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Posts posted by ChadB

  1. Remember evolution states that the changes in an organism(evolution) result from beneficial RANDOM mutations. Now, the last time a checked mutations are never good and always result in that particular copy being flawed to the point where it hurts the organism its found within or death occurs. The idea that all of these mutations happened and they were good is crazy. Remember evolution occured as an accident.

    Example: Fish developed appendages in order to become amphibians not because they wanted to but because the accidential mutation happened where they grew appendages and then figured out how to use them. Oh, and they accidentially grew a functional lung too.

  2. First off I was unmarried for 27 years. I got married a year ago to a wonderful girl. Anyhow, all of my friends got married by the time they were 23. Some even by 21. I was ALWAYS the single guy with all the couples which made it worse. Finally, after YEARS of prayer I did get married but it took WORK. I did have to pray. I did have to actively search for my future wife. She did not fall out of the sky or anything. I made the effort to meet girls and was lucky enough to meet her. Although God did arrange that meeting!

    Anyhow, I do know that I had anger towards my situation when I was single. I was mad at God sometimes because I was so alone. But I stopped. I started focusing on Him and most importantly became content with my life. It was then that I met my wife. You see, its not always our timing. Its God's. I know this sounds like garbage from a married guy but its true. God truly knows whats best for us. I think that is what was being mentioned earlier. Not that you lack faith and you are not as holy as others. Its that anger for what we don't have that gets in the way. God has given us so much already. Be happy with your life and salvation. You may be surprised how He blesses you. Peace and love.


  3. If fair means always giving us what we want here on earth then God is not fair. If fair is giving us a chace at eternity with Him then yes, he is fair.

    Remember we live in a fallen world of sin and imperfection made so by US. And yet God gives us a chance to realize that life here does not matter. Life eternal is the ultimate prize. To us, fair means everything is perfectly fine. It is going to be, we just have to be patient and wait a little while.


  4. Sorry to hear that you are having such a rough go at life right now. We can't possibly know the mind of God. What He thinks is usually a total mystery to us. We can only trust.

    I do know that it just seems that some people can't win no matter how hard they try. Others are just lucky and the cards always seems to come up for them. Keep your faith. Remember what a powerful story you have to share with others; your total faith in Gods plan for you and your family. I will pray for you.

  5. SS,

    Yes, I am a sinner.

    You are a sinner.

    Being gay is a sin.

    Why would I want to accept a civil union? Are you reading what you are writing? Acceptance of civil unions or gay marriages would be accepting a sinful lifestyle. What sense would it make for someone who is against homosexuality to support or be tolerant of such things.

  6. What does it matter what causes it? What does that prove? The fact is it is wrong!!! God clearly defines homosexual behavior as an abomination; a sinful act of the flesh. With that said who cares what the cause is??!!

    I would bet mass murders and child molesters have some chemical/emotional/relational problems as well. Because murdering is natural for them does that make it right? Just because a child molester has that desire does that make it right? Sure, homosexuality involves willing partners but what does that matter? Its wrong, its a sin, and such behavior is against Gods plan for us.

    Ok, now let all those gay supporters start the bashing because I compared child molesters/murders with homosexuals. But its a problem with the person.....

    In my opinion homosexual acts between 2 people are 2 individuals with a sinful desire using each others bodies to meet that desire. Willing rape if you will.

  7. Who cares if gays are gay because of genetics, personal choice, or exposure to hormones in the uterus.

    Is it in our genes to sin? Yes

    Is it our personal choice to sin? Yes

    Do we sin because of exposure to chemicals in the uterus? In some way probably. Exposure to hormones helps to shape us and plays a role in our development.

    But the truth is no matter what causes homosexuality it is wrong biblically. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and believe fully and truly in the word of God then you should also believe sin, in any form is wrong. This includes homosexuality.

    Being gay is a sin like any sin; no worse. But what makes the issue is when someone claims to be a Christian and is openly gay; living as if being gay is ok just because popular culture accepts it or because they have the "urge" so its an OK lifestyle.

    I have the urge to sin....is it Ok....NOOOOOO!!!

    What I am trying to say is.....

    Is it in our genes to be gay? For some people

    Is it personal choice to be gay? For those who live the gay lifestyle.

    Is being gay a result of hormone exposure? Maybe

    Is being gay wrong? Yes.

    Is supporting the gay lifestyle wrong even if you are not gay? Yes, because that is supporting sin. Supporting an individual who is wronging God and going against what the Creator has established for us.

    Man, I love God and am so happy that He has given us His word to live by. Where would we be without it!!!!!!!!!!

  8. SS....

    Where do you see a mistake?

    The post states homosexuality is a sin.

    Getting married does not say that it is less of a sin cus they are "committed"(however committed a homosexual can be)

    God forgives when you come to Him.

    Man, thats plain as day.


  9. Scientific Atheist

    No, actually you are incorrect. If you would take a close look at the time periods when such ideas were held as factual you WILL see that science and religion were so closely linked it was hard to distinguish between the two. What was regarded as science was also held as a religious view. Moreover, science did disprove these ideas but it was scientists(who were generally religious men) that came up with them. The scientists of the day often times were also the bible boys of the time.

    By the way these ideas were not held by a few uneducated people. To say that is crazy. Times change, ideas change. Science disproves many theories time and time again. But the Christian Faith pushes onward.

    Neither myself with my simple christian mind or you in your infinite and complete wisdom can prove their points beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    Gregor Mendel

    Robert Hooke

    Louis Pasteur

    All men of faith but also scientists.

  10. And hey, I think the earth is flat and is also the center of the universe. Moreover, maggots arise spontaneously from decomposing material(s) and if you have a headache you should drill a hole in your head to release the evil spirits. Science supported that at one time too.

    Where is the evidence that says life had to evolve?

    PS I'm back and happy holidays.

  11. UndecidedFrog and any other who feels this way...

    You are absolutely nuts if you think its ok for someone to eat another person if it goes with their culture. I bet you would love to be friends with Hitler or maybe even some other famous murderers. But hey, that went with their microculture(murdering) so I guess its ok. DON'T YOU SEE? Saying something is OK just because it goes with their culture means NOTHING IS WRONG!!!! What defines a culture? Where are the limits.

    I am a firm believer. I love God with all my heart but I truly believe that you and the rest of the atheists on this site are here to argue for whatever reason(fear that you are wrong maybe or possibly searching for truth) and attempt to sway believers from the truth because of your intelligent pride. Argue if you will but that is the truth, no matter what you say. I hope it because you are searching for truth. I will visit this site no more. I will continue to pray for you but my staying here only angers me when I hear remarks like those that you make. I don't want my being upset to set a bad example. I hope and pray Christ will someday become a part of your life. I am so frustrated now I can hardly write.

    God bless all

  12. Remember not to put limits on God's ability. God said "Let there be light" and there it was. He didn't have to let it reach the earth. It was there. I don't have enough time today to say much more: we need to make sure we don't put limits on the Creator.

  13. We know what atheists are about. Or at least some of what they are about. They don't believe in God.

    They say they are visiting a christian site to inform christians about atheism. I appreciate that. I have learned a great deal

    I want to take this opportunity to pray for the atheists on this board. I love you guys and hope you find Christ. Please understand that christians are people, imperfect people. Some of us get worked up and seem angry but we care.

  14. Do I get too worked up about this stuff=yes

    Do I sometimes come across as mad or negative=yes

    Do I genuinely care about the salvation of the lost=with all my heart

    Do I hate the atheist=no way.

    Do I think they are stupid=no

    Do I think they are confused=yes, about God

    Do I think I am confused=yes, because I can't possibly understand everything

    Do I truly think atheists want to believe=yes. Who wouldn't? To believe in a Supreme Creator Who loves you and wants you to spend an enternity with you.

    Do I truly think atheists have fear or doubt in them=yes. I can't help but feel this way. Its just what I have picked up on. Its not meant to be negative. Heck, I sometimes have doubt and I always have some sort of fear. But I truly believe that atheists sometimes fear that they may be living a lie.

    Something to remember is that the christian is not perfect, just aware of their need for Christ. Those of you who are atheists try praying. Just give it a shot. I challenge you to at least spend some time in the other camp. Try to open yourselves up to the idea instead of just trying to disprove Christ.

    You have to understand my frustration. I am not trying to be a jerk or make you feel bad. I just hope that you will feel convicted to explore the possibility of christianity. Some of you may have already. But do it again. And do so with an open heart. Remember, I don't think you are dumb or anything. Just lost. And I am not sittin' here with evil intentions. I want you to have what I have. I care. :blink:

  15. Just because those things are mentioned in the bible does not mean God was OK with it. Heck, mankind killed the Son of God and that surely was not right but was part of prophesy...... Bad things happen.

    I was raised Catholic and currently attend a Christian Church. I have close friends who are of various protestant religions and NONE of them claim the bible has error. I don't know what part of the world you are in but any church that believes Jesus is the Christ but states the bible has error is CRAZY. Please, give me examples of such disbelief. Lets see, the bible is the word of God but it has error? I didn't know God had error. But I guess it takes us "smart people" to point that out to Him.

    Please understand that I don't speak out of hatred. I am just frustrated. Peace. :wub:

  16. I want to say that I have no hatred towards atheists. I do pray for them though.

    So don't take what I say as hatred; more like frustration. I sure would like to be sittin' at the pearly gates with scientificatheist, undecidedfrog, and az talking about when we used to spend hours on worthy boards!

    Anyway, I think most atheists just don't realize where morality comes from. They think that humans made it up or something. From God my friend, from God.

    I also tend to think that a lot of atheists are not as smart as they think they are. They read fancy books with big words and attempt to confuse people with their "unmeasurable brain capacity". Look at me, look at me they say. Hey, I'm right and I lack confidence in my conviction so I must spread my ideas. Christians spread their ideas because we want to see others come to Christ. Why do atheists? Something about so they won't be the subject of hate crimes or something. Funny, I have never heard of such a thing. In this culture christians get persecuted far more than those who are unbelievers. I think they talk about their beliefs just because they are unsure. And maybe a little afraid.

    Something was mentioned about striving to get someplace in life. As an atheist why even bother? I mean, if you are just worm food then why not just forget about it. Stop caring. Do what you want. Live like an animal. Afterall, thats what we are. Sleep with as many people as you can; maybe even someone elses spouse. If it feels good do it. Who cares, nothing matters anyway.

    Lets face it. As an atheist you want to believe, you just don't know it. Why else would you be reading posts on a christian site? Its that "I'm right ain't I" idea.

    If there is no God then there is no reason for anything. Stop reading books to disprove God and try reading books that prove He is very real.

    Maybe even pray and see what happens.

  17. That part about the bible having error in it is odd. If the bible does have error then why do we believe it. You see, you can't pick and take what you want to believe in the bible; if thats the case you could discount everything including the resurection.

    You accept the bible as the word of God. If you have doubts about certain events then you should reevaluate where you stand in you walk with Christ.

    By the way, where are these crazy churchs located that select what to believe and not believe in the bible. Sounds like a cult. :wub:

  18. First off, the basic principles of evolution and the Darwinian approach are different. Evolution is simply an organisms ability to chage or adapt over time to meet the demands of an ever changing environment. Its a proven fact that simple evolution(changes) occur. Coyotes have "evolved" to live in urban areas. White-tailed deer have "evolved" to consume grain crops provided by man. So species do undergo this form of evolution. But the Darwinian approach(known as The Theory of Evolution) is different. Where simple evolution cares not the origin of life Darwinian evolution states species do change over time and all forms of life(plant and animal) have a common ancestor. Which is stupid :)

    But my thoughts on the age of the earth......

    Different geologic processes mean NOTHING if you look at from a christian standpoint. God put all this together!! Poof, and there it was!!!! Just because it would take billions of years to carve the Grand Canyon with a little river does not mean it happened. Just because it would take billions of years to put all the various strata(layers of the earth) together if it occurred naturally does not mean that God, the Almighty could not just snap His fingers and make it so.

    You see, so many people try to disprove God by this approach and it JUST WILL NOT WORK :D God can put anything together in what ever fashion however He wants.

    No area of science can disprove God. I don't care what formulas you throw out. None of it matters if you put God in the picture. God does what we can't do; He makes possible what seems impossible. Boy, isn't God awsome??!! :)

  19. The world is going to garbage. What about temptation island? Lets see who can have sex with who and then laugh and encourage it. The desperate housewives thing makes me sick.

    Then we wonder why kids are the way they are and why the institution of the family is under stress. Its because we have strayed from the christian roots our forefathers set for us. ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!

    Love to ya'll

  20. Ok, I'm here to complain about some things....

    1. Whats up with all the stupid reality TV? I briefly watched The Bachelor last night. Well, actually my wife watched it and I was asked to snuggle with her in front of the TV. This show is sick!!!!! One guy, like 6 women and he passionately kisses all of them, sweet talks them, and then gets to "pick" which woman he wants most....!!!!!!!!!!! Is this not crazy? What are we telling people??? No wonder sex is just thought of as something that feels good and the more the better and with lots of people. Stupid!!!!

    2.I am so sick of being told that as a christian I should tolerate sinful lifestyles!!!!! Some of my friends think that I am "mean" just because I don't tolerate sin. I refuse to say a lifestyle/behavior is OK just to make people happy.....

    Enough complaining..... How do you encourage people(even fellow christians) that watching these shows and tolerance is not the path Christ wants us to follow? I think people confuse tolerance with love. I still love the individuals who take part in a sinful behavior(because I am as big of a sinner as they are but I recognize my failure and my need for Christ) but I don't tolerate it. Many christians think we are called to tolerate. NO!!! We are called to love everyone and reject sin :blink: . There is a difference. :emot-hug:

  21. In my version of the door thingy(yeah, I used the word thingy) Jesus Christ takes my hand and leads me through the correct door because I asked for His help. We have to seek God; He is not gonna come to us again and say HEY, LOOK AT ME I'M GOD!. Proof you ask? He has given us all the proof we need through His works, His Son, and through the creation of a complex universe. Can you honestly think that everything resulted from something other than a Creator? That, to me, is illogical. But of course I am just a human with a simple mind. I am not God and therefor can't possibly understand the workings of our Lord.

    My experience with atheists is that they typically think that their mind is the ultimate tool for describing everything. What they don't know is that we can't easily put belief into words. Everything can't be explained. You have to seek Christ. I challenge you to try it, honestly and without a logical approach. Seek Him and read the bible for hope and not just for information to disprove God.

    I used to attend youth group to argue scientifically why God does not make sense. I once thought Christianity was just flat out crazy talk. But I got off my high horse and decided one day to approach God with an open heart and without a negative outlook. I started attending church and reading the bible in an attempt to seek God and not disprove Him. I wanted to believe. You have to want God in order to believe. I am so very thankful that I did that. Its just like the song says...... I can remember when Christ became more than a story; more than words on a page of history.... He is the air that I breath and the water I thirst for and the ground beneath my feet. Try it.... :cool:


    We can't possibly place logic on everything. We are NOT as smart as we all think we are. I believe because I have personally experienced God. I know He is there. I believe Jesus is the Son of God who paid the price for our "STUPID" and sinful ways. So lets stop trying to disprove God by saying stupid remarks such as the ever popular "big rock" question or can God make a purple orange? Its just dumb, plain and simple. Those of you who are trying to disprove God by using big words and stupid questions need to take off the blinders and truly search your heart. Maybe pray for understanding. I just don't get it. But I WILL pray for you and hope that you find the answers. I hope one day you will realize that the simple answer to many of our questions is WE ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE IT OUT!!!! :):cool:

    Peace and Gods love to ya'll

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