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About this blog

I am not sure about you, but when I write, it seems to help me gather my thoughts and reflections. I figured this could be a good way to spend that time to stop and consider what it is that I have been reading.  I love that no matter where we are in life, we can always be learning something.  

Entries in this blog

He Gives Us Rest

Hope you have a great day. This morning I was reminded of the story of Hannah. Hannah probably didn’t leave the temple that day feeling happy about her circumstances, but she did leave with the knowledge of God’s goodness—and that was enough for her to keep going.  Her story gives me reassurance that He knows what we are all going through and He wants us to share it with Him.


Annette in Daily Hope

Keep on Keeping on

Most evenings around the dinner table, we will discuss our day.   Sometimes the conversation starts out slow, but as we start sharing, and we hear from each other, we find that we have more to say. More often than not the conversation goes back to an interaction with someone.  When I saw this picture, I couldn't help but think of so many who have a positive impact on our day and may never realise it. And just like others may not know the impact they have had, we never know wh


Annette in Daily Hope

Keep Hope Alive

Happy Friday. This morning I was reading the story of Joseph and reminded that life doesn't always go the way we want.  However it also gave me hope that in the tough times we do not need to be alone either.  When faced with hard times that I can't see a way forward, I look back and see how God has provided before and I know I can trust Him again. 


Annette in Daily Hope

Reminder to Check. My Attitude

This short prayer was a part of my reading this morning. it was written as part of a true life experience between a student and teacher, though honestly it is a life prayer I think that can be applied to life in general. I don't know about you, but sometimes I need these reminders to help me stay focused and continue to treat others, no matter who they are, with respect. Hope you have a great Saturday.


Annette in Daily Hope

I Stay Amazed

It often amazes me that the same God who created the universe, not only knows each one of us, He knows so much about each one of us. Far beyond anything we can ever believe. He knows us way better than any best friend ever could    While I know this in theory, one place where I really take time to think about this is when at a place like an airport when I see so many people, all of who I know nothing about. Just thought I would share this. I was reminded of this as I did my readin


Annette in Daily Hope


Hope you've had a good week. This week I had a fair chance to test my patience. This morning in my daily reading, I was reminded of not only having patience but learning to appreciate the journey while living trough that patience. Thought I would share this.  Hope it encourages others to find the good, even if it is during a wait. 


Annette in Daily Hope

His Mercies are New Every Morning

The verses from Lamentations 3 vs 22 & 23 have been something I have held on to for a number of months now. As I have come to realize more and more, there things that we are all dealing with in our lives, some spoken and many unspoken. For me, the last three years brought a sudden change in my life, as I became a caretaker for my elderly parents, and in particular my dad. During this time, we saw him in and out of hospital as well as nursing homes and then finally saw him move on to hos


Annette in Daily Hope

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