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Posts posted by imoss

  1. As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.  Proverbs 26:2   Every individual needs to declare this passage and claim who they are in Christs power.  PSALM 91  God bless and protect you all.  Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you will prosper. |

    Lord, you are the God of the valleys cast out every valley spirit in the name of Jesus and send them to the foot of the cross for you to deal with on the day of judgement. We take the shield of faith and we quench every fiery dart of the enemy in Jesus name Eph 6:16

  2. Janet, my cousin had his cancer cured after being placed in hospice care.  The cancer was in his lungs and stomach and liver.   He went from 90lbs on his 6 ft frame from not eating for 50 days to miraculous healing and yes his faith was maybe mustard seed size at that time.   The Lord gave him 7 years!  Be encouraged that no matter the outcome He has a perfect plan.  I've prayed for you.   His mercy endureth forever.

  3. yes, its amazing the ministry I do from my facebook alone.  Sadly I do have to keep the funny worldly posts going so they will read the Lord posts.   probably 95% of my friends dont know the Lord and have misconceptions about the Bible.  (ignorance)  They embrace new age easily but when I post biblical they revolt.  Very interesting and I tend to take them to task on it.   ie: WHAT on earth is wrong with the words "the Lord is close to the broken hearted?".   many heated (on their part) discussions take place but guided by the Holy Spirit there IS softening of hearts.  Note:  I've found that the ones who attack the Lord most tend to be the ones he's working on! 

    My greatest fear is causing another to stumble in their faith.
    My second greatest fear is my boys would walk away from God or partake in drugs.    

    FEAR IS NOT OF THE LORD!!!  I keep telling myself, however fear creeps in anyhow :/

  4. you resemble one of the cowboys on the amazing race and therefore in all tasks you will try to chase away last.  

    I now am last!

    on a side note I see this thread started off as Red worrying she kills threads... ironic the longest thread ever has these roots of thread kill accusation.  Now I wonder how did the thread become about last.  I'm far to lazy to read the 3657 pages of last mind you.

  5. I'll pray for you Hall7.  I didnt like myself much for a long time.  There is NO condemnation in Christ Jesus mind you.  I found my relationship with myself changed when I forgave my childhood offender.  In that, the condemnation that the evil one would throw at me I'd rebuke and say GET behind me satan in Jesus name.  Please I want you to do two things.  1.  first thing every morning pray & wash your spirit with even just one passage wherever the Lord leads you.   2.  Pray to be able to forgive those who offended you and MOST IMPORTANTLY yourself.  Its easy to receive Gods forgiveness & harder to forgive oneself.

    It was a stumbling block for me, focusing on my sin I had no consideration of my neighbor.  When I stopped focusing on my sin and started praying to know Gods will, suddenly loving my neighbour became easy.  Plus God always has a plan.  In our loving of them even the ones in addiction. they see the love. 

    I've never spoken to you before so know nothing about you or your situation.  I have the sense though that forgiveness is at the root of your self image problem.  Once you forgive you then you can step out in prayerful servitude.  Bless your heart!

    Please let me know if what I sense is correct :) nice to meet you, you are going to be just fine!

  6. I've always thought he was writing the various sins.  I've heard it preached that he was writing their names.  I am more inclined to think he was writing things such as "covet, lie, steal,..."  As these words would have imprinted on the hearts of the accusers becoming the accused.  

  7. My son was dealing with this. My pastor asked are there any new nicnacks or whatnot in your house since this happened. (inwardly I thought YEAH RIGHT... LOL) but my mind went to a little Philippines statue he got from his grandpa. we got rid of that & he has not had a night terror for a year praise the Lord.

    Had to admit maybe an undeserved curse can come to rest or that theres more to this spiritual battle than I knew. Later we blessed our house and went through to try to discern if there were any other items. As I was headed to the aboriginal drum my son made in school (i assumed this would be a problem) I was walking by a carving & was drawn to it. Then I noticed the tag on it the artist had his face superimposed on wood with his beard made to look like flames for his logo. On the inside were written these words:

    the locals believed that "wood spirits" inhabited the trees of our forests as does the artist. He looks for a face in the wood & works to release the spirit. :( YIKES!!! So amazed I never read the tag & was even more amazed as I walked through the house to discern unclean spirits that I was drawn to this.

    I was of the mindset greater is Christ in my than he who's in the world so dont worry about this sort of stuff. I suppose that worked for me until someone in my home endured great spiritual attack then I HAD to look at it differently.

    Bless your heart, I'm thankful you have also been delivered of this. btw my son would run into my room in terror & I couldnt understand what he was scared of he couldn't articulate it and what he did say was jumbled up words that made no sense put together. Hope this helps even just one person who shared my previous mindset that was toxic to my sons well being.

  8. Awesome!! Thanks for the share, I'd never heard this. Is perfect for my friend who's daughter has been missing for 17 months. Please say a little prayer for Madison scott. She went missing while camping her truck, purse & tent remained. There was a party at the site the night she went missing. Thanks guys, we try to have hope but after 17 months it begins to fade.

  9. My dad says cracklings lower the cholesterol ... after all, he got a large tub from warman saskatchewan and he went for his first followup appointment after his new cholesterol med's and his cholesterol is "PERFECT". must be them cracklins. lol

    This is the guy who's decided he's gonna be catholic cause them guys are the only ones who have purgatory and he wants to drink beer, smoke cigarettes & play cards with my cousin Hank in purgatory... Wonder if theres pork in purgatory? Suppose if there is that would be my dads version of heaven & therefore purgatory does not exist.

  10. My son had a bully at school and very few friends. He brought his bible to school one day. On the way to the bus I was concerned well, just because this would put a bigger target on him. I asked him are you SURE you want to bring your Bible (not voicing my concern). He said yes, if Jesus is my only friend I'm bringing him to school!

    No one said a word about his bible except 2 children who came & asked questions at lunch. Praise the Lord!!

    We need to start praying for our schools as well. The board can remove faith but wherever my son goes Jesus is also and the same can be said about any believing teacher or student in the system.

    It wont be long before they require him to leave the book at home. Up side is the bully was removed from our school & a year after, the rest of the kids finally settled into not making my son the target.

  11. my husband and I ride motorcycles. When people ask me where I have a tattoo (they just assume I do) I just say I like to express my individuality by not having a tattoo. ;) We stand out without them lol!

    I've come to notice that EVERYONE and their dog have tattoo's. I may not tattoo my dog either :D

  12. And the troubles are just beginning. It reminds me of the old word trick -- GODISNOWHERE -- We choose what we see in life based on our own actions. Unless we start putting God first again, we will begain shortly to see the trouble they are seeing across seas. It would be interesting to know how the freedom of religion is presently in Canada. Thanks for all of your time you put into finding these articles and posting. It certainly contains things I like checking daily for. God bless

    Our Prime Minister is Christian but unfortunately that doesnt mean he controls all things. Our society is rapidly becoming a new age based (people want to worship themselves or things) or faithless but our Prime Minister bless's Israel. Because he bless's Israel God bless's us.

  13. LOL sometimes i read posts here (and in other crazy threads :blink: ) and i cant stop laughing :24:

    and btw... sometimes i do actually roll on the floor laughing :P

    By doing this... does it make you a Holy Roller :huh: ...

    Nope, the only way I know of, is by riding one of these:



    Ok, that bikes AWESOME!!!

  14. Hello All:

    Just wanted to see what everyone thinks of the moral argument...

    Premise 1: Objective moral values and duties cannot exist without God

    Premise 2: Objective moral values and duties exist

    Logical Conclusion: God exists

    Do any atheists out there disagree with the premises? On what grounds?

    OK, I will cut and paste a moral question from another forum. If objective moral values existed, we should all agree on the answer to the following question. If we do not all agree, then it is questionable whether objective moral values actually exist, and if they do, who decides?

    - A is a very good person. She helped the poor all her life and she has always been devoted to reduce sufferance in this world. She considers herself a good Christian and tries to apply Jesus message in everything she does. But she does not believe in a literal Adam and Eve. She dies very young with this (dis)belief by trying to save a drowning child.

    - B was a war criminal. She is responsible for the death and misery of millions of people. Just before dying she accepts Jesus and a literal interpretation of Genesis with all her heart. She dies in her nineties in her comfortable bed with this newly acquired faith.


    According to your allegedly objective morality, who should be saved (eternity of bliss and happiness) and who should be condemned (eternity under infinite torment) ?

    Both are saved, neither condemned. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus regardless of our individual knowledge or interpretation of scripture. When I came face to face with the righteousness of God I fully understood that though I considered myself to be basically a good person... In the eyes of a Holy & just God I was black with sin. I was washed of that in an instant. I'm just as saved 20 years later & not perfect in scripture interpretation as I was the minute God gave me his grace & mercy.

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