the old fleshly nature still hang around. We left the lost world when Yeshua/Jesus came our Savior and LORD, yet the carnal nature still raises his ugly head. It took God one day to take Israel out of Egypt, yet it took 40 years to take Egypt out of Israel.

    We are coming down to the “showdown” where Pharaoh gets what he deserves for defying the God of Israel, going back on his word to “let Israel go”, you cannot pursue Israel without getting hurt, and Pharaoh and his army got to drink bitter waters, went off the “deep end” received a very fatal “water baptism”.

    Yet before all this happens, there are some interesting verses to look at. Exodus 17: 18 states that; “The children of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt” yet it also states that Elohim did not lead them through the land of the F’lishtim: (The Philistines) because an encounter with them might entice war, frighten them and cause them to go back to Egypt. But if they had weapons, why would they fear a battle? One can assume that even though they had weapons if they didn’t know how to use them, they would be no good.

    We can say the same thing about a Bible. It is useless in the hands of one who does not know how to use it, or uses it in wrongful ways, inventing “strange” doctrines, or taking verses out of context. The Israelites were ex-slaves, not men of war. Another question, where did they get the weapons? Were the weapons among the spoils of Egypt? They might have been. But here is another view from a Derashic perspective (Moral and spiritual)

    The word for “armed” in Hebrew which is used is “chamushim” the wise rabbis of old state that this word has roots in the words "chamesh” (the number 5) and “chamishim” (50). So how does this a part in this verse? It is said that it was the 5th generation after Yosef that left Egypt, if a generation is 80 years, it would add up to 400 years. Also, the number 5 symbolizes “grace”. So, the Israelites not only left Egypt with some spears and swords but they were also armed with the “grace” that Elohim bestowed on them. More importantly, they were armed with the protection, blessings, and leadership of Elohim who led them out of Egypt. The number “50” also reminds us of the “50 gates of understanding” which the ancient rabbis say are 50 questions that Elohim asked Job at the end of the Book of Job.

    Another midrash is that only 1 out of 5 Israelites left Egypt. Now I ask you if all of Israel was witness to the destruction of Egypt by Elohim, why would they want to stay behind? Other sages say that only 1 out of 5 households put blood on their doorposts. Remember that these are ideas presented by unsaved rabbis. However, I ask you again, if Israel is witness to all the miracles and judgments, why would they NOT want to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts?

    I would like to answer the question using a question. If we can have eternal life through the blood and sacrifice of Yeshua for our sins, past, present, and future, why do so many people still REJECT Him? The scripture states that ‘Wide is the way that leads to destruction, but narrow is the way that leads to eternal life.’

    Another word for “armed” is “equipped”. One could also say that “B’nei Yisrael” went out of Egypt “equipped” with the “5” promises that Adonai gave to His people; 1) Elohim will deliver Israel out from under the burden of Egyptian Slavery; 2) Israel will be REDEEMED by the ARM of Elohim-YHVH; 3) Elohim-YHVH will take Israel as HIS people and will be their GOD; 4) Israel will be brought into the chosen land of promise; 5) The promised land will be an INHERITANCE.

    But let’s look at the Peshat, the literal meaning of the word; “armed” it could also come from the Egyptian word “chams” which is “lance” but I ask you to ponder on this. The Israelites were ex-slaves, not warriors. If they came out of Egypt with lances, swords, etc.… How would they know how to use them? Without training, it would be very difficult to be victorious in a battle.

    As believers, we have the Word of God, but if we are unskilled in using His WORD, or if we do not know how to interpret it correctly, we could actually do much harm to others, just like a sword in the hands of a child, the child could cut himself, or hurt one of his friends.

    Another thing to ponder upon is that when the word “Egyptians” is used, the word “Mitzraim” is used, which also means “Egypt” (the nation of). One can say that even though “B’nei Yisrael” left Egypt, Egypt still followed them out! They left with the Egyptian culture, ways, language, and all that was part of them in those 400 years as slaves. It took Elohim one day to take Israel out of Egypt, but it took 40 years to take Egypt out of Israel!

    We are the same way, even though we are born-again believers, we still carry around the garbage related to our “Yetzer-Hara” (sin nature) but little by little, the Ruach HaKodesh takes that from us as we mature in the faith.

    We might wonder how many Israelites left Egypt, probably about 2 million, plus those Egyptians that “saw the light” plus the sheep and cattle, it was a huge people group that headed eastward across the Sinai Peninsula and then headed south after reaching “Midol” (an Egyptian army base, where weapons were stored).

    We are told...” and it was told the King of Egypt that the people were fled” ...14:5. What? Didn't he already know that? Of course, he did, he let them go! It was probably a team of scouts that were sent out to track down the Israelites to see where they were going, and they gave their report back to Pharaoh. Now, this took place a few days later, and now Pharaoh is sorry he let them go. What? Didn't he remember the plagues? Some people never learn, they love misery. Now Pharaoh musters together his entire army! Another mistake is never to send out your entire armed forces, always leave behind reserve units. But Pharaoh was not a wise general. This probably took another few days, thus giving Israel about a week's head start, it would take quite a few days for about 2 million people to cross the Sinai Peninsula.

    The name “Elohim” and “YHVH” are both used in this Parashah, “Elohim” is used at the beginning of this parashah, in Chap 13:17 meaning the “Strong, powerful God” yet the name YHVH later on, shows the personal name, (coming from “Havayah” meaning “to exist”) shows the personal relationship as “Adonai” which we also say when reading YHVH, anytime the word LORD is used in scripture, it is the name YHVH.

    YHVH takes them across the Sinai Peninsula to thus entice the Egyptians, to utterly finish destroying them thus ending the powerful rule of Egypt, Egypt never recovered from that defeat, it formed another army years later, but it never had the power it once had with Rameses, Thutmose, Narmer, and other pharaohs of the past dynasties.

    When the Israelites get to the beach, they get ready to cross, in Hebrew, it is known as “Yam Suf” and in English, it is known as “Nuweba Beach” it is a tourist resort today in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. We see that YHVH goes behind the Israelites to protect them, in the form of darkness to the Egyptians, yet light to the Israelites. To us as believers, Yeshua is our light, for us to follow, but to Satan, Yeshua is the conquering king, without the light of Yeshua, without the light of the Torah, we live in darkness, spiritual darkness.

    Chapter 14:13 is interesting. Moshe says; “Fear not and stand still and see the SALVATION of YHVH” in Hebrew, the word “Salvation” is “YESHUAT” we have the name of our Messiah “Yeshua” plus the “Tav” Symbolically, we can see that Yeshua is part of Elohim, and He is moving to bring HIS people through the sea, It also reminds us that the “Tav” (T) symbolizes the covenant, it takes the form of the cross in Paleo-Hebrew. We have the name “Yeshua” and the “cross” He is saving his people from physical destruction by the Egyptians, and in the future, He will die to save the world from Spiritual destruction.

    In gematria, “Yeshuat” adds up to 786. Reading from right to left, one way to understand the message of this sum of numbers is; “MAN achieves ETERNAL life (a new beginning) through the PERFECT God who is Yeshua, who is part of Elohim.

    Now YHVH tells Moshe to “lift up your rod and your hand” and cause the sea to part, and it did, divide in two, we read that Israel crossed on “dry land” what with a strong wind to dry up the sea bottom, today this area is known as the “Gulf of Aqaba” they crossed a small stretch of sea bottom, about 10 miles across, to get to the land of Midian, now known as Saudi Arabia, if you go to Google Earth, and look up “Nuweba Beach” you can see the area that the Israelites crossed over at.

    Then, YHVH gives the order to Moshe to raise his hand over the water again, and the waters closed up again and drowned the Egyptian army, the army was halfway across, and we see something in the words, “hand” (Yad), and “rod” (Mateh) that make us think. The “rod” is a symbol of authority, of rulership. The “hand” is a symbol of “power and strength” the Torah speaks of YHVH revealing his “Holy Arm” the “arm is connected to the hand” the ancient Hebrew symbol of the “Yod” is the extended “arm and hand” so we can see the message here, “Moshe” is the authority as he shows his leadership by raising his rod, and his hand opens and closes the sea, thus demonstrating his strength and power, but of course, it is not HIS, it is GOD's leadership and strength, being revealed THROUGH Moshe.

    When the people follow Moshe, it is as if they are following GOD, trusting in his leadership and strength. When we receive Yeshua as Messiah, we trust in HIM as our leader and our strength, and we follow HIM through his WORD, yet many hope that Yeshua will follow THEM! (not going to happen) .

    Today, you can see on YouTube what is left of the Egyptian chariots at the bottom of the Gulf of Aqaba, they are coral formations that look like mushrooms, probably the axle and wheels of the chariots, look up, “The real Exodus Crossing."

    When the Israelites crossed over and they saw the dead Egyptians along the shore, Moses lifted up his voice and "sang a song" known as "HaShir Moshe" (The Song of Moses). This is in chapter 15. I'd like to look at verse 2;

    "Yah is my strength and my song and He has become my salvation. This is my God: I will glorify him; My father's God: I will exalt him"

    The word "Salvation" is the name "YESHUA!" and we look at the name "Yah" which consists of only two Hebrew letters; "Yod" and "Hey" Y + H. When we look at the symbolism, we see "Behold the hand and arm." In the ancient Hebrew letter "Yod" we see a picture of a "Hand connected to the arm." By God's mighty arm, he brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and by his hand (through Moses) he caused the waves of the sea to open and close. Open to HIS people, and CLOSE on top of the Egyptians.

    Yeshua (Jesus) is God (Eli) in the flesh. ("Eli" My God).

    When we look at all this from a moral and spiritual insight (Derash) We have been rescued from HaSatan, by our Leader, who is strong, whose “hand” struck the death blow to Satan, whose “hands” bore the nails of Calvary's cross, and who leads us to a new life, we have been set apart (Made holy) to follow HIM for all of our days, (Should we choose to) of course it is a choice, but the “good Shepherd always “looks back” for his lost or misguided sheep, to lead them back to the fold.

    We see other events that show God's protection and provision for his people, in verses 22-27 we see the “bitter waters made sweet” Moshe threw into the water “a tree” probably cut it down and threw it in, the waters were made sweet, the Torah is also called, “The TREE of LIFE” (Etz Chaim) that changes our bitterness to sweetness, from sorrow to happiness, from lost to saved.

    In chapter 16, the provision of “Manna” in the desert “Bread from Heaven” (Lechem BaShamayim) another provision from YHVH, symbolizes “Yeshua the Bread of Life” and in chap 17, “Water from the Rock” this rock is there today in the Saudi Arabian desert very close to Mt. Sinai, it seems to be about 50 feet tall and has a crack down the middle. Go to “google images” and click on “The water-rock at Horeb” Moshe was told to “strike the rock” and he did with his staff/rod” and out flowed water so that the congregation and the livestock could drink.

    This symbolizes “Yeshua the Solid Rock” (Yeshua HaTzur) and Yeshua who is the Living Water. (Yeshua Mayim Chayim). It also symbolizes that Yeshua was “struck ONLY ONCE for our sins at Calvary, ONLY ONCE meaning “nailed to the cross and died one time” and when Moshe got mad later on and struck the rock again, he was punished by God and couldn't enter the promised land.

    Messiah's one-time death paid it all. If you haven't already, have you accepted his free gift of salvation?

    Ben Avraham
    "Old Tom" the kitten maker, awakening from a snooze
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  12. JEREMIAH 46:13-28

    Many years later, after the fall of Egypt at Passover, disaster strikes, this time, YHVH uses Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon as an instrument of destruction against Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar invaded and conquered Egypt in the year 605 B.C.E and was ruled by Babylon for 43 years.

    Also, the Prophet Ezekiel foresees the exile of the nation of Egypt for 40 years (probably during the Millennium). God will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, but bring them back again after. (Ezekiel 29) Just as Israel was in the desert for 40 years, Egypt will also "wander" for the same time.

    It seems like Egypt was not humbled after the Passover experience. You would think that the pharaohs that rose to power after the time of Passover would have realized the author of Egypt's destruction, but seems like they did not, a hard heart is hard to break at times.

    There are people today that have hardened hearts, that still resist the will of YHVH, to become sons of God, servants of Yeshua, and talmidim. At times, God will humble us through accidents, illnesses, etc.. don't wait for that to happen, HUMBLE THY SELF IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD! He loves you and wants you as his own!

    God loves the Egyptian people also. Today in Egypt there are born-again believers and the Coptic church is alive and well. Just like Israel was chastised, so Egypt will also be chastised. We must remember however that Egypt was home to our Messiah Yeshua during his younger years. As Hosea 11:1 states; "Out of Egypt I called my son!"

    We can look at that in two ways. Israel was like "Adonai's son" who was called out of Egypt by Moses and brought to the promised land 40 years later. Yet also YESHUA is the "Son of God" (HaBen Elohim) who was "called out of Egypt" when the time was right to begin his ministry.

    MAT 25:1-46; JOHN 19:31-37

    ”The Ten Talents” A “talent” was a “weight” of money thousands of years ago. It was a lot, one could have a “talent” of gold, or silver, or copper, brass, bronze, etc. And like money today, it could be invested, or wisely spent,

    We also use the word “talent” as something that we have, like an “ability” to do good. As believers, we all have “talents” or “abilities” given to us through the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), with which to serve our LORD and Savior on earth. But, like the evil servant in the parable, who did nothing with his talent, only buried it, there are believers today who are doing the same. Many have more than one talent, or “spiritual gift” and they are not using it (or them). They are going to waste, or are squandering them in “things of the world.

    Can you sing? Yes, are you singing for God? Can you write? Are you writing for God? Can you teach? Are you teaching God's word to others? Can you play an instrument? Are you playing for the LORD? Think about the talents you have. How are you using them?

    John 19:31-37 talks about the Eve of Pesach, since part of this Parasha is all about Passover, it is fitting that these verses be read. The bodies of the two criminals and of Yeshua were to be taken down from the crosses where they were crucified. The scripture says “cursed is he who hangs on a tree, (from Deuteronomy 21:22,23)

    Yeshua already carried our “curse” and that of the two thieves. All was accomplished during that special Passover. It also states that a Roman soldier pierced the side of Yeshua with a spear, and out came blood and water which was proof that He was really dead.

    Blood and water have special symbolism. The blood symbolizes the wine which we drink during Passover, and during the beginning of each sabbath. Symbolically, we are inviting Yeshua to come inside of us, and continue to be part of our lives.

    The water is Yeshua who is the “Living Water” the blood also symbolizes “life” so through His death, we have “Life” and that is “Life Eternal”.

    “They shall look upon Him whom they pierced” (vs 37) One day in the future, Yeshua will return in the clouds of Heaven, and “ALL” will see Him coming, “They” means “All” even those very soldiers who pierced Him, with the flagellum and with the spear, will SEE HIM someday soon. And ALL will have to answer for their actions.


    Ben Avraham

    Remember the Holocaust, May it never be repeated!


  13. PARASHA: “BO” (enter)  EXODUS 10:1-13:16 


         The Parasha starts out;  “And the LORD said unto Moshe; ‘Go in unto Pharaoh’…” Strange, the word “Go” in Hebrew is “Sh’lach”, but the Hebrew scriptures read “Bo” (enter) so, in reality, the Word of God is saying;  “Enter, or Come in unto Pharaoh”  But why?  One way of looking at this is that Adonai is already there in the palace of pharaoh, and HE is inviting Moshe to come where He is to do business with pharaoh!  And what a business deal!  Let’s make him an offer he can’t refuse!  Freedom for Israel…or the plagues!  So, it is “God against Pharaoh and his gods” guess who wins?  
         The plagues against the Egyptian gods continue, it is our “Creator God YHVH” against Pharaoh and his false deities.  Guess who is winning, yes, you know it. However, I need to point out that many of us peg Pharaoh and the Egyptians as the “bad guys” and the Israelites as the “good guys”.  
         But we need to take note of something that many believers have in common with pharaoh, After the plague of locusts, pharaoh said;  
         “I have sinned against the LORD your God, (notice that he said “YOUR” ) and against you, Now, therefore, forgive I pray thee my sin only this once and entreat the LORD your God that he may take away this death only”(Ex 10:17and even before that, pharaoh spoke saying;  
         “I have sinned this time, the LORD is righteous, and I and my people are wicked, entreat the LORD that there be no more mighty thunderings and hail, and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no longer (EX 9:27,28)  
         All of these plagues were directed against the false gods of Egypt.  The Nile had a goddess, the cattle god was “Apis” in the form of a bull.  The sun-god “Ra” was directly attacked by the plague of darkness;  In chap 10; 22-23 Moshe speaks of a “darkness which could be felt” per instructions of YHVH, Moshe stretched out his hand towards the heavens, and “darkness” descended over Egypt. We ask ourselves; “How can a person ‘feel’ darkness, it isn’t ‘physical’ yet it could be felt by the Egyptians.   
         I would think that the “darkness” that the Egyptians felt was more spiritual and emotional than physical. It was a darkness so “thick” that one person could not see another.  Perhaps a sort of supernatural darkness came from YHVH, perhaps a “moist and humid” darkness, so that when the Egyptians went to light their lamps, they would not light.   
         I experienced such a darkness when I was living in Mexico in 1973.  A “campesino” showed me a cave which was in the middle of a forest.  No one could find the exit, for it extended for miles.  “Cuidado” (careful he told me) “People have gone crazy inside there.”  Well, I just had to go in to find out myself. 
    After going in about thirty feet the cave turned to the right.  I went to the right about 10 feet and all of a sudden, there was pitch darkness, so dark that I could not see my hand in front of my face.  I felt instant fear, so much so that I turned and left the way I came in.  As soon as I saw the light outside, I breathed a sigh of relief.  I did not go back inside. (Well, that day I did not have a lantern with me, nor a flashlight).   
         Perhaps the darkness which was felt was that of “fear”.  There is a spiritual darkness in which many people dwell, without the light of the Torah, of Yeshua, we live in darkness, yet the scripture tells us that in the dwellings of the Israelites, there was light.  Their lamps were lit and they could see each other, the three days of darkness were like three regular evenings for the Israelites, they had lights, and they had the light of YHVH, the promise of redemption, the coming of the first Passover, freedom was just around the corner, just a few days ahead.  
         Pharaoh seems to be repentant yet it is just “lip service” in Spanish it would be “de diente a labio” or from “tooth to lip” he continues to rebel against YHVH, and refuses to let Israel go.  How many believers claim to love God and admit that they are sinners and wicked, and we all are because of our “yetzer hara” (evil inclination) or in simple words, “sin nature” yet we ignore the Torah, we disobey HIS commandments…or…we promise that we will obey, yet we go back on our promise.  I think this is true for ALL of us from time to time, for some more often than others.   
         Even the Israelites, once they got out of Egypt, began to complain, gripe, grumble and groan, and break G-d’s commandment making an idol calf of gold.  Are we any better? Do we not grumble and complain too? For this and for that? We break YHVH’s commandments, and we say, “sorry” and seem repentant, but continue in the same sins, I think we are like Pharaoh as much as the Israelites.  
         Sometimes, we want to compromise, not follow ALL of Adonai’s instructions, and perhaps not follow the whole Torah.  Adonai’s instructions to Moshe, as he revealed to the pharaoh, were to leave Egypt, the whole people, with all their properties (herds and flocks), go to the wilderness and sacrifice to the LORD, yet pharaoh said he would comply…but…not all the way;  
         go sacrifice to your God in the land” (just stay in Egypt) “go to the wilderness, but not so far away” 
    (yes, so we can keep an eye on you that you don’t run away!) “Go serve the LORD, the men only” (yet Adonai wants “all the people”) “go serve the LORD, but your herds and flocks stay here” (so, how are they going to sacrifice without the flocks and the herds?) 
         Do we follow wholeheartedly? Or do we pick and choose? Do we follow Torah only when convenient? Or parts that won’t interrupt our lifestyles?  Do we follow some commandments and not follow others saying “these aren’t for us, only for Israel” if we are picking and choosing, then we are like pharaoh, trying to “bargain” or make “Compromise” with the LORD through his chosen servant?  
         I would like to add this detail also.  It is about “HaMateh” (The Staff) this is the staff or the rod of Moshe and Aaron, the one that was used to bring about the plagues.  It is very interesting how it relates to the power of Elohim through Moshe.  The word “Mateh” in Hebrew has two meanings.  One is “Rod” or “Staff” and it represents the power and authority of the holder of the same.  It also means “Tribe” and in the plural; “Matot” (Tribes).   
         When Moshe was still before YHVH at Har Sinai, He told Moshe to use the “Mateh” to show the people HIS power.  The power of Elohim-YHVH through Moshe.  Moshe would be as “Elohim” before Pharaoh.  The rod would be the symbol of authority, as it also represents the “Tribe” of “Kol Israel” of “All Israel” united as One Tribe.  “Mateh Echad”.   
         If we look at the staff of Moshe through spiritual eyes, just imagine the name YHVH carved into this staff or rod of judgment.  We look at the value of the letters Y H V H.  The first two letters “Yod and Hey” 10 and 5.  Those two letters form the shorter form of the name of God; “YaH”.  The letter “Yod” = 10.  It can symbolize the “10” plagues that were to befall Egypt, by the “Arm” (Yod) of Elohim.  The hand is part of the arm, remember that. 
         Then we see the letter “Hey” which has the value of “5”.  We can sum up the promises of YHVH as the following; 1) Elohim will deliver Israel out from under the burden of Egyptian Slavery; 2) Israel will be REDEEMED by the ARM of Elohim-YHVH; 3) Elohim-YHVH will Israel as HIS people and will be their GOD; 4) Israel will be brought into the chosen land of promise; 5) The promised land will be an INHERITANCE.    
         After the 10 plagues, the 5 basic promises were fulfilled.  The redemption was fulfilled when the lambs and goats were slaughtered and sacrificed in the Israelite homes during the Eve of Pesach.  So that gives us Y and H in the infallible name of God. 
         But we still have Vav (V) and Hey (H).  We know that the “Hey” covers the promises, but the “Vav” is the key letter that points us to Calvary’s Cross!  The “Vav” is the nail, that was driven into the hands of Mashiach, this would “really” fulfill the promise of redemption.  The redemption was symbolized by the animal sacrifices until Yeshua came and fulfilled it in “Full”.  The “Vav” has the value of “6” which is the number of “Man”.  So, Elohim became a man to receive the nail in his hands to make full the promise of redemption, which was part of the promises.  The first story of Israel’s redemption by blood is in chapter 12.  This can be the most important chapter of Shemot because it is “Pesach Time”      
         ” This month shall be your beginning of months for you, it shall be the first month of the year for you”   
         This can't be any clearer in my observation, it isn't January 1st, it is the first of Nissan, and since the lunar calendar changes from year to year, our “New Year's Day” (the real one) comes on March 22th (New Year's Eve). 
         ” On the tenth of this month, everyone shall take a lamb.... a lamb for each household”
    This lamb was to be a young, healthy lamb, and it would be kept for 5 days, on the 14th day, it would be slaughtered, and as we know, the blood would be placed on the two side posts of the door of the house entrance and along the top frame.  As the story goes on, the death angel would come and see the blood and thus “pass-over” that house that had the blood on the doorposts. 
         If you imagine that, the blood on the door posts...forms sort of a “cross” you can imagine Yeshua with his arms and hands extended, each one touching one of the “doorposts” and his head against the “top part” where the blood from his head would be (where the Roman soldiers pushed in the crown of thorns) and where the nails were hammered (in the wrists) between the two small bones that form the arm (remember that not one bone was broken), so it had to between the bones, through the muscle. 
         The lamb or goat was to be eaten roasted, with bitter herbs and unleavened bread.  The other elements were added later and were present when Yeshua celebrated the Pesach Supper with his talmidim.  The roasted lamb or goat symbolizes “Yeshua being “roasted” in the “fires of judgment for our sins.  He took upon himself ALL of our sins, past, present, and future.  They were all “nailed” to the cross and judged by the Father
    The “bitter herbs” symbolize the bitterness of slavery, the slavery to sin, and having a master “HaSatan” as our taskmaster.  The unleavened bread symbolizes “Yeshua The Bread of Life” bread without leaven can be considered “perfect, sinless bread, therefore calling Yeshua who is without sin, “The Bread of Life”, and when we eat the “bread without leaven” (Matzah) we are symbolizing “taking into us Yeshua” and when we eat only unleavened bread for 7 days afterward, we are being conscience of “sin in our lives” (avoiding it) being reminded by the matzah.   
         At the first Passover, wine wasn't mentioned nor does it mention “Charoseth” (sweet mixture of nuts, apples, honey, cinnamon, etc.).  They may have had wine, or water, or another drink, but no one knows for sure, nor do we know what kind of “bitter herbs” were used, today we use horseradish.  Back then, it had to be something common in Egypt. 
         The death angel visited the houses where no blood was found, so probably all the houses of the Egyptians lacked the blood, but perhaps there were a few houses that had members that paid attention to Moshe, and they might have gone to the Israelites and put blood on their doors. 
         We are talking about a “substitution sacrifice” the “lambs and goats” were substituted for the Israelites' firstborn. And any Egyptian household that also placed the blood on their doors (those who believed).  We can see in scripture where a “substitute” was used.  When Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, God provided a “ram” as a substitute for Isaac, On Yom Kippur, two goats are used as “substitutes” for all of the people of Israel, and finally, “Yeshua Ha Mashiach” (Jesus the Messiah/Christ) was “OUR” substitute on the cross.
    HE exchanged his “Righteousness for our sinfulness” instead of us being punished for our sins, Yeshua accepted the punishment in our place.  All that remains for us is to accept his “one time only” sacrifice and receive and accept HIM as our LORD and SAVIOR, and thus being “born again” according to John 3:3.  Have you done this? If you were to die today, are you sure that Yeshua is your LORD and Savior? Will HE let you into his Kingdom? Only you can answer that question.   


    ANCIENT EGYPTIAN WORDS/VOCABULARY (just for the fun of knowing them)   


    “Aw Ibek” = May your heart rejoice, “Em Hotep” = shalom, peace, “Kemet” = Egypt 

    Qed” = architect (masculine) “Qedet” = architect (feminine) “baket” = female servant 

    Em heset net Ra” = be in favor with (the god) Ra, “Em heset net Yah” = be in favor with Yah (YHVH) 

    Retehtey” = baker    “Retehtet” = baker (female) ,Neter” = god  “Sen” = brother,  “Sat” = sister 

    “Dua netjer en ek” = thank you. "nesoot" (king) "eety" (father) "moot" (mother)
    Numbers 1 - 10 wa, s'nu, k'mt, f'du, d'yu, s'su, s'fet, k'nnu, p'sedu, m'du (vowels were not written in ancient Egyptian, the same as in Hebrew. The sounds are approximate. 

    Moshe spoke all of these fluently.  Try some of them on your neighbor, “Em Hotep” (good bumper sticker?) ya never know what will fly these days. (kinda like the pet rock?) 


    1/27/23   "Holocaust Remembrance Day"  May never happen again that innocent people be slaughtered by the millions out of hate, spite, and prejudice in places such as these; 



  14. EZEKIEL 28:25-29:21

    The prophet speaks through the Holy Spirit and affirms that even though Israel has been scattered throughout the countries of the world, they will be returned to their land in the future, it is already happening, Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948, and since then, the people have been returning.

    One positive thing to dwell upon, the Jewish people made known to the nations of the ONE GOD, Adonai-Elohim-YHVH” and through the migration of the Jewish peoples to different parts of the world, we now have the Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Falashim, people groups which make up most to the Jewish peoples today. These people groups have introduced many varieties of foods, customs, and ways of worship in today's Judaism, many are also Messianic believers.

    Bad news for Egypt, just as the Israelites were scattered among the nations, the Egyptians will also be scattered among the nations for 40 years, Egypt will be desolate and people-less, for this period of time, this will probably happen during the millennium. The Egyptian people will come back after that time, but Egypt will never be a prosperous country. Since the fall of Egypt after the time of Passover, Egypt was conquered by the Babylonians, the Greeks, and Romans. Even today, there are Egyptians living in many countries in the world, but Egypt has never been left completely without people and animals, at least not yet.

    Yet a good note to ponder on, Egypt opened its doors to receive young Yeshua with Mary, and Joseph when they were fleeing from Herod. There are quite a few believers in Egypt today, making up the “Coptic Church." My wife and I visited Egypt in 1999 and it is indeed an interesting (yet poor) country. The food is fantastic!

    MATT 24:1-51

    Yeshua tells his talmidim about the “end times” and we all know and have read this chapter, of “wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, etc. As we look around today, we can be certain that we are living in these “end times” for sure, yet the end is not yet...we still have a way to go. We have heard of many “false-Messiahs” leaders claiming to be “Jesus” yet we know better than believing on them. When Yeshua returns, the “Whole World” will see him returning, what will modern satellite cameras, etc.

    Verse 15 is interesting; It talks about the “Abomination of Desolation” set up in the Mishkan, the “Holy Place” in the third temple. This takes us back to Hanukkah, reminding us of Antiochus Epiphanes, who set up a “Statue of Zeus” in the Holy Place. The future Anti-Messiah, a second “Antiochus” will also set up a statue, perhaps of himself, and command all to bow down and worship it.

    Verse 31: "He will send out his angels with a great shofar, and they will gather together his chosen people from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

    Many allude to this passage as "Yom Teruah" or "Rosh Hashanah." The future ingathering of all believers in Messiah Yeshua, all "born again" believers, from one end of the earth to the other. Could this passage correspond with 1 Thess. 4:16, which speaks of the same event, yet using different words? "the Rapture" as it is well known. The sounding of the "Great Shofar" is known as "Yom Teruah." this is the first of the fall feasts on the Hebraic calendar.

    Yet scripture also states that no one knows the day nor the hour that event will occur. If it is indeed "Rosh HaShanah" or "Yom Teruah" then we know the time of the year, yet we do not know the precise year nor do we know the precise hour that event will occur. Yet we should be ready at any time, at any day. It could be tomorrow, it could be Rosh HaShanah 2023, or 2024, or any Rosh HaShanah of the future if that is the time that the LORD has in mind, yet only HE knows.

    Therefore, the example of a thief breaking into a house is used by Messiah. If we know when the thief is coming, we will be ready, but since we do not know, we still need to be ready and watchful. How can we be watchful? May we be walking according to the Spirit of God, occupied in good works, being faithful in our attendance in God's House, and in fellowship with other believers.

    Final words; "May you be ready, may we all be ready, at any time, anywhere, when the shofar blows, upward we will go, to meet the LORD in the air, and follow Him back down, to Jerusalem bound, to live with the LORD with gladness and joy, without pain, without fear, for a thousand years...and beyond."

    Ben Avraham



  15. PARASHA: “Va’era” (and I appeared); Exodus 6:2-9:35

    YHVH speaks to Moshe saying that when he appeared to Abraham, he revealed himself as “El Shaddai” which means “God Almighty” or “God all-powerful, yet he did not reveal himself as he did to Moshe, with Moshe he revealed himself with the more personal name; YHVH (Yod Hey Vav Hey) These letters stem from the word; “HaVaYaH” which means “To exist” (we just re-arrange the letters) one could say that the name YHVH means “the God who exists from time past, present, and future) “Haya=the past” “Hoveh=the present “Yiyah”=future” As one can see, these words are a mixture of the letters YHVH.

    YHVH plans to take his people out of Egypt and return them to Canaan, the promised land, and at the same time, “judge the Egyptians” using a series of judgments leading up to the slaughter of the “Passover lambs” a very important “Moed” which we know so well. This year, Passover starts on April 5th in the evening. We can look forward to this time as we do every year.

    The judgments are directed against the false deities of Egypt and against Pharaoh himself. Egypt is pretty well destroyed and left in ruin afterward and never did regain the power and military might it once boasted of.

    From verses 6 to 9, YHVH makes 8 “I will” promises to his people and I want to look at these promises in light of how they affect us as believers in Messiah Yeshua today;

    1. I WILL bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

    2. I WILL rescue you from their bondage.

    3. I WILL redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.

    4. I WILL take you as my people.

    5. I WILL be your God.

    6. I WILL make myself known to you as your GOD who brings you out from under the burdens of Egypt.

    7. I WILL bring you to the land I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    8. I WILL give it to you as an inheritance.

    How do these promises affect us as believers?

    I WILL bring you out from under the burden of SIN (already done)

    I WILL rescue you from the bondage of SIN (through Yeshua) (already done)

    I WILL redeem you with “Two outstretched arms, which received two nails” and “judged” HaSatan (already done)

    I WILL take you as part of my people, now, through Yeshua. You are part of the Commonwealth of Israel, you have been “grafted in”

    I WLL be your God; Adonai-Elohim-Yeshua YHVH

    I MADE myself known to you through my Torah! And through YESHUA

    I WILL bring you to my land, in the near future (and now if you feel you are called to come over here to Israel, even if it is to serve for a while, check out the IDF! )

    I WILL give you as an inheritance ETERNAL LIFE, and you will be part of MY KINGDOM. If you have already come to Yeshua, you already have it! No problemo!

    A quick look at the plagues that Adonai brought down upon the Egyptians. All were directed against the pagan Egyptian gods.

    The staff of Moshe, which was thrown down and it became a serpent, the serpent (Cobra) was the emblem of power in Egypt, the emblem of Pharaoh, in this case, the staff of Moshe, (the staff representing the power and authority of Adonai, through Moshe and Aaron) turned into a serpent, and quickly devoured the serpent-staffs of the magicians of Pharaoh. Result? The power (serpent) of Adonai overpowers the authority (serpents) of Pharaoh, case closed!

    The Nile was worshipped as a god who gave life. The Torah teaches that the life of the flesh is in the blood, yet in this case, the “bloody Nile” symbolized death. Again, Adonai triumphs over the god or goddess of the Nile. Only in Goshen was there freshwater, Yeshua, who is the “Living Water” gives life to those who seek Him and are on “His side”.

    Frogs are cute yet kinda slimy, a few are OK, but too many are bad, especially when they all start to sing and croak together. The Egyptians could not kill them since they considered them gods. The goddess “Heket” was the goddess of fertility and had the head of a frog! And boy did they ever reproduce! Too many frogs! Too many “Heketim!” yet Adonai got rid of them, and the land “stank!”

    The plague of lice and boils made the Egyptian priests “unclean” to serve. Again, two strikes against Egypt’s religious order.

    The plague of the death of the cattle, a strike against the Egyptian god “Apis” (the bull).

    The hail from the sky, a strike against Hathor, the goddess of the heavenlies.

    Darkness, a strike against Ra, the sun god. The list goes on. It is a war against the gods of Egypt against the ONE true God, Adonai-Elohim. We know who’s winning, and who won. Yeshua gave HaSatan the death blow at Calvary. The death blow of the firstborn in Egypt was the blow against Osiris, the god of death and of the underworld. In Yeshua, life triumphs over death. That is why it is important to be “born again” then we go from death to life;

    …..Before being “born again”, accepting Yeshua/Jesus as our LORD and Savior, Messiah, we are under the burden and bondage of “HaSatan” the deceiver, father of Lies, and we do “his bidding” whether we know it or not, maybe a lot of us were not involved in crime, drugs, murder, etc., but we were hell bound and just did not give God a second thought, If Yeshua/YHVH is not our Father, LORD, redeemer, than, we are of our father, “the devil”, there is no other choice, we are either on one side of the fence or on the other side, there is no “in between” fences. We are under the bondage of sin, and under its burden until we are redeemed.

    Yet Yeshua DID rescue us from the bondage and burden of sin with “HIS OUTSTRETCHED ARMS” He stretched out his arms and hands to receive the nails of Calvary. He allowed the Roman soldiers to nail him to that rugged cross that Passover day, so as to pay the price of sin for us all. That day, he “judged” sin and death with his blood.

    From the moment we accept HIM as LORD and Savior, we are taken by him as HIS PEOPLE, we join the great Commonwealth of Israel, being grafted into the Olive Tree. We are now HIS PEOPLE and part of HIS FAMILY of redeemed. He is OUR GOD, and he made himself known to us through his WORD. His WORD has been taught to us through his faithful ministers, preachers, rabbis, teachers, etc.

    We are now living in different lands, in the USA and in other countries, yet someday, we will go to live in HIS glorious city “The New Jerusalem” which is now in the Heavenlies, yet will one day come to rest on earth. This is our inheritance as believers in Messiah Yeshua, Eternal life in his glorious kingdom. We can rest assured that we all have a glorious future to look forward to.

    Ben Avraham


    Please, someone who is tech smart, make this picture up-right, you have my permission


  16. ISAIAH 27:6-28:13

    ” In the days to come, shall Jacob take root, Israel shall blossom and bud....” We see a fulfilling of this prophecy in that once taken from Egypt, and united and solidified as a “People” a “Nation”, this people/nation has grown and has spread out throughout the world

    Though many nations have tried to “snuff out” Am Yisrael, they, in turn (those nations) have suffered punishment and defeat in trying to do just that. Can a mouse “snuff out” an elephant? Israel, upon being scattered throughout the nations, brought the belief in “ONE GOD” when the nations believed in “Multi-gods”

    Through the Tribe of Y’hudah, came forth YHVH in the flesh, “Yeshua” who is “Yeshuah” (Salvation) to all those who believe on him who died to set men free from sin.

    When we look at chapter 28, the phrase "Tzav la-tazv, kav la kav, z'eir sham" is repeated, (Precept by precept, line by line, a little here, a little there) There is mention of those drunk with wine and liquor, they are confused. "Can no one be taught anything?" the prophet asks, "can no one understand the message?"

    The answer is YES, but we need to have a clear mind, not clouded by liquor, drugs, the cares of this world, etc...If we are going to learn Torah (Bible) we need to have good teachers and a clear and open mind to receive. Yet not all at once. One can not learn how to fly a plane in two days. One must have "ground school" first, "learning the controls of the plane" then "virtual flights" and lastly, "actual take-off and land." (Precept by precept, line by line, a little here and a little there).

    We must learn the basics in Hebrew and Greek since this is how we can understand the setting of God's Word, that is if we are serious students and want to get the most out of the Bible. There is so much to learn, and there is no stop to learning. Some claim that we will continue to learn in Heaven. Planet earth is our first school, and death will promote us to "Graduate School." But all learning is "little by little" learn, stumble, fall, get up again.

    MATT 22:1-23:39

    Yeshua tells a parable about the “Kingdom of Heaven” being likened to a “marriage/wedding feast, and the king invites many to come, but they refuse, and even kill the servants, then he sends an army to destroy those who rejected him and killed his servants, and sent others to invite others to come, and many came, and the feast was given. Both good and bad came,

    When we look at this in plain light, Yeshua is now preparing a “wedding feast” for those who have accepted his “invitation”. Many accept, even those who walk in evil ways, want to change their lives, so they come to the wedding feast, yet also, many reject. The offer still stands, Yeshua died on the cross to offer mankind “salvation” (Yeshuah) through his blood and full atonement of sins. Yet many still make fun of that and refuse the free gift of salvation, to prefer the ways of the world.

    Those who refuse, and die in their sins, will suffer eternal punishment in the Lake of fire, While the offer was made, some refused, while others accepted. What will you do with the free gift of Salvation? Accept or reject?

    Ben Avraham
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  17. PARASHAT: "Shemot" (names) EXODUS 1:1-6:1

    We enter into a new era, Jacob/Israel and Joseph are now in the past, yet their legacy continues, in “Am Yisrael” (The People of Israel).

    ”70 souls” entered Mitzraim (Egypt). It is interesting that the Hebrew word “Nefesh” is used for “souls” yet the word is in the singular, but why? Is there symbolism here? If we are to read this in English, we would read; “70 soul entered Egypt”.

    One could say that the word “Nefesh” (Soul) could refer to the whole “Family” of Israel as ONE (Echad) family unit, as we are ONE with Elohim, then all of Israel was ONE as well.

    As we know, the "Hyksos kings" were ruling when Joseph came to Egypt. The "Hyksos" were known by the Egyptian title "Heka Khasut" or "foreign rulers of the hill country." They ruled between 1630 and 1530 BCE, during the time of Joseph. It is believed that they came from Western Asia, others think they were Semites or Hittites

    hundreds of years later, we have a few million Hebrews. There is a list at the beginning of Exodus of the “B'nei Israel” (the sons of Israel) and they had their children, and their children had children, etc. They remained in the area of “Goshen” along the Nile Delta, farming, and raising cattle, and probably a few became merchants adapting to life in Egypt. They got used to seeing Egyptian deities and probably understood spoken Egyptian. Who knows if many became “Egyptianized” did they bow down to the deities? Let's hope not.

    How much did they retain about Adonai? El Shaddai? We don't know, but I am sure that the story of Joseph and how he brought his family to Egypt from Canaan was passed down from family to family. The story of the famine, and how Yosef preserved life in midst of the famine. So “B'nei Israel” multiplied, and the land was filled with the "children of Israel”, and now the Egyptians start to get nervous. In verse 8, problems start;

    ” And there arose a new king over Egypt who knew not Joseph”

    This new king had overthrown the Hyksos rulers, and did not personally know Yosef nor knew of his accomplishments to save Egypt. Some tradition says that in part, the Hebrews had become “Egyptianized” and failed to keep the memory of Yosef alive and what he did.

    There are a few ideas of who it might have been. Some believe it might have been “Pharaoh Ahmose or Rameses II" A little on Egyptian words and etymology, the Egyptian word “meses” or “mose” means “born of” so the name “Moshe” or “Moses” is similar to “meses” (born of) or (Taken from).

    Since Moses was “Taken from the water, or from the river (The Nile). We ask what might have been the Egyptian name Moses used? The Egyptian word for “river” is “iteru” so, his name might have been “Iterumose” or “Iterumeses” (given ancient Egyptian entomology) There were many “Rameses” it means “Born of the god RA” “Ahmose” probably (born of “Ah”) “Thutmose” (born of the god Thut) and so on. So many pharaohs took on those names.

    Also, the title “Pharaoh” is exactly that, a title, not a name. It comes from two Egyptian words; “per” and “o” “Per” = house, and “O” = great. So the title “pharaoh” means “of the Great House” It would be like saying; “I am going to Washington D.C. to see the White House” What you are saying is that you are going to see the president, who “lives” in the White House.

    The pharaoh of verse 8 is paranoid and thinks that the Israelites will join up with a foreign enemy to overthrow Egypt again, like in the times of the Hyksos. Now slavery starts and the Hebrews (the Egyptian word is “Hapiru”) are made slaves, and the time of Hebrew prosperity and freedom is over.

    Yet Elohim hears the cries of his people, and has selected the tribe of Levi, through a couple; Amran and Jochebed, to bring into the world, “Moshe” who would be a sort of “Mashiach” (like Yosef) to lead Israel OUT of Egypt, in God's appointed time. YHVH has a time for ALL THINGS, we cannot rush God's clock, it ticks slowly for us, yet it ticks out second by second and includes us all in the plan of things.

    The throne of Egyptian changes, and the pharaohs continue to be paranoid, one develops a plan to “curb” the birth rate by killing the baby boys, according to the historian 'Ted Stewart' in his book “solving the Exodus Mystery” the pharaoh who ordered the death of the male infants was “Sesostris III” we see that Moshe is adopted by the daughter of this pharaoh.

    Moshe grows up in the palace and is raised as a “prince of Egypt” and at the same time, “retaining (inside) his Hebrew identity”. We remember that he kills an Egyptian in defending one of his own. The Pharaoh that sought his death was “Amenemhet III”. Moshe fled and spent 40 years in Midian, upon returning, he faced the Pharaoh “Amenemhet IV” who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, who pursued the Israelites through the Red Sea, (and didn't quite make it, receiving a very fatal water baptism). (T. Stewart, Solving the Exodus Mystery, www.biblediscoveries.com).

    When Moshe fled, there is an interesting verse, 2:15, it says that “Moshe fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian (which is now Saudi Arabia). “And he sat down by a well.”

    We can read scripture from a literal standpoint. Yes, Moshe fled and probably went East then South to get to the land of Midian. If he took that direct route (no one knows for sure) it would have been a 250-mile hike. We don’t know how many supplies he took with him, how much water, etc, since he was on the run from Pharoah. But he arrived might thirsty.

    A well was a meeting point in those days, so he knew that people would be coming to get water. Sure enough, came Yitro’s daughters to get water and he was there to help and defend the damsels. Yet we need also to look at this from a derashic and symbolic standpoint. Moshe has made contact with the “well”. A water well represents life. Moshe hangs on to life. One of Yeshua’s titles is “The Living Water”. We might look at that well symbolically as “Yeshua, the Well of Living Water (Yeshua, HaBeer Mayim Chayim)

    Adonai Showed grace upon grace to Moshe, since he would be his instrument of redeeming Israel from Egyptian bondage. The word for “grace” is “Rachem” and “Rachamim” is the plural form; “a large and plentiful amount of grace” there is “Mayim” in “Rachamim” (spelled with the Hebrew letters) so grace is like plentiful water, and since Yeshua is the “Living Water” He is the author of “grace”. Moshe would be a “Messiah type” who would “take his people out” and that is the meaning of the name “Moshe” (taken out of) so he would live up to his name.

    He is something else interesting. How does Moshe represent The Messiah? The word “HaMashiach” is spelled in Hebrew; “Hey, Mem, Sheen, Yod, Chet” and the words “Moshe Chai” (Moses lives) have the “Same Letters!” “Mem, Sheen, Hey, Chet, Yod” in gematria, it equals “363”

    When we add 3+6+3 = 12, which is the number of the tribes that Moshe led from bondage. 1+2=3, and “3” is the number that represents “Elohim” who led the people through the wilderness. So, we can conclude that “Moshe lives in Mashiach, and the Spirit of Mashiach lives in Moshe” He was guided by the Spirit of God for 120 years.

    Matthew 2:15 states; “Out of Egypt I have called my son” Yeshua went down to Egypt with his parents to escape Herod, they spent some years there and then returned to Israel. Yet also Israel is the son, as he went to Egypt when he was old, and his bones were “carried out” yet Moshe also represents Israel as a nation, and Moshe went out with Israel, and since Moshe symbolizes Mashiach, then, the verse fits both parties (yet primarily, it fits Yeshua first).

    This Parashah has so much that I wish to concentrate on the “Calling of Moshe” in chapter three of Shemot God calls to Moshe while he is taking care of Yitro's sheep near Mt. Sinai. A note to mention is that God prepares his servants beforehand, before sending them out on the mission fields, “Midian and the flocks of sheep” were the training grounds and subjects of his training, before leading out “Human sheep” to the land of Midian that “he now knew and was familiar with”

    God calls him saying; “Anochi Elohei Aviyha” (I am the God of your father) so the name “Elohei” is used, then he uses a more personal name in verse 14; “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” if you can really call it a name, it is translated as I AM that or who I AM, which is really not a name at all. So, what is God trying to convey to Moshe? In a way, he is saying, “Is a proper name so important Moe? Just understand that I EXIST! I have existed in the past, the present, and will exist in the future” the word “Ehyeh” is a form of “Haya” or “Havayah” meaning “to exist” or “the essence of being” from this we get the most sacred name of God: YHVH. The same letters Y H V rearranged form the words; Haya=past Hoveh=present YiYah=future, so the essence of the name "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" is the "I am the God who exists, have existed, and who will exist"

    HaVaYaH (re-arrange the letters and we get YHVH) modern translators put in vowels to get YeHoVaH and have changed the Y to J to become JEHOVAH, but that is not the original name, there exists no “J” in Hebrew.

    The other name used in chapter 3 is “Elohim” “Elohim” said to Moshe...Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh...” “Elohim” is the “all-powerful God of Creation, the Triune God (im) who we know, as Messianic believers, as being EL (father) BEN-YESHUA, (Yeshua the Son) RUACH-HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit).

    Elohim has revealed himself to us in human form through YESHUA, and as Moshe leads his people out of the slavery of physical bondage, YESHUA leads us out of the bondage of spiritual slavery of sin, leading us to a new life, in a personal relationship with HIM, as the Israelites entered into a renewed relationship with Elohei starting at Sinai, our relationship starts at Calvary. We are now joined to “His chosen people” through adoption, both native-born in Israel, and those who are from the diaspora, we are all ONE (ECHAD) in Messiah Yeshua Ben David, Ben Adam, and Ben YHVH.

    We continue to read and we find in chapter 4 that YHVH sends Moshe back to Egypt to lead his people out. We find that God works through people, some very special, others very ordinary. Yet before sending back Moshe, He prepares him in the desert as a shepherd. One can divide the life of Moshe into three parts, the first 40 years as prince and general in Egypt, the second 40 years as an outcast, yet an instrument in the hands of YHVH, and the last 40 years as leader of Israel.

    Before sending him back, there are three signs that YHVH gives Moshe, as “authority”. When we look at these three signs of authority, we see “Yeshua” in these signs. The first was the “Mateh” (The staff). It was common for every household leader to carry a staff, a little more than just a “walking stick”. The “Mateh” was a sign of leadership and authority. But this one would be changed into a serpent when Moshe threw it down before Pharaoh. The serpent was a sign of “kingly authority” in Egypt, as it was a part of the royal headdress that the pharaohs wore.

    Shepherds carried a “rod” and a “staff” when leading sheep. The “rod” being a short, heavy club that was used as a weapon, and the “staff” to lead. Yeshua is the “good shepherd” who leads us, who, “crushed the head of the serpent” at Calvary.

    The second sign was the sign of “disease and healing of said disease” namely “Tza-arat” (leprosy). We see in the Prophets that Elisha healed Naaman the Syrian of leprosy, and Yeshua also healed the sick, including lepers. Even in the desert, those who were bitten by “serpents” were healed by a “bronze serpent on a staff” (again, returning to the staff and serpent). Yeshua is our healer and heals us of the curse of sin and death.

    The third sign was the “water turned to blood” on dry land (4:9). This reminds us of our Messiah Yeshua, who when on the cross, was pierced by a roman spear, and out of his side came “blood and water” and this mixture of “blood and water” fell from the cross on dry land. By his shed blood, we are saved, by Yeshua who is the “living Water”.


                         Going in for a quick swim 
    Ben AvrahamIMG_0736.JPG.83087dc2a35fcd470cdbd0052ab9b366.JPG

  18. 1 KINGS 2:1-12

    King David is on his death bed and calls his son Solomon, and tells him “what it is to be a MAN!” so here's the truth to all “macho guys out there who just THINK they know what it is to be a real man. Melech David tells the truth through the Holy Spirit who guides his words;

    ” Keep the charge of YHVH thy God, Walk in HIS ways, Keep HIS commandments as they are written in the Torah, SO THAT, you may prosper in ALL you do.

    So, there you have it, what it is to be a man, (or a woman) of God, Trust in Yeshua as LORD and Savior, Depend of HIS righteousness through his blood and sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, which will lead us to a right relationship with HIM and with his written word, to put into practice as our way of life. But always remember that salvation is through FAITH, and by FAITH only, and never depending on works! (mitzvoth) the “works” are an “aftermath” of our faith experience.

    MATT 22:1-23:39

    Yeshua tells the story of a king who invited guests to his son’s wedding feast. Yet those who were invited did not show up, so he called others, who DID attend the wedding feast. He says that the “Kingdom of Heaven” is similar to that situation. He ends by saying; “Many are called yet few are chosen.

    How do we relate that to ourselves? We are part of the human race. The perfect will of Adonai is that ALL come to repentance and accept the free gift of “Yeshuah” (Salvation) which was provided through “Yeshua” (no play on words). The gospel message has gone out to all, which means ALL people on this planet called earth. The great Wedding Feast of the “Son” is in the making. His bride is in the making.

    Yet many do not heed the calling, they are those who love the world, and love darkness, these are the lost and unsaved people of humanity. We ask how can one refuse such an invitation. Perhaps because the things and enjoyments of this world are too appetizing, and they would rather live for the moment, instead of eternity’s bliss.

    One way we can look at this is that the whole human race is in "Galut" (Exile) from a perfect relationship with God which Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden, until they sinned and were "exiled" from the garden. Israel went from Canaan to Egypt and from Egypt back to Canaan. They were, in a sense, "in "galut" from the land of promise, until they got home again. Israel was in "exile" in Babylon, yet under Nehemiah and Ezra, not ALL returned, some stayed in Babylon. Not ALL of humankind will leave "exile" and come to Yeshua, some will stay in the darkness forever. It's our choice, to leave or stay behind.

    But back to the wedding invitation. There are those who DO accept the wedding invitation. Those of us who accept will be part of the wedding feast. We are part of the bride, the “Kehilah” the “Adat” (Congregation of the redeemed). No matter what name a church is called by, we are all part of “One Assembly” we are all part of “B’nei Elohim” (sons of God) including women too.

    There is mention of one who was not properly dressed for the wedding, yet in ancient times, those who did not come with wedding attire were usually provided clothing by the bridegroom, so there is no excuse for not being in proper attire.

    Yeshua also talks about our relationship with others in heaven. Specifically, our marriage partners. Unlike on earth, where we relate with our partners both emotionally, sexually, and spiritually, in heaven, it will not be so. Of course, we will recognize each other, but we will be like “brothers and sisters” since our “Husband” will be “Yeshua.”

    There is the question; “What is the greatest commandment?” Yeshua quotes Deuteronomy 6; “You shall love Adonai your God with all of your heart, soul, and strength” and He adds “and love your neighbor as yourself.” This is interesting. The word “Torah” in gematria adds up to 611. (Tav, vav, resh, Hey) and when we add this Commandment in Deuteronomy 6, and “love your neighbor” these are “2”, when we add “2” to “611” we get “613” which are the total amount of commandments in the entire Torah (first 5 books).

    To make it very simple, the whole Torah is condensed to “loving God” and “loving your neighbor” That is the gist of ALL the commandments. Our love and devotion to our God, and our love and respect towards our fellow man.

    Shavua Tov...Have a good week... Shalom

  19. PARASHA: “VaYechi” (and he lived)   GEN 47:28-50:26

         In this we see Jacob (Israel) in his last days, he prepares to “go the way of all men” (As king David put it), Jacob is getting ready to die.  He prepares himself and makes sure that his sons and grandsons are blessed and know what is ahead of them.  A father's blessing to his children is very important. 

         We see that he lives 17 years in Egypt, and strangely enough, Yosef comes to Egypt at age 17! Israel enjoys 17 years with his lost son Joseph and also with his grandchildren.  The prophecy is being fulfilled.  The promise to Abraham that he would be the "Father of nations" is being fulfilled through Jacob and his sons.  

         Jacob/Israel was set side “Kadosh” for YHVH's special purpose, to bring forth a “multitude of people “mem” and this people, the Jewish people would have to fight to survive, yet the fight was not theirs, it was Adonai's fight against the enemies of HIS people. 

         Before he dies, Jacob blesses his 12 children and his 2 grandkids and tells them about their futures. This is a vision of knowledge of what Israel/Jacob sees in the "last days"  "Achareet HaYamim".  The Hebrew says in the plural "The last days", not the last days of his children,  Only, the "last days."  Could these last days be the days just before the second coming of Messiah? One could only imagine.

         Some of the prophecies echo a negative future for some of the sons of Israel while others have a more positive future.  Anyway, Jacob speaks through the Holy Spirit as He gives words to Israel.  

          Each name of “B'nei Israel” (children of Israel) has a symbolic meaning, what do these names mean to us as “born-again believers in Yeshua HaMashiach?” well, let's see; 

         RUEBEN (Re'eh) is “to see”, SIMEON (Shema) is “to hear”, LEVI (lev=heart) is “united, joined together” Y'HUDAH (contains the most sacred name of God, YHVH) “praise”, DAN “judge”, NAPHTALI “wrestling” GAD “a troop comes”, ASHER “blessed”, ISSACHAR “wages”, ZEBULUN “dwelling with husband”, YOSEF “YHVH will add a son”, BENJAMIN “son of the right hand” MANASSEH  “forget my toil and my father's house”  (pray 4 Zion, the significance of the twelve tribes of Israel).   

         One interesting note in the prophecy concerning Y’hudah is the verse; “The scepter shall not depart from Y’hudah, nor a scholar from among his descendants until Shiloh arrives and his will be an assemblage of nations” 49:10 

         Who is “Shiloh?” We can pretty much agree that it is Messiah Yeshua.  Even Rashi and Onkelos render: “until the Messiah comes to whom the kingdom belongs."  The root word for "Shiloh" is "Shalah" which means "successful, security, be at peace, serene, peaceful.  We can connect all these with Messiah Yeshua, these become part of our lives when we accept Yeshua as LORD and Savior. 

          All nations of the world will be gathered unto Messiah Yeshua when he returns to reign 1000 years, we can also see that in gematria, the name “Shiloh” (Sheen, Yod, Lamed, Hey) sum 345.  The words HaShem (a title for YHVH) also sums 345, and also “Moshe” sums the same.  Of course, it does, since HaShem and Moshe contain the same letters.  Moshe was a type of Mashiach who redeemed Israel from Egyptian slavery, as Messiah Yeshua redeemed us all from slavery to sin.  Also, with the name “Shiloh” we see “Yah” (Yod, Hey) which of course is the shortened form of YHVH. 
         There is one interesting thing about “Yosef” it is the blessing that Israel pronounces on his favorite son.  It is found in Gen 49:22; “Yosef is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall” We wonder what could this mean.  If we take some of these words in the original Hebrew, we see the words; “porat” which is a boy’s name in Israel, means; “fruitful” from the verb “Parah” which means “to bear fruit” then we have the combined words “Alei-Ayin” which, when searched in the dictionary is very hard to find an exact meaning.  But in Hebrew letters, it would be spelled out; “Ayin, Lamed, Yod (then a line connecting) Ayin, Yod, Nun.  

         In the basic Hebrew dictionary, I found two meanings for the word; Ayin, Lamed, Yod (Alei) one is “On” and the other is “Pestle” which is part of the flower.  The word “Ayin” is “eye” what could we understand with this phrase? Perhaps something like “a bough that bears fruit on the eye, that goes “on” the wall, and then “over the wall” being watered by a spring.  Here is one idea, we have to say; “an idea” because one can never be 100% certain of some meanings.  What does the “eye” have to do with a plant? a bough? Tree? A pestle which is part of a flower which is part of a tree?  

         Yosef will be “porat” fruitful, because of him bringing his family to Egypt, they “multiplied” in population in four-hundred years.  The family began with 70 persons, and left Egypt four hundred and some years later with perhaps two million! Now THAT is what I call being FRUITFUL (porat).

     The verse also says; “Ben Porat” or “son of fruitfulness” this is mentioned TWICE, before and after the name YOSEF.  Could this mean a “double portion of fruitfulness?” again, we see 70 persons become two million.  Take even the sons of Yosef; Manasseh and Efraim, they became many and it is believed that the descendants of Efraim spread out to many nations, yet Israel claims his grandsons as “his own” meaning they are part of the 12 tribes, which is “Adat Yisrael” (Community of Israel). 

         But what is a possible meaning of “Alei-Ayin?” perhaps we could say that the flowers that bloom on many trees have pestles, and the leaves, well, many are shaped like “eyes” and if the tree is connected to a spring/well of water, it will flourish.  The letter “Ayin” in Hebrew symbolizes “sight” or “insight” if we take the two words “Alei-Ayin” and look at the meaning of the words from an ancient Hebrew perspective, we could see the following; “insight through instruction/direction is a done thing! (Alei) and “insight accomplished leads to life” (ayin).  
         What were the names of the two trees in the Garden of Eden?  The Tree of Knowledge, and the Tree of Life! Is there a connection?  If we, as descendants of perhaps Efraim, who descends from Yosef, if we adhere to the instruction of the Torah, we will be blessed with life and life in abundance and we will be fruitful, not so much biologically, but in bringing “spiritual fruit” bringing others close to Messiah, through witness and teaching others HIS Word.  We are then “B’nei Porat” (sons of fruitfulness) This is just an idea.  We can think about this.  

         What do we see when we apply these meanings to our lives as “born-again believers?” We can all SEE the changed lives, the miracles that have been done in believers' lives, and we HEAR of the faith of others who have been challenged by oppressive governments, we HEAR God's Word through SEEING the words in the Torah, and take them into our HEART, so that the words of Torah are JOINED TOGETHER to our lives, so that we may PRAISE the name of YHVH.  We must all look at our lives and JUDGE ourselves in light of the scriptures, are we living the way YHVH wants us to live? We must judge ourselves, lest we be judged, yet we will ALL incur JUDGEMENT at the “Judgment seat of Messiah.  Every day is a kind of “WRESTLING” match between our old nature and our renewed nature, the sinful flesh against our new “born again” selves.   

         We are Adonai's TROOPS, we are at war against HaSatan, and his unholy fallen angels, it is spiritual warfare, and our weapons are the WORD of God, His Holy Spirit, and HIS holy angels, and our prayers, we have been BLESSED with a new relationship with our creator and redeemer, and we will receive WAGES for our good works, (mitzvoth) in form of rewards in heaven, as “gold, silver, precious stones”   

         Our future hope is one day, to DWELL WITH OUR HUSBAND, who is Messiah Yeshua, who loves us as his “bride”.  Every time a lost person is “born again” a SON IS ADDED, to God's redeemed family of believers. We are sons of Adonai's RIGHT HAND, who is Messiah Yeshua, who stretched out his HANDS to receive the nails.  We can forget our TOILS, and rest from them on the Sabbath, Every Sabbath day is our time to rest from our TOILS, and to be in OUR FATHER'S HOUSE.  Someday, we will have our permanent “Sabbath rest”. 

         We must not forget that one of the blessings of Judah is the coming forth of SHILOH, who is Yeshua, who will have the ruler's scepter, who will be “king over all the earth” to him will gather ALL nations.  The book of Genesis ends with the word “Egypt” yet begins with “B’Reisheet” (in the beginning).

         The first letter of Genesis is "B" (Beit) and the last letter in the Book of Genesis is "M"(Mem) which is in "Mitzraim" (Egypt) The two letters put together (M+B) or "Mem + Beit" equal "42" as "Mem" = 40 and "Beit" = 2.  What can we see in the number "42?"    One of the names of God is  "Eloah" (Deut 32:15) it equals  "42" in gematria.  Also the Hebrew words for "mother" and "in milk" also sum '42".   The statement I AM who I AM  (Ehyeh) is also equal to "42"

         What can we see?  "Eloah" is our God who, like a mother, gives us the pure milk of His WORD, from beginning to end.  Do you think there is a sort of symbolism here?  Could we perhaps say; Israel had its “Beginning” in “Egypt” when they began their 400-year sojourn they came out a multitude.  


    Ben Avraham   


                                        Here's "Old Tom" staring at you! He's one of the "Old-timers" here

    Ben AvrahamIMG_0732.JPG.0f8cfff651fa157d6397df3a85b8162d.JPG

  20. HAPPY NEW YEAR? seriously? Making "New Year's resolutions?" seriously? Perhaps many have good intentions and they are following the same crowd for over 2 thousand years. Many celebrate New Year's Day with funny pointed hats, noise makers, a reason to get drunk, throw wild parties, looking forward to the next day off. Shooting off fireworks, shooting pistols into the air (but those bullets have to come down somewhere, maybe through someone's roof). but what does God say about "New Year's Day?"


    Adonai, in His infinite wisdom set the beginning of each year in the Spring time, during the Hebrew month of Nissan, when everything in nature is coming back to life. This corresponds with the month of March on the Gregorian calendar. This year, God's "New Year" is on Thursday, March 23rd, which is the first day of the month of Nissan.

    If you think about it, it makes sense to celebrate the dawning of a "New Year" in the Springtime, while the Gregorian/Julian calendar places it in the midst of Winter, when everything is cold, bleak, gloomy, and dead. But then how did this happen? Someone changed God's timing for the New Year from March to January. Who done it!!

    The idea was put forth before Rome became a Republic and still had kings. There was "Numa Pompillius" who decided to change the time of the New Year from March to January to celebrate the Roman god "Janus". In 45 BCE, Julius Caesar proclaimed January 1st as New Year's day. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII made a few more changes but kept January first as New Year's day.

    The calendar was changed from a lunar set calendar, set by Adonai, to a solar-based calendar, set by man! Maybe they didn't like holidays being on different days every year, but that was the perfect will of God, that the calendar be set to the cycles of the moon and not the sun.

    What do I think about New Year's day? January first? It is just another day on the calendar, just a change in the month, that's all. Nothing to get excited about, to jumped around and do flips. If someone says to me: "Happy New Year" of course I will respond with the same so as not to ignore the person or show rudeness, but as believers, we should all know when GOD says the New Year begins, after all, it's His earth, His moon, His sun, and all that exists in the heavens above and on the earth below.

    So How was January first for me? I entered it with a cold and almost choked on flem inside my throat early in the morning as if invisible fingers were squeezing my windpipe, yet I survived as my wife knows what to do. She'll make me hot tea with lemon and honey. For most people, a common cold is not life-threatening, for me it is. My wife says "Sleep sitting up, it is a safety measure!" So much for January 1st.

    So how about "New Years resolutions?" Promises for a new year? People have good intentions but most resolutions are not kept: I promise to stop smoking and drinking. I promise to stop "a fussin and a cussin". I promise not to smack my kids in the face anymore, (I'll just punch them in the arm)
    I promise to start going to church (that's a good one) since my wife/husband hounds me every week. I promise to do this and that...

    Yet the WORD of God teaches us about making "vows" with "I promise to...' or "I will..." who knows if you will keep your promises. So, what would be a good idea to start out the new year with, whether you celebrate it on January 1st or in March, that's up to each person who is reading this?

    "LORD and Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus' name, and ask that for this new year, you might grant me more spiritual maturity, more maturity as a believer and member of the household of faith. More understanding of your WORD, and wisdom to put what you teach me into action. Teach me how to wait on You and pass your tests of faith. Grant me physical health to be able to live each day until you call me home...Amen"

    As you might see, these are not "promises" nor "demands" only "requests" directed to our Heavenly Abba. I would think that with this short prayer, everyone could start the new year well. (I am sure you could add to the list.)


  21. EZEKIEL 37:15-28

    Here, “Yeches’kel Ha Navi” (Ezekiel the Prophet) sees the joining of Judah and the children of Israel, and Yosef, with his son Efrain” and they are joined together as ONE (Echad) “One in Unity” Once they were separated, Yosef and his sons in Egypt, and Israel, Judah, and his brothers, in Canaan, but NOW, together as ONE FAMILY. As we are also ONE (Echad) in Messiah Yeshua's love. We are “Kehilah Echad” (One congregation united in Yeshua) even though there are thousands of “Kehilot” all over the world, our relationship in Yeshua makes us ONE.

    MATT 18:1-19:30

    Yeshua says that “unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. A child is “innocent” and has an eager mind to learn. When we are “born again” we start anew, like “little children” and slowly “grow into maturity” yes, we will stumble and fall, get into trouble, and get “spanked” by the Father, but HE will still love us as HIS CHILDREN.

    Matt 18:8,9 often causes one to think twice. “If your hand or foot becomes a snare for you, cut it off and throw it away…If your eye is a snare for you, pluck it out and cast it away..”

    Why did Yeshua use this terminology? Certainly, this is not literal. Of course not. If not literal, it has to be moral and spiritual. The end focus is heaven. It is the physical against the spiritual. One way we can look at this is that we do things with our hands and feet. Our hands perform actions and our feet take us to different places. We must be careful that we don’t participate in actions that can hinder our spiritual growth. We must be careful not to go to certain places or events that are completely worldly and have nothing to do with our relationship with Messiah.

    How about what we see? We see with our eyes and we must take care of what we watch. Does what we watch (on TV or on the Net) cause a stumbling block in our spiritual walk? Does it hinder our growth? If it does, we better “cast” our eyes elsewhere.

    Our future hope is Heaven, in Yeshua, we are secure, yet what we do here on earth as believers will have either a positive or negative effect in Heaven. A loss or gain of rewards. So, what we do here will “eternally” affect us! Just think on that! (and I am speaking to myself too.)


    Ben Avraham
    Look towards the heavens for your redemption is nigh, King Messiah will return to rule the earth with all power and glory. 
  22. EZEKIEL 37:15-28

    Here, “Yeches’kel Ha Navi” (Ezekiel the Prophet) sees the joining of Judah and the children of Israel, and Yosef, with his son Efrain” and they are joined together as ONE (Echad) “One in Unity” Once they were separated, Yosef and his sons in Egypt, and Israel, Judah, and his brothers, in Canaan, but NOW, together as ONE FAMILY. As we are also ONE (Echad) in Messiah Yeshua's love. We are “Kehilah Echad” (One congregation united in Yeshua) even though there are thousands of “Kehilot” all over the world, our relationship in Yeshua makes us ONE.

    MATT 18:1-19:30

    Yeshua says that “unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. A child is “innocent” and has an eager mind to learn. When we are “born again” we start anew, like “little children” and slowly “grow into maturity” yes, we will stumble and fall, get into trouble, and get “spanked” by the Father, but HE will still love us as HIS CHILDREN.

    Matt 18:8,9 often causes one to think twice. “If your hand or foot becomes a snare for you, cut it off and throw it away…If your eye is a snare for you, pluck it out and cast it away..”

    Why did Yeshua use this terminology? Certainly, this is not literal. Of course not. If not literal, it has to be moral and spiritual. The end focus is heaven. It is the physical against the spiritual. One way we can look at this is that we do things with our hands and feet. Our hands perform actions and our feet take us to different places. We must be careful that we don’t participate in actions that can hinder our spiritual growth. We must be careful not to go to certain places or events that are completely worldly and have nothing to do with our relationship with Messiah.

    How about what we see? We see with our eyes and we must take care of what we watch. Does what we watch (on TV or on the Net) cause a stumbling block in our spiritual walk? Does it hinder our growth? If it does, we better “cast” our eyes elsewhere.

    Our future hope is Heaven, in Yeshua, we are secure, yet what we do here on earth as believers will have either a positive or negative effect in Heaven. A loss or gain of rewards. So, what we do here will “eternally” affect us! Just think on that! (and I am speaking to myself too.)


    Ben Avraham
    Look up towards the heavens, for your redemption is nigh, King Messiah will return with all honor and glory to rule the earth. 
  23. PARASHA: “VaYIGASH” (and he drew near)   GENESIS 44:18-47:27


         In this Parashah, we read that “he (Y'hudah) drew near” to Yosef, and shows himself as truly repentant for his past actions against Yosef, for selling him for the price of a common slave.  And we see the reaction of Yosef once he hears Y'hudah, he then reveals himself as his TRUE self, their BROTHER.  Before, Yosef stood in front of his brothers as “judge” now he stands before them with “open arms” as “Family” “Savior” and “Provider” Mashiach.  But it took a repentant and contrite heart to bring about the “revelation”.

         It is interesting that “Y’hudah” offers to exchange places with Benjamin.  He would stay and be a slave to Yosef, and Benjamin would be set free.  We can see the symbolism in our relationship with Messiah Yeshua. The name “Y’hudah” bears the most Holy name of Adonai, the letters YHVH.  We see the complete spelling in Hebrew; Yod, Hey, Vav, Dalet, Hey. Y’HUDH.  The letter “D’ (dalet) symbolizes a “door” and it is one of Yeshua’s titles; “I AM the Door” (John 10:9).  Our relationship with our Heavenly Father must come through Yeshua, who is the “door”.  As Y’hudah was willing to change places with Benjamin, Yeshua DID change places with us, He took our sins and gave us His righteousness, our sinfulness for His Holiness.

         There is much symbolism in the persons of Joseph and Judah.  Both can portray the symbolism of Messiah.  Joseph as "Mashiach Ben Yosef (Yeshua the Messiah, the son of Joseph) Just as Joseph was elevated by Pharoah to be second in command over all Egypt, So Yeshua is elevated by YHVH, the Father, to rule the earth, but not then, as He came as the Lamb of God, to take away the sins of the world, and to bring all mankind through reconciliation, to Him.  He offers forgiveness, as Joseph offered Judah. 

         One can look at Judah as "Messiah Ben David" (Yeshua as King, like David) since the Tribe of Judah is the kingly tribe, and Yeshua came forth from the Tribe of Judah.  Yet Judah was willing to offer himself instead of Benjamin, as Yeshua offered up himself as a substitute for all of mankind.  Yeshua comes as two figures, yet is still ONE;  Yeshua Ben Joseph (The Lamb of God) and Yeshua Ben David (The Lion of Judah)   The Lamb of God came to take away the sin of the world, and the Lion of Judah will come to rule the earth as KING. (both to save and to rule).

         Before we come to Yeshua as repentant sinners, He is our JUDGE, and as a Holy God, and Judge, he has the right to judge us guilty as lost sinners, yet all these changes when we come and accept him as Savior and LORD, THEN, our position changes, we become members of “Mishpochah Adonai” (Family of God) and Yeshua is our mediator to our Heavenly Father.  Yeshua is no longer our “judge” but our Savior, Redeemer, and Messiah, (Yeshuah, Goel, Mashiach)  From "Gelut" to "G'ulah" (from exile to redemption)

         We see something similar.  Pharaoh (who some believe bore the name “Senoset”) was ruler of Egypt, and Yosef was his “right-hand man” or Viceroy” Prime Minister if you could call him that.  Yosef had to get Pharaoh's permission for his family to go down to Egypt, and of course, permission was granted.  For us to get right-standing before our Holy God, we go through Yeshua, who is GOD, in the flesh, as Yosef was “Pharaoh” in a sense, when Pharaoh could not leave the palace.  Yosef spoke in the “Name of” Pharaoh, as Yeshua represents the Father who is in Heaven.

    …..We see the words of Yosef in 45:3  “Ani Yosef!” powerful words, what do they symbolize in the ancient Hebrew letters,    “Ani” (I)  “Alef” (strong leader, God) “Nun” (who gives life) “Yod” (does mighty works)  and the name “Yosef”:  “Yod” (who does works) “Vav” (connects) “Samekh” (to lean on, to support, to uphold) “Pey” (mouth, to speak) so, the name “YOSEF” in certain words can mean  “He who does might works, speaks to (us) (to his brothers) and connects them to him through support. 

         The words; “Ani Yosef” if spoken to others that were not his kin, would not have caused a reaction, the same way if we would say to someone who does not know us; “I am _______” (and you say your name), the other person would probably say; “so what?’ or “OK, I am ______” But these words, spoken to his brothers caused a sort of “mixed-emotion” reaction, troubled at these words, they could hardly believe their eyes and ears seeing their brother dressed as an Egyptian, but now, the family is reunited again.  As family members, we often offend others and even God through our negative actions, yet once sins are confessed, and the wrong-doing understood and dealt with, the hurts are mended, and there is forgiveness, in this case, Yosef forgiving his brethren. 

         He spoke words of comfort to his brothers, promising them “support” throughout the years of famine, they could “lean on him” and thus have that “connection” so we see that “Yosef” (I know, everyone is used to spelling it “Joseph” (the regular English spelling) but the Hebrew does not have a “J” so “Yosef” is the correct and original spelling.  “Yosef” is related to our “Messiah Yeshua” in that “Both have spoken words of comfort to us, through His WORD, and we are connected to him through his blood and being “born again” and we can “Lean on Him” who has set captives free.  Yosef, who once was a captive slave, went down to Egypt, sold for 20 pieces of silver, (the price of a slave back then), and became the “Savior” of many lives through the distribution of food in that time of famine.

         Yeshua, who went “down to Egypt” as a baby. Came “up out of Egypt” and was sold for “30 pieces of silver” (the price of a slave then in his times) and became the “Savior” of the world, and saved the world of “Spiritual death and spiritual famine”

         We see in Chapter 47 that “Jacob” (who is ISRAEL now) goes down to Egypt, with his family of 70 (includes children, grandkids, servants, etc.) “Israel” and “Yosef” meet.  Yosef's legal name is “Yosef Ben Israel” or “Ben Jacob” the name ISRAEL comes from “Yasher El” (straight to GOD) Yosef is happy to see “Abba” again and goes “straight to God” as we believers should be happy to go “straight to God” through Yeshua.

         Jacob at the beginning does not believe his sons when they told him that Yosef was alive, it took the evidence of the cartloads of food and goods from Egypt to convince him.  He had to see in order to believe.  The same thing was with Thomas, the talmidim of Yeshua told him that Yeshua was there, that he was alive, be he didn’t believe them until Yeshua appeared to Thomas.  He told him to put his hand on the nail wounds, and on the spear wound, and “believe” and not to “disbelieve”.  Anyone can believe when confronted with the physical evidence, but “Blessed are those that believe and do not see” (the physical evidence).  That is what faith is all about. 

         This is the beginning of Israel's “sojourn” in the land of Egypt, interesting fact, “Yosef” in a way “Enslaved the Egyptians” by taking from them their land, cattle, and money, in exchange for food.  Later on, the “worm turned” and the Egyptians, under the power of a different Pharaoh (who some think was “Ahmose”) enslaved ISRAEL, until the time of Moshe.

         Israel is still enslaved to tradition, religiosity, and blind eyes that refuse to recognize Messiah Yeshua, as the promised “Mashiach” that the Torah speaks of.  Yet many are coming to Mashiach, but there are still many more that need “Yeshuah” (Salvation)



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