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Press Forward

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Posts posted by Press Forward

  1. I believe and the bible confirms that you should live a life perfect in God's eyes so you won't face his wrath....because you love and fear Almighty God.

    Luke 12 NIV

    4"I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 5But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.

    I was destined to hell and I thought because I called out to Jesus at 20 I was protected and going to Heaven. But I lived a live that seemth right to me and I didn't comprehend the ways of the Lord. It took me over 40 years and I thank god I didn't die before I was touched by God. And I thank him every day for Mercy, Grace, and Love. I'm on the straight and narrow and it is a blast. I'm not looking back. I'm living forever. It's a great feeling. Thank you Jesus.

  2. He taught me something about Anger....

    Anger breeds Hate.....Hate Leads to Sin.....Sin leads to death...

    A godly love is slow to anger....we need to focus on the good in everyone...

    Then when you watch events in the middle east.....whether Jews or Muslim....they seem angry all the time...if only they could quit doing what seemth right to themselves and start comprehending the ways of the Lord Jesus....their hearts and minds would be so much clearer...

  3. We did everything wrong in our relationship. Second marriage for both of us. Met on the Internet...Lived together for 4 years before we were married...she had a seven your old daughter...who was being raised in this ungodly environment......but God can always get good out of bad situations.....both my wife and I had been raised in a church.. but we did it our way.....but you know what...the child brought us both to Jesus Christ...she went to church with a friend and prayed for us ...before we were even married....and encouraged us to participate in church....I had already started picking up the bible and was reborn in a barn....and knew we had to be with God's children in church...because we were childen of God...so we went together as a family to church ... once we took the lord jesus into our hearts and our lives...we had to make decisions....move out? or get married...I was ready to move out...but that wasn't God's will....this woman and child was destined for me from above...and we were married...and even though we did everything wrong God sanctified this marriage...he gave us a do over... even though we were wrong...we was loved...I reflect on my past and even though I was a complete prideful, selfish, screw up....Almighty God....pulled me and my family through this mess...by cleaning me up and restoring my heart and mind...it is all about God's Love.....God's holy word is to be read in love and used in love....God desire for us is to love him and to love one another...for those that can accept him he waits with open arms and eternal life....I've committed about every sin in the 10 commandments except murdering somebody and I probably murdered some people with my mouth....I shared this with you because sometimes people think their life is so screwed up and no hope...that is the biggest lie from the biggest liar......satan.....Jesus didn't come to condemn the world but to save us....I don't encourage living together..it is not God's desire for his children...but if you have fallen for some of those snares and traps turn to Jesus and press forward...

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