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Joe Christian

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Posts posted by Joe Christian

  1. I love you all, you are so great. I just want all of you that post for prayer, I don't always respond with a post, but I pray every day that the Lord be with everyone, he knows all your needs. I pray that the Lord will bless Worthy and its members. I just felt led to let you all know that I DO pray for your requests, whether you see a response or not. Love you all in Christ, Joe. :noidea:

  2. Reaperman, I guess you would rather have communisim? President Ronald Reagan face it head on. All Presidents before him with the exception of President Kennedy, told them to their face who and what they were. Saddam and Osama understand one thing. Force. I'm so sick of you evironmentalists crying over every little thing. Remember the movie Armegeddon? What were the Greenpeace people protesting in, at the first of the movie? A worn out Boat that slugged out soot of diesel exhaust. President Theodore Rosevelt did more for the environment than any other presidents. The last prime Minister you had that had any guts was Margeret Thatcher, I, myself am skeptical of Mr. Blair. I hope I'm wrong. By the way, Reaper, how many of your country have been killed in terrorists acts in the last 20 years? This isn't just for us, you know. World Policeman, don't like it better than you. But listen to the Toby Keith song, "Angry American" "This dog will bite if you rattle his cage" abnd we're sick and tired of cowards that brainwash nice young folks into becoming human bombs an taking out our people, so, like president Bush said, "You're either with the terrorists, or with us." You seemed to have chosen your side. So, go hug a tree, and leave the job of fighting teror in the hands most capapble of doing so.

  3. Yes, Lady C, he casts our sins as far as the east is from the west. President Bush is a forgiven sinner like all the rest of us. I'd still rather have President Bush than his predecssor, any day of the week and twice on Sunday.(Pardon the pun like suggestion) If someone doesn't vote, it boils me that then they think they should complain. The least you could do is vote again' someone, I have, many times. It's one of the few rights we have left. Use it. It adds more validity to your argument, at least. The Clinton's and the Buhses? ROFL. Yeah, they are real close....I guess that's why Laura had to have the White House scrubbed from top to bottom after they left all the holes and graffitii there, and why Bill had to make an unprecedented departure speech interuppting the "peaceful transfer of power". We had Presidents who just about or did hate each other, but none besides good ol' Bill, (that I know of) had to try and upstand the new President. How undignified. You want to talk about President Bush? Ok. Lives in Texas. Summers a little in Maine. Will go back to Texas. Bill and Hilary lived in Arkansas, after Bill leaves office, she decides to become a Senator. From.....NEW YORK! ( Oh, better by a house and live in New York. Arakansas? never heard of it... wait....wasn't I Governor there, Hilary? Oh, better throw that state a bone. I'll build my ugly library there. ) So, really, who spits on their constituents and citizens?

  4. Amen, Mike. I had a chance to go into the service when I was 18, chose not to, one of the BIGGEST mistakes of my life. I made up for it by being a Police Officer and Volunteer Firefighter. Alot of people hate cops till they need one. Firefighters are great, but when you help save someone's daycare or their resturant, no thank you's. I kind of agree with Jack Nicholson in a Few Good Men, "I don't want medals and I don't want ribbons, I'd just rather you said thank you and went on your way." Is it that hard to tell someone, a veteran, a currant member of the armed forces, a policeman, a firefighter or anyone else that serves in a public capacity thank you? So many people say, "Well, that's their job." Don't you tell your Dr. thank you when he helps alliviate your pain? What about the attorney that gets you off on that speeding ticket? Once, my dad was in a fast food resturant. There were a couple of State Troopers in there on their lunch break. He walked up to them,shook their hands and said, "I love you guys. You are the best. Thank You for what you do everyday." They were a little stunned, but they told him, "Sir, you are very welcome. We're glad to be there for our citizens." Nice post ,nozomashii, President Bush is not evil, he is fighting evil. When you fight the wicked and evil, you need to be forceful. Sometimes you have to stand up for youself, and not let people walk all over you.

  5. I sat through Friday night and listened as every news station from here in Calif to New York talked about the up coming wedding of Donald Trump.  Am I the only one who is not impressed? Here is just a partial list of things they felt inquiring minds wanted to know.  Diamond engagement ring that cost $750,000  (Donald got if for half price) 15 karats I believe, it must look like a glass doornob . A dress that weighs 50 pounds and cost $250,000. (It's a wonder she had enough energy for the honeymoon after draging that thing around with her for hours)  A cake that had a price tag of over $10,000 and the list of gifts that were requested ran into the hundreds and thousands of dollars.  This is wife number three.  Would someone please tell me why this man feels he has to let the whole world every time his pants are on fire?  This man has no class.  He thrives on being rude and making people feel like second class citizens, and that hair cut!!!!!  (I'm the wife of a barber.)  Anyway I just wanted to get some thoughts from my brothers and sisters at Worthy.  Have a ball with this one guys!  Thanks :emot-hug:


    Wedding dress......250 thousand

    Wedding ring........750 thousand

    Wedding Cake....... 10 Thousand

    RUSTY ANGEL posting a thread raising cain about it........PRICELESS!!

    I Guess you CAN have your cake and eat it too!! :emot-hug:

  6. I understand this type of frustration over our tax money being spent different ways. I remember when President Bush took office, he promised us tax relief. My wife and I recieved a refund check under 500.00, BUT, we were able to pay off one debt and purchase neccessary items we needed, new tires for our car for example. When we were attacked ( the attack of Sept. 11th ) everything changed. Lady C is right, we need to protect our men and women the best we can. The previous administration cut military spending. We need to have a strong military and not strip it down. President Reagan understood this, and beefed up the military. Whenever the military is stripped down, it doesn't take much time, but it really takes much more time to build it back up. We should always be ready with a strong military. If you had an expensive dog for protection, but didn't feed him properly, how effective would he be when you needed him? I'm giving the military a "pat on the back" they are our guard dogs, they have tenacity, grit, and determination. They deserve all we can give. I voted for President Bush, becuase he makes a real effort, he's a Christian who believes that little babies shouldn't be killed just because they are a little inconvienence, and I believe it's not a good idea to change administrations in the middle of a war. Plus I couldn't stand voting for a man that came back from a war and spit on his comrades in arms. He also said in one of the debates that he wanted to reduce terrorism to what it used to be, " a pesky, little nusciance" to that effect. President Reagan did not consider an airplane blown out of the sky over Scotland " a pesky nusciance " He took action on Libya. What happened after we went after Saddam? Kadafy,( Quadafy, however it's spelled these days) basically said, "Hey, George, uh...I have some nuclear stuff here, would you like to help me get rid of it?" He knew we were serious about terrorism. President Bush has taken unprecedented measures for our safety,much as I believe Ronald Reagan would have if this would have happened on his watch. Is it hard to swallow? Yes. He said it would be and it would not be a short term war either. President Bush does not always make me happy, but I know I wouldn't want the job, and I haven't met anyone that could do any better.Okay, as for oil, yes, we fight for oil. If we didn't, we would grind to a halt. We need to be more dependent on ourselves. But "Oh, no, we can't drill here, we can't drill there we might damage a tree or something." These big celebrities that "love" the environment don't think much of our resources when they will show up at all these award shows with all that expensive clothing, makeup made from animal items, diamonds that would finance whole countries for a year or two,and arrive in big limmos with their big gas gussling engines. Yes, we give to other countries when disaster strikes, but we also need to be prepared militarily so we will be here to help those countries.Okay, I'm sure to be attacked for something I said, so that's it from here. By the way, Lady C, my prayers are with you and your daughter, as well as you, NH Marine. God bless our troops. And all of us need to pray for President George W. Bush, his cabinet, Congress, and our respective state and local leaders, whether you agree with them or not. Yours in Christ, Joe.

  7. Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." This is an area of interest for me. I am not an angel worshipper, just exploring the neat things God does and how he does them. I had a pastor tell about a time when he was pastor of a small church in a very small community. The church roof needed to be re-shingled. His congregation was 99% elderly, so none of the men could help. The material was bought, and by faith he decided after much prayer for help, ( he was in his 60's himself) to begin on a certain day. He said he prayed the night before and the morning of asking for God to provide him some help for the task. Then he began prepare to begin the project. There was a man that started to walk up the lane from the highway that led up to the church. They exchanged greetings, it turned out the man was a roofer by trade. He was asking if the pastor needed help. The pastor told him, yes, but he could not pay him, but he would be able to give him room and board in exchange for work. The man said that would be acceptable. So, they began work. They fellowshippped the whole time, ate meals with the pastor and his wife, and he slept in a back room of the church. After the project was over and the man was about to leave. They exchanged pleasantries at the front of the church. They said good bye, the pastor turned around to walk back in, then thought of something else he wished to say,turned around, and the man was GONE. He did not have time to reach the highway. He believed God sent someone to help him to repair the roof. An angel possibly?

  8. My wife met Karen and Richard Carpenter when she was in Colorado. They were at the Air Force Academy giving a concert and my wife's choir from school sang back up for them. She has an autograped picture of Karen. She is one of my wife's favorite singers. They were very nice to all the kids and spent some extra time with them after the preformance. It is such a shame that she died so young and with what we know now, she may have been able to beat her disorder before it cosumed her.

  9. If I had to guess, everyone was so excited about getting the Memorial built, Those who could manage it left it out. I think there could be a chance of getting it changed, it hasn't been there too long. Our WW2 vets should know about this, lots of them if it were pointed out, would want it stated correctly. I would sign any petition to get the whole speech in, as I gladly donated to the cause to build the Memorial itself.

  10. No, I would not hit a person on that basis. I would remind a person that is a Christian that that is not proper. I, like Work In Progress, would not rebuke you, at least right away. Continually using the Lords name in vain is something I used to battle alot because swearing was a way of expression in my house where I grew up.(not excusing it, just illustrating how a habit like that is hard to break for some)A preson, that well, like an aquaintance at work lets say, continually uses Jesus' name in a blatant and useless way I would say now that I would have a duty as a Christian to ask them not to do that around me, as I am a Christian and it is offensive to me. If the person tells me to___________(whatever) then I would resort to conversing with that person only when I needed to. Good thing to discuss and get input on. :emot-hug:

  11. Praise God, Rusty! We thank him for providing it, and thanks to the one that was willing to give it in the event they were taken. That is the best gift a person could give, besides their life itself. Thank the Lord he engineered our bodies in such a way. Continuing to pray for Lee. :)

  12. War is not a sin... wars happened in the bible, God gave triumph to those who fought on his behalf. If war was as sin, why did we win our independence out of war? If war was a sin, why did Abraham Lincoln use war to preserve the Union? (which I might add, if he hadn't, we would be experiencing some of the same problems in other places right now ) war in itself is not a sin. Think of Sgt. Alvin C. York, who before the time of WW1, had become a Christian. He wrestled with the thought of war and killing his fellow man but upon realizing he had a duty to perform ( Render unto Ceaser what is Ceasers, render unto God, what is Gods.) He went to war, did his duty valiantly, and then returned to the U.S. Not to mention he did not "cash" in on his heroics and most honorable service. War is not sin, killing your own people when you are responsible for their well being, THAT is a sin. Controversial things happen in war. History always bears that out and it will tell the "should'ves, would'ves, could'ves." Hindsight is always 20/20. But for now, we should stand behind our President and pray for him as he starts his second term. I do not always agree with him, but I believe he is up to this task much more than either of the men that ran against him for the office. JMO. P.S. There are causulties on both sides and are not always physical or military only. I agree, sadly, it happens in any war or conflict.

  13. Can't say I love Wal-Mart, but in a fairly small town it's the cheapest (usually) for most items. One thing that gripes me though is I have to pay 2 dollars extra because I wear XXL. Doe's it really take that much more material? I think not and I seriously doubt that I will change my mind about that. Then again, look at K-Mart, I went to three stores one day in the same town looking for an item, I noticed on several of the items, none of the stores had the same prices! Besides, they have Martha Stewart representing their store items. K-Mart has pretty much lost my business because they have a liar and a person convicted of financial related crimes still representing their company.

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