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Every Day

in His


Dr. Charles Stanley

August 7,2016

An Intimate Companion

Come close to God, and God will come close to you

James 4:8

God wants to build an intimate relationship with you, but do you

desire the same thing? The intimate moments you share with the

Savior-worshipping Him, sensing His closeness, and expressing

your love for Him-are the very times when He reveals Himself

to you. In fact, Exodus 33:11 describes the conversations God had

with Moses "as one speaks to a friend." The word friend here means

"intimate companion." This is the kind of relationship He desires

to have with you as well.

The Lord never intended for you to merely know about Him.

He wants you to know His ways and His unconditional love for you

on a deeply personal level as you go through life-to see Him as

your unfailing Companion and wonderful Friend.

Therefore, draw closer to the Father in fellowship. Because

when you do, you'll trust Him more openly. And you will get

to know Him as Moses did-as your truly intimate,trustworthy

Friend, who loves you, provides for you, and knows you best.

Lord, draw me close. May your sweet

Spirit guide all my ways, amen


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