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Love Wisdom Truth

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Posts posted by Love Wisdom Truth

  1. 1 Corinthians 13:2, And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so I could move mountains (tells us that gifts of the spirit can be had by less then perfect people, as should be obvious), and have not charity (Love), I am nothing (We now see the basis on which everything must be built--it is Love. If not, we are nothing!)

    I don't see anything wrong with this scripture.

    There's nothing wrong with the scripture. There's nothing wrong with any scripture. ;)

    The problem is that LWT is pushing a so-called "gospel of love" that far more resembles new age philosophy than Christianity. They're heavily into "God is Love" and consistently ignore everything else. LWT is trying to use this verse to tell us that, in the words of the Beatles, "All You Need Is Love."

    If the "Gospel of Love" (meaning believing in God is Love) as you understand it is my problem. - Then I am blessed. I can assure you, I will not give up that blessing for anything. :)


  2. .

    There is nothing divine about Christianity and it's many facets.

    Only the bible offers divine teaching.

    Problem is that many students attempt to twist it's words to suit their own "version" of Christianity.

    The thought "There is nothing divine about Christianity ...." is very extreme, and your thoughts showed that your "Christianity" is indeed different than mine. If Jesus didn't bring a Divine Teaching and if His teaching is not Divine at all, what Divine teaching are you following? I don't think you are following one at all. You maby be following some pastors, but not Christ.


  3. Showing love to the needed is a Christian act.

    Yet, the city should provide proper locations for feeding homeless. I see a lot of homeless and frankly many of them after using public restrooms miss to flush the toilet and wash their hands, .... In many parks play little children, pregnant women go for a walk. Concentrating homeless people (and that what feeding in parks would do) in parks increases the risk of a diseases among children. If you go downtown Los Angeles you will see many homeless urinate wherevere they can find a place and whole sections of streets smell like urine.

    Many homeless people are homeless because of a mental problem and are not able to take care of themselves. Homeless people with mentall issues do not belong to streets, and they should be taken careoff in proper institutions (-because they cannot take care of themselves.)

    Helping homeless must continue, but must be done with consideration for others. (It is more complicated than it looks)

  4. LWT - I'd really like to know what your belief is about the gospels, and to be clear, I mean the story of Jesus birth, death, resurrection and ascension. Do you believe they are literally true, and is salvation only by faith in His saving work?


    Candice, questions like this among others have been asked to LWT. To be honest, from what I have read from this person already, and the lack of honesty in thier replies concerning Christ, I see them as a wolf. This person is in here specifically to share another gospel. I pray that the mods begin to take a close look at the threads that LWT has created, and the avoidance to direct and necessary questions that need to be answered.

    I have reported him.

    Think like Jesus would like you to think, and act like Jesus would like you to act. God is watching and recording every word and action of yours (and everyone elses too) and will hold you accountable. If you really believe in God you will be held responsible to higher standards, because you have been told how to think and act, but have not.

    Christianity is a Divine teaching which must be applied today, not tomorrow.


  5. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.” Matthew 16:22

    Some may get offended by this, but the Christian people as a collective unit, have not yet applied completely the Christ teaching. Many say: "Now is not the time." But when? "In the future."

    The church often asks: "What do you think about Christ, is He the Son of God?" People solve all kind of issues before they have solved one fundamental. Do you know Christ as Love? Do you know HIs nobleness to sacrifice Himself for the whole humanity so He can uplift it? This is the important question/issue, the other ones are secondary.

  6. Here is my answer. Righteousness is an issue of the human intelligence.

    Righteousness can exist only where there is higher intelligence, in its very broad meaning - where there is wisdom and true knowledge. Intelligence that can control all human emotions, and in whatever conditions man could be, to be able to keep his balance. Only the smart man can be blessed.

    And you find this in the Scriptures - where?

    Use your head and think. Does it make sense? Is it a good food for you? The mistake many make is by thinking "All wisdom is in the Bible." A lot is in it, but obviously not all is put in it.

    The best way to find out if something is good or bad is by simply trying it or putting it to the test

  7. "BLESSED are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6"

    The strong words are "... who hunger and thirst..." Because only he, who is hungry and thirsty understands what thing is hunger and thirst. Jesus Christ uses these words that have one meaning (not multiple), Now Jesus is touching a fundamental issue - about Righteousness. My question to you is:

    Where can Righteusness exist?


    Here is my answer. Righteousness is an issue of the human intelligence.

    Righteousness can exist only where there is higher intelligence, in its very broad meaning - where there is wisdom and true knowledge. Intelligence that can control all human emotions, and in whatever conditions man could be, to be able to keep his balance. Only the smart man can be blessed.

  8. "BLESSED are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6"

    The strong words are "... who hunger and thirst..." Because only he, who is hungry and thirsty understands what thing is hunger and thirst. Jesus Christ uses these words that have one meaning (not multiple), Now Jesus is touching a fundamental issue - about Righteousness. My question to you is:

    Where can Righteusness exist?

    Please stick to the topic. If you have an answer post it. Thank you. If you have any questions not related to the topic, show some respect to others and do not post them here. Thank you.

  9. Jesus Christ is the Manifestation of God's Love.

    Jesus and the Father are One. This statement makes Jesus out to be less than that.

    He is the way to God.

    He is the way to the Father.

    Beinsa Douno never denied Jesus Christ a son of God.

    Saying "a" rather than "the" is problematic to what the Scripture teaches.

    In this understanding that we have to actually practice what Jesus preached than only we will be saved. IF YOU LOVE AS JESUS SHOWED HOW TO YOU WILL BE SAVED. Beinsa Douno analysis the Gospel IMO like no one else.

    Why did Jesus have to shed His blood and die if "love is all you need"?

    All I see here is false accusations. I have studied the lectures of Beinsa Douno for over 15 years and have not found not even one wrong sentence

    Those who accuse him of being a false teacher have read next to nothing.

    Well, so far your words are confirming the misgivings we have towards him and his teaching.

    And again, you are putting him on a pedestal.

    I can put him wherever I am convinced he should be. It is none of your business. I saw nothing, but good from Beinsa Douno. You can chant your negative opinion about him as much as you like that won't change my opinion or beliefs. (He as a matter of fact put himself on mine, yours, and everyones level.)

    I could seriously consider anybody's accusations provided he is:

    1. Righteous.

    2. Highly intelligent


    You are neither of those, so is the group of the accusers. (Does not sound nice, but is true. For the record, I am not too.)

    You and the others throwing stones, or making false accusations should read what Jesus Christ said to the crowd which brought the adulteress woman to Him for judgment. (If you need help with the conclusions I'll help you, the story has a deep meaning.).... P.S. Since the risk is high to understand the true meaning. I'll help you. Only Righteous people can throw/cast stones. Understand???

  10. Lwt, is Jesus your Lord and Savior? This is the is the starting point. if this cant be answered then there is no use continuing on with you. You are preaching another gospel.

    Explain please your meaning of the words "Lord" and "Savior".

    Because I have the feeling you are looking at a blue flower and I am looking at a red flower, and there is no use to argue what is the color of the flower, we are both right from our points of view. You got the point?

  11. Since you are the one who makes the accusations, Give me please the Title of the books and the Title of the lectures so I can check them myself.

    66 Books actually. 40 authors.

    The first one starts Genesis, and the last Revelation.

    You still have not answered the questions.

    Is Jesus your Lord and Saviour?

    Have you accepted Him into your life and asked Him to forgive you of your sins?

    Do you accept He died, was resurrected and will rise again?

    Do you accept Jesus as the Son of God?

    Do you accept the Bible as the only truth?

    Oh, and...

    How can one who preaches Love, brotherhood and sisterhood among people be somewhat "bad" is beyond me.

    Even Gandhi did that. Was he Christian?

    Buddhists do that. Are they Christian?

    JW's do that. Are they Christian?

    New agers do that. Are they Christian?

    White witches do that. Are they Christian?

    Your posts lack scriptural backing, hence they are misleading and wrong.


    (I will write in bold because it is easier to read. )

    You have some fundamental misunderstandings about Christianity and Christ brother. Sorry for directly addressing this which may hurt your or somebody else

  12. You can judge this or that person based on some people's opinion, but do you really consider all the facts to make a trully honest, fair, and intelligent judgement? I don't think so. (This take a bit of intelligince as well, and probably quite a bit.)

    People are free to write and twist the words/sayings of anybody in whatever way they wish.

    People may be calling themselves Christians, but if they do not keep His word they are lying they are Christians.

    What I see here is some people are not able to think with their heads.

    How can one who preaches Love, brotherhood and sisterhood among people be somewhat "bad" is beyond me.

    By throwing stones against someone based on other people's opinion you did nothing, but nailed another nail on Christ, because Christ is Love and he is Just. Just by calling yourself Christian will not make you one.

    Anyway, may God protect you.

    Jesus tells us we shall know them by their fruits. In a previous thread, I mentioned that you seem to be following the master and not Christ and you did not refute that statement, so do you follow Beinsa Douno or Jesus Christ? I would also like to ask if you believe everyone who shows love is saved, even if they don't believe in Jesus Christ?

    Jesus Christ and Beinsa both preached one and the same teaching. Beinsa Douno says there is only one true religion in the world and that is the religion of Love.[color=#FF0000]

    You can judge this or that person based on some people's opinion, but do you really consider all the facts to make a trully honest, fair, and intelligent judgement? I don't think so. (This take a bit of intelligince as well, and probably quite a bit.)

    People are free to write and twist the words/sayings of anybody in whatever way they wish.

    People may be calling themselves Christians, but if they do not keep His word they are lying they are Christians.

    What I see here is some people are not able to think with their heads.

    How can one who preaches Love, brotherhood and sisterhood among people be somewhat "bad" is beyond me.

    By throwing stones against someone based on other people's opinion you did nothing, but nailed another nail on Christ, because Christ is Love and he is Just. Just by calling yourself Christian will not make you one.

    Anyway, may God protect you.

    I have seen no one "throwing stones against someone based on other people's opinion" other than you. You have suggested that those here who do not agree with you and your "master" are just lacking the intelligence to grasp his profound thoughts. I find that plainly offensive.

    And none of the earlier posters has twisted anyone's words. They flat out cut and pasted from websites that SUPPORT Peter Deunov's teachings.

    You said, "Beinsa Douno preached what Jesus Christ has preached, no more no less." Please, show me in the Bible where Jesus Christ preached or taught anything remotely close to this:

    "One of the worst delusions is to think that Christ is in heaven, that he sits and waits for the Last Judgment, when he will begin to judge the living and the dead. The truth is that Christ has never left the earth." Peter Deunov

    or this:

    "It is not easy for a great Spirit such as Christ to come among men. Men had to work hard in the course of several thousand years in order that Christ might appear among them. It is not easy to come to the earth." Peter Deunov

    or this:

    "Through prayer, Christ communicated with the invisible world, with all the hierarchies there and with God. Through prayer the invisible world revealed to Christ that great lesson which He had to learn on earth, and disclosed to him the problem He had to solve in the environment of earthly life." Peter Deunov

    These are direct quotes from Peter Deunov. They are not twisted or misrepresented in any way. Yet they seem to be in direct opposition to what the Bible actually says. This isn't an opinion, it is simple fact. You can argue all you want, but it does not change the fact that Peter Deunov taught things that were and are impossible to reconcile with the Word of God. Love, brotherhood and sisterhood are all fine and well, but they are not the path to salvation. Jesus Christ alone can give us that.

    Since you are the one who makes the accusations, Give me please the Title of the books and the Title of the lectures so I can check them myself.


  13. You can judge this or that person based on some people's opinion, but do you really consider all the facts to make a trully honest, fair, and intelligent judgement? I don't think so. (This take a bit of intelligince as well, and probably quite a bit.)

    People are free to write and twist the words/sayings of anybody in whatever way they wish.

    People may be calling themselves Christians, but if they do not keep His word they are lying they are Christians.

    What I see here is some people are not able to think with their heads.

    How can one who preaches Love, brotherhood and sisterhood among people be somewhat "bad" is beyond me.

    By throwing stones against someone based on other people's opinion you did nothing, but nailed another nail on Christ, because Christ is Love and he is Just. Just by calling yourself Christian will not make you one.

    Anyway, may God protect you.

  14. "...My teaching is a teaching of Love, brotherhood and sisterhood of absolute freedom in which everyone respects the rights of the others. And the powerful are ready to be servants of the little and weak. This is the Divine teaching, this is what Christ has said and this is what Christ who is coming from above will tell you.... " This is what Beinsa Douno said in one of his lectures.

    How many have heard this in their churches? Maybe it is about time for the priests to start preaching these ideas of brotherhood and sisterhood among all people.

    Who is Beinsa Douno? Beinsa Douno preached what Jesus Christ has preached, no more no less.

    The Divine principles, ideas, and thoughts that Beinsa Douno gave are for all people, not just for a "chosen group" as some wrongfully state.

    Divine Blessings.

  15. As of now sorry, but you are OFF Topic and you are hijacking my topic.

    God protect you

    No need to be arrogant about it.

    Stick to the topic please. It is not fair to hijack anyone's topic.


    His queistion has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. If he wants to discuss something else, he should either open a new topic or send me a private message. I suppose there are rules on this forum as in many other forums which do not allow topic hijacking. Since when asking people to respect the standard rules on a forum is arrogance?)

    God be with you.

  16. Grace to you,

    First define for me who Jesus Christ is.:thumbsup:



    I am sure your educational level will allow you to read and understand the New Testament and find out the answer for yourself - If you truly have the desire to find out Who He is, not just to look for time killing discussions to prove again to yourself that no one out there understands the scripture better than you or as you do.

    As of now sorry, but you are OFF Topic and you are hijacking my topic.

    God protect you.

  17. Here are some links I have found. Please, show us where all these people are wrong. Each site goes into depth of what Peter taught and how they also follwo his teachings. If they differ then what you believe, sit and tell us of your faith.

    The English Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) Home Page

    Translations from Bulgarian of Authentic Versions of the Lectures and Other Works

    The White Brotherhood Society

    The Christ of The White Brotherhood Society

    It is late and I work tomorrow. I will continue to watch for your answers.

    God Bless.

    I am sorry, it will take me way too much time to read everything on the internet and show you what is wrong. It is the same if I show you web sites that wrongfully describe the Teaching of Jesus and ask you to show me where people are wrong. Way too much work for you right?

    Not everyone has good intentions out there. People crusified Jesus, let alone somebody else. They may willingly or unknowingly say bad things about anybody. We have to be smart enough to check things for ourselves before we hit with the hammer.

  18. Love Wisdom Truth, what in his teachings or your beliefs is the reason why Jesus came? What was His death for? Is He the Son of God, part of the Trinity?

    1. Jesus came to bring us the law of "Love one another."

    2. To pay for the humankind sins.

    3. He is the Son of God.

  19. I am fluent in Bulgarian and have never found in Beinsa Douno's lectures that he was preaching "Esoteric Christianity", or that he established "Esoteric Christian School."

    Anybody that knows better please bring proofs. Bring those lectures that say he was preaching Esoteric Christianity. One could see in the writings in wiki the "human" interpretation and human analysis and sometimes incomplete descriptions of what Beinsa Douno preached. Instead of writing what Beinsa Douno said, they describe the teaching from their point of view. I even suspect the person who wrote the page on wiki was not aware of the meaning of the term "Esoteric". Same thing is with the New Testament. We have so many "Churches. Baptist, Evangelical, Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic etc. etc. and each one says "we are the right one". God does not teach to you "Love is this and that and to me something else. It is us the humans who often do not understand the Word of God and color it the way we see It. Well some people see better than others. And some think that their vision is the best and that they should be the leaders of others. For me there is only One leader in the World and it is God our Father in Heaven.

    The religion of "Love one another." is way deeper than many think. Actually Beinsa Douno says "There is only one true religion in the world and that is the religion of Love.

    You may have everything, food, houses, money, but if you don't have Love you are nothing.

    Jesus showed love even to those who nailed Him to the cross. ""Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves .... "

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