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Posts posted by imoss

  1. I can't prove it with scripture, but...

    1,000,000 chocolate bunnies are consumed over Easter in Great Britain.

    96% of people who eat chocolate bunnies start with the ears.....

    Vital information :whistling:

    Actually I believe this is scriptural......

    Luke 6:1 And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.


    And of course corn syrup is used with the chocolate to help in bunny formation. Definitely scriptural.

    scriptural and sculptural.

  2. Imagine searching the world for something and you happen to stop to rest and seek information at any random inn for the night, well out of all the chat rooms on the world wide web, this is where I have landed for the night! I am weary, and I need to turn back to Christ because I turned away too long, and I cant make it any further without him. My quest is to figure out what his purpose for me is. it burns within me and I know his plans for meare huge, but I dont know what he is calling me to. he just needs me, and the fire in me. and i know it has to do with end times with the return of Christ, and helping others. thats all I know.

    Bless your heart Erin I'm so happy for you. For me the first decade of my salvation I didnt seek Gods will and I didnt know how to be a Christian. I too was surrounded but unbelivers. I was ashamed of my faith though I would never admit it, worried they'd think i was nuts. (many of our friends are bikers, for sure they'd think i'm nuts lol!) turns out they think I'm a little nuts but I dont care anymore, when their chips are down they call me & praise the Lord thats what its all about!

    I grew in my faith slowly. I would sin and then feel too ashamed to pray for days. Satan loves that!!! When you sin, immediately talk to the Lord and let him know your regret. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means pray daily and read Gods word, washing your spirit with even just one passage, you'll be shocked at where that leads you and its relevance to exactly what you are going through. In prayer LISTEN. If scripture comes to your mind, look it up. Dont worry about praying in the right way (I would pray cause I didnt know how) Just talk to God.

    You are right, the Lord does have great purpose for you and I'm excited for what He has in store for you and hope you remain friends on here so we can see how this develops. Now as far as your husband goes. Unfortunately its most difficult to minister truth to those closest to us (I have issues with my brothers and dad) The thing is, its not our job to convert them. We are changed by the holy spirit within as we draw nearer to the Lord his light shines through us and they cant help but notice that. Pray for God to send people into their lives who would impact them in Christ and that Gods love in you would minister truth and soften their hearts to the Lord.

  3. I can't prove it with scripture, but...

    1,000,000 chocolate bunnies are consumed over Easter in Great Britain.

    96% of people who eat chocolate bunnies start with the ears.....

    Vital information :whistling:

    Actually I believe this is scriptural......

    Luke 6:1 And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.


    And of course corn syrup is used with the chocolate to help in bunny formation. Definitely scriptural.

  4. because....This is the song that doesn't end... It just goes on and on my friend... Some people Started singing it not knowing what it was... And they'll keep on singing it forever just because....This is the song that doesn't end...

    AFlast is doing the neverending song dance... its like the chicken dance.

  5. Hello bearthecross, nice to see you here & will be nice to see you hear! (I'm a little punny). How wonderful it will be for you to have clear hearing! I will keep you in my prayers on monday ok RJ. There is one on here who I just saw has a link to a daily audio bible reading if you are interested (you probably already have resources like that). I just took a listen today & the audio is quite good and the narrarator has a wonderful voice let me know if you'd like the posters name.

    so I'm curious how your system reads my posts & relays them to you? Isnt technology wonderful!

    Ok, you wanted to know whats going on with us. Today I played with my house (cleaned) and made a fire in my cookstove and baked buns & applecrisp & bannana cake (fruit always goes bad at the same time it seems!) I pinched home made pierogi's for dinner, watched my favorite Hockey team (montreal canadians aka HABS) win their 2nd playoff game against Boston. WAHOO!, I also squeezed in playing with my boys. It was my favorite kind of day. It was cold & snowy outside so the heat from the stove & the smells were so wonderful. I'm sure you appreciate smell. (or maybe sometimes not so much lol). I have 2 sons 10 and 6 and my husband and I have been together 21 years this summer.

    Bless your heart, its nice to meet you.

  6. I have alot of trouble with my memory & this effects scripture recall. For the last year though, my sons & I have been memorizing scripture. When you commit a scripture to memory as we have the Lords prayer it enables us to focus on chewing on the words and it enables the Lord to imprint upon our hearts the true meaning of those words... And we GROW!

    For those who have trouble (I'm 42 & spent 20 years making excuses) I strongly recommend it. We started with the entire 23rd psalm and you wouldnt believe the discussions I've had with my 10 & 6 year old while memorizing that psalm alone.

    I absolutely loved this and will be showing my boys as well.

    Thank you, you've blessed me today. :thumbsup:

  7. I was led to read Romans 14: 1-13 today and in prayer and reflection was considering this passage. For you got me thinking... I know the Lord will say "I never knew you" to some. In reading this passage I got thinking about how we are not to judge the faith of one who is but a babe in Christ.

    I was thinking about the effects of such righteous judgement upon one who goes to praise our glorious Lord but twice/year. For they are praising the Lord, for they do know the redemption that is in Christ Jesus but they only cheat themselves out of relationship with others and the Lord by not assembling regularily. If we stand in Judgement of them, they know that. They can sence those judging eyes (which are not from the Lord who loves them) when they see those judging eyes at church they have no desire to go back & thus separates them further from the Lord.

    I think that we are all parts of the body of Christ once we are in Christ. There are those, probably like you who are called to convict others of their err in their walk. This is a tough place to be in the body of Christ (much easier to be one called to edify thats for sure!) The thing is I think that this calling to convict others of righteousness should be done prayerfully and cautiously when dealing with one early in their walk. They should be validated where they are doing it right & gently encouraged to grow in Gods word. As they spend time in Gods word they will see passages about the gathering together and the Holy Spirit WILL minister truth to this.

    I know this was true for me. I stayed away from church for the longest time because I kept hearing how corrupt the church is and all that jazz. A truly wrong way to look upon my fellowship for sure. I thank God for my church now, been going for 15 months when we can (we live 45 minutes from town in the north so many sundays its not a good idea to be on the road)

    When you think that placing yourself within a building weekly makes you somehow more approved then another in Christ you err.

    When you sit in righteous judgement of the faith of another without having walked in their shoes you err.

    I want you to sit and take a good hard look at yourself and decide to love these annual church attenders as Christ loves you. For there is nothing we could ever do on this earth to earn the grace and mercy given upon that cross. You didnt earn it, they didnt earn it... (it may make you indignant that they choose to walk the way they do, this is not your concern its between them and the Lord) As for me, I didnt grow in my faith because I was surrounded by unbelievers and really didnt know how. I was not mentored or followed up on after I received the Lord. slowly though our present Lord got through the barrier of pride and fear and I praise him for that but would never judge another who is not "there" yet. I pity them a little though cause there is NOTHING like having relationship with CHrist and KNOWING him present!

    Bless your heart!

  8. yes I was referring to the thread title. I think the op is relaying that they wouldnt be confident with the government running health care since they cant get a stamp right. I dont blame the people for non confidence of the US gov, I just know I prefer our medical system as the poor arent left without.

  9. my moms cancer operations and treatments would have cost me at least my house. Why I am happy with our system.

    My boys were born, one needed special care. This would have cost me my car. Why I am happy with our system.

    Though its not perfect, the rich and poor alike receive treatment if necessary. There may be waits and one has to be agressive at times to get their treatment in a timely manner but at least the masses of empoverished are not left untreated due to lack of funds. Included with their social assistance is their medical. I have no problem paying for that in my premiums.

  10. You said, "I think there are people who simply do not like children."

    My question is - Why?

    Is that natural? Normal?

    I don't like children. Is it normal? Maybe not. But it is natural. Nothing in my past has made me reach this conclusion, the only thing that has made me dislike children is the fact that I find them annoying and just don't have the patience to deal with them. My brother and his family stayed with my parents over Christmas and they have a 2 young children (I think they are 4 and 6 or something, though I could be wrong) and a baby, who at the time was 6 months old. The baby is theirs, the other two they are legal guardians for. They were only around for a couple of days before they had to leave, but the two children drove me absolutely crazy. I had to keep leaving the room. My nephew....well, even I'm not that heartless, he is pretty darn adorable :wub: My flatmate has two nieces, one is 13 (or around that, maybe a bit younger) and the other is 6 (ish). The 13 year old I don't mind so much, the 6 year old...well, she's like a hurricane. She comes in the room, leaves a few minutes later and everything is a mess! I'm sure a lot of people find her adorable but I don't like spending too much time around children.

    Now, maybe it's just because they aren't related to me, but I honestly can't see me wanting to spend all that much around even my nephew when he is a toddler because, frankly, I don't like toddlers.

    So maybe that makes me a freak or something, but I don't care. It's just the way I am. Maybe one day I will meet a good (Christian) guy and get married and maybe at that point, I will change my mind about children. But for now, I don't like children, I don't want children and I am not going to apologise for that.

    Hee hee... this kinda cracked me up. I could have written this post 15 years ago... word for word almost to the T including the 2 children from my brothers wife's first relationship & my niece ROFL!!!

    Here's the deal though, when you have your kids its different. I expected to immediately go back to work. (still havent) For starters the behavior that you didnt like in other kids, well, we are models for our kids. if we are clean and model good habits they follow suit. My 6 year old joys cleaning his room. We play hoarders where we have throw away keep & donate... Anyway there's no way I can tell you how it is, just dont write off having kids cause others dont know how to raise em cause I'm pretty sure you'll do just fine.

    YOU CHILD HATER... hee hee... of course I'm kidding. Maybe you'll change your mind, maybe not... its all good... (they'll put slime on the windows of your car of blue.) :b:

  11. I think we need to remember that Jesus was not apprehended and crucifoed against His will...Scripture says He laid down His life....therefore it is something to be celebrated....it was not defeat but victory....and the demonstration of love and submission.

    People seem to forget that part. It's easier to see the hatred that went into the crucifixion of Jesus, then it is to see the act of love that was accomplished that day.


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