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Everything posted by ecco

  1. ecco


    My apologies
  2. ecco


    Since I am not allowed to post URL
  3. ecco


    OK, you can cut and paste from a scientist who does not believe in evolution. I did a google on him and found nothing. Who should one believe, a few scientists (with a bias) who dispute radiometric dating or the thousands of scientists who use it daily? If you choose the one in the few, following is a cut and paste from a creationist site that believes in geocentricity. Perhaps the earth really is the center of the universe.
  4. ecco


    HorizonEast, What is the point you are trying to make when you quote Stephen Gould?
  5. ecco


    Here is another example of an anti-evolutionist trying very hard to attack evolution by deception. Radiometric dating is a very reliable scientific process. Do mistakes occasionally occur? Of course they do. Testing is done by people and people sometimes make mistakes. That does not invalidate the procedure or the millions of dating tests that have been done correctly. It is analogous to saying medical testing is BS because occasionally a doctor misdiagnoses a condition. Trust and obey probably knows this and intentionally misrepresents it. Ask yourself why someone would make a post that (s)he knows is misleading.
  6. ecco


    Wrong. Evolution has been happening for millions of years and continues to do so today. Can you see a Redwood tree grow? Species take thousands of years to evolve.
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