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  1. By Brett Rowland | The Center Square (Worthy News) – Chicago’s run of peaceful protests during the Democratic National Convention turned ugly Tuesday night when demonstrators clashed with police outside the Israeli consulate. The consulate, located in the Accenture Building on Madison Street, is near one of the city’s largest commuter rail stations. Pro-Palestinian protestors confronted police outside the building. Police were prepared and the consulate was heavily secured against attack, the Chicago Tribune reported. “There is only one solution – Intifada revolution,” protestors chanted. “Intifada” has historically meant an uprising against Israel. The protesters walked into a group of police officers, stacked four deep, around 7:30 p.m., the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Police declared the gathering unlawful and told protestors to disperse. As the protestors chanted anti-police slogans, one masked protester set fire to a half-American, half-Israeli flag. Counterprotestors sang the Israeli national anthem while police kept the two groups separated. Before Tuesday afternoon, police had made 15 arrests amid demonstrations during the Democratic National Convention, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. It wasn’t immediately clear how many people were arrested or detained Thursday night. Reprinted with permission from The Center Square. The post March Outside Israeli Consulate Leads to Confrontation, Arrests appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  2. By Madeline Armstrong | The Center Square (Worthy News) – The second night of the Democratic National Convention included the traditional, if not symbolic, roll call of all the states and how many delegates are nominating Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz for office. However, neither were present at the convention. Harris and Walz instead headlined a well-attended campaign event in nearby Milwaukee at the same arena that hosted the Republican National Convention last month. In Chicago, the night ended in cheers as former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, capped off the evening’s speeches, praising Harris and Walz although Barack was one of the last prominent Democrats to endorse Harris following Biden’s stepping down from the campaign, waiting until July 26. The Obamas on Tuesday warned against another Donald Trump presidency. “The people who will decide this election are asking a very simple question, ‘who will fight for me? Who’s thinking about my future, about my children’s future, about our future together,’” the former president said when he took the stage at 11 p.m. Tuesday night in Chicago. “One thing is for certain, Donald Trump is not losing sleep over that question.” He argued that Harris and Walz will fight for the future of middle and lower-class Americans. “We do not need four more years of blustering and bumbling and chaos,” Obama said. “We have seen that movie before and we all know that the sequel is usually worse. America is ready for a new chapter. America is ready for a new story. We are ready for a President Kamala Harris.” He spoke about his experience working with Harris when he was in office, saying that regardless of the fact that they were of the same party, she fought his administration to provide relief to families during the home mortgage crisis. “As vice president, she helped take on the drug companies to cap the cost of insulin or the cost of healthcare, give families with kids a tax cut and she is running for president with real plans to lower costs even more, protect medicare and medicaid and sign a law to guarantee every woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions,” he said. “Together Kamala and Tim have kept faith with America’s central story. A story that says we are all created equal, all of us endowed with certain unalienable rights, that everyone deserves a chance, that even when we don’t agree with each other, we can find a way to live with each other.” The former first lady took a different tone when she stepped on the stage, speaking about her mother who recently passed away. She said that her mother and Harris’ mother had similar values that shaped them into who they are today. “If you work and scrape and sacrifice, it will pay off. If not for you, then maybe for your children or your grandchildren,” she said. “Kamala Harris and I built our lives on those same foundational values. Although our mothers grew up an ocean apart, they believed in those same promises of this country.” To this, the crowd cheered “do something,” a phrase Harris has used during her campaign, referring to what her mother would say to her: “Don’t just sit around and complain, do something.” “As we embrace this new sense of hope, let us not forget the despair we have felt,” Michelle said. “Let us not forget what we are up against. Yes, Kamala and Tim are doing great now… we are feeling good, but remember that there are still so many people who are desperate for a different outcome.” In addition to endorsing the Harris-Walz ticket, Obama praised his former vice president and current President Joe Biden. “My first decision as nominee turned out to be one of my best, and that was asking Joe Biden to serve as my vice president,” he said. “What I came to admire most about Joe wasn’t just his smarts, his experience, it was his empathy and his decency and his hard-earned resilience; his unshakable belief that everyone in this country deserves a fair shot. And, over the last four years, those are the values that America has needed most.” President Biden was not in attendance Tuesday. Barack stated that Biden worked to create more jobs, higher wages and lower healthcare costs. “History will remember Joe Biden as an outstanding president who defended democracy at a moment of great danger and I am proud to call him my president, but I am even prouder to call him my friend,” he said, adding that Harris will be a great president to take his place. However, the former first lady emphasized that it will be up to the voters to put Harris in the White House. “No matter how good we feel tonight, tomorrow or the next day, this is going to be an uphill battle,” she said. “A handful of votes in every precinct could decide the winner. So, we need to vote in numbers that erase any doubt, we need to overwhelm any effort to suppress us. Our fate is in our hands. In 77 days, we have the power to turn our country away from the fear and division and smallness of the past. We have the power to marry our hope with our action.” Barack noted that it is not just Democrats who support Harris and Walz being elected into office, but Republicans and those “somewhere in between,” – referencing registered Republicans such as Mesa Arizona Governor John Giles, who currently holds a nonpartisan office. “I have a confession to make,” Giles said in an earlier speech. “I’m a lifelong Republican, so I feel a little out of place tonight, but I feel more at home here than in today’s Republican party.” Other prominent individuals and law-makers spoke Tuesday night including Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The full DNC schedule for the next of the week can be found on their website. Reprinted with permission from The Center Square. The post Obamas Headline Night Two of the DNC, Harris Skips to Stump in Wisconsin appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  3. by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – In the last four years, authorities in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state arrested 1,682, people under an extreme anti-conversion law designed to suppress non-Hindu religious freedom, the International Christian Concern (ICC) advocacy organization reports. According to ICC, most of those arrested under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act in recent years have been Christians. Ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party since 2014, India ranks 11 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted. Charges have been filed in 818 of the 835 cases registered under the anti-conversion law following the initial arrests, ICC reports. In a statement quoted by the Times of India, Uttar Pradesh’s Director General of Police Prashant Kumar said: “Police officials have been directed to initiate action based on evidence. Those who offer allurement, and inducement, and adopt illegal means for conversion would not be spared and action would be taken against them. We have filed a charge sheet in almost 98% of cases till now, which is about 818 cases, while 17 cases are still under probe.” Notably, despite the number of arrests and subsequent charges no convictions have thus far been secured, ICC reports. “If there had been even a single conviction under the anti-conversion law, the pro-government mainstream media would have tom-tommed about it all over the national media,” Uttar Pradesh resident Sahu Johar said in a statement to ICC. The post India: Uttar Pradesh Police Arrested Over 1,600 People on Anti-Conversion Charges in Last Four Years appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  4. By Casey Harper | The Center Square (Worthy News) – President Joe Biden explained to reporters Tuesday in more detail his rationale for suddenly ending his reelection bid earlier this year. Biden told reporters that his race against former President Donald Trump would have been close and that he “could have won.” Biden said he wasn’t “that far behind” but that he was worried that he would hurt Senate and House Democrats running for their seats. “What have happened though, if the discussion had been, was I going to cost seats for Democrats, that would have been the whole subject matter for the remainder of the campaign,” Biden told reporters at Chicago O’Hare International Airport before boarding Air Force One. “You’d have to cover it, that would be the issue, and it would give him an advantage.” A reporter asked Biden if he was angry with Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who reportedly helped lead the pressure to push Biden out of the race. Several news outlets have reported that leading Democrats forced Biden out because of his poor polling. “No, I haven’t spoken to Nancy at all,” Biden said. “I mean, look, I made — no — no one influenced my decision. No one knew it was coming. What I decided to do was — I didn’t want to — to the extent that the party thought they’d lose Senate seats or House seats, it — that would have been the topic you would have had to cover the entire remainder of the campaign, and it wasn’t worth it.” Biden’s campaign implosion began after his disastrous performance at the presidential debate against Trump in June. Biden fumbled, faltered, trailed off and at times was incoherent at the debate, prompting Democrats in Congress, traditionally liberal media, and a range of political pundits to call for Biden to step aside. Biden initially remained defiant but after a few weeks Biden announced on social media that he was stepping out of the race. He endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris, who is expected to receive the nomination at the Democratic National Convention this week. Biden spoke at that convention Monday night where he received a standing ovation, and Harris thanked him. Biden’s comments Tuesday about his concern for losing House and Senate seats are a new, more revealing admission from the president. In a speech last month where Biden addressed the nation to explain his departure and endorse Harris again, he focused on touting his record in office and “passing the torch” to Harris to “save our Democracy.” Biden’s remarks Tuesday show that the down-ballot fears played a much larger role. Polling before Biden’s withdrawal showed Trump leading Biden nationally by about 3 points but leading with much larger margins in several key swing states. In fact, Trump was dominating Biden in the swing states before Biden’s withdrawal. Former President Donald Trump has publicly attacked Democrats for switching out Harris for Biden, who did win the delegates in primary states only to have those delegates endorse Harris. “The Democrats staged the first ever ‘Coup’ in America,” Trump said in a statement Monday. “Crooked Joe Biden was told, ‘Sorry Joe, you’re losing to Trump, BIG, and you can’t beat him – You’re Fired.’ So now, for the first time in American history, I’ll have to beat TWO Candidates, the second being a Radical Left Marxist, Comrade Kamala Harris. It’s not fair, perhaps even another form of Election Interference, but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe in that the USA will never allow itself to become a Communist Country. THE DEMOCRATS ARE, ‘A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY?’” When asked about those coup comments, Biden made a quip questioning Trump’s “stability” and later added that no one “took me out.” Reprinted with permission from The Center Square. The post Biden Explains Why He Dropped Out of Presidential Race appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  5. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News TAIPEI (Worthy News) – Anxiety remained Wednesday after Taiwan conducted live-fire missile drills in response to growing military pressure from Communist-ruled China. At Tuesday’s exercises, Taiwanese armed forces showcased their missile capabilities at a sensitive test site south of the island. Surface-to-air missiles, including U.S.-made Patriot PAC II and Taiwan’s Sky Bow III, were launched in front of reporters as the media was welcomed for the first time since 2012. Reporters watched the exercises in waters off the southeastern coast and at a base in Jiupeng in the southernmost county of Pingtung. The base is a weapon research and development and testing site. According to local media, the island’s air force launched at least three land-based surface-to-air missiles. Two were U.S.-made Patriot PAC-2s, while the other was an indigenously developed Sky Bow 3. Reports said all the missiles successfully hit target drones. However, experts say Patriot’s radar systems, which have a range of over 93 miles (149 kilometers) and can track 100 targets in the air, are high on Kyiv’s wish list. The flight ceiling for its missiles, or interceptors, is about 12 miles(19 kilometers). A Patriot system can also provide area coverage and defense for about 9 to 12 miles (19.2 kilometers) against incoming ballistic missiles. NO WORDS These are words no first the prime minister. Drills have existed, drills since Lai Ching-te began. Earlier this month, Lai announced a record-high defense budget of about $20 billion for next year, representing a record 6 percent increase. Taiwan’s defense budget is currently 2.5 percent of Taiwan’s Gross Domestic Product, U.S. military watchdogs can. Some U.S. experts, including former national security adviser Robert O’Brien, have suggested increasing the amount to 5 percent. However, Taiwan has raised concerns over Chinese military activity in recent years. It comes as Beijing seeks to assert its sovereignty claims, and Taipei has strengthened its deterrence capabilities. The post Anxiety After Taiwan Fires Missiles, Awaits Trump’s Arrival appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  6. Friend, does anyone need a shoe shine! Matthew 6:4 So that your giving may be in secret: and thy Father which sees what is done in secret will Himself reward you openly. Zechariah 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. I came across this very powerful story about one of the most influential men of God in my life, D.L.Moody, in a book named A Call to Excellence by Gary Inrig. A large group of European pastors came to one of D. L. Moody's Northfield Bible Conferences in Massachusetts in the late 1800s. Following the European custom of the time, each guest put his shoes outside his room to be cleaned by the hall servants overnight. But of course this was America and there were no hall servants. Walking the dormitory halls that night, Moody saw the shoes and determined not to embarrass his brothers. He mentioned the need to some ministerial students who were there, but met with only silence or pious excuses. Moody returned to the dorm, gathered up the shoes, and, alone in his room, the world's only famous evangelist began to clean and polish the shoes. Only the unexpected arrival of a friend in the midst of the work revealed the secret. When the foreign visitors opened their doors the next morning, their shoes were shined. They never knew by whom. Moody told no one, but his friend told a few people, and during the rest of the conference, different men volunteered to shine the shoes in secret. Wow. I'm humbled, how about you? Many of us want to be great ministers for the Lord. We want our names and our works to be remembered. But let's never forget the true ministry of the Lord. Not only would have Jesus shined those shoes in secret, He would have returned to wash their feet too! Friend, have you been asking the Lord to use you? Here you have it! Shine some one's dingy shoes, give a gift to someone in need, love on someone hard to love -- but don't tell the world -- do it in secret! You can be sure that the Lord sees these things! And He will open up more opportunities for you to do even greater things for Him! Your family in the Lord with much agape love, George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Missouri) (Baltimore, MD) Editor's Note: During this war, we have been live blogging throughout the day -- sometimes minute by minute on our Telegram channel. Be sure to check it out! Editor's Note: Dear friends — we are now booking in the following states. Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee! If you know Rabbis, Pastors or Leaders who might be interested in powerful Israeli style Hebrew/English worship and a refreshing word from Worthy News about what’s going on in the land, please let us know how to connect with them and we will do our best to get you on our schedule! You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information. Around the World Anxiety After Taiwan Fires Missiles, Awaits Trump’s Arrival Anxiety remained Wednesday after Taiwan conducted live-fire missile drills in response to growing military pressure from Communist-ruled China. Ukraine Seeks Peace Talks With Russia, Without Putin Ukraine says it wants peace talks to end Russia’s incursion, but not directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kyiv seeks an agreement similar to the Black Sea grain deal between the two nations, which allowed Ukraine, a key bread basket, to transport grain to the rest of the world again. Israel-Palestinian Conflict Deal Increasingly Unlikely as Hamas Accuses U.S. of Bias Toward Israel Hamas rejected the bridge proposal by the Biden Administration called on the U.S. to reverse its "partnership" with Israel and "work seriously" toward stopping the war in Gaza as it accused the U.S. of "complete bias" toward Israel. Israel Prepares Expanded Conflict with Hezbollah As It Destroys Hezbollah Weapons Depots, Hezbollah Fires Over 100 Rockets Israeli Defense Minister Gallant stated that Israel is shifting its "center of gravity" following the destruction of several Hezbollah arms depots in Lebanon by the Israel Defense Forces on Monday night. In retaliation, Hezbollah launched 115 rockets and drones at northern Israel throughout Tuesday. Israeli Military Recovers Bodies Of 6 Hostages Israel’s military confirmed Tuesday that it recovered the bodies of six hostages taken in the Hamas’ October 7 attack that started the Gaza war, but many others kidnapped remained unaccounted for. Inside the United States Biden Explains Why He Dropped Out of Presidential Race President Joe Biden explained to reporters Tuesday in more detail his rationale for suddenly ending his reelection bid earlier this year. RFK Jr’s Campaign Considers “Joining Forces With Trump” to Avoid Risk of a Harris/Walz Presidency Nicole Shanahan, running mate of RFK Jr, made a significant revelation on a podcast just days after they denied reports of RFK Jr approaching Harris for a cabinet role which could change the dynamics of the U.S. Presidential race considerably. Tearful Biden Admits Mistakes In DNC Speech Amid Pro-Palestine Protests U.S. President Joe Biden said Monday he had “made a lot of mistakes” in his career but added, “I gave my best to you,” as he addressed the Democratic National Convention in an emotional farewell speech for which he received a minutes-long standing ovation. Christian News Turkmenistan Pastor Facing Threats, Arrest Pressure is mounting on Rahymjan Borjakov, a 44-year-old pastor who faces imminent arrest for leading an unregistered church in Turkmenistan, Christians tell Worthy News. Worthy Insights DNC features ‘gender-neutral prayer room,’ repurposed ‘all-gender’ women’s rooms The Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, offered a "gender-neutral prayer room" with Islamic prayer mats and also appears to have repurposed several women's rooms at the venue as "all-gender." Texas gets 90-ft-tall Hanuman sculpture, 3rd tallest statue in US Agrand Pran Pratishtha ceremony was held in Houston, Texas, on Sunday, August 18, where a 90-foot-tall Hanuman statue was inaugurated. This is the third tallest statue in the United States, according to Latestly. Democrats Demand ID To Get Into Their Convention But Not To Vote For President The Biden-Harris administration has called voter photo identification laws “burdensome” and “unnecessary.” The administration has let hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal immigrants pour across the border with no questions asked about who they are. But the administration’s political party has implemented identification requirements for anyone who wants to attend the Democratic National Convention (DNC). View the full article
  7. by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – Hamas has rejected the bridge proposal by the Biden Administration called on the U.S. to reverse its “partnership” with Israel and “work seriously” toward stopping the war in Gaza as it accused the U.S. of “complete bias” toward Israel. Hamas, a terrorist organization, claimed that Biden’s remarks signaled an “American endorsement for the Zionist extremist government to perpetrate further crimes against unarmed civilians.” Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu remarked, “It’s not certain that there will be a deal.” His comments were made during a meeting with members of the Gvura Forum, an organization representing families of fallen security forces, and the Tikvah Forum, a more hawkish group of hostage families compared to the more prominent and politically left-leaning Hostages and Missing Families Forum. Netanyahu emphasized his commitment to creating conditions that would “allow for the maximum number of hostages being released in the first stage of the deal.” He added, “I say this clearly: This is an objective that I have set.” Netanyahu made it clear that he had informed U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Israel would not relinquish “the strategic assets it obtained during the war.” “The first thing is to eliminate Hamas and achieve victory. We are approaching this step by step,” Netanyahu stated. Netanyahu added, “The other thing is to preserve our strategic security assets in the face of major domestic and foreign pressure, and we are doing so,” referring to the Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border, which Israel maintains will prevent the smuggling of weapons and munitions into Gaza by Hamas, as well as maintaining control of the Netzarim Corridor, which cuts off northern Gaza from the rest of the strip. Israel’s refusal to relinquish control of these corridors has been a major point of contention in the current talks. Hamas cited this issue as one of the reasons for rejecting the latest hostage deal proposal. “We seized the Philadelphi Corridor and the Rafah Crossing. We are using all necessary force to dismantle Hamas’s rule and its military capability, and this is moving forward,” Netanyahu stated. He further emphasized, “The second thing is that we are, at the same time, making an effort to return the hostages.” The latest round of negotiations, once viewed optimistically by mediating countries, now appears uncertain. This shift comes after Hamas rejected the proposed deal and U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed that the Hamas leadership was “backing away” from the agreement. The post Deal Increasingly Unlikely as Hamas Accuses U.S. of Bias Toward Israel appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  8. by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – Nicole Shanahan, running mate of RFK Jr, made a significant revelation on a podcast just days after they denied reports of RFK Jr approaching Harris for a cabinet role which could change the dynamics of the U.S. Presidential race considerably. During her appearance on the ‘Impact Theory’ podcast filmed yesterday, Nicole Shanahan discussed their campaign’s strategic options, revealing: “There’s two options that we’re looking at… one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump. Or we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we’re making this decision.” RFK’s VP Nicole Shanahan says they are debating whether to stay in the race or drop out and join forces with Trump: “There’s two options that we're looking at and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we… pic.twitter.com/O3HrLbbCLO — End Tribalism in Politics (@EndTribalism) August 20, 2024 Shanahan addressed the accusations of Kennedy Jr. being a “spoiler candidate” during her interview, stating, “We didn’t want to be a spoiler. We wanted to win. We wanted a fair shot.” She revealed that she invested “tens of millions of dollars” into the campaign with the intention to secure the presidency. She also criticized the DNC for their alleged actions against their campaign: “They have banned us, shadow-banned us, kept us off stages, manipulated polls, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state, they’ve even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it and to create actual legal issues for us,” she claimed. Kennedy reportedly had a meeting with Trump in mid-July to explore a potential endorsement, which would involve Kennedy advising the Republican nominee on health policy. Although the meeting did not lead to an endorsement, Trump’s campaign advisers informed The Washington Post that they are continuing discussions with Kennedy and his campaign. The post RFK Jr’s Campaign Considers “Joining Forces With Trump” to Avoid Risk of a Harris/Walz Presidency appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  9. by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – Israeli Defense Minister Gallant stated that Israel is shifting its “center of gravity” following the destruction of several Hezbollah arms depots in Lebanon by the Israel Defense Forces on Monday night. In retaliation, Hezbollah launched 115 rockets and drones at northern Israel throughout Tuesday. Lebanese state media reported that at least three Israeli airstrikes targeted towns in Lebanon’s northeastern Baalbek District. Videos from the scene depicted a large fire and multiple explosions resulting from the initial strike. The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that fighter jets attacked “Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the area of Bekaa [Valley] in Lebanon,” following the death of an IDF officer in an explosive drone attack on northern Israel. The Israeli army reported that “following the strikes, secondary explosions were identified, indicating the presence of large amounts of weapons in the facilities struck.” The IDF also carried out a drone strike on Monday night in Deir Qanoun near Tyre, southern Lebanon, killing Hussein Suleiman, a Hezbollah leader identified by the IDF as a key figure in Hezbollah’s rocket and missile division. Hezbollah launched 115 rockets and several drones from Lebanon at northern Israel in multiple barrages on Tuesday. Amid these attacks, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant indicated a significant shift in Israel’s military focus from Gaza to the northern front, signaling a potential major escalation with Hezbollah. During a visit to the 36th Division in northern Israel on Tuesday, Gallant noted a significant shift in Israel’s military focus. “Our center of gravity is moving from south to north, we are in a gradual change, we have more tasks in the south, we have hostages, we need to bring them, we are negotiating on this and I believe we will succeed in reaching results, this is a very important thing,” he explained. Following the rejection of ceasefire terms in Gaza by Hamas, reports from a Lebanese media outlet on Monday indicated that Hezbollah might renew its plans for a retaliatory attack due to last month’s assassination of senior commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut. Iran has threatened a significant retaliation on Israel following the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, an assassination for which Israel has been blamed. The post Israel Prepares Expanded Conflict with Hezbollah As It Destroys Hezbollah Weapons Depots, Hezbollah Fires Over 100 Rockets appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  10. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News KYIV/BUDAPEST (Worthy News) – Ukraine says it wants peace talks to end Russia’s incursion, but not directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kyiv seeks an agreement similar to the Black Sea grain deal between the two nations, which allowed Ukraine, a key bread basket, to transport grain to the rest of the world again. The peace pact discussed in Kyiv is inspired by the July 2022 accord that allowed Ukraine to resume grain exports out of the Black Sea. Under that diplomatic format, Russia and Ukraine worked on separate agreements overseen by the United Nations and Turkey as intermediaries. That avoided the need for direct talks between the presidents of Ukraine and Russia, who appear in no mood to meet each other. Ukraine’s desire is based on a 10-point plan drawn up by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2022. It covers topics ranging from food and energy security to restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity and withdrawing Russian troops. Moscow previously said the plan was unacceptable. However, Kyiv believes it has more chances this time because its troops have claimed control over more than 1,000 square kilometers (386 square miles) of land inside Russia. HUMAN MISERY President Zelenskyy said the incursion into Russia’s Kursk and Belgorod regions is aimed at improving his country’s negotiation position and creating a buffer zone to make it more difficult for Russian troops to attack Ukraine. However, this has also led to human misery. Footage has emerged of frightened and crying people being evacuated from villages in the Kursk region and taking shelter at a local boxing center. Authorities say more than 120,000 people have been evacuated from areas of the region impacted by fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces that they say killed more than a dozen people so far. Ukrainian authorities have pledged to allow civilians to evacuate through humanitarian corridors connecting to parts of Russia and Ukraine. At least dozens of evacuees lined up in the Kursk area to receive humanitarian aid. Lying on a bed, the elderly Tatyana Anikeeva said: “We were rushing from Suja. The car almost touched the pavement. We hid in the bushes. Volunteers were handing out water, food, and bread to people on the go.” RATTLING WINDOWS She recalled that “The sound of the cannonade continued without any break. The house was shaking. All the windows were rattling. All the furniture was moving around.” Dmitriy Guliyev helped people to leave their homes. “When we evacuated them, there were Ukrainian soldiers there in the morning and, unfortunately, also in the evening. However, we managed to find a moment when our guys were there and get these people out.” He added that this wasn’t easy as the skies are, in his words, “filled with drones there. This is the front line.” With the ongoing fighting, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made clear that this is not the moment for peace talks. He says Ukraine is creating a humanitarian disaster on the ground while targeting nuclear facilities. Moscow has faced similar accusations, however. Yet despite these differences, Kyiv wants to organize a second peace summit by the end of this year. Unlike the first one, Ukraine has invited Russia, though Moscow has so far shown no intention to participate. The post Ukraine Seeks Peace Talks With Russia, Without Putin appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  11. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News JERUSALEM (Worthy News) – Israel’s military confirmed Tuesday that it recovered the bodies of six hostages taken in the Hamas’ October 7 attack that started the Gaza war, but many others kidnapped remained unaccounted for. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said their troops recovered the bodies in an overnight operation in southern Gaza. They named the hostages as Yagev Buchshtab, Alexander Dancyg, Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, and Haim Perry, without saying when or how they died, as ceasefire talks were underway. Hamas is still believed to be holding around 110 hostages captured in the October 7 attack on Israel. However, Israeli authorities estimate around a third of them are dead. Some 1,200 people were also killed on what was described as the “Black Sabbath,” the worst atrocity against Jews since the Holocaust, also known as Shoah. The IDF said the recovery operation was conducted overnight by the 98th Division and carried out by the Paratroopers Brigade, ‘Yahalom’ Unit, the 75th Battalion, and ISA forces. Officials explained that the operation was conducted under military intelligence, the Israeli Security Agency (ISA), and the IDF Intelligence Directorate Hostage Headquarters. Local communities, including Kibbutz Nirim, said earlier that the bodies of Popplewell and Buchshtab were retrieved from Gaza. Similarly, Kibbutz Nir Oz announced earlier that “the bodies of Peri, Metzger, and Dancyg were also retrieved. Munder’s nephew told KAN Reshet Bet earlier that his uncle’s body had been recovered from Gaza, according to sources familiar with the case. The National Institute of Forensic Medicine, Israel Police, and the IDF Manpower Directorate’s Hostage Team conducted the identification of the bodies and notified their loved ones. The post Israeli Military Recovers Bodies Of 6 Hostages appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  12. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News CHICAGO, USA (Worthy News) – U.S. President Joe Biden said Monday he had “made a lot of mistakes” in his career but added, “I gave my best to you,” as he addressed the Democratic National Convention in an emotional farewell speech for which he received a minutes-long standing ovation. As he prepares to hand over the presidential torch to who he hopes will be Vice President Kamala Harris, the 81-year-old seasoned statesman insisted he did not harbor any ill will about the impending end of his tenure. His rival, Donald J. Trump, had suggested that he was angry at party leaders who pressured him to drop out. Speaking at the opening night of the convention in Chicago, which was designed to give him a graceful exit, he urged the Democratic Party to unite around Harris. The president was at times overwhelmed, dabbing tears from his eyes after his daughter introduced him and relishing an extended ovation from the crowd in Chicago. “I love the job, but I love my country more,” he said. Biden called selecting Harris as his running mate the “best decision I made in my whole career” and praised her, saying, “She’s tough, she’s experienced, and she has enormous integrity.” HISTORIC PRESIDENT “She’ll be a president our children can look up to, she’ll be a president that’s respected by world leaders because she already is. She’ll be a president we can all be proud of, and she will be a historic president who puts her stamp on America’s future,” he added about the person who would be the nation’s first female president and first woman of color to lead the free world. Yet there were tensions too in and outside the convention amid sharp divisions about the Biden-Harris policies toward Israel. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched in Chicago on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention on Monday, expressing anger at the Biden administration’s support for Israel in the Gaza war. After hours of peaceful demonstrations, dozens of protesters broke through part of the perimeter security fence, drawing riot police to the site, and Chicago police confirmed several arrests were made. Witnesses saw at least four people detained and placed in handcuffs. Chanting intensified ahead of the fence breach as protesters reached a neighborhood park on Chicago’s West Side and paused to amplify their calls for a ceasefire, reporters witnessed. Amid the noise, the crowd turned its frustration toward Vice President Kamala Harris, referring to the Democratic candidate as “Killer Kamala.” PROTESTERS REMOVED Inside the convention, Pro-Palestinian protesters were removed after unfurling a banner during the president’s remarks. It appeared to read “Stop Arming Israel.” Pool reporters said they appeared to be near the Florida delegation. The incident came as dozens of “non-committed” delegates declined to support her nomination over the U.S. position toward Israel. Yet in his speech, Biden said pro-Palestinian protesters “had a point” while reaffirming his support for a ceasefire in Gaza. Although demonstrators interrupted his speech, it was unclear whether he noticed. Biden told the convention that “democracy has prevailed” and recounted his accomplishments. He also said that Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, would carry on his work. The president revisited some of what he views as the darkest chapters of the administration of his predecessor Donald J. Trump, including the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol in Washington D.C. He condemned Trump’s vision of America, saying, “He says we’re losing. He’s the loser.” LOUD APPLAUSE Biden earned loud applause for praising Kamala Harris and saying, “Crime will keep coming down when we put a prosecutor in the office instead of a convicted felon.” As he closed his speech, Biden said he had dedicated himself to serving the United States and had never felt more optimistic about the country’s future. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my career, but I gave my best to you for 50 years. Like many of you, I gave my heart and soul to our nation.” After the speech, Harris could be seen embracing the president. She told attendees it was “going to be a great week” and thanked Biden for his leadership. Former First Lady and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton endorsed Harris, saying the vice president “has the character, experience, and vision to lead us forward.” Clinton compared Trump’s record as “a convicted felon” in what he views as a highly politicized trial with Harris’s as a former prosecutor. “As a prosecutor, Kamala locked up murderers and drug traffickers. Donald Trump fell asleep at his own trial.” At that moment, thousands of Democratic delegates gathered on the DNC floor, spontaneously bursting into chants of “Lock him up! Lock him up!” It was an ironic echo of the chant that was repeatedly directed against Clinton by Trump supporters, with his blessing, in 2016. RACE WITHDRAWAL Throughout the night, speakers praised Biden despite questions about his late decision not to run again. First Lady Jill Biden praised her husband for withdrawing from the race, saying she watched him “dig deep into his soul” as he weighed the decision. Yet it was unclear whether he would be able to fully reconcile with former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had strongly criticized Biden, who had appeared frail and often struggling both physically and verbally. However, overnight, she posted a picture of herself on social media holding a “We Heart Joe” sign. Although she had acknowledged giving some harsh criticism of Biden’s skills as a politician recently, Pelosi also said she hoped their friendship could survive the role she played in ending his presidency. Pelosi recently said she had “never been that impressed” with Biden’s “political operation,” discussing a judgment that helped her conclude that the president could not beat Donald J. Trump and should step aside. Speaking to the New Yorker publication, Pelosi said she hoped her role in ending Biden’s presidency would not destroy her relationship with him. “I hope so,” she said. “I pray so. I cry so.” The post Tearful Biden Admits Mistakes In DNC Speech Amid Pro-Palestine Protests appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  13. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News ASHGABAT/BUDAPEST (Worthy News) – Pressure is mounting on Rahymjan Borjakov, a 44-year-old pastor who faces imminent arrest for leading an unregistered church in Turkmenistan, Christians tell Worthy News. Sources familiar with the case say he had received threats from authorities, including in early July when an official at a local mosque in the village of Dogryyol told worshippers that Borjakov “would be locked up sooner or later.” Authorities were plotting the Christian man’s arrest, according to Christians citing the official. Already, officials visited the pastor’s home in mid-July and asked for information about his relatives, including their places of work, Christians said. Shortly after, the pastor’s relatives, who are not Christians, began receiving “threatening and insulting” calls from the phone number of a police officer whose department controls religious activities within the region, according to Christian investigators. Earlier this year, Pastor Rahymjan Borjakov reportedly attempted to board a plane but was refused for unspecified reasons. Advocacy group Voice Of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC) told Worthy News that this “is not an unusual treatment for political activists and others with whom the government has concerns.” CLOSE MONITORING The group added that “Close monitoring by officials is commonplace for Christians in Turkmenistan, particularly for those belonging to unregistered religious communities, like Pastor Rahymjan [Borjakov].” The threats against the pastor are the latest in a series of “challenges encountered by Christians in this Central Asian nation, go to our country profile,” VOMC said. The group urged its supporters to pray for the pastor and his family “and that no formal charges would be brought against this Christian leader.” Although the allows for constitution allows for religious freedom, “in reality, there is little room for Christians to breathe” in the heavily Muslim, autocratically-ruled, Central Asian nation of nearly six million people, said advocacy group Open Doors. There are “tight restrictions and close surveillance making it very difficult for believers to express and share their faith,” the group added. “The totalitarian government of Turkmenistan uses a huge body of state agents, such as police, secret services, and local imams, to closely monitor all religious activities. The printing or importing of Christian materials is restricted,” added Open Doors in a recent assessment of the former Soviet nation. MUSLIM BACKGROUND “Christians who come from Muslim backgrounds bear the brunt of persecution—not just from the authorities, but from their family, friends, and the local community. Men can experience beatings, threats, disinheritance, and boycotting of businesses, while women can face house arrest, forced marriage, verbal abuse, threats, social rejection, and sexual assault,” Open Doors said. It has ranked Turkmenistan 29th on its annual World Watch List of 50 nations, where it says Christians face the most persecution. There were no signs Monday that Serdar Berdymukhamedov, who took over in March 2022 as the third president of the authoritarian state, would change the perceived strict anti-Christian policies. His father, Gurbanguly, became president in 2007 after the death of his mentor, Saparmyrat Niyazov. Like his predecessors, President Berdymukhamedov wields absolute power in the natural-gas-rich nation and is the focus of a personality cult in the state-run media. The post Turkmenistan Pastor Facing Threats, Arrest appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  14. By Greg Bishop | The Center Square (Worthy News) – Protesters clashed with police on Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention Monday with more demonstrations expected. During a security briefing as the day’s activities were getting underway, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said Chicago is ready. “The city of Chicago is really good at things like this,” Johnson said. “It’s the reason why we’ve hosted more national and political conventions than anywhere else in America.” Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling was asked about the potential that protest groups would get inside the perimeter. “No one will be allowed within the secure perimeter of the DNC,” Snelling told reporters. “This is a matter of national security.” Later in the day, demonstrators, some wearing masks and holding an array of signs, butted up against security barricades. Among the thousands of demonstrators marching toward the United Center as official events were getting underway Monday night were those looking for more LGBTQ equality, abortion rights and an end to Israel’s war in Gaza with chants of “free, free, free, free Palestine.” Protester Frank Chapman, of the National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, said all U.S. aid to Israel must end. “We want Palestine to win,” he told the cheering crowd. That issue got the attention of Illinois U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Schaumburg. “We do need to continue to support our ally Israel,” Duckworth said. “At the same time, we need to remember the hostages need to come home. Many of them have died in captivity. But, we also have to work at getting humanitarian aid into Gaza.” Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Illinois (D-IL) Addressed the Press at the DNC Monday Morning: “We need to continue to support our ally Israel.” Protests are expected to continue through the rest of the DNC, which runs through Thursday. Jim Talamonti contributed to this story. The post Protesters Get Police, Democratic Officials’ Attention During DNC in Chicago appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  15. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News JERUSALEM/CHICAGO (Worthy News) – Family members of eight American hostages were to attend the U.S. Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, which Israeli media called “an arena of pro-Palestinian protestors and disruptions.” The American hostage families said they wanted to keep in the spotlight their detained loved ones Liz Hersh Naftali, the great aunt of four-year-old Abigail Mor Edan, who was taken hostage on October 7 and released 50 days later, said their wishes should not be opposite from what pro-Palestinian groups are calling for. The family members of hostages have urged a ceasefire, the hostages’ release, and humanitarian aid for Gaza. They were to be in the crowd Monday in Chicago when U.S. President Joe Biden was to speak at the DNC for a likely turbulent crowd. Biden declined to address questions about delegates calling for a total arms embargo on Israel or confirmation that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to a U.S. “bridging” ceasefire proposal with Hamas. UNCOMMITTED DELEGATES He also did not address the delegates who don’t support the presumed Democratic presidential nominee and current vice president, Kamala Harris. Instead of voting for Harris, the “uncommitted” delegates nominated victims from Gaza. Mohammed was among the delegates who participated in the protest. “I submitted my vote for Reem Badwan, a three-year-old who was murdered in an Israeli air strike in Gaza,” one of the delegates, Mohammed, told Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera. “And I made clear my vote [in the general election] was contingent on a ceasefire and an arms embargo.” The U.S. delayed but still continued weapon deliveries to Israel that Palestinians say are used in Gaza. Israel says its war is needed to destroy Hamas after the Gaza-based group entered Israel on October 7, killing some 1,200 people and kidnapping hundreds. The Hamas-run Health Ministry claims more than 40,000 Palestinians have so far died in the 10-month war, without differentiating between fighters and civilians. The figures have been complex to verify independently. The post Family Israeli Hostages At Democratic Convention appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  16. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News TEHRAN/WASHINGTON (Worthy News) – As the Democratic National Convention began, the United States said Monday that Iran was responsible for hacking into former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and trying to breach the Biden-Harris campaign. Additionally, the U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies concluded that Iran’s cyber operations targeted the American public with influence operations aimed at fanning political discord. “We have observed increasingly aggressiveIranian activity during this election cycle,” said a statement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Their remarks confirmed charges made earlier this month by the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Trump that Iran hacked one of its websites, triggering an FBI investigation. At that time, Trump said Iran was “only able to get publicly available information.” Iran, the U.S. statement said, also has targeted the campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris, who is to officially accept the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination at this week’s convention. It comes at a sensitive time when both campaigns try to formulate a policy toward Israel and the Middle East, where the U.S. military tries to avoid a broader armed conflict between Israel and Iran and Iran-backed groups. The post US Says Iran Launches Cyber Attacks Against Presidential Candidates appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  17. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News JAKARTA, INDONESIA (Worthy News) – Christians in Indonesia have appealed for prayers amid fresh concerns about a once-in-a-century earthquake in the country and Japan. “Please pray for our country,” said Victoria, a house church organizer who also supports evangelism and prayer gatherings by evangelical churches. The church worker, who uses only one name amid security concerns in the mainly Muslim nation, told Worthy News that she and other Christian’s often pray for Indonesia. She spoke after Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warned on the potential “for megathrust earthquakes” in the country. It urged the government to do more to reduce the impact of potential future disasters on people, property, and the environment. The BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center raised concerns about the potential for massive earthquakes “along the Sunda Strait and Mentawai-Siberut megathrust zones” after a powerful magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit Japan’s southwest on August 8, injuring at least 15 people. The Japan Meteorological Agency also issued its first-ever advisory on the elevated likelihood of a megaquake following the tremor in Miyazaki Prefecture in southwestern Japan, although it was later withdrawn. The post Indonesia Christians Pray Amid Massive Earthquake Warning appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  18. Friend, choose Godspeed! Proverbs 16:17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who keeps his way preserves his soul. Mark 1:15 and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel." Proverbs says the "highway of the upright is to depart from evil". It's a highway -- a way of life so to speak. And this proverb coincides with the central teaching of Yeshua (Jesus) -- "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." What does it mean to repent? The Greek Word is "metanoia" which simply means to change your mind about sin or to depart from evil. Repentance is essentially a new attitude about the way I conduct my life. I don't expect perfection while remaining in this mortal body -- but a lifestyle of repentance means that I choose to live my life set apart unto the Lord, in communion with His Holy Spirit who lives in me, constantly turning away from and/or confessing my sins. Repentance does not involve rehearsing guilt, regret, or sins of the past, because true repentance and confession removes those from our conscience and the Lord declares them to be as far as the east is from the west! Friend, choose the highway of the upright and speed your way through life's journey to the Kingdom of Heaven which awaits you. The enemy would love to sidetrack or distract you with the enticement of sin -- but even if he succeeds temporarily, you can always repent -- and speedily, get back on the right road --the highway of the upright. Your family in the Lord with much agape love, George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Missouri) (Baltimore, MD) Editor's Note: During this war, we have been live blogging throughout the day -- sometimes minute by minute on our Telegram channel. Be sure to check it out! Editor's Note: Dear friends — we are now booking in the following states. Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee! If you know Rabbis, Pastors or Leaders who might be interested in powerful Israeli style Hebrew/English worship and a refreshing word from Worthy News about what’s going on in the land, please let us know how to connect with them and we will do our best to get you on our schedule! You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information. Around the World US Says Iran Launches Cyber Attacks Against Presidential Candidates As the Democratic National Convention began, the United States said Monday that Iran was responsible for hacking into former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and trying to breach the Biden-Harris campaign. Indonesia Christians Pray Amid Massive Earthquake Warning Christians in Indonesia have appealed for prayers amid fresh concerns about a once-in-a-century earthquake in the country and Japan. Indonesia’s Independence Day Attracts Sorrow and Hope in Two Nations Indonesia observed 79 years of independence from Dutch rule over the weekend with a ceremony in its unfinished future capital, Nusantara, but in the Netherlands, there were mixed feelings. Egypt holds talks on Middle East Crisis with UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey Egypt’s Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty held separate phone conversations last week with his counterparts in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey about the multiple crises ongoing in the Middle East, the Media Line reports. 65 Million People Affected by El Nino Drought in Southern Africa Appealing to the international community for assistance, the 16-nation Southern African Development Community has warned that some 68 million people in southern Africa are facing food shortages and damaged economies due to a drought brought on by the El Nino phenomenon, Reuters reports. Iran: Religious Minorities Suffering “Crimes Against Humanity,” UN Report United Nations investigators contend in a new report that Iran has perpetrated "crimes against humanity” in attacking ethnic and religious minorities amid its crackdown on women's rights protests, Christian Today reports. Israel-Palestinian Conflict Blinken: ‘Israel Accepts US Ceasefire Proposal For Gaza’ In a breakthrough, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday that Israel accepted his proposal to bridge differences holding up a cease-fire and hostage release in the Gaza Strip, and he urged Hamas to do the same. Jerusalem: Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Artefacts From Jesus’ Time Archaeologists excavating under Jerusalem’s Old City have uncovered 2,000-year-old artefacts that would have been used in daily life during Jesus’ time on earth, All Israel News (AIN) reports. Inside the United States Protesters Get Police, Democratic Officials’ Attention During DNC in Chicago Protesters clashed with police on Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention Monday with more demonstrations expected. Family Israeli Hostages At Democratic Convention Family members of eight American hostages were to attend the U.S. Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, which Israeli media called “an arena of pro-Palestinian protestors and disruptions.” All Eyes on Chicago as Democratic National Convention Kicks Off With Protests The eyes of the nation turned to Chicago on Monday for the start of the Democratic National Convention, an event that will lead to the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris. Texas Triples Razor Wire Barriers, Continues Building Border Wall Texas is continuing to expand razor wire barriers and building its own wall along its border with Mexico through Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star. Christian News Nicaragua: Six Christian Women Imprisoned for Their Faith Nicaragua’s communist dictatorship imprisoned six Christian women on account of their faith in the last year, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Ruled by President Daniel Ortega, who has intensified the persecution of believers, Nicaragua ranks 30 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted. View the full article
  19. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (Worthy News) – In a breakthrough, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday that Israel accepted his proposal to bridge differences holding up a cease-fire and hostage release in the Gaza Strip, and he urged Hamas to do the same. Blinken spoke after an hour-long meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier in the day and was due to travel to Egypt on Tuesday. The United States, Egypt, and Qatar have spent months trying to broker an agreement, but the talks have repeatedly stalled. “In a very constructive meeting” with Netanyahu Monday, “he confirmed to me that Israel accepts the bridging proposal and that he supports it,” Blinken told reporters in Tel Aviv “It’s now incumbent on Hamas to do the same, and then the parties, with the help of the mediators the United States, Egypt, and Qatar, have to come together and complete the process of reaching clear understandings about how they’ll implement commitments that they’ve made under this agreement,” Blinken stressed. Soon after, he confirmed the outcome of their nearly three-hour meeting in Jerusalem earlier in the day but cautioned that both sides should accept all principled points. OVERCOMING DIFFERENCES Hamas, viewed as a terrorist organization by both the U.S. and Israel, on Sunday rejected the U.S. “bridging proposal.” It was aimed at overcoming differences over a May 31 ceasefire deal that Hamas and Israel both accepted “in principle” but then argued about the details of how it would be executed. Israeli media noted that for nearly three months, the United States has worked to rally global support for the deal, including securing a resolution backing it from the United Nations Security Council. Supporters of the deal hope it will eventually help end the Israel-Hamas war, which broke out after Hamas invaded Israel, killing some 1,200 people and kidnapping about 251 others. The Hamas-run Health Ministry claims more than 40,000 Palestinians were killed Without differentiating between combatants and civilians. Israel has given slightly lower death figures and says nearly half of those who died are Hamas fighters. The post Blinken: ‘Israel Accepts US Ceasefire Proposal For Gaza’ appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  20. by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – Nicaragua’s communist dictatorship imprisoned six Christian women on account of their faith in the last year, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Ruled by President Daniel Ortega, who has intensified the persecution of believers, Nicaragua ranks 30 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted. The six women include five Catholics, namely María Asunción Salgado, Evelyn Guillén, Adela Tercero, Gabriela Morales, Maricarmen Espinosa Segura, and one Protestant, Marisela de Fátima Mejía Ruiz, ICC said. Threatened by the impact of Christianity on Nicaragua, the Ortega regime arrested and detained the six women on various charges of “religious belief, activity, and association,” religious activity and expression,” and “undermining national security,” ICC reports. Two of the women were accused of possessing marijuana and selling it. Neither of the two women was allowed an attorney. Earlier this year, US Congressman Chris Smith said in a statement about the situation in Nicaragua: “Tens of thousands of Nicaraguans have fled their country to avoid persecution since 2018, when Ortega’s government cracked down on widespread anti-regime protests, killing hundreds of people, injuring thousands and arbitrarily detaining many.” In June 2024, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) confirmed in a separate report: “Nicaragua’s social and political crisis, which began in April 2018 with the government’s violent repression of peaceful protests, has had devastating ramifications for Catholics and Protestants.” The post Nicaragua: Six Christian Women Imprisoned for Their Faith appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  21. By Brett Rowland | The Center Square (Worthy News) – The eyes of the nation turned to Chicago on Monday for the start of the Democratic National Convention, an event that will lead to the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris. Protests began Sunday before the convention’s official start. Police temporarily shut down some streets in response. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker also called in more than 150 members of the Illinois National Guard to help city, county and state police officers. Some storefronts were boarded up, but others were not. Many protestors called for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Others called for an end to the war in Ukraine. Still others were focused on protecting abortion rights. Planned Parenthood is providing free vasectomies, medication abortion, and emergency contraception from a mobile clinic parked blocks from the convention. The police presence throughout downtown was visible, especially near the United Center and McCormick Place. Special fencing surrounded the Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse, the area’s federal courthouse. City officials used various vehicles to block off areas near McCormick Place, including snowplows, heavy-duty police vehicles and other trucks. Democratic leaders didn’t address the protestors at a morning news briefing, instead focusing on the convention’s agenda. Former Congressman Cedric Richmond, a senior advisor to the Democratic National Committee, said the party is focused on serving the American people. “Everything we do is for the people,” he said. “This is about making sure tomorrow is better than yesterday.” President Joe Biden and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will speak at the United Center to open the first night later Monday. DNC officials also didn’t directly comment on Biden’s speaking time. He’s set to take the stage at 10 p.m. A reporter asked if that was past prime time for Biden, but no one in the room directly addressed the question. In July, Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Harris. The convention is set to end Thursday with an address from Harris. “Kamala Harris is the right person to carry this forward,” U.S. Sen. Chris Coons said Monday morning. “The contrast couldn’t be sharper.” More protests are expected Monday and throughout the week. The post All Eyes on Chicago as Democratic National Convention Kicks Off With Protests appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  22. By Bethany Blankley | The Center Square contributor (Worthy News) – Texas is continuing to expand razor wire barriers and building its own wall along its border with Mexico through Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star. The Texas National Guard has tripled erecting razor wire barriers along the Texas-Mexico border since soldiers began expanding them last year in key illegal border crossing points on state land. “Texas is tripling razor wire barriers to STOP illegal immigrants from crossing the border,” Abbott said. “As Joe Biden and Kamala Harris turn a blind eye to the border crisis, Texas will deploy every tool and strategy to deny illegal crossings into our state.” The governor also responded to social media posts about barriers being put up outside of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, saying, “Democrats want walls to protect them at their convention. But they are AGAINST walls to protect Americans from an unprecedented onslaught of more than 11 million illegal immigrants, including criminals and terrorists. Texas has been expanding border wall construction every day, most recently installing more panels in Zapata and Val Verde counties last week. “Texas is the first and ONLY state in U.S. history to build our own border wall,” Abbott said. “Texas continues to take historic action to protect Texans and Americans.” By doing so, “Texas upholds our nation’s sovereignty and defends our constitutional right to protect our border,” he added. In June 2021, Abbott announced Texas would build its own border wall after illegal border crossers began inundating south Texas communities. Record numbers in the thousands a day began pouring through after President Joe Biden halted border wall construction and reversed many other existing border policies on his first day in office. By October 2021, Texas and Missouri sued, arguing it was illegal to halt border wall construction that Congress allocated funds for and it was still costing taxpayers $3 million a day because of contractual obligations. By that time, Texas had sued the administration seven times over the border and immigration. Since then, Texas has sued the administration over 75 times on a range of issues. Roughly two and a half years later, a federal court ruled in May that halting federal border wall construction was illegal. The administration didn’t appeal, handing Texas a huge win. Other litigation between the Biden-Harris administration and Texas over border barriers is ongoing. Last October, Texas sued after Border Patrol agents cut concertina wire barriers Texas installed on state land in Eagle Pass, Texas. Texas argued they were destroying state property and facilitating illegal immigration. Despite numerous court rulings, Texas has forged ahead building its razor wire barriers. A final ruling has yet to be issued on the case. Two other lawsuits were filed over marine barriers Abbott ordered be installed in the Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass. Texas’ border security efforts have also been enhanced with the support of 25 governors who are sending law enforcement resources to the Texas border on rotation. Since Abbott launched OLS in March 2021, law enforcement officers have apprehended more than 517,900 illegal border crossers and made more than 46,000 criminal arrests, with more than 39,900 felony charges reported. They’ve also seized more than 518 million lethal doses of fentanyl, enough to kill the combined populations of the United States and Mexico. The Texas legislature allocated more than $11.6 billion to fund OLS over a four-year period, which is larger than many state’s budgets, The Center Square reported. A Texas congressman filed a bill requesting Congress to reimburse Texas for OLS costs, which has gone nowhere. Texas’ efforts have paid off, pushing illegal entry west to New Mexico, Arizona and California, The Center Square first reported. Regardless if the federal government reimburses Texas or not, Texas will continue to secure its border, Abbott said. He has the support of 25 governors, and according to several polls, support from the majority of Texans and Americans. Multiple polls continue to show that voters overwhelmingly oppose Biden-Harris administration border policies, oppose illegal immigration and want troops sent to the border to secure it, The Center Square reported. The post Texas Triples Razor Wire Barriers, Continues Building Border Wall appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  23. By Stefan J. Bos, with reporting by Johan Th. Bos in the Netherlands JAKARTA/AMSTELVEEN (Worthy News) – Indonesia observed 79 years of independence from Dutch rule over the weekend with a ceremony in its unfinished future capital, Nusantara, but in the Netherlands, there were mixed feelings. President Joko Widodo and his Cabinet ministers attended the Independence Day ceremony at the new Presidential Palace, built in the shape of the mythical eagle-winged protector figure Garuda. The celebration was initially planned to inaugurate Nusantara as the country’s new capital, but with construction behind schedule, it was unclear when the transfer would happen. Back in the Netherlands, the days leading up to the anniversary were marked by sorrow over those who died when Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) during World War II and the Dutch military’s controversial “police actions” that followed Indonesia’s independence declaration. “Today’s world shows that peace and freedom cannot be taken for granted,” said Deputy Mayor Herbert Raat during an August 14 ceremony in Amstelveen, a suburb of Amsterdam with a large Indonesian community. Raat spoke at the Indies Monument in Amstelveen’a Broerse Park, where he laid a wreath on behalf of the municipality on the eve of the annual national commemoration. Even those who did not die in fighting or horrific Japanese treatment still carry the traces of that time. Many regional administrators, who laid wreaths on behalf of their municipalities, and Defense representatives attended the meeting. JAPAN CAPITULATION It was 79 years ago that Japan capitulated after many were tortured and killed in Japanese concentration camps, recalled Raat. “We remember a war where almost 4 million people died from hunger, deprivation, disease, and violence. Moreover, a bloody struggle for independence began immediately after the Japanese capitulation. From 1945 to well into the 1950s, hundreds of thousands of people left their country, where they were no longer welcome, and then built a new life in the Netherlands from scratch,” he recalled. “That new country was often cold and trying to get itself back on track after World War Two, “ Raat noted. Yet both the Netherlands are trying to heal the wounds of history, including those joining Independence Day celebrations. At the end of the commemoration, Salóme Pieris sang the Indian Lord’s Prayer, accompanied on guitar by her father. There were then two minutes of silence, and the Dutch national anthem was sung, accompanied by a military band. In Indonesia itself, the independence celebration at the new State Palace on the island of Borneo was held simultaneously with one at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, whichwas attended by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. Nusantara replaces as capital Jakarta due to concerns about the future of Jakarta and some 10 million people in the city limits and three times as much in the greater metropolitan area. Jakarta floods regularly and its streets’ congestion costs the economy an estimated $4.5 billion a year, experts say. The air and groundwater in the old capital, on the northwestern coast of the Java island, are heavily polluted, and it has been described as the world’s most rapidly sinking city. SINKING JAKARTA It is estimated that one-third of the city could be submerged by 2050, because of uncontrolled groundwater extraction. Climate change fearing scientists also blame the rise of the Java Sea “due to climate change” for Jakarta’s problems. The construction of the new capital began in mid-2022, spread over an area of about 2,600 square kilometers (1,000 square miles) carved out of Borneo’s jungle. Officials say it will be “a futuristic green city“ with abundant forests and parks, powered by renewable energy sources and using smart waste management. But the project has been condemned by environmentalists and Indigenous communities, who say it degrades the environment. It also further shrinks the habitat of endangered animals such as orangutans, and displaces Indigenous people who rely on the land for their livelihoods, they warn. Yet Widodo, who steps down in October, made clear he did not want these concerns to overshadow one of Indonesia’s Independence Day. The nation of 275 million has not only become the world’s biggest Muslim nation but also South Asia’s largest economy after 350 years of Dutch rule. The post Indonesia’s Independence Day Attracts Sorrow and Hope in Two Nations appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  24. by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – Egypt’s Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty held separate phone conversations last week with his counterparts in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey about the multiple crises ongoing in the Middle East, the Media Line reports. Since the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza was triggered by the October 7 attack on the Jewish state by the Palestinian terror group, fellow Iranian proxies Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen have joined Hamas in attacking Israel in the north and south respectively. The October 7 attack on Israel left 1,200 mostly civilian people dead and around 215 taken captive to Gaza amid atrocities including rape and the murder of children. Around 120 hostages, including women, children, and elderly hostages, remain captive 10 months into the war. In addition to fighting Iranian proxies, Israel is facing a threat of retaliation by Iran for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last month, an operation which Iran blames the Israelis for. Gaza meanwhile has been devastated by Israeli bombing campaigns as the IDF seeks to destroy Hamas’ extensive terror capabilities embedded in a massive tunnel network built strategically beneath civilian infrastructure. While Hamas’ statement that around 40,000 Palestinians have died in 10 months of war is not accepted by Israel, many thousands of Gaza residents have been killed and almost the entire remaining population of 2 million people has been displaced. Intending to find ways to deescalate the tensions in the Middle East, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty had discussed these situations with UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, and Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, the Egyptian Foreign ministry said in a statement Wednesday. The post Egypt holds talks on Middle East Crisis with UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  25. by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – Appealing to the international community for assistance, the 16-nation Southern African Development Community has warned that some 68 million people in southern Africa are facing food shortages and damaged economies due to a drought brought on by the El Nino phenomenon, Reuters reports. El Nino is a climate pattern involving the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Affecting numerous countries including Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi, the drought began at the beginning of this year and has destroyed vast swathes of crops, impacting livestock production as well, Reuters said. The leaders of the SADC nations have met in Harare, Zimbabwe to discuss the crisis, Reuters reports. “The 2024 rainy season has been a challenging one with most parts of the region experiencing negative effects of the El Nino phenomenon characterised by the late onset of rains,” Elias Magosi, SADC executive secretary, said in a statement. Confirming that only part of the $5.5 billion in aid requested by SADC in May, outgoing SADC chair Joao Lourenco, President of Angola, told the summit: “The amount mobilised so far is unfortunately below the estimated amounts and I would like to reiterate this appeal to regional and international partners to redouble their efforts… to help our people who have been affected by El Nino.” The post 65 Million People Affected by El Nino Drought in Southern Africa appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
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