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Everything posted by XRose

  1. The matter is simply summed up L The following two texts typify the many passages in Scripture that indicate that knowledge of, and faith in, Jesus are essential to salvation: (1) “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved” (Rom. 10:9–10);1 (2) “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:17–18). Have a read of this: https://www.equip.org/article/is-belief-in-jesus-necessary/
  2. I just looked up the annual global sea fish catch and find from 2000 onwards it was steady around the 80,ooo,ooo tons. That is after two centuries of heavy pollutions flowing into the seas from industries and dumping of wastes and later dumping of poison gas concentrates and nuclear accidents. It is likely that during the Flood the waters carried a quarter to half a billion tons of fish. Such a mass of fish would fed quite happily on dead bodies of all creatures to ensure none survived as evidence. Today the various sea videos we see never have any dead fish lying on the sea bed as so many creatures would eat them to carry out GOD's plan to keep the seas clean. Empty boots lie on Titanic as proof that fish and water eradicates all traces of a human body. Even giant blue whales are totally eaten up by shoals of hagfsh.
  3. We are not racists but what is important is that every person who accepts that Jesus is the son of GOD YAHWEH automatically qualifies for eternal life. We do not have to work for it or pray to any idols. etc. The brainwashing that children receive in false religions can be extremely hard to discard to see the truth of Christianity. A short while ago I posted this truth: "It upsets many people but I say that if Jesus returned this moment he and his army of angels would slaughter all Catholics, Anglicans, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, JWs, Mormons, Taoists, Greek and Russian Orthodox, Freemasons, Jews, pagan tribes around the world, atheists and agnostics. A total of perhaps 7 billion of the 7.6 billion on Earth now?" It upsets many people but don't forget that GOD flooded the entire world to kill everyone because they had become as evil as those 7 billion and were worshipping all sorts of imaginary gods. The children had to die because it is the duty of parents to teach the children the truth. Watch this video of doomed Catholics worshipping and idol of Satan who dressed as a woman and claimed to be Mary in LOurdes , France. Edited by Omegaman 3.0 Sorry XRose, but videos are only allowed in our video section, so video deleted from this post.
  4. As you label yourself Buddhist and claim a man called Siddharta was raised to some imaginary Nirvana you really have no reason to be on a Christian forum. FYI Satan and his demons look for people who meditate in lonely places like jungles. That is where he caught Mohammed, John Smith, Siddharta, etc etc. This is also the reason why JWs insert many subliminal images of demons in the trees they paint in the pictures in their Watchtower magazines and books.
  5. I cannot count the number of times I have told evolutionists that! I tell them just watch a few flash flood or tsunami videos to see how soil, trees, humans and animals are washed along and smashed to pieces before finally settling. And I say a second flash flood or tsunami from further away would wash more mixed debris onto the first! In last three weeks there have been continuous floods in southern England and goodness knows what debris has been swept along or how it has or will finally settle. This video shows how just one cloudburst about half a mile wide devastated one small village. If further cloudbursts had occurred slightly further or wider over fifty miles the mass of debris would be very hard to sort out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxweiRNlHbo It's just impossible for them to accept so I just shake their dust off my sandals.
  6. If you leave it is because you cannot face TRUTH! You are like the Jews who killed Jesus because he told themt hey were wrong! We don't hate you but just want to help open your eyes. As long as you prefer to keep your Buddhists beliefs and practices you cannot be Christian and have the hope of eternal life with Jesus.
  7. Your teacher has made you believe some ridiculous nonsense about there is life after death in heaven for any that do not achieve Nivana? That is as crazy as can be! Buddha was just a man possessed by Satan or one of his demons. He uttered platitudes pleasing to the ear and a religion grew around him and imagined all sorts of ideas and rituals. As for you saying you are vegetarian - Christans are allowed to eat fish, shellfish, birds and animals so long as we drain the blood out of them. Obviously any Christian can be a vegetarian and not feel guilty of killing other life to eat. Your teacher and many sympathisers have made you think we fundamental Christians are evil bigots but we just know the truth and want to make you understand how wrong Buddhismms is and why you cannot be both Buddhists and Christian. Either stay in Buddhism or esle look for a nice Methodist Christian church and join their Bible study and discussion groups but do not try to push Buddhist ideas at them or they will have to tell you the truth and you will feel offended. And do not think you can be a Buddhist in your home with idols and images and pray to them while claiming to be a Christian as GOD has millions of angels keep an eye on us all!
  8. Hi, What you have to realise is that ANY GENUINE TRUE CHRISTIAN MUST BY DEFINITION BELIEVE WHAT GOD THE CREATOR SAID: Do not make idols of anything and do not worship any images of anything! Here is GOD speaking at Exodus 20:2. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. From this we Christians know that any other religion that makes and uses images of anything must be wrong and doomed to destruction when Jesus returns. But if you read the Bible and can bring yourself to believe it you will find that GOD says no human survives death and no idol can move, eat or speak. But most importantly you will read that GOD destroyed vast numbers of people - including the Israelites! - because they made and woshipped idols. The Israelites were led by Satan to demand an idol to worship even while Moses was on the mountain speaking to GOD. GOD ordered Moses to kill the leaders and then GOD sent a black death plague to kill many more to teach them how evil they were. This website detail sother slaughteres of idolaters. https://www.bethinking.org/bible/old-testament-mass-killings So if you are wanting to remain a Buddhist and amalgamate Buddhism into Christianity you will be unacceptable to GOD and doomed to destruction. It upsets many people but I say that if Jesus returned this moment he and his army of angels would slaughter all Catholics, Anglicans, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, JWs, Mormons, Taoists, Greek and Russian Orthodox, Freemasons, Jews, pagan tribes around the world, atheists and agnostics. A total of perhaps 7 billion of the 7.6 billion on Earth now? You have to choose between the only real god YAHWEH GOD or all other imaginary gods inspired by Satan.
  9. Just a moment! Forget the dark moth for dirty England crap. It is ludicrous to think England was carpeted with thick soot as in fact many indsutrial towns and cities were literally little black oases in lush green countryside! I lived right in the centre of a heavy industrial area with thick fogs in cold weather but I walked to school between lush fields filled with butterflies and bees and ponds and stream sfilled with fish, newts, diving beetles and freshwater shrimps. The moth research was faulty because many birds like moths and many birds can spot a moth, grab it and fly away in a split second. Ditto the finch beak. Human muscles and bones grow large and heavy through work so why not a beak to tackle tougher seeds? If GOD created human bodies able to modify for heavy lifting - and see how older bodies shrink and weaken when a person retires? - I'm sure other creatures body can modify for particular situations. Earth's original climate was warm and moist and all animals would have fairly short coats while today's long cold winters make many grow long thick coats that are shed again in springtime. As for the lying, blaspheming Augustine's idea that GOD could not create the Earth until He had made the sun he was unable to understand that GOD doesn't need light to make things - and His own light was sufficient to illuminate the pre-conscious life forms - the vegetation! All seeds will germinate in dark moist soil. Blind people can create all sorts of things without 'light' so why should GOD need have Earth lit up to ensure He made the later things properly? And surely GOD created the sun by somehow creating a vast quantity of hydrogen and helium in one place - assuming the scientists are correct and that's what the sun is made of. Mention of oryxes does make me point out the sudden die-off of the Arabian gazelle (?) despite them being spread over vast distances with likely very little contact to spread disease? My Bible says at Zephaniah 1:2 I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord. 3 I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord. 4 I will also stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with the priests; 5 And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcham;' That prediction can account for all the mysterious die-offs of fish, birds, animals we have seen in recent years. Verse 5 applies against Catholics as they worship the sun as their god Baal and offer it cakes during mass.
  10. Just watched a few minutes of a 'Secrets of the Bible' program and believe it or not the 'Professor' researcher looking for Mt Sinai of Moses's meeting with GOD of Exodus . Guy gets lost in trackless superhot desert so decides Moses couldn't have led the Israelites through the area for 40 years. So somehow he gets the idea that maybe Moses led the people across the Mediaterranean Sea to Sicily and up Mt Etna volcano! He finds fumes vents so hot that paper bursts into flames and decides this is the site of the burning bush! And the volcano's rumblings made Moses think GOD was talking! I just find it incredible that people can be as dumb as that 'professor'! Does anyone else think Mt Etna on Sicily could actually be Mt Sinai?
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