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Posts posted by ChrisChrusherComix

  1. More reasons...

    Consider all of the programming out there right now. Consider the DaVinci code nonsense, the Book of Judas nonsense, the non-stop barrage of macro-evolution and old-earth timeline taught in schools and television? What about the fact that secularists continue to equate the entire body of Christ to Biblically-incorrect Crusaders hundreds of years ago, or even modern Islamic terrorism! Or a few hateful bigots that want to kill people in the name of God? They believe our faith is outdated and disproven. They believe that we want to oppress them and kill anybody who doesn't agree with us. Many secularists actually believe these things. They mock us, fear us, and slander us every day in Universities, television, newspapers, internet articles, and movies with propaganda that is meant to undermine our faith and make people look down upon us.

    For this reason, apologetics is most necessary. For not just unbelievers, but believers who are attacked with anti-Christian propaganda. How else can we combat these things? Without it, we are just preaching to the choir! We’ll all slap each other on the back and say “Amen, brother!” to each other… but what good does it do when the rest of the world is mocking us? There is a strong anti-Christian element out there, and young Christians are often the first to lose their faith. We must use apologetics not just to bring unbelievers to Christ, but to also keep people believing in The Truth!

    Jesus said that those who seek the truth to come to Him. And the truth exists. But we must fight the lies and one-sided propaganda that attacks the truth every day. That’s what apologetics is all about.

  2. Your friend hasnt been on here since:

    Last Active 24th August 2004 - 08:13 AM

    Almost 2 years. Now you have more than 10 posts, so you could try emailing him through the boards, however, it is more than likely his email account has changed. That is the only way I can think of to try and contact him.

    Yep. It has been like this for years now. I find him, and then he's gone and changes his email account or he abandons his message board identity before I can make contact with him. He's an old art school friend and I haven't seen him in years. I'm trying to locate him to see if he would be interested in collaborating on some Christian artistic efforts. Well... I'll keep trying. God bless!

  3. SA,

    I'll do my best. But you know I'm a painter and not a scientist. Ha.

    ~ martin

    Calling mscoville... are you there, sir? Hello? Marty?!?! Answer me! Please!

    I can't PM or email my old friend here... any ideas? :wub:

  4. The greatest tool for correcting apparent Bible contradictions are errors that I know of is The Plot of The Bible. It's an indispensable tool to Bible study and I believe every Christian, especially those who get confused by the Bible, should have a copy.

  5. Actually, Apologetics is my favorite aspect of my faith. Truthfully, apologetics made me a better, stronger Christian!

    I was raised in a Christian home (both of my parents are Christian, and my mom specifically was a strong Christian, watching Christian television for large portions of every single day). But when I was a kid, and especially when I was a teenager, I went to public schools and that wears on you. I never stopped believing in God or Christ, but all of the things that are out there in school, and especially hit you hard in high school; sexuality, evolution, no discussion about God, peer pressure, and parties (alcohol, sex, drugs)... these things wear on your ability to be a Christian. And if you aren't a strong Christian, they can either make it very easy to sin, or even ruin your faith in God. I actually stayed out of trouble for the most part (I didn

  6. It all depends on if you believe in Calvinism... predestination vs. free will. I don't believe the future is predestined, and I believe that God is living IN time like we are. Under this premise, God can predict the future with incredible accuracy, control certain factors, and He could change His mind whenever He wants. But... since He gave us free will, us humans can surprise, disappoint, or please Him in our actions. We are in control of our own destiny, and God watches what we do in time.

    There recently was a tremendous debate that took place on TheologyOnline forums. I think it's still available on the site, but it's also availalble here.

  7. It's amazing that people can actually believe in evolution (and in that, I mean the wacky theory of macro-evolution, not micro-evolution, which is proven science and agreeable to every scientific theory), and then mock creation as a fairy tale.

    Let's see... a single cell organism evolved from nothing, evolved into a fish, then to a frog, then to an ape, then a human. And absolutely no traces of any missing links in the fossil record while these amazing changes occured!

    How many deformed, bum-legged or web-armed animals had to mate until they developed the ability to fly?

    How many zits on a face had to develop before one turned into an eyeball and could see?

    Evolution is a fairy tale. There is absolutely zero proof in the fossil record or any other scientific field. Yet so many believe in it. Why? Simply because the alternative; believing in a God/Creator, is simply something they will refuse to believe.

    Next time you see an evolutionist, ask them: What is the greatest single empirical evidence for evolution?

    It's often laughable what they come up with after you ask them.

    You may want to download and listen to this MP3 of Bob Enyart's debate with Michael Shermer, an editor at Scientific American, in 24 or 10 MBs or read Bob's 170 page, 10-round moderated debate titled Does God Exist? And the best, and funniest debate I've ever heard with an evolutionist is Bob Enyart's debate with Dr. Eugenie Scott. it's very humorous!

  8. I've lost friends, been shunned from other message boards, and my brother lost a girlfriend because we believe homosexuality is a sinful/self-destructive lifestyle and not a born-with condition encoded in one's DNA.

    How many people must die slow horrible deaths via sexually transmitted disease and drug abuse before society realizes that the acceptance of homosexuality means more disease and death? And when will people realize?: Friends don't let friends be homos!

  9. Grace to you,

    I actually admire Ravi Zacharias myself. Great Apologist. I have a tape of him from down at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. A friend of mine went and asked if he could tape the talk. He said Ravi was most gracious and even told the people there to go ahead and tape him.

    It is a marvelous discussion on Moral Relativism. :P

    Make 10 posts and you can PM your friend.



    Awesome! I was wondering why I couldn't PM or email him.. it kept saying error or something. Thanks a lot!

    And yes, I just recently listened to a bunch of Ravi's shows on mp3 while I worked last week, and a few of them were on Moral Relativism if I recall. He's such an effective speaker.

    I think you'd like Bob Enyart as well. The best shows are his usually his debates. He's a magnificent debater on many topics, and I espacially like when he debates evolutionists and moral relativists. Problem is, in the last few years, nobody much has dared debate him. A few of his more recent debates can be found on TheologyOnline, another Christian message board forum.

  10. Hi!

    Yes, I've seen many posts by him via that search, and I'm fairly sure it's my old school friend based on several things that seem to be more than coincidental. But I can't email or PM him. Plus, it looks like his most recent post was maybe 2 years ago or so? I haven't been able to find anything newer than 2 years or more. Please keep a look out. I read one of his posts claiming he wished he could vote for Ravi Zacharias to be president! LOL! I'm shocked that he and I have more in common than when I knew back in school. I've been kicked out o a few boards for some of the very same things he's posrted here (obviously they weren't Chrustian like this one).

    BTW, another side topic... anybody here listen to Bob Enyart of www.kgov.com? Along with RZIM, I think he's a great apologist and Christian commentator. His talk show, Bob Enyart Live, alng with Ravi's Just Thinking and Let My People Think, are staples of my daily listening.

    God bless!


  11. Greetings all!

    I'm happy to find a site with fellow Christians and Judeo-Christian apologists. My two favorite apologists are Dr. Ravi Zacharias (of www.rzim.org) and Pastor Bob Enyart (of www.kgov.com). Both led me even closer to Christ with their great wisdom and knowledge.

    However, I was led to this site as I am seeking an old friend. A buddy from school many a year ago. We both loved drawing comics and I lost touch with him some time back. Like over a decade ago (sheesh... sure doesn't seem like that long though, ha). I'm happy to discover that he's into Christian Apologetics, as I'm fairly certain (I'd dare say 99.99%) that he posts on this site under the name... mscoville

    ...or fmcowboy. His name is Marty (or Martin) Scoville. I've been unsuccessful in my many attempts of contacting him, and I'm hoping I can find him here. he's an old friend and a Christian artist, which are two things that are important to me. I noticed he posted several times in 2004... but that's now 2 years ago... ugh. Does he post here often anymore, and does anybody know his email or any way to reach him via instant messenger or some other form of computer contact? I'd greatly appreciate it!

    In Christ,

    -Chris ChrusherComix

    Towner comics

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