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Posts posted by LastAcorn99

  1. I’m sorry to hear about your sister-in-law, friend. Be assured of my prayers for her, asking the Lord to touch Elida with His healing hand and restore her sight, according to His perfect will. May He bless Elida with better health and strength in the coming days, and surround her with His peace during this difficult time. Grace and peace to you!

  2. I’m sorry about your situation, and I can understand your struggle, friend. Sending prayers, asking the Lord to draw both you and your wife closer to Himself and bring healing and hope to your situation. Like some suggested, please speak to a trusted friend, pastor, or a counselor about this -- I’m sure it’ll be helpful. May God’s peace be yours and increase with each new day.   

  3. Thanks for sharing, friend. Sending prayers for your friend, that God’s grace and peace will surround her, sustain her, and guard her heart and mind as she seeks a way forward through this difficult time.  May the Lord draw her loved one into a personal relationship with Himself in the coming days. Blessings!

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about your family’s situation, friend. I can imagine how overwhelming this must be for you and your loved ones. Know that I’ll be praying, asking the Lord to touch your granddaughter and your grandniece wherever they hurt, and reveal His healing presence to them in a special and powerful way. May He surround you and your family with his love, peace, and strength in the days ahead.

  5. Thanks for sharing, Karan. My heart goes out to your friend’s family. I know that the loss of a child that you looked forward to joyfully welcoming into your home is one of the more difficult moments to face in life. I’ll be praying for your friends, asking the Lord to give you them strength and comfort only He can provide. God bless your caring heart!

  6. Aww..my heart goes out to your friends, Jacie. Know that I’ll be praying for Brit and Adam, asking the Lord to surround them with His loving presence and give them His peace during this very difficult time. God bless your caring heart!

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