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Joe Christian

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Posts posted by Joe Christian

  1. Yes, there are two sides to everything but there eveidently is no sure way to tell what she wanted before. I say again, please let ALL the family that you can, your wishes and get paper work in order then there will be no ambugity, if God forbid, something happens to you. I am including myself in this and I am going to get this taken care of very soon, so my wife, family, or myself do not have to "guess" in case the event arises.

    Oh, and as far as Kevorkian, he is not considered a doctor by me, he's just a guy who got his kicks killing people. JMO.


  2. Oh, my stars!

    Samantha Stevens, Bewitched.

    A hint for my question... Who used to say, "There ya go..."

    A "cowboy dropped in a big city" Ok. two hints. :blink:

    Here's another one...

    "Intellegence is something I try to avoid."

  3. Well, Martha is out of jail. They sure didn't waste any time getting her out. Now, it's back home for a little R&R. But, she has to wear an ankle bracelet. (for 5 whole months. Gee, as fast as she was sprung, they will have the scissors ready down to the second, when that time is up.)

    Reportedly, when the facility had a Holiday Decorating contest...she didn't win.

    According to the report on Yahoo, while in prison, Martha had to eat from a vending machine, besides her dandilion, greens and microwave recipies.

    Now, she has all her money back, and is back in her cushy mansion.

    Oh, she's also going to have her own show, like Donald Trumps'"The Apprentice".

    And in the day of "real" journalism, Paula Zahn had a whole special decvoted to poor Martha's plight and horrendous ordeal.

    Now, Martha is back raking in her money from K-Mart, now Sears... (or is it Sears and now K-Mart?)

    Okay folks...I've vented, but being we have a thread on Prisons and prisoners and how hard it is to be in one, be a guard in one, I can't feel anything but disugust at how she is treated like such a queen. I don't see any kind of change in her attitude, still stuck-up. Same ol' Martha.

    Just needed to get that off my chest, thanks for listening.


  4. Big Steve, Constant, Shelby, & others in such similar jobs, ministries, etc.

    A BIG THANK YOU!!!!! Thanks to you all that keep us safe by guarding those that can be a risk to our safety. We appreciate what you do, especially with a Christian attitude. You all seem to have the right mindset to your duties. I know that it is not easy to strike a balance, but you all show that you can do your jobs with professionalism, and with Christian compassion.

    God bless you and keep you safe, and use you to glorify Him in your positions. In tune with Hill Street Blues' Sgt. Phil Esterhaus, "Let's be careful in there." :thumbsup:



  5. Since we all like the T.V. thread...let's do a little trivia.

    Rules are simple...

    Answer the question, then give one. Old shows only...off air...( re runs count) If it's a quote, name character or at least the show. Here we goooooo!

    Here's mine...

    This main character had a catch phrase. He always said,

    "There you go..."

  6. I understand the positions of Constant, Big Steve, and others. You folks have a BIG responsiblity. I admire the way you do your jobs. I am a former police officer and have seen some really scary stuff and been involved in some really sad situations. We had a small municipal jail at one department I worked at. Just a small taste of what you folks deal with. Yes, this is a very deep thread, I'm glad to see so far that all agree that all those in prison and local jails need Jesus.

    Constant, you have a good approach in your situation. Only know the most pertenant information you need for safety reasons, as I believe Big Steve would agree. Knowing the what they have done, will not change anything. Satan will use it to tell you that they are not worth Jesus saving, and use your own human emotions against you.

    I also had a brother that was in prison. He is doing well, and is working a job and getting his life back together. Thank the Lord.

  7. A fellow got a raise at his job. It was a substantial one, and he noticed how much his tithe would be going up. He talked to the pastor and explained his situation. The pastor said, "Well, lets pray about that right now." "What do we pray for, pastor?" "We're gonna pray that God get's your wages back down to where your not so strapped."


  8. We are not talking someone who is in a complete vegitative state. I saw the Larry King Show about this, and heard from Terry's parents that they want to take care of their daughter, and will take all financial responsiblity. I wonder too about Terry's husband's motives. I encourage everyone, make sure your whole family knows your wishes in a situation such as this. Have paperwork concerning this made up so there is no question about what you want to be done in the event you cannot speak for yourself, concerning a matter such as this.

    Just my two cents worth.



    P.S. Arthur, I agree with your disgust for Kevorkian. In my opinion the guy just really enjoys killing people.

  9. I need security in my salvation. If I don't, I will end up back going to a nervous breakdown, or just hang it up all together. Now, my understanding of works is "just doing good and doing kind things for people, among other worthy causes." Now, this does not save someone. Only calling upon Jesus Christ and accepting him and asking him to forgive your sins, will save you, then you must show friut of growing spiritually and growing stronger in Him as you walk. Just by accepting that saving grace, it takes faith, not work to accept this gift of grace from the Lord.

  10. No surprise that the U.N. is stepping up things. Makes me wonder, what did alot of the preachers and teachers thought back when Woodrow Wilson tried to get the League of Nations started? I agree, it's all coming to a head. They are going to do what they want to do, they always have, and always will.

  11. I'm not for splitting hairs either, but in my own opinion, I will call Jesus, Jesus, I will call Christ, Christ, I will call him Jesus Christ. I do not think I will refer to him as Jesus The Christ. For me to do so , will make me feel I have a lesser relationship with him. For example, if I had a close friend named John Smith, I would not refer to him as John The Smith. But, like I said, JMO. We are to love all people, and we will fellowship with one another, whether it is close or casual. If we treat others with respect, I think that is the real issue. We can always agree to disagree. I have a aquantance that is a Jehovah's Witness, he respects my beliefs and I respect him as he believes as he does. I think we should surround ourselves with other like believers as much as possible, but we will always have those around us that we don't agree with. Jesus would want us to get along with such people, as he shows love to all, so should we.



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