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The Beast, Part 5: The King of the Abyss



The King of the Abyss

At the opening of Revelation 6ʼs Sixth Seal, a Latter Day

Revelation 6:12great earthquake… 14 …[causes] every mountain and island [to be] moved out of its place.”

Sometime thereafter,

Revelation 9:1 a star having fallen from heaven to the earth…[will be] given the key to the pit [or, the shaft] of the Abyss. 2 And he [shall] open the pit of the Abyss,

thereby releasing its evil spirits. This “fallen star” will either be Satan or one of his host, recently “cast out [of heaven] to the earth” by Michael and his host. Rev. 12:7-9

Revelation 9:11 tells us that there is a “king over them [the Abyss’s evil spirits], the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon [Destroyer].” Evidence presented in Parts 3 and 4 reveal that this fallen angel must be Azazel, the worst of the descended rebellious spirits whose evils led to the destruction of the Noahic world. This is the Beast whose spirit has underlain the seven great beasts/kings/kingdoms of subsequent ages. Even as his spirit was before, and will be again, underlain by that of Satan the Dragon:

Enoch 53:5 …the host of Azazel… 6 …became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Revelation 13:2 The Dragon [will give] him [the Beast] his power, his throne, and great authority.

At this time, Satan will grant to Azazel the Beast “all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them” that he once offered to Jesus. Matt. 4:8

Revelation 17:8 tells us “the Beast will come up out of the Abyss, and go to perdition.” Revelation 13:1 says the Beast will com[e] up out of the sea.” We saw in Part 4 that there are remnants of ancient fissures in the earth, both on land and under the sea. (The Great Rift Valley alone extends through both two continents and two seas.) The False Prophet, who “performs great signs” and “speaks like a dragon” – attributes of powerful sorcery – will “com[e] up out of the earth.” Rev. 13:11, 13 This beast is most likely Shemhazai, the earthly progenitor of sorcery.

After being allowed by the Lord to deceive the nations, the Beast and the False Prophet will be defeated by Christ and “cast alive into the lake of fire.” Rev. 19:20 This fulfills “the judgment of the Great Day” prophesied for them in Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4, and Enoch 10:9, all quoted in Part 3.

Enoch 10:9 “…and in the great day of judgment let [them] be cast into the fire.



Edited by WilliamL


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