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  1. The Palestinian Authority, Jordan and the Arab League slammed the Israeli government for an operation during which police officers found pipe bombs on the Temple Mount in the Old City in Jerusalem on Sunday. View the full article
  2. Russia has started to build a huge military base housing ammunition depots and barracks for several thousand soldiers near the Ukrainian border, a project that suggests the Kremlin is digging in for a prolonged stand-off with Kiev. View the full article
  3. As US opponents of the nuclear deal with Iran decried its de facto approval by the Senate on Thursday, administration officials sought to assuage fears that Washington was abandoning its regional allies, promising increased defense cooperation with Israel and Gulf states. View the full article
  4. The U.S. will take in "at least 10,000" refugees from Syria in fiscal 2016, which starts Oct. 1, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Thursday. View the full article
  5. Russia and Iran are coordinating the dispatch of military forces to Syria in an effort to save the regime of embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad. View the full article
  6. Russian forces have begun participating in military operations in Syria in support of government troops, three Lebanese sources familiar with the political and military situation there said on Wednesday. View the full article
  7. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri dismissed Islamic State and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as illegitimate but said his followers would join them in fighting the Western-led coalition in Iraq and Syria if possible. View the full article
  8. Russia is building a drone submarine to deliver large-scale nuclear weapons against U.S. harbors and coastal cities, according to Pentagon officials. View the full article
  9. Pope Francis is expected to focus on the need for peace in a conflict-torn world facing the biggest refugee crisis since World War II when he addresses the United Nations later this month, the Holy See said Wednesday. View the full article
  10. Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei published remarks on his personal website and on his Twitter account that Israel will not exist in 25 years. He also ruled out any new negotiations with the "Satan," otherwise known as the United States. View the full article
  11. Arab media are reporting that the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has reactivated a 1980 "friendship" treaty between Damascus and Moscow, handing over the Latakia airbase in Assad's mostly Alawite Mediterranean coastal enclave. View the full article
  12. At least 850,000 people are expected to cross the Mediterranean seeking refuge in Europe this year and next, the United Nations said on Tuesday, giving estimates that already look conservative. View the full article
  13. China's foreign exchange reserves posted their biggest monthly fall on record in August, reflecting Beijing's attempts to halt a slide in the yuan and stabilize financial markets following its surprise move to devalue the currency last month. View the full article
  14. Pressing their advantage, the White House and insistent Senate Democrats locked up the votes Tuesday to frustrate attempts by outraged Republicans to pass a legislative rebuke to the Iran nuclear accord. View the full article
  15. The New York Times says U.S. defense officials are drawing up plans to revise the training of moderate Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State in Syria following "significant shortcomings" in training and tactics. The assessment comes as Washington asks Greece to close its airspace to Russian supply flights to Syria amid concerns of a Russian military buildup in Syria. View the full article
  16. Islamic State fighters have seized the last major oilfield under Syrian government control during battles over a vast central desert zone, a group monitoring the conflict said on Monday. View the full article
  17. The Prime Minister of Iraq has established a committee that intends to identify and document the homes and properties that have been fraudulently or forcefully seized from his country's Christians. View the full article
  18. Islamic State jihadists have given Christians living in Qaryatain, Syria, just 48 hours to decide whether they will convert to Islam, pay the jizya tax, or be forced to leave town. View the full article
  19. The fog created by the ostensibly impending resignation of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas appeared to clear Monday, as details emerged indicating that the resignation threats were a diversion ahead of a dramatic move planned by the Palestinians: declaring Palestine a state under occupation and reneging on their obligations as detailed in the Oslo Accords. View the full article
  20. The euro's founding father has warned that Europe's latest plan for an EMU-wide finance ministry is a dangerous attempt to smuggle through political union, and breaches the basic tenets of modern democracy. View the full article
  21. Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis has been jailed without bail since Thursday for refusing to allow her office to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. View the full article
  22. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will host a ministerial meeting of key global players trying to end the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Sept. 30 during the annual high-level session of the General Assembly, the United Nations announced Friday. View the full article
  23. Iran will launch war games Saturday involving a range of aircraft, in which the primary functions are air combat and destroying targets in the air and on the ground, the semi-official Fars news agency reported Friday. View the full article
  24. Iran's defense minister hailed the nuclear accord struck with world powers as a 'surrender' by 'the superpowers' to 'the majesty' of Iran, a watchdog group said. The website of Iran's leader, meanwhile, published a poster hailing Iran as the region's 'foremost military power.' View the full article
  25. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon are set to announce Sunday the start of a multi-billion-shekel effort to construct a sensor-laden fence on the southern border with Jordan, the news site Ynet reported. View the full article
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