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Posts posted by bc41129

  1. Turn on your speakers. This is a classic bit.


    I sure remember that from years ago. It was funny then and funny now. Like you said a classic. It is a shame these days that people think they must say dirt words or do dirty things to be entertaining now. This was so, funny to listen to and to watch. There are several good christian comedians out there too that can really make you laugh just like these two just did. Why people cannot find enjoyment in listening to people doing things like this I do not understtand. I can hardly find anything on tv anymore worth watching because, of the language, or the things they do. I use to watch I love lucy and loved it. The honeymooners, the Red shelton show, and many more and really they were great shows and all have become classics now. Even leave it to beaver.

    Hollywood today has turned our kids into drugie's and sex nuts and video games have too. They are making the violent and the parents do nothing to correct them. Most of the time the parents don't even know where their kids are. What a shame we have allowed this to happen to our kids. Shame on us. As christians we should of stepped up and put a stop to it years ago when it first got started.

    Then again does not the Bible say these things will happen? I know God is in control and maybe this is all part of HIS plan to bring in the tribulation. To loose the evil one on the world. I am just glad that I will be gone by that time I hope. I pray that my family will all know the Lord by that time. Oh, but, the woes that are to come this way. We sure have our job cut out for us as christians to get the word out to as many as possible. God is long suffering but, time is running out if only you watch what is going on around you, it is as plain as the nose on your face. Jesus is due to come bursting through the clouds at any time now. Be ready! Get your family ready! Get your friends ready!

    Our time is short!

    God bless you one and all


  2. The U.S. has been as Israel was when she went a whoring. The Lord God gave Israel a bill of divorcement. If the U.S. does not come back to the Lord and do it soon we too. will be given a bill of divorcement. If you remember what happened to Israel when she was forsakened by the Lord then perhaps you can understand why the U.S. is in such a mess now.

    If the U. S. does not come back to her first love the love of our Lord God almighty we will be all most miserable. Many places in the Bible we can see the rath of God on nations, and on people who have turned their backs on God. People we need to wake up and vote in people who will once again put, God back into our government as our forefather did. It is time for use to use our rights to speak up and tell other's to vote and make sure they can get to the polls while we still have this right.

    Pray all the time that God have mercy on us and on our nation. While we are still allowed to pray. This to can be taken away from us if we don't get out and vote the right people into our government.

    Lord God I ask in the precious name of Jesus Christ the Righteous that you continue to be longsuffering with us and that you hear our prayer's. The prayer's of your elect concerning this petition. In Jesus name I pray to him be the power,and the glory for ever. Amen!

  3. Raising taxes in a recession is lunacy.

    Well if this is allowed to be done then the Lord wants it to be done. We must all remember that God is in control of all things. He knows what is going to happen a long time before it even does happen. He knoew the ending before the beginning. Who are we to think other wize? Does the pot tell the potter what to do? I think not.

    If this should not be done then the Lord God will find a way to stop it from being done. Either he will put someone in the right place to stop it or it will change the minds of those that are going to do this thing and if you think he cannot do these things you are not believeing in the God almighty. The one true God.

  4. Baptism is a way to confess to other's that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour. You should be baptised however, to baptise yourself does not confess to other's why you are being baptised.

    Baptism has nothing to do with your salvation. It is only to confess who you serve.

    We are told to be baptised and I think everyone should be baptised but, as you stated before you have been baptised and therefore, there really is no reason to be baptised again unless you just want to.

    It has nothing to do with what church you get baptised in. It has only to do with who you serve and to let other's know who you serve.

    If you do the baptism in private then who are you telling? Then what is your purpose for the baptism?

    Just a though!

  5. Lately at my church there has been lots of talks about books written by various people about the Lord Jesus taking them out of this world and taking them to visit hell or heaven. As some of you may know, Mary K. Baxter's A Divine Revelation of Hell and a A Divine revelation of Heaven are bestsellers (since the 1980s). The lady was taken by the Lord Jesus, according to her, over a period of 30 days to visit hell annd heaven. In her book, she gives detailed descriptions of these two places. She also quotes the Lord Jesus word by word.

    The lady was invited last fall to speak at my church.

    Another book that is mentioned regularly during Sunday sermons is Heaven is So Real (By Korean American writer Choo Thomas). She also said that the Lord Jesus took her to visit Heaven many times and she even saw her own mother burning in hell for never having heard of Jesus.

    Finally, there are the experiences of a Korean pastor (Baptize by Blazing Fire 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) about his daily trips to hell (from 2006 until today in 2010) and the visits to hell and heaven that members of his church experienced during a 30-day all night prayer vigil.

    My question is, how do these revelations fit with Biblical doctrine?

    Personally, I have been feeling uncomfortable with certain parts of their experiences. The Bible, the Word of God, should be final say on everything. Yet these experiences claim to "complete" in more details the "vague " descriptions of the Lord Jesus about hell and heaven (these are not my words, but that's what the leaders at my church explained kindly to me when I raised questions).

    Now these stories are mentioned more often than Biblical descriptions at the church. Also, a lot of the preaching focuses on how we can lose our salvation based on what these books say. Example: in Baptize by Blazing Fire, the pastor said he saw many Christians burning in hell for one important sin: spending and selling on Sundays (not keeping the sabbath). Not tithing regularly was also one action that sends lots of Christians to hell.

    Please, I am a new Christian, but would love to hear from other Christians about this.

    God bless and protect you all.


  6. Lately at my church there has been lots of talks about books written by various people about the Lord Jesus taking them out of this world and taking them to visit hell or heaven. As some of you may know, Mary K. Baxter's A Divine Revelation of Hell and a A Divine revelation of Heaven are bestsellers (since the 1980s). The lady was taken by the Lord Jesus, according to her, over a period of 30 days to visit hell annd heaven. In her book, she gives detailed descriptions of these two places. She also quotes the Lord Jesus word by word.

    The lady was invited last fall to speak at my church.

    Another book that is mentioned regularly during Sunday sermons is Heaven is So Real (By Korean American writer Choo Thomas). She also said that the Lord Jesus took her to visit Heaven many times and she even saw her own mother burning in hell for never having heard of Jesus.

    Finally, there are the experiences of a Korean pastor (Baptize by Blazing Fire 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) about his daily trips to hell (from 2006 until today in 2010) and the visits to hell and heaven that members of his church experienced during a 30-day all night prayer vigil.

    My question is, how do these revelations fit with Biblical doctrine?

    Personally, I have been feeling uncomfortable with certain parts of their experiences. The Bible, the Word of God, should be final say on everything. Yet these experiences claim to "complete" in more details the "vague " descriptions of the Lord Jesus about hell and heaven (these are not my words, but that's what the leaders at my church explained kindly to me when I raised questions).

    Now these stories are mentioned more often than Biblical descriptions at the church. Also, a lot of the preaching focuses on how we can lose our salvation based on what these books say. Example: in Baptize by Blazing Fire, the pastor said he saw many Christians burning in hell for one important sin: spending and selling on Sundays (not keeping the sabbath). Not tithing regularly was also one action that sends lots of Christians to hell.

    Please, I am a new Christian, but would love to hear from other Christians about this.

    God bless and protect you all.


  7. Lately at my church there has been lots of talks about books written by various people about the Lord Jesus taking them out of this world and taking them to visit hell or heaven. As some of you may know, Mary K. Baxter's A Divine Revelation of Hell and a A Divine revelation of Heaven are bestsellers (since the 1980s). The lady was taken by the Lord Jesus, according to her, over a period of 30 days to visit hell annd heaven. In her book, she gives detailed descriptions of these two places. She also quotes the Lord Jesus word by word.

    The lady was invited last fall to speak at my church.

    Another book that is mentioned regularly during Sunday sermons is Heaven is So Real (By Korean American writer Choo Thomas). She also said that the Lord Jesus took her to visit Heaven many times and she even saw her own mother burning in hell for never having heard of Jesus.

    Finally, there are the experiences of a Korean pastor (Baptize by Blazing Fire 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) about his daily trips to hell (from 2006 until today in 2010) and the visits to hell and heaven that members of his church experienced during a 30-day all night prayer vigil.

    My question is, how do these revelations fit with Biblical doctrine?

    Personally, I have been feeling uncomfortable with certain parts of their experiences. The Bible, the Word of God, should be final say on everything. Yet these experiences claim to "complete" in more details the "vague " descriptions of the Lord Jesus about hell and heaven (these are not my words, but that's what the leaders at my church explained kindly to me when I raised questions).

    Now these stories are mentioned more often than Biblical descriptions at the church. Also, a lot of the preaching focuses on how we can lose our salvation based on what these books say. Example: in Baptize by Blazing Fire, the pastor said he saw many Christians burning in hell for one important sin: spending and selling on Sundays (not keeping the sabbath). Not tithing regularly was also one action that sends lots of Christians to hell.

    Please, I am a new Christian, but would love to hear from other Christians about this.

    God bless and protect you all.


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