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Posts posted by Isaiahchapter59

  1. Ever since 2014 year, I've became too much of a weak Christian for the enemy and his evil demons to just walk over me as if I was a doormat. I am praying for strength in my heart and to stop letting the enemy making me fearful and depressed. I don't want this tormental fear. I pray to be delivered from fear forever and to have peace. Praying the enemy will never use this against me ever again. I want peace in my mind and strength in my heart. I want my mind to be clear and peaceful. As I gotten older and really tried to do all I can for God the enemy has come after me worse and worse. He has tried to use suicide against me, he has tried to use depression and miserable against me. I want to be free from it and pray that I can be protected from anything that wasn't sent by God. I pray for the wicked side of my family to get saved and stop fooling with these evil spirits. I pray that all curses be lifted off of me in the name of Jesus forever and never let it return. In the past my family has played with Ouji boards and did many evil things even the freemasons. I am praying to be delivered from such torment and family generational curse.

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  2. On 10/8/2017 at 12:38 PM, KPaulG said:

    How's everything going now??

    Still the same. The neighbors bang noises at me loudly if I make the SLIGHTEST sound. I'm not even loud at all, I too toe around and I move dishes slowly and if I make ONE noise they bang a noise at me on purpose. Even On Sunday When I got up to go to church I set my iron board down and they would not stop and I started breaking down crying do badly, I went to church with a red face and nose and puffy watery eyes. 

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  3. I'm just requesting for all the truth prayer Christians to pray for me. I have some very ignorant and evil coldhearted neighbors in the apartment below me. Anytime I made a noise either by accident or simple as closing the bathroom door quietly or washing the dishes and trying to not make noise, the neighbors would make a boom noise at me or make a very loud noise at me on purpose for the quiet noise I made. I started too toeing around the apartment and if I made ONE EVEN ONE NOISE THEY WOULD SLAM SOMETHONG BELOW AT ME. Then when I was playing gospel music QUIETLY, NOT loud enough to hear outside, they decided TO MOCK ME AND PLAY IT BELOW ME. I cannot take this, I am getting depressed and feel like dying. The woman would yell all at night and I could hear get and she would let her child cry at night and bring him OUTSIDE so that everyone can hear the crying even louder at nighttime. These neighbors started doing this evil against me eversince I washed the dishes and they would make loud noises at me on purpose and if I close the cabinet door and I know cabinets are sorta loud, they would close it very loudly and slam the noise just so I could hear it. The apartment is dirty and filled with roaches and leaks everywhere. I checked all the google reviews and each person had a roach,spider,rat,mold, or a leak. One guy said his door was FILLED WITH SPIDERS when he was moving in. Most of the neighbors get away with almost anything. One couple were smoking weed in their apartment and arguing very loudly for everyone to hear. Most of the people break rules at the apartment I live at. One guy died from so many roaches in his apartment.


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