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Posts posted by humbleseeker

  1. I know how you feel, although I am from a bigger town of about 400,000 now I live in a town of 1100 a huge difference. Yes going to the grocery store is a big trip. Dont give up on finding a church I have had a lot of trouble and have recently settled on a foursquare church about 15 miles away. I was going to a Methodist church here in town although I was not getting fed and new I had to leave. well God Bless dont give up and if you can just move.

  2. Gilbert Remains Committed to Religious Freedom

    Monday, March 15, 2010










    Gilbert, Arizona, March 15, 2010. Approximately six weeks ago, members of the Gilbert Town Council learned that a Town zoning code intended to help neighborhoods with traffic, parking and safety concerns had been interpreted by Town staff to mean that small church groups could not meet in their own homes. The Council immediately asked Town staff to make changes to the code and not enforce the code while changes were being considered.

    Unfortunately, without the Town Council's knowledge, one church group had already been told to stop holding meetings in their home. Last week the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed an appeal for the Oasis of Truth Church located in Gilbert. While Town staff had anticipated presenting to the Town Council proposed zoning changes at the next Town Council meeting (scheduled for March 23), ADF's appeal reached the media on Friday, March 12, causing concern that Town of Gilbert restricted religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution.

    Gilbert's Mayor John Lewis said, "It is unfortunate that the Council did not know about information given to the Oasis of Truth Church. Gilbert is known as a family-oriented community and our faith groups are a vital part of our Town. We want to keep it that way." Lewis continued, "Gilbert has the largest celebration of the Constitution in the United States. During the third week of September, we have an entire week of community activities available to remind us of the important principles of the Constitution." Vice-Mayor Linda Abbott commented, "This is a community with patriotic citizens who study and defend the Constitution. We understand the importance of maintaining religious freedom."

    Upon learning of the appeal, the Town Council members expressed overwhelming support to expedite changes in the code at a future meeting. Yesterday, Mayor Lewis and Acting Town Manager Collin DeWitt attended the Sunday worship services of the Oasis of Truth Church. DeWitt said, "We had a wonderful experience as we met with the three leaders of the church and their families. We are glad that they selected Gilbert as their home." Mayor Lewis told church leaders that he will ask Town attorneys to include ADF and the Oasis of Truth Church in the review process this week of the proposed changes that will be presented to the Town Council on March 23. Lewis said, "We welcome their input and suggestions to ensure that church groups are able to meet and enjoy their Constitutional rights. Potentially, we may have a solution to this issue this week."

    The Town of Gilbert has been one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. In spite of the economic downturn, 1,278 single family permits were issued by the Town in 2009. Currently, 221,000 citizens of Gilbert enjoy the clean, safe, and vibrant environment. In 2009, Gilbert was named as the 24th safest city in the United States and safest city in Arizona. Mayor Lewis said, "Our vibrancy is enhanced with our strong faith-based groups. Our partnership with our local ministers and pastors is excellent. Gilbert is considered a religious friendly area. Religious activities occur all over Town and most especially in our homes. The Town Council and our citizens will keep it that way."

  3. I think that number would probably be around 2 million a year. I am not here to spread Masonry but I must state the truth that the last poster wrote

    Freemasonry is not Christian this is true, it welcomes all faiths, It is not a religion so all faiths are welcomed.

    Each Freemason is free to believe what he chooses as far as the creation of earth and if satan is real or not, thats your own business.

    I believe that the creation story in genesis is a good guidline as too what realy took place.

    I also believe that satan is real and is my enemy.

    I dont know a whole lot about the scottish or york rites or anything for that matter outside of the first 3 degrees

    I have been asked to join the york rite, I know one must defend the Christian faith to be part of this order.

  4. There is many instances where contridictions seem to be. I dont think that there is any, what can not be explained I believe with faith. I will say on the controversial note, that the bible was inspired by God, yet it was written by humans who are not perfect.

  5. Freemasonry can be compatible with anyone that believes in God it can be Christian or not. Masonry is not connected with any religion nor is one. Masons come togather to share brotherly love within themselves and outward in the community. All of the Masons I know are Christian and are active in Church. Its just a fraternity a dying one at that with most members over 60 its a rareity to have a younger man join. Masonry can help you become a better man a better Christian, and the food is good too.

  6. I am a Master Mason from Iowa. Many will tell you that Christianity and Masonry dont work together but those who say this, think that were a bunch of people trying to take over the world and worship satan. Much of the stuff I here is so crazy it makes me laugh. One of the biggest reasons Many brothers of my Christian faith bash the masonic fraternity is because of blood oaths. I as well as many know that we should let are Yes be yes and No be No. Its funny I was at church yesterday and we had an istillation of a new pastor and the pastor had his hand on the bible and repeated a pre written oath of office to God and the congregation. The people on this forum have good hearts and will honestly tell you what they believe, and I respect that or I wouldnt have sticken around. They also havent kicked me off for being a Freemason and I only bring it up when someone else makes a post about it.

  7. I am not going to live in fear. I want to fear God, but not in a fear we have in the flesh. God will judge me and if my only reward is entering into heaven because I believe in him then so be it. I am just a man, I can only try to do my best, but its only my faith that will justify me.

  8. Yes its just a theory, It seems this and the people during this time seemed to embelish what was going on. This could have been the wickedness that needed to be destroyed. Bringing about the flood. I know God can be angry, I also know God does things for a purpose. Its possible God needed to destroy this practice and the ever muliplying demons.

  9. It would be great if we could say that we give are lives to Christ and automaticly we are free from sin. Yes we are to become new creatures, are old selves are gone, and we are alive in Christ. These are good sermons to motivate us and they are true. Yet we still live in this flesh and we do so untill we leave this world. Christ died so that we may have eternal life. I accept his life I want to be free from sin, yet at times I sin. Its a battle, but a good battle.

  10. I do I have battled with temptation that I give into forever. It only seems there was a short period maybe 2 years were I was completly sold out to God, now it just seems when the hard times come that I usually bring upon myself that I turn to God with a sold out heart. Its terrible because I havealways felt I was called into full time ministry and I continue to have stumblingblocks. I know no one is perfect. I am hard on myself yet sometimes I can give in to the world and worry about it the next day.

  11. I believe that the formation of the 66 books was a God inspired event. I wont argue the fact that these books give us a firm foundation in our Christian faith. I will admit that I own and have read many gnostic scriptures and old hebrew works, and find them very different from what we have in the bible. I think that this group of theologins took the best and most understandable books so that the people could have a firm book of Christian living to live by. We do know that some of those books left out did have influence over the cannon a good example is Jude ch 1 verse 9 and 14 verse 9 comes from the Assumption of Moses and 14 from the book of Enoch. Now if the writers of the bible were influenced by these other books than they must hold some value.

  12. The first 300 years of Christianity there was no book that was the all in all. We should know that a semi pagan emporer created the bible. I do like the selection of the 66 and think they work just fine. But remember that the early Christians even writers of the bible were readers of these books and considered them credible. escpecially the books of enoch and jubillees. The book of Revelation barley made it into the cannon. I enjoy looking into what the early Christians new before the it was condensed and closed.

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