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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. Ignoring the truth that is still playing out does not make you the winner of the debate, it just makes you the 'ignorer' of it, which is typical. You never have lost a debate here, because you ignore that you have, and won't acknowledge that others have won.
  2. Some people cannot follow the truth. Following the truth is like following a vein of gold in mine, but some cannot do it even with rich rewards ahead. You should have taken Kirsch up on his bet. When no officials want to pocket a few million dollars for 'setting Kirsch straight,' you know they cannot do it. No doctors, no scientists, no Feds, and no one in the public of billions of people world-wide would take him up on his bet, including you. Of course, none of that spamming of government propaganda would have worked. He offered big money for anyone to debate him, at all, and no one showed up. I am switching back to how abjectly stupid evolution is, for a topic on this thread. My prediction came true about your responses. Thanks for at least trying.
  3. Kirsch put up 1 million dollars per bet over several bets that no one took him up on, including you. None of the CDC or FDA, or Press took him up on them. He wrote an open letter to the to the New Zealand Ministry of Health, in which they could not lose because he offered to cover their expenses. Their claim of only 4 people dying, to his claims. To the Ministry he wrote, "If you’re right and only 4 people have died as a result of the COVID vaccine, I will pay for all your expenses, cease all my “misinformation superspreader” activities, and urge my colleagues to do the same. This will help reduce the amount of “misinformation” and save lives." "But if I’m right and the data shows that you’ve killed thousands of New Zealanders, you will admit you made a mistake, apologize, revoke the vaccines, and compensate people for their loss and/or injuries. You have nothing to lose if you are confident the vaccines are safe. You will get a definitive answer to the safety question that nobody can argue with. The debates will be over." So keep going ... what happened next? Oh, and make it quick. We have taken over this thread and need to return to what a farce evolution theory is.
  4. You will believe any liberal media outlet, won't you? You are getting closer to November 2023, and you have even spotted Steve Kirsch. These were not all causes deaths. Keep going. You are getting warm.
  5. OK, so your research is weak, and here comes the liberal Reuters article. It told you this happened in November of last year, so notice you go back in time to post what the liberals have to say about it in the year 2021. Seems like I predicted this.
  6. I do it all the time, Barbarian. When I show you the truth, perhaps the true math from Government sources, you tend to fire-hose the area down with prior government claims that were just countered. I think you can quickly 'research' things, but only if the liberal media did the work for you. When I do eventually show you, you will claim the source is not good enough and plaster government propaganda all over the thread. Sad for you, the media won't touch the figures so you have no instant source. Can you at least try to look?
  7. All you have to do is admit that you barely tried to research it, and I will point it right out, or at least give you a good hint on where to start. The point was, and I am sure you forgot, that you run to the government any time someone posts something that you don't like. Government lies slightly less than Satan, but some don't seem to notice.
  8. I know why. It's because you have not looked. You never look, but you do spam the place with government reports made to media outlets.
  9. The Bible mentions giants, you know, with giant heads. People find them. It is still is not evidence of evolution if you find one. These scientists believe they have found a new 'species' with a small head, but it's only a human with Microcephaly. Remember the 'StarChild skull' they thought was some alien from outer space? It was just a human with malformed head, when tested. Alright, they found that pickle in a jar that had turned to stone in 70 years or less (not trillions of years). Show me how that does anything for evolution.
  10. I said fossils are not evidence of evolution, and they are not. I gave you the reality check about it. I think you are trying to spin that now.
  11. This is about New Zealand, it's whistleblower official, and what he found recently. The Epoch Times didn't report on New Zealand, nor did anyone else in the main stream. We are talking 20 million dead, not VAERS which is just 1% of reporting.
  12. Thanks for not looking for yourself. That's what you do, so you made my case.
  13. It can be. Good luck with that. If you are speaking of Salvation, here is good scripture with instructions: (ESV) Romans 10:9-10 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
  14. You always run to the government and the press to 'fact check' but you didn't fact check. Look for yourself every once in a while, instead of government and the press. Thanks for making my case.
  15. The vaccines did kill a lot of people. Last November, or so, some high level guy in New Zealand who worked at the Ministry of Health crunched the numbers to find that 1 in 1000 were killed by the vaccines there, and since it is the same vaccines, to port those numbers over means the vaccines killed 17 to 23 million people total (Moderna and Pfizer) anywhere they were used world-wide. Though the math is irrefutable, and you can do your own math with the numbers they published, I doubt you will agree with the conclusions and the governments and the drug companies have no comment. They literally don't want to see the data, and all media outlets are quiet. The Catholics, Anglicans, Episcopalians and Orthodox have very different beliefs about how to arrive at salvation than the protestants. We are all just as 'Christian' I guess, but I have written a post long ago how the term Christian has come to mean anything you want it to mean, so I use the term disciple to describe those who follow Jesus. For those who have accepted the gift of salvation, I use the term Born Again and Saved. You will find that Bible mentions the word Christian(s) only three times (KJV) and of those times mentioned, it is more about what others called us, in a sentence, than lessons. There are no instructions on how to be a Christian in the Bible, but the Bible is packed with life's instructions you can use as a disciple of Christ.
  16. C.S. Lewis is one of the best communicators ever, and I have read Mere Christianity. He was an Anglican, though, and I don't agree with how claim they arrive at the state of salvation. The Episcopalians are effectively Anglican's, so I don't agree with them either, nor how the Catholics claim they arrive at Salvation, nor the Orthodox groups. I think you will find that just about any protestant would disagree with their teachings. As for agreeing with me about government, I have never seen you say the CDC or FDA or any of those alphabet soup agencies was ever wrong about vaccines, or anything else. If they publish it, you seem to automatically agree.
  17. We don't agree on anything. I am not an evolutionist, let alone one who thinks God used evolution, not a Catholic, not an mRNA vaccine supporter, and I don't think that every answer a government agency gives is the truth. I often wonder if you are paid to be here to object to anything anyone posts.
  18. We don't have a common descendant. Your side says we all came from a fossilized Saccorhytus Coronarius, but that is such idiocy. I mean no offense, but I have never met anyone as deceived as you concerning evolution. I cannot take your evolution arguments seriously.
  19. Sure it was. Do you think the common descendant idiocy was not believed? It still is believed according to Wikipedia: Evidence of common descent of living organisms has been discovered by scientists researching in a variety of disciplines over many decades, demonstrating that all life on Earth comes from a single ancestor. Sure is different than 'changes over time.'
  20. It was the scientific definition. It just didn't work out. When it does not work out, they try to cover it up like something in a cat box. Evolution used to attempt to explain the origins of the universe, Earth and life, but it failed miserably. So the evolutionists now claim evolution never tried to explain it, and now claim it's simply changes over time. Well they cannot miss with that definition because everything changes over time. Even a dead body changes over time.
  21. No, that was a real definition. You see, it didn't work out and so they changed it to the more modern definition that excludes things like life began from dirt, on it's own. You probably don't understand you have sided with atheists by siding with the evolution religion, but they don't accept God in any form. Evolution and Creation are diametric opposites. You might also not understand you are the odd ball who thinks God used evolution. Neither of the two sides stands with you.
  22. Yes, liars have claimed they have seen macro evolution and won't admit that have mistaken micro for macro. You have admitted that micro is macro. And they get to make up the definitions which are also lies. Just because you can find sources of lies and plaster them all over, it does not make them true. Evolution theory itself is a lie. Old Definition: The common descent of all life on earth from a single ancestor, via undirected mutation and natural selection. New Definition: Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Big difference between the two. Evolutionists have to change definitions, as I have said.
  23. Evolutionists have had to redefine everything since actual observations counter Darwin, and the whole evolution gang. You think micro is macro, which is why you think speciation is macro, and which is why you think you have observed macro. But, you haven't seen macro, ever. No one has. Period. When you mix the two, you get the wrong answer.
  24. Considering evolution is fake, so is the current definition. With your prior definition, the authors of the definition have conflated the two (micro and macro), but you will notice, I didn't make that mistake. Speciation is not macroevolution, it's micro. Speciation is within kinds. Bird kinds remain bird kinds, and dog kinds remain dog kinds. Remember the 1400 bat 'species' mentioned are still bat kinds, so bat kinds remain bat kinds. That's all we ever see today, is kinds bringing forth from their kind. If you ever see a bat kind produce a dog kind, for example, you will have seen macroevolution. Genesis 1:24 (KJV) And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. Looks like God is 100% correct, all the time, since what He said would happen is exactly what we observe, today. You might consider that before some human tries to redefine things since what He said would happen, exactly happens.
  25. What I have noticed is that when evolutionists back something ridiculous, they have to change definitions. Macroevolution is a change above species, to create new kinds and is unobserved. Microevolution is within kinds, and is seen at every birth. With the definition you have provided above, they have conflated the two types. The two types are not the same. Now you know.
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