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About this blog

The thoughts I have for this blog, are to share with you testimonies from my own life with the Lord, and perhaps some prayers and poems.Β 

I pray that you will be touched by this blog, in one way or another. 😊 



Entries in this blog

A new year.

Abba Father, we're soon πŸ”œ entering a new year once again. I pray that only Your loving will and plan for us will be done in the new year, that we'll pursue sanctification and draw closer to You each day, cause it's so important for us to be ready every second to go Home when You call us Up to You. I choose to trust that You are in control of everything, that You are able to provide and protect us during this new year, no matter the circumstances, You are able! And You are always so so good! πŸ†™ 🎢

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Spiritual warriors!

Abba Father, teach us how to become spiritual warriors according to Your loving will and plan for us, so we can be able to expose the spiritual enemies, and go against them in the power of Your Holy Spirit, and in the Name of the Lord! In Yeshua's Holy Name, I pray! Amiina!

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Such Love!

Abba Father, it wasn't enough for You to let the Lord die for our sins on that cross, but You also had to let Him carry all of our illnesses, pains and plagues on His Body, so we can be healed! I'm so grateful for Your loving offer, which shows us how much You love us! Amazing Grace above all! In Yeshua's Holy Name! Amiina! Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer


Abba Father, my heart aches for the apostasy ones, as they're becoming more and more like the world in every way, thinking that they'll win the world by becoming like the world. Please come over them with Your Spirit of Sanctification and Godliness, and make them to hate and abhor all worldliness, ungodliness and unholiness, urging them to daily pursue Sanctification! In Yeshua's Holy Name! Amiina! Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Help us!

Abba Father, help us to not hate the sinners for the sins sake, or love the sins for the sinners sake, in Yeshua's Name! Amiina! Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Amazing Love!

Precious Savior, I know that You are still suffering, because You identify with Your brothers and sisters down here who are suffering. Who can know the depth of Your loving heart, Lord? I'm so grateful that you are praying for us all the time, that You suffer with us. Your love and compassion overwhelms me! Todah Rabbah! Thank You so much! πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸ™πŸ½πŸ†™πŸŽΆ Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

I honor You! πŸ™πŸ½ πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆ

Abba Father, You are so full of love and compassion, longsuffering and full of mercy! I worship You and give You all the honor!Β  Β  I only want Your loving will and plan be done in my life in every way, so please prepare me and help me to submit Your will wholeheartedly.Β  Β  Teach me Your will, and help me to only long for what You are longing for, and I need more of Your love and compassion to everyone. In Yeshua's Name, I pray! Amiina!

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer


Abba Father, I know that when I wanna live a Godly life in the Lord, I shall be persecuted, and my husband and I have been there for 20 +years now. Β  I pray for all our other brothers and sisters in the Lord whom also are being persecuted for the Lord's sake right now, thank You that You are near us, helping us to endure till the end, even to death, being faithful to You and the sum of Your Holy Word. Β  Even if we are poor, in prison, being mocked and beaten up, and some of u

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Open their eyes!

Abba Father, once again I am full of sorrow, πŸ˜” because of the great falling away, and all the false doctrines that have got such influence.Β  I was under their influence many years ago, so blind as I went astray from Your Holy Word, but You gave me an huge WAKE up call and opened up mine eyes, so I finally could see the truth of the sum of Your Holy Word.Β  I'm forever grateful for Your loving patience towards me! I know that everything is possible for You, so I pray with deep sorrow in

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Help me...

Help me, Abba Father, to not hate the sinner for the sin's sake, neither love the sin for the sinner's sake. In Yeshua's Name! Amen! Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Cleanse me!

Abba Father, make me absorbing interested and occupied with, what You are interested and occupied with,Β  And cleanse me, cleanse me, cleanse me! From anything that breaks Your heart and grieves Your Holy Spirit!Β  Teach me and help me to think and to talk and to walk as You do, according to Your living Word and Your loving will!Β  In Yeshua's Name, I pray! Amen!Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

Burn it up!

Abba Father, burnπŸ”₯up everything within me that is of me, so only Yeshua may be visible, and set me on fire πŸ”₯ for what You are on fire πŸ”₯ for! In Yeshua's Name! Amen!Β 

Ani Tefillah

Ani Tefillah in Prayer

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