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Posts posted by hayahtowb

  1. Hi Joshua-777, your thread reminds me of the tares (never forget the tares in: Matthew 13.38 ) that Christ teaches about. It's a sad thing that people don't know that they started in Genesis and will be with us right to the very end, leading to the judgment.

    The good part is: God is Judge, and thanks for the thread.

  2. You are welcome!

    Interesting thoughts.

    But I don't believe the rider on the white horse is the Anti-Christ. I believe it to be something more akin with the other riders.

    All the riders match with: Matthew 24.5-29 bringing evil to the people on earth.

    What I find interesting is the question thats asked in the last verse of Revelation 6, and the answer is found in: Matthew 24.30

    Give it all a read and compare if you like? Christ's words never cease to amaze me.

  3. If the bow is the symbol of judgment, how does this affect the interpretation of the prophecy?

    Thanks for the thread sis, I like reading your thoughts.

    God's bow of judgment is found in: Genesis 9.13

    The bow you refer to in: Revelation 6.2 is the fake bow of the devil (he wants the world to think he's God:), the word in the text is: 'toxon'= fabric (it's a fake), he's a fake.

    Sad thing is, many will believe his lies. I hope this helps?

  4. Hi Joe, in and through the eyes of Native American Indians, this:

    Prehaps This Will Explain What Was Going On Then (And Now?)

    Or Not.....

    A few months later, Roosevelt expanded on this theme in a series of Memorial Day speeches he delivered in St. Louis:

    Moral treason to the United States was charged by Mr. Roosevelt, in an address delivered before the City Club, against German-Americans who seek to make their governmental representatives act in the interests of Germany rather than this country. He characterized the German-American Alliance as "an anti-American alliance," but added that he believed that its members "not only do not represent but scandalously misrepresent" the great majority of real Americans of German origin.

    Using the motto "America for Americans" for all Americans, whether they were born here or abroad, the former President declared that "the salvation of our people lies in having a nationalized and unified America, ready for the tremendous tasks of both war and peace." "I appeal to all our citizens," the colonel said, "no matter from what land their forefathers came, to keep this ever in mind, and to shun with scorn and contempt the sinister intriguers and mischief makers who would seek to divide them along lines of creed, or birthplace or of national origin."

    Fall apart, as it was meant for the mass of newcomers. Just another way to look at things is what I wanted to add.

  5. Hi Marsh, umm...?

    Life! What of life? God might be responsible, but no one can rule out the possibility that life can start on its own. How would you demonstrate this is not possible? So this too is not proof of God. Argue all you want against the odds of life beginning on its own, but where is your physical evidence? There is none. Belief that God created life is just that -- a belief. There is simply insufficient knowledge to make the case either way. You may have faith Genesis is correct in this regard, but you don't have proof. The evidence to convince the world is lacking.

    The failure of biosphere #2 is a good example.

  6. Hi brother, and welcome to the site:

    God is not sometime we joke or make fun of he is marcyful,peaceful,loving father but remember one thing he is the God of war and well wait till the right time to judge.

    The boards in the' outer court' are for any & all. I like your post anyway.

  7. Saints,

    Referring to people as ignorant etc is not discussing with kindness. We are talking about the authority God's word has on our llives. That word has a lot to say about how we treat others. Paul said this:

    The Lord's slave must not quarrel, but must be gentle to everyone, able to teach, and patient, instructing his opponents with gentleness. Perhaps God will grant them repentance to know the truth.

    (2Timothy 2:24-25 HCSB)

    If in discussing scriptures authority we cannot obey it in the way we discuss this, we are in trouble. This is the second strike. One more and I will close the thread.

    Looks like it's time?

  8. Hi Dave, Joe isn't a bot:

    Another well-reasoned response from FresnoJoe. I sometimes wonder if you're a bot programmed to quote the Bible... :whistling:

    Also if he dosn't ..others will!

    Edited to say: I agree Joe isn't a bot:

  9. Mirage:

    I'm not sure what you mean by "forced change". Biological evolution is a very lengthy process of adapatation to the environment of the organism, and in some cases to behavior factors of the organism.

    I added the bold to your post as an example of forced change.

    Also according to science any process of formation or growth; gradual devolpment like: The flower from a bud is evolution; or modern automobiles from the steaam carriage, not a monkey to a man.

    Edited to say: Your example looks more like biorhythms, not evolution.

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