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The Prophesied Restoration of Israel After 7 Times, Part 1: 1578 – 1744 AD



The Prophesied Restoration of Israel After 7 Times, Part 1: 1578 – 1744 AD

On June 11, 1578 AD (5569 AA), Sir Humphrey Gilbert was granted a 6-year patent by England’s Queen Elizabeth to explore and colonize North America. The first (failed) expedition, led by Walter Raleigh, took place between Sept. 1578 and May 1579. Gilbert was lost at sea during another attempt in 1583. Raleigh received a new 6-year patent on May 25, 1584, and planted colonies on Roanoke and Croatan Islands in present-day North Carolina in 1585. These and a subsequent colony in 1587 failed, although some of the settlers were taken in by natives. Another expedition in 1590 (5581 AA), which had been held up by the Spanish Armada, found on Aug. 17 that the settlers had vanished. These were the first English attempts to colonize America.

7 times before Gilbert’s expedition, the Assyrians under King Shalmaneser III made their first (failed) expedition against Israel in 908 BC (3049/50 AA), King Ahab’s last year and Shalmaneser’s sixth. Twelve years later, in 896 BC (3061/62 AA), King Jehu of Israel paid tribute to Shalmaneser. Of Jehu’s 28-year reign, it is recorded that “In those days the LORD began to cut Israel short”; i.e., sometime in the 28 years after 896 BC, Israel was not only harassed, but some of its people were permanently carried off to other lands.

In sum, 7 times after the first (failed) attempts by Assyria over a 12-year span to exile Israel, the first (failed) attempts to plant and expand neo-Israel took place. But later on in Jehu’s reign, 896-68 BC, Israel began to be permanently diminished, with some of it people being taken away. Seven times afterwards, within the 28-year span from 1591 to 1619 AD, neo-Israel began to be successfully planted in America. Jamestown was founded in 1607 in Virginia, and Fort Nassau in 1614 in New York.


In the days of Jehu’s son Jehoahaz, r. 868-51 BC (3090-3107 AA), “…the LORD delivered [Israel] into the hand of…Syria…all their days.” 2 Kings 13:3 Seven times later, ca. 1619-36 AD (5610-5627 AA), the American colonies began to flourish in Virginia, Plymouth and Salem Massachusetts, Providence Rhode Island, and elsewhere in New England.


On May 13, 1744 AD, King George’s War commenced in America (beg. Mar. 4 in Europe) between the British and the French, joined by their respective colonial allies. In the only decisive engagement of the war, French Canada’s fortress-city of Louisburg was captured on June 17, 1745 (5738 AA), by English and American armies.

7 times earlier, in 741 or 740 BC (3217/18 AA), Assyrian King Tiglath-pileser III captured the fortress-city of Arpad in northern Syria following a long siege. After the fall of Arpad, the kingdom of Israel began paying tribute to Assyria. The final decline of Israel began at this point.

So in sum, 7 times after the beginning of the final period of ancient Israel as a sovereign power, modern neo-Israel began to assert itself as a power among the world’s nations.

AA = Anno Adam/Year of Adam: 360-day ‘years’ dated from "the genealogy of Adam," Genesis 5:1ff.

Edited by WilliamL
changed AM/Year of the World to AA/Year of Adam

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