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Posts posted by tinajacobs

  1. We were brought up by my father with the idea that black and white people don’t get married. So when he cheated on my mom with an African lady it was like my world came crashing down-this was the end. My father and I have never had a close relationship and my life was anyway such a mess with all the drugs I was on I did want my parent close to me. Anyway after falling pregnant wanting an abortion because everything was so hectic at that time God decided to give me a big push. He started work with me he showed me what forgiveness was for myself and for others.

    I patched things up with him this lady eventually left him because he lost his job and with no money she was gone.

    My father then married another African girl the same age as me I have come to understand the love that they share and I am happy for him and his wife she makes him happy and I am all for that she also has a very bright son he calls me his sister, my mom (amazing lady) and my boyfriend are also on board with their relationship.  

    But not everyone feels the way we do, I don’t know how things are in other parts of the world but most Africans and whites don’t approve OR UNDERSTAND we have a lot of family event like weddings ect and there are people there that have no tolerance or understanding of interracial relationships, my father is a stubborn man and doesn’t care he wants to bring his wife she on the other hand is not too keen to come to such a majority white function she has never said so but I think she is also afraid of the potential arguments or fights that could break out.


    I have spoken to my father and told him that just because we see things one way doesn’t mean everyone else does so when we have family events that involve meeting new family OR THEIR FRIENDS and we don’t know them that he will have to come alone. We have a wedding coming up and the bride my cousin is so scared that something will go wrong as am I.

    But I feel so terrible I am sure I hurt his feelings as well as his wife’s. How do we handle this do we just not care what other think or feel, it’s so easy to say stuff them but the issues that we face is real and it can get uncomfortable

    The names people call my father is upsetting I try and shrug them off. And it’s not just from white people the shift I run at work are predominantly older African males they laugh when my dad brings his wife’s son to work to come say hallo to me. Mocking me.. I want to treat my father with respect and accept everything about him I want to love him regardless of his past decisions or his preference in colour.  We live in a terrible south Africa there is no tolerance for different in our rainbow nation.

    I need advice from people who understand what love, tolerance and acceptance is. Other gives me advice out of a worldly perspective and I don’t know if it’s right


    Should I support him in taking his wife anywhere he wants to, what do I do when someone says something un appropriate. It always ends up in a fist match


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