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Everything posted by Snowdoove

  1. Greetings~ I have been searching trying to find the names of the men who fall into this field. I haven't had much success. So I was wondering if any of you know their names. Thanks, Snowdoove
  2. This is a very simple question - How do you put those pictures in your topic or reply? Snowdoove
  3. I will pray for your daughter,Elianna! :hug: :hug: :hug: Snowdoove
  4. Greetings~ Tonight I went to Bingo. I won a few times. The lady who sits to the right of me, is named Mary. Mary has been complaining that she hasn't won in 4 weeks. I told her that she could win in the future if she would just pray. Come on! Your kidding, she said. I said NO I am not. First I asked her if she believed the words found in the Bible! She said , Yes! Then I asked her if she believed the passage in the Bible that if you pray to the Father and ask for it thur the name of Jesus Christ, It will be given to you. So I shared with her the following: the day before she is to go to Bingo, she must pray. She must say the words loud enough, for her to hear them. Father, I would like to say the word "Bingo" tomorrow night and I ask for this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. And it is by & thru HIM that I have my salvation. This prayer is repeated three times. Then go to Bingo and see what happens. Mary was not sure about this. So I told her try it once and see what happend. The Lord intervines for me, often. I am disabled and can''t work. The extra money is nice to have. We will just have to wait and see what happens the next time I talk with her. Snowdoove
  5. Angel I have heard of the church that is in Newago. While I was doing some research, I came across this web site[url=http://www.discerment.org] There was an article about The Assembly of God church in Grand Rapids. It turns out that this church has picked up a power of the Holy Spirit. How every the power received was from a Direct Imparlation from the Pensacola Assembly of God. It was not a sovereign move of GOD. It is from the Kundalini Connections. Now I must research Kundalini Connections. :x: There is a Topic like this running on another board within WB. I didn't catch the writers name however he wants to see someone who has the powder and how they use it, I think I understood what he meant. The WFM and others like Benny Hinn I believe are going to cook, someday. :x: Be Back when I have more news. :sweating: Snowdoove :hug:
  6. Hi! To call for a New Annointing is something that Benny Hinn, Rod Parlsey and others use. Why call for a New Annointing, won't the original one work. It is as if you are calling for a New Christ. As far as the brown bottle, Witchs keep their oils in brown bottles, so that the light can't touch the oil. Ressurection Life is a Charsmatic Pentol(SP) church. The beilieve that a person can be slain in the Spirit. When this happens you are feeling The energy pass thru you. Snowdoove
  7. Last night I went to church with my daughter Kellie. We went to a charsminic one. It is called Ressuration Life. Kellie likes to sit close to the front, so we were about 6 rows from the stage. They had a Praise & Wordship for about 20 minutes. Why we were singing a song Titled, A New Day for A New Annointing, My hair on my arms stood up, and I didn't understand why we were calling for a New Annointing. Today, I went on line and found out, what this new annointing is all about. What I found out was not good, frankly it was bad. What these ministers are calling for comes straight from the Devil. AN ANNOINTING CAN ONLY COME FROM GOD and not man, nor threw him. This practise comes from unbiblical principals. The oil which is used to preform this annointing is stored in a dark bottle. On top of all this, this church had a married couple as guest speakers, Mr. & Mrs. Salem. (Sorry I can't remember their first names) My problem is Kellie likes to go to this church. She likes to raise her arms up and Praise the Lord. She likes the music, she likes everything. So how do I explain to her what this church actually is, and have her believe me. :sweating: :sweating: :sweating: :sweating: Thanks, Snowdoove :hug: :hug: :hug:
  8. re: Can a tomboy girl grow up to be a Lady? :sweating: What do you say? Snowdoove :hug:
  9. Greetings~ What Religion did Nimrod start? Snowdoove
  10. Greetings~ Do you think that the City of Shinar, will be in Headlines -SOON! Snowdoove
  11. Hello! One blood test I took has come back Positive. I was informed the other day that I have Rheumotoid Arthritis. Sure does explain all the pain, I am living thru. My future doesn't look that great ,at this time. When you have this disease, you are: tired, stiff, joints swell, and there is much pain. I read somewhere, "It is better to suffer on earth, rather then in hell." I don't know who, or where it comes from. A couple of the other blood tests came back poitive. It looks like my knee surgery made not be done till August or September. I went fishing yesterday, on two different lakes. I enjoyed the time out, however today I am paying for it. Even took my desire to eat away. Snowdoove :hug:
  12. Hi! I looked up two English names: Patricia Latin Noble Person Wayne N/A Wagon Maker. My Dad's first name was Wayne. He didn't make wagons. However, he did play the 4 string Banjo, by ear. The Banjo is made from wood, so it is sort of close. The name above his, is my name. Might explain why, I had so much trouble learning Latin and finally quite it. Noble Person, in some ways maybe. Just enter (meanings of names) on any search engine. Then you will be in the meaning of names business. Snowdoove
  13. Greetings~ Just a little note to let all of you know that my knee surgery has been canelled for awhile. It seems that I have an infection in my system. They put me on an antibio- pills. They also changed my pain meds to Vicand (sp?) plus a muscle relaxer. I will see my prime Doc on July 30th. Maybe by then my body will be free of any other infections. Thank you all for your prayers. Snowdoove
  14. Your right it is a DD214. I just coulden't remember the number last night. :x: I was in the Women's Army Corp. AE1 means that you are fit to be called back in. Yes, there are many veterans who couldn't pass the physcial. However, they can do office jobs. Snowdoove
  15. 18 years this Sept., boy how time flys. As I reflect back, I now wish I would have kept a journal. I can remember some of the good and bad times, but not all of them. Yes, I have a couple photo albums. A VHS tape would have been really nice, but I don't have that either. I didn't put another ten 10 down because it is actually a number 1, to me. Yes I am starting over however this start was without my beautiful, loving husband. As a widow, I find my life very lonesome. Maybe because I choose not to associate with the swine or goats. Are there any other widows /widowers on W/B? :il: Snowdoove
  16. I think the government should call up the veterans who are AE1 on their discharge papers.(DD1014). This may be the wrong #, but you get my drift. Many of us could do the desk jobs that are state side. Since many of us are on limited incomes, the extra money would help us a lot. We may be old however, we are not dead, yet. This way the US could deploy these soldiers of whom we will be taking their places. I would go to Iraq. I would go as a general contractor. My financial problems would be gone quickly with the $120,000 they are paid. There is in the DD1014 in little print that the government can do this, when in need. Snowdoove
  17. Greetings~ re: Healing Power in Parched Flour I was on a web sight where they talked about the healing power in parched flour. They used it for burns and cuts. The healing time was very quick. What do you do to the flour - you ask? Take an iron skillet. Place a hand full of white flour in the pan by it's self. Put the heat on low and stir the flour around with wooden spoon unitl it starts to become brown. This process takes about 20 minutes. Placed the cooled parched flour in a plastic bad and seal. The heat does something to the flour. They didn't say what. Anyways, here is a very inexpensive product for burns, even sunburns and cuts. It may even help insect bites. It may be a trail and error method to find out what it will actually heal. Snowdoove
  18. Hi! I heard this once, not sure if I remeber it all. Little things mean a lot, When there things you haven't got, Best to live and cherish what you have. Well it goes something like that. Also, things might have been different had I let GOD choose my Husband. So WB Ladies cherish what you have. Snowdoove
  19. Greetings~ re: If you could re-live your married life, What would you change? 01. Saying, "I had a headache, when I really didn't!" 02. Keeping secrets about what my husband told me, about his work. 03. As a family been closer to GOD! 04. Showed my appreciation to my husband more often. 05. Wrote a journal about our life, as things happened. 06. Made his favorite dinner more often. 07. Taken my husband to the hospital, instead of obeying him and took him home. 08. Asked him if we could do this,.... before just doing it. 09. My husband, Robert Jack Bratt age 54, died Sept 28, 1986. Although, my husband had his faults, he was a great handsome guy. Because I felt that I had the cream of the crop so to speak, I chose not to remarry. Happy Father's Day- Guys! Snowdoove
  20. Greetings~ By now most of you have realized that you will never again beable to buy cheap gas for your car. The USA is catching up with the other countries that have been paying a high price for their gasoline. Oil production in the USA reached it's peak in the 70's. We now have to import 60% of our oil from other countries. Unforunately, most of these countries are in the Middle East. Russa has 1/3 gas reserves. The Arabs are making money head over heels, they have no mercy for the poor people of this world. Many writers state the World Oil peak will come in 2006. Is the USA concerned about finding another source for energy. "NO!" Writers are talking about this in their articles, yet Congress is doing nothing. Natural gas is the heating fuel of about half of U.S. homes Since 1993, it has been the fuel used for almost 90% of new electricity generation. It is also the major fuel for manufactuers and for heating office buildings. The trouble is that we're nolonger self-sufficient in natural gas -and our import dependence will grow. When it comes to drilling for gas there are restrictions. Waters off the East and West coasts are prohibited, so are parts of the Gulf of Mexico. No drilling remains essential because production from existing wells drops more then 25% annually. The next time you write your Senator or Congressman asked them what they are doing about our energy problem. Actually not ours but your granchildrens' energy problems. :x: Snowdoove
  21. Greetings~ I am sure that everyone has experienced something like this in their life time. I am not sure what is the worest, sitting on the Pins and Needles or Wanting to Know. As of today, I have no idea when my knee surgery is going to be. My first scheduled appointment was for March 15th. It was cancelled and so have all the rest of my appointments to have the surgery. You see I told the Doc that I was pron to have infections and since telling him this I have gone thru all kinds of test. The most recent test discovered abnormalities in my liver count. The norm is 2-5, I am at 20. We ruled out rheumatoid artristis. The infection Doc asked me if anyone in my family had cancer? I told him me last April, colon cancer. After looking up the symptoms for liver cancer I am very sad. I have alot of the symptoms. One is that I have a hard time swallowling at times Using the VA for basic needs is okay. Using them for more complicated problems puts one in risk. So here I sit not knowing when my knee surgery will be scheduled and not knowing for sure what is up with my liver. Another week will pass without me knowing what is up or down. I think I will make my last sentence into a question, Which is worest for you -sitting on Pins & Neddles or Wanting to Know? Snowdoove ps. I know I am not to get uptight about all of this - however it is very hard Not KNOWING!
  22. Cats~ I talked with my PP Doc Quartstrom. I don't have rheumatoid arthristis. So now we get to talk about the disease Cancer! It turns out that my blood work shows an abnormal count in my Liver. My Dad died from liver cancer. The Doc has ordered an ultrasound of my liver. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for July 2nd. The Doc will schedule a bone test after the ultrsound. Somewhere in all of this I will have my total knee replacement done. I told the Doc today that I am having a very bad pain on the right side of my back. Will have to take my pain pills for more then just my knee pain. It sort of looks like I'll be seeing Our Lord sooner then the rest of you. I think I have a better understanding of Matthew 24:42, "For you do not know which day your Lord is coming. " Matt 24:44 "Be Ready" Matt 25:13 "Be on the Alert!" SMILE & BE HAPPY! Snowdoove
  23. Hi! As of June 11th and according to the infection Doc, I can now have my knee replacement. However, according to the infection Doc, I still have an infection in my body somewhere. They took blood. The results for me was 20 slighly over the range required, 2 - 5. He asked me some questions, like if I had roomatoid arthristis. I said "No!" He asked me if anyone in my family had cancer? Whoops! I said, "Yes!" Me last year. For you new folks, I had colon Cancer last April. I was in the hospital for 27 days. Had surgery, the Doc removed 12" of my colon. He told me, He got it all. What a relieve! Thanks Be to GOD! So the Doc sent me on my way. During the 3 hour drive back home, I was going over what the Doc had told me or not told me. I have to wait til Monday, to find out if I have a new problem or an old recurrence. Please keep me in your prayers, along with anyone else who suffers from cancer. Thank You! Snowdoove
  24. Greetings!~ Wow! I am very surprised to see how many new members there are here on W/B's. I would just like to say Welcome! I hope you learn more about YHVH and His Son, Yeshua. :hug: :hug: :hug: Snowdoove
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