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Firelord Lionheart

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Posts posted by Firelord Lionheart

  1. Mainly due to bad acting/writing, inappropriate music, how it's expressed, or what not?

    Flight 93: The portrayal of the hijackers from their wooden dialogue to their red headbands. The rest of the movie just angered me by shoving babies, children, and flags into our faces. I found the movie to be an insult to the memories of the passengers. I'm sure there were quite a few unmarried and childless passengers on board that plane. If you want to see a good movie about this, watch United 93, it focuses on what was really important. Leave Flight alone.

    Any scene in LOTR where Sam says a dramatic line.

    Harry Potter: Harry's raging after the whole Department of Mysteries fiasco. I was sad that Sirius died when I first read it but JKR got a little bit too friendly with the caps lock in book 5.

    Signs: Just the whole movie. It was so over the top and it was obviously trying to get the audience to take it seriously.

    FF4: Tellah's rage after the destruction of Damcyan.

    FF7: Cloud's dialogue after Aeris died. "My fingers are tingling, my eyes are burning".

    Darth Vader's "NOOOOO" and Padme's, "I don't know you anymore. Anakin, you're breaking my heart."

  2. How did you find Jesus if you were not raised Christian (or found him if you've questioned your faith)? I was going through a faith crisis back in 2010. See, I was going through a rough time and felt as though God was trying to tell me something. Like he was calling to me and I didn't know how to answer. I'm a Jew so first I looked into Islam because it was seemingly similar to Judaism but after reading the Quran, I felt like "This is not how God is." Then I looked into Christianity and Messianic Judaism. A Messianic rabbi pointed to verses in the OT and well, who else could this savior have been but Jesus? Then came my true test of faith. My grandpa nearly died from health complications. I got on my knees and called out to Jesus, fully accepting him into my heart. And you know what, my grandpa turned out to be alright. Since then I identify myself as a Jew who believes in Christ.

  3. I read through all the verses posted and see nothing about allowing your enemy to inflict harm on you in the act of his urge to cause harm. Self-defense =/= murder. So I think guns are fine. Besides, we had and have militaries where the vast majority of its members were Christians.

  4. Muslims worship a pagan 'god' and know that full well.

    No, they claim to worship the true God. Arab Christians and Jews call God Allah too. But the Muslims follow an uneducated man who woke up one morning and decided the original scriptures were false and corrupted.

    They worship Ba'al, the ancient moon god, a.k.a. satan.....he reinvented himself as 'allah'. And yes I know that Middle Eastern Christians and Jews use the term 'allah'. But they aren't referring to Ba'al.

    No they do not. The crescent moon was the symbol of the Ottoman Empire.

    "And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." -Quran 41:37-

    The word of God can be distorted.

    "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Matthew 7:15

  5. No it's a game/character study to see who you'd eliminate and why.....

    Unfortunately, what Joe pointed out kind of invalidates the character study, don't you think...

    No, not really. Lawyers have served on juries before.....

    Where Are You Getting Your Information?

    I Have Never Ever Seen One Allowed To Stay In The Jury Box By Either The State Or The Federal Court In Any Criminal Case

    And I'm Sure Both Attorneys In A Civil Case Could And Would Toss Any Lawyer (Student, Active Or Retired) Out Of The Box "With Cause"

    It was either the Scott Peterson case or the Michael Jackson case where a lawyer was allowed on the jury.

  6. No it's a game/character study to see who you'd eliminate and why.

    Unfortunately, what Joe pointed out kind of invalidates the character study, don't you think?

    No, not really. Lawyers have served on juries before.

  7. Most members here are devout Christians obviously but suppose you lived in the time of Jesus. Would you have been one of His original followers? Pretend for a minute that the Gospel of Christ was something totally new. Also think about now, how you react to things contrary to your beliefs be it political, religious, or general. Would you have immediately become a follower of Christ or would you have waited for proofs? I think I would have had my doubts until I'd read the Old Testament and see how His coming was prophecized and put two and two together.

  8. Okay, we got a murder case here where the defendant is facing death or life without parole if convicted, so let's select the best jury for it. By that I mean one of these people must be denied at the selection process. None of these individuals, except the state employee, have a strong opinion either way on capital punishment.

    1. Nick the Gamestop employee with conservative views

    2. Paul the Little League baseball coach involved in church and town activities for children

    3. Donna the college student with liberal views

    4. Steve the Vietnam veteran with combat experience

    5. Vince the plumber whose served time for shoplifting 30 years ago (he was a teenager)

    6. Patricia the brain surgeon

    7. Jack the retired criminal lawyer

    8. Carrie the bank employee who's the mother of a violent crime victim

    9. Bob the former cop whose seen enough murder cases to make him quite preceptive

    10. Stephanie the forensic scientist with full knowledge in the field

    11. Fred the Professor of Criminal Justice with law enforcement experience

    12. Amanda the real estate agent who lives alone with her dog

    13. Albert the state government employee who's not so hot on capital punishment

    If I were a lawyer, I'd eliminate Carrie because for one, I do not want to subject her to the emotional pain that might occur in the case due to a family member being a crime victim. Also, her opinion might be swayed because of it.

  9. On May 29th and 30th, I went to DC with my dad and younger brother.


    Members of the US Marine Corps Marching band


    82d Airborne vets


    God bless our Armed Forces


    Met this girl on another site. We've been talking for almost two years now and really grew to like each other. Finally met her in rl. I look tired because I am in that pic.


    Bad picture, but still cute. And there was nothing on my eye. :P

  10. Yeah, she's back to her old self today. So is the dog. I think the Lord was trying to show us something yesterday. Do you know police are afraid to look in that stream? This is so irresponsible not to fence the lake and stream up.

  11. Okay, I was on a trip to DC with my dad and younger brother. My mom stayed to look after the dog. Yesterday morning, she walked him, and as usual, when he starts pulling she lets him go free and she walks beside him. This is usually up north where she lives. She and my brother were visiting me in NJ. Dog is usually with me. Okay, I usually walk the dog by the side of the street. He decided to run into the woods and into the stream that goes into the lake. Now let me tell you about that lake. Many people have drowned in it because of the mud. My dog was struggling against it. My mom went into to save him and she managed to push him out. Then she started sinking. The water was up to her nose and she thought it was then end. And her last thought was that if it is she would say goodbye. She struggled against the mud to get her cell phone. Her friend called her and she told her to send her husband right away. Her husband saved my mom. The police arrived two minutes later, my mom called them after she called her friend. I could have lost my mom today but she is just fine. A little shaken, but fine. Goes to show that there is a God

  12. What I mean is, salvation comes with accepting Christ, but once we do that, should we focus on what's to come after death? I personally believe that we should focus on right now and living a life for the Lord in the mortal world. Also, about Hell, don't you think it is rather insincere to follow God out of fear of Hell (not pointing any fingers)? God would care whether we have accepted His salvation out of sincere love rather than just hoping to escape Hell or earn "Heaven points". Fear of Hell produces hypocrisy towards God and hypocrisy is a sin. Only sincere love of God and His son can bring salvation.

  13. I will start by going on record to say that I love Avatar: The Last Airbender (Legend of Aang in Europe). It has one of most well thought out and developed stories of all time. However, the live action movie was terrible. I'll try to be constructive in my review here.

    Special effects: Okay, this was the best part of the movie. The scenery was beautiful, the fight scenes were awesome despite how long it took just to bend air, and Appa and Momo didn't look like something that only exists in a computer.

    Story: I know each season is about ten hours long, but Night was running under the assumption that everybody saw the show. People who didn't see it would only get an extremely rushed story that focuses more on the world than the characters. When Peter Jackson directed Lord of the Rings, it still felt like Lord of the Rings. People who didn't read the books still knew what was going on. Sure he made some questionable changes, but it was still LOTR.

    Characters: ATLA had some of the finest character development in the fantasy genre. Each one had their own issue and grew up in some way. Most of all, each of them had definable personalities: Aang is a fun loving, naive, and dedicated reluctant hero; Katara is motherly, caring, short fused; Sokka is casual, sarcastic, occasionally rash, and has a bit of a bender envy, and so forth. In the movie, the characters had little to no personality, they were just archetypes. The actors put no emotion or effort into their acting. Katara and Sokka seemed like they didn't even need to be there, Aang was just bland, Zuko and Iroh were the only ones who were slightly believable, and even they seemed like they were studying the script. Zhao seemed like he was performing a comedic skit without the comedy.

    Script: I guess all my issues with this movie can be attributed to the "writing" of M. Night Shyamalan. The script was just plain terrible, so the actors didn't have much to work with. Shyamalan should not be allowed to make movies unless he hires people who know how to write a script.

  14. EDIT: I pposted in the wrong forum can somebody move this?

    I'm gonna take a page out of the Nostalgia Critic's book and do a top eleven list.

    11. Bowser from Mario: Classic baddie; a monster who kidnaps a princess and the hero has to go on a big adventure to save her. In most games, in the last battle, Bowser seems to go into a blind rage, and Mario outsmarts him, resulting in his defeat.

    10. Voldemort from Harry Potter: I'd place him pretty low on the list, mainly because of how he turned out in the last book. In the first six books, he was one mean mother, so in control and very intimidating. In the last book, he became such an annoying wimp. He was a whiny Prima-Donna and the final battle was epic fail.

    9. Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda games: I only played Ocarina of Time, but Ganon was a great villain there. He takes over Hyrule, cleverly anticipates every move Link and Zelda make, and uses this knowledge to his advantage. But, he just couldn't hold against the Hero of Time.

    8. Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII: An evil sorceress with a simple agenda. Instead of destroying or taking over the world, her ambition was to compress time and rule over it. You don't actually see her until the final battle, but she possesses a good sorceress, manipulates a war, nearly kills Rinoa and distorts the world. The battle against her is an epic one. Starts out with her in human form, she then summons a monster to atomize the heroes, she then possess the monster to make it even harder, and then you see her in a godly form.

    7. Secretary of State Vincent Hadden from the first three Syphon Filter games: A corrupt politician who wants nothing but power and will even resort to terrorism and war to achieve it. A real nasty baddie who gets what he deserves in the end. Mikhas Ivankov from the fourth game was alright, but he was just a stereotypical terrorist and not very original. "I'll nuke Moscow, make it seem like the US was responsible, and start a war between the two countries and let them destroy each other." That type of character has been done to death.

    6. Kuja from Final Fantasy IX: A melodramatic, cross-dressing villain who has everything planned out. He manipulates the most powerful country in the world to wage a war in the first two discs. Three cities are destroyed in that war. In the third disc, Kuja himself destroys the city of Alexandria. His goal is to rule over the planets of Gaia and Terra, but we learn that he, along the main protagonist are creations of a man named Garland in Terra. Zidane, the protagonist, was meant to be the permanent "Angel of Death" and Kuja was only temporary. There was a limit placed on his life. We find out after he kills Garland, who comes back as...something. A spiritual presence? So, after learning that he would soon die, Kuja decides to destroy the world After all, why should the world exist without him?

    5. Sauron from Lord of the Rings: You never see him, he doesn't speak a single line, but you know that he is the most evil thing in existence. Even the all-powerful Gandalf fears him. If he wishes it, his dark presence can be felt throughout Middle-earth. Forget all the atrocities his armies caused, it's the fear factor that really stands out for me.

    4. Azula from Avatar: the Last Airbender: Yes, I know Ozai is the main villain, but let's face it, Azula is much more interesting. Ozai is just a power hungry dictator. She is so evil and manipulative that you just love her. The blue fire adds more points to her. Whether she commits an act of evil out of duty or just for the laughs, it's epic.

    3. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII: This guy is badass incarnate. His ambition is to summon a meteor to destroy the world, so he can meld with the Lifestream, the world's spiritual energy, and become a god. On the way, he murders a good few thousand innocent people, including Aeris.

    2. Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars: Here is a guy you just love to hate. He is a mix of several forms of villains; the corrupt politician, the evil genius, the manipulative *******, and the Dark Lord. He started the problems in the galaxy by taxing the trade routes, pissing off the Federation. That led to the whole Naboo Crisis, and step one was complete. Palpatine was elected Chancellor. To the Republic, he was Palpatine, to the Separatists, he was Darth Sidious. Once he manipulated he Separatists into attacking the Republic, the senate voted him emergency powers. Step two was complete. Now he had the authority to create an Army of the Republic and wage a war against the Separatists. After losing two apprentices, he cleverly turned Anakin over to the Dark Side. That was step three. After that he used Anakin, now Darth Vader, and the clone troopers to eliminate the Jedi and the Separatist leaders. Everything had gone according to plan for him, and Palpatine declared himself the Emperor. For over twenty years, he held absolute power over the galaxy, but he didn't bank on the success of Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance. Ultimately, it never even crossed his mind that Anakin would come back into the Light Side of the Force and destroy him to save Luke.

    1. Krelian from Xenogears. This is a tragic character with a very complex goal. At first, he was on the good side, serving as the top general in the resistance movement against the onslaught of the Empire of Solaris. After Mother Sophia, to whom he had an unrequited love for sacrificed herself to allow the rebels a self retreat, he snapped. He concluded that if God existed, He would never have allowed this to happen, and if God doesn't exist, he would create God with his own hands. The means he takes to achieve this are deplorable. During that time, he became the leader of Solaris in order to help the Ministry achieve their goal of "Becoming one with God". He experimented on countless innocent people, forcing them to go through painful mutations, manipulating a war with Aveh and Kislev, resurrection Deus, a "god" machine which subsequently resulted in Deus absorbing the souls of 90% of the world's population. His ultimate goal was to have the -Contact-, our main protagonist Fei Fong Wong destroy Deus so the Wave Existence, or the true "God" could be free and return to His dimension. That way, Krelian and the world's population could be one with God, and never have to suffer again. I am not doing this beautiful masterpiece of a game any justice with this review. Krelian is more of an antihero than a true villain.

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