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Posts posted by Isla

  1. Lucid dreams in themselves are not satanic as far as i know and i do not believe there is any 'spirit behind lucid dreaming'.

    It is a normal function that goes on in your sub-concious while you are asleep. I often have lucid dreams and have had for years, but i have never left my body (nor do i want to)

    I think this video went beyond 'learning how to have lucid dreams' and i think that the person who created the video is probably involved in the occult.

    Like the above poster, I'd also like to know whether or not the video gave you instructions and whether you followed these instructions as just watching the video doesn't seem to me to have been able to cause what happened to you...

    Obviously you unintentionally opened a doorway and unlike the poster Nyoka, i DONT believe this dream was from God at all. Definitely demons have found a doorway and are playing with your mind. Repent from this, rebuke these demons and just be more careful in the future what you watch - God bless.

  2. Ok so a while back i had a confronting experience. Now it was very vivid so i can't say whether i was actually asleep or not. Anyway, i wake up in the middle of the night and i immediately sense the evil in my room. It's a very dark, hopeless, yucky and all round disgusting feeling. I then realise that i am levitating about 1metre above my bed while laying on my back. It was a very strange feeling and I know that there is an evil being floating right above my body holding me in position. I cannot see it in all of the darkness but I feel it draining the life out of my body. i mean literally draining me and i feel like i am going to die from it. The first thought that popped into my head was "oh no, i can't let my mum find me dead in my bed."

    So i make sure i don't start freaking out and decide to rebuke it. When i go to open my mouth to rebuke it, the bloody demon closes my mouth shut! It wouldn't allow me to open it and it continues to drain me! Now when this happened, i lost it for a second. Then I decided there was no point in worrying about it so i should try something else. I then begin to rebuke it in my mind and when i do, i can talk again. I say "the lord rebuke you!" and it flies around my room a bit and leaves. As it leaves my body begins to slowly fall back onto my bed and i feel my feet hit the covers first followed by the rest of my body.

    Next thing i remember is waking up in the morning and thinking "what happened last night, i wanna kill that thing!"

    It was probably the worst spiritual experience i have ever had.

    Wow, Dionysiou, I don't know how you didn't freak out, i know i would have. I've had situations where there was a demon next to my bed and i could not move or speak but in my mind I rebuked the demon and it went away. The name of Jesus is so powerful that they run away automatically when rebuked. They usually come back at different seasons, they don't give up but - we always have the name of Jesus to rebuke them with and it works everytime.

    It must have been so scary to actually levitate.....I can't even imagine. Was it really your whole body levitating or was it an out-of-body experience?

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