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Everything posted by Big-Guns

  1. Post partum depression suffer common experience's with Doubt, fear, anger, guilt and more. well have you read the Bible? If you have then you would know that sin does cause these things a simple question for you. Is post partum depression good or bad? It's dangerous to be blind not to state the obvious facts.
  2. So people take drugs for delusions/deception lust hate anger perversions and these things are caused by the physical brain? That is not Christian man I hate to tell you. Christianity is about spirituality and the existence of God and the Bible makes it clear that the people who were resisting Satan were resisting those things that have been mentioned above which is called mental illness for the less enlightend and are in fact unseen demons. It literally says it in the bible.......
  3. And sin is the will and spirit of Satan that dwells within man. The only way to defeat Satan is to rid your mind and life of him. Replace the heart of evil and unit with God in wisdom and action walk in the spirit mind over body. No there will never be a medication that will cure a spiritual issue not even temporarily it is a illusion and a lie to think it does you can not use Satan to defeat Satan you can not overcome evil with the physical weapons or solutions of this world but with the word of Christ all can be overcome. Mental illness is actually demonic they are demons that enter people and cause perversion deception and suffering which will lead to poor health and death.
  4. Quote: no amount of will power of self discipline. Reading the bible won't cure these things. Sorry to tell you this but these are words of a non believer and if you do not believe in the power of the word you do not believe in God because in the bible god is the word
  5. A Christian with the Holy Spirit can suffer depression? Where do you all think emotions come from? It comes from the mind and the mind is spiritual depression is demonic.
  6. So you also believe in using psychiatric drugs? I would hate to tell you this but spiritual drugs are of witch craft and the Bible is against sorcery and the like. You must be deceived and truth can not be in you. The practice of psychiatry is of the world and nature is demonic it says so in the bible that is why true Christians seek heaven not this world and it's worldly wisdom/knowledge. A problem with the mind is a spiritual problem it is also what the Bible calls the heart do not rely on your own mind but Christ do not conform to the patern of this world and renew the mind the mind is deceitful above all things.
  7. So you also believe in using psychiatric drugs? I would hate to tell you this but spiritual drugs are
  8. So you are saying that people who are suffering from a psychological disease are not being possessed or influenced by Satan? Is it not the heart of man that is corrupt and the cause of illness suffering and sin? Is the heart not of the spirit and carnal. I believe that the origin of knowledge thought and desire is of spirit which is the heart the true identity and that these people need there minds cleaned of the filth and disease that is in this world and need to be born again and put on the mind of Christ. They can do this by reading the word of God don't you think? Don't you also think that medicaton has ties to witch craft? How about the word pharmakeia
  9. Hello what are you opinions on the relationship with mental illness and demonic influence and possession are they the same? And what is the cure in your opinion?
  10. Basically what I said in my previous post above.
  11. I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia basically what I have to say is that people with this diagnoses have demons living inside of them people who think otherwise are deceived I thought the spirits were interceding for me since the words that were coming out of my mouth were not really from me but the spirits and my voice did not sound like mine. These spirits inside of me have admitted to being demons and are causing me much tourment and guilt. I have had some pretty bad side effects from the medication I was given. And to answer a previous question yes there were things I couldn't remember from my childhood and in my teenage years I wondered why.
  12. I haven't given my life fully to jesus it has taken quite some time to believe since there is much info from many cultural religions but christianity makes most sense to me because of my spiritual experiences although I am not a born again christian. I personally think the only way I can believe and say that jesus was raised from the dead and died for us is through the holy spirit and only by having it will I truly know that christianity is the truth way and life.
  13. Hi Well I'm guessing I'm asking for advice. I hear see and feel spirits. They exist in me and are causing me great suffering. What can I do. I try to pray to God and some of the spirits intercede and pray for me yet I still have evil spirits harming me from the inside. What can I do?
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