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  1. I too believe we are in the end times but also no the 7 year tribulation cannot take place until the rapture takes place. I talk to people and ask what they believe in and most have no idea. They believe in god but donot know the gospel of salvation. In fact asking so called christians and they to do not know how to be saved. Some say just believe in god...others say allow jesus into your heart....these are not the gospel of salvation. the bible teaches when the end of the gentiles is fulfilled the true believers shall be raptured out of here and by the answers people give me...it tells me the time is near. I believe that when the rapture takes place and all believers are gone...that the world will come together to try and find and explanation to it all...and at that time peace will come to the middle east. then after the 3 and half years..then destruction will come....
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