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Posts posted by Sirexp

  1. I've been living with ocd for a while. I've been trying to get better by quitting smoking and other bad habits but like i started to smoke last night and I had a thought your going to hell if you do so I didn't and today same thing but i did smoke but i also had trouble opening it and kinda that was also a sign. Like I know i been through this before and well this sounds weird but seeing numbers repeatedly is to some people a sign and seeing them helped me through so what if I don't, I think if everything happens for a reason then why does this happen my ocd switches and this is the worst, idk if I'm going to hell I mean I wasn't raised in a church like family but i did go to church when I was little when thing I'm my life start getting worse as I grew up my ocd got stronger and stronger, I turned to my faith but then it's this idk what to do really. I mean I'm alone a lot and don't have much of a family left but like getting help is hard because of where I live so 

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