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Besofo Shel Yom

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Posts posted by Besofo Shel Yom

  1. Is it ok to change your church? I've been pondering this with my head for a year now. I've been with my current church for more than 20 years but had the need to change one due to some reasons. 

    First I am diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Bipolar (there's no visible symptoms for a year now and I can say that I'm completely normal) and there have been times where I acted awful during a service and cause troubles etc. Also, in my relapse (psychosis breakdown) I messaged a member and have said weird things to her. I tried contacting her lately to apologize but she blocked me. Second, I don't feel so great about the church anymore, like the teachings doesn't work for me anymore and also, the pressure from my colleagues have been stressing me out. They (the church) ask too much about the money. And I don't like it when the church does that though I am aware that tithes is the Lord's will. 

    Anyhow, I visited a church last year and it was so good, I can go on to do church alone and I can feel it was working for me until I had psychosis again. Now, I'm thinking of going back to my church but I don't want to feel the stress again. It's like I'm looking at the people but not to God entirely? And I know, which is bad but I want to be honest, if I want to commit myself into it then I need no distractions. Even Paul left those whom he was having a hard time if I remember correctly. 

    Can I go to a new church? I'd like to renew my colleagues where I can do a fresh start. But if I get into trouble again with my new church? Is it worth to change one? 

  2. Why am I afraid to pray aloud with other Christians and unbelievers? 

    Whenever someone asked me for a prayer I would decline it because I am shy and am anxious to say my prayers, as it if feels like I wouldn't be able to deliver the right words for that particular moment. 

    Though, there have been times that I accepted the request and was able to pray well. It's just when I Was a kid, I was this shy not so talkative guy and my experience from praying aloud as awful! 

    Lately, when I sing and worship and offer praises to the Lord I would say a prayer aloud but not too loud but I'm all by myself. 

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