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Posts posted by EstanciaDad

  1. Has anyone had a prison pen pal?

    I am seriously considering doing this and just wondered if anyone had any thoughts?

    I spent pretty much all day at work yesterday coming up with a for/against list and the for outway the against (both in number and, I think, in importance) but don't want to rush into anything as it is a big commitment. I have been thinking about it for while now (it was one of a few things I was thinking about doing) and I want to make a decision about it either way.

    If anyone has any thoughts that would be great.

    I was a prison pen-pal. Meaning, from the inside. One of the worst things a person can experience is going to prison, but even worse, is when your there and don't hear from anyone. Having been in those shoes, I can tell you that prisoners really covet ANY mail and will fight to the death to keep their correspondence. While incarcerated, for the first 3 years, I NEVER received any mail from anyone which really made me angry & bitter UNTIL I came to really know JESUS CHRIST and one of my prayers was to hear from someone, ANYONE, who lived "outside" and cared enough about me to write. Through CHRIST, I began to hear from folks which really helped to turn my life around. I have been out now for 22 years (ONLY THROUGH CHRIST), have a wonderful wife of 22 years with a fantastic family, all of which would never have happened if JESUS hadn't accepted me, and Christians hadn't cared enough to help me.

    So I thank each & every one of you that is there for us sinners!

  2. but an inmate told me something once that might be worth knowing: he told me that alot of guys, when they 1st get locked up, read the Bible alot because it makes them feel better but that they never really put it in practice and when they get out, they leave their Bible behind in prison. Basically, they try to be Chrisitians when they're locked up and forget about it when they get out. so, if i were involved in prison ministry, this would be something i would try to address.

    This is interesting to know. I will have to ask my small group leader about it as he does prison ministry.

    Having been in Prison as a inmate, I too know from experience that when most folks end up there, that they do indeed turn to the bible. In some rare cases, some of us have come to know JESUS and after our release have continued to follow HIS teachings & instruction. BUT.. I too was guilty of NOT doing this after my release, it was only after GOD kept reminding me of what HE has done for me THEN I have begun to really follow HIS directions.

    Since then, I have been out for 22 years next month and am involved in Prison Ministry. I had to accept the fact that Prison is where I belonged and also that JESUS wants me there for others too. So I have the personal experience of entering prisons through BOTH the Sally Port in chains AND through the front door as a free but saved man.

    So DON'T give up if your involved in a prison ministry because it's due to your love AND GOD'S that I am still free! If folks like yourself had not made the attempt to share God's word with me & others, then I would still be inside as a inmate.

    P.S. YOU, may never see results of the seed you helped plant BUT GOD DOES

    Thank you to each & every one of you for being there for me & others! I couldn't have done it without you

  3. I have been involved in prison ministry for the last 8 years. It has really been a blessing. I work with a interdenominational ministry of evangelical laymen and ministers who go into a state penal processing unit for the state. Most of these guys are at the front end of their sentence, just processing from the county jails and being evaluated psychologically, physically, and vocationally. We lead a weekly worship service and offer a free correspondence course. I am in a new ministry in Belhaven NC and I am leading a groiup of laymen in the church I pastor into a similiar ministry at a men's medium security prison in the adjacent county. What I would like to know is there anyone interested on the forum in sharing stories of your experience in prison ministry, or would like to know how to start a similiar ministry in your part of the world. It is amazing how relatively easy it is to organize and how eager the penal system is and how eager the inmates are to receive ministry.

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