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Posts posted by TeeClark

  1. Amen Midge! You know sometimes we go through things in our lives that seem impossible to achieve but then somehow the Lord always comes through for us to get to the other side. In these situations I often think of my favorite quote: If the Lord brings you to it... He wil bring you through it! Thanks Midge for sharing that testimony with us.. It really hit a spot in my heart. I love you Sis... and Have a Merry Christmas. Teresadc

    This is Midge. In 1970, my arthritis started hurting me. By the year 2000, I was pretty much stuck in a chair. So I got chairs on wheels and kept on doing what I could. Then God led me to some doctors who started working on me, one bone and one pain at a time. I got a hip replacement, then both knees replaced. Then I was in therapy and rehabilitation . Three weeks ago, my therapist found my last painful site and fixed it. My brain is having a hard time adjusting. I keep expecting certain movements to hurt, but they don't!

    My God is so good !!!

    My therapist told me to walk more. I love sitting here at my computer and God knows me real well. The day after I was told to walk more, we decided to go shopping and while we were sitting at a red light, someone drove into the back of us. It jammed the door so we could not get my scooter out. Anywhere I wanted to go during the next two weeks, I had to walk. God is so funny!

    I am praising God for healing. And I am asking for more jobs to do for Him.

    Praise the Lord !


  2. Seth Lakeman, 10th October this year. Most amazing gig I have ever been too, I absolutely loved it! Though it was nowhere near long enough.

    Is the person below me happy or sad at the moment?

    At the moment I am very sad. My grandmother, who was my mentor, passed away last Tuesday and I am having a very hard time dealing with it.

    How long has the Person below me been a member at Worthy?

  3. I had been teaching my three-year old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer. For several evenings, at bedtime, she would repeat after me the lines from the prayer.

    Finally, she decided to go solo. I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer:

    "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us from e-mail. Amen."

  4. Six-year old Angie and her four-year old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang and talked out loud.

    Finally, his big sister had had enough. "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church."

    "Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked.

    Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, "See those two men standing by the door? They're hushers."

  5. Even before my husband and I met, I was raised in church. But, not from my parents. My grandmother took me. I was saved at the age of 21 in the same church I grew up in. After our first Son was born, I went to my husband who also was Christian and told him that I wanted to start our on tradition where our Son would not get up on Christmas morning with only Santa on his mind. So, we came up with the idea that We would give Ole Saint Nick a call and see if he could make it to our house early every year while we were out my parents house opening gifts. Then when we came home from my parents, he would get a early surprise. We had one more child after that 2 years later and we did that for years. The on Christmas morning i would have a big breakfast cooked and we would then all gather around and my husband would read the Christmas story, how Jesus was born, and the real meaning of Christmas to our kids. That way when they got up the next morning there weren't all consumed with Santa Claus. This year will be our first Christmas without him here to share those moments with our boys but I fully intend on keeping that tradition on that was made over 10 years ago.

  6. I know what the common meaning of adultry is... but how far can you go before you actually committ adultry. I had a situation a few months ago when my husband found someone new and wasn't happy in the marriage so he moved out and moved in with his parents. I thought something was up when all throughout our marriage he was never interested in losing weight. Then all of a sudden before he left he wanted to join a gym and went on this big diet. I was very proud of him until I found out he was doing it for another woman and not me. He had actually just picked up one day, looked me in the face, and told me that I didn't make him happy anymore and he was leaving... but all he wanted was his clothes, truck, and mounted fish. I was so crushed at the time that him only taking those items didn't mean much to me until 3 days after he left he called and wanted me to get the divorce papers written up. I told him he was the one that left that he could have it done and pay for it too. He then told me that No.. he was going to pay for it and would agree to all that was in the papers as long as he could see our boys. That threw up another red flag. So it took me about 2 weeks to gather myself to go have this done. It took the lawyer a few days to get it written up and I called him and told him it was ready for him to sign it. so, within a month of him leaving we had divorced papers fixed up, agreed upon. and signed. Then 2 days after they were signed he called me and asked me how soon he could start dating. I told him not until the 60 days was up and the judge had signed the papers. Apparantly everyone in our church that I grew up in didn't see a problem with him dating before the divorce was final. I thought after 11 years of marriage that he could at least give me that much respect. I feel he committed adultry for the entire time he moved out and possibly even before he moved out..... What do you think?

  7. I personally have several Scofield Study Bibles. I have always found them useful. I even bought both my children one as their first Bibles.

    So in my opinion... You go ahead with the studies, I believe you will really benefit from it.

  8. As I sit here in my home, looking out the window... I can't help but ask myself..Am I really thankful? I'm looking outside at the fall leaves on the trees and how beautiful they are..Have I thanked the one who made those for me to look at? I look around this room and see all the extra wants in here that alot of people live without...Am I thankful for those little things that make life a little bit more enjoyable? I think about the food that I just consumed... Do I stop and think about how blessed I am because I was able to enjoy that food without having to starve for days before getting it? There is so much going on in this world today that most of the time I lose sight of the blessings that I have because I am too worried about what tomorrow holds for me. Life is short..and we only have one shot at it...So.. I can sit and think about alot of things in my life right now that I wish I wasn't going through but the real test comes when you can look around and realize that it really doesn't matter how perfect someone elses life seems to you but you can look around and see just how blessed you are with the little things in life that we take for granted everyday. I challenge you look around in the room you are sitting in right now.. look at all the "extras" you have that you don't have to have to survive, think about the nice clothes that your children/grandchildren are wearing that you didn't have to dig through the dumpsters to find, think about how much easier life is that you can get into your car outside to go to town in instead of having to think about how long it will take you to walk, but most of all.. I want you to think about how much Jesus loves you that he went to that cross.. took that beating.. shed his own blood and died for You that one day you can have a mansion in heaven and be able to walk on that street of Gold. Remember that he loves you so much that he knows the exact number of hairs on your head. He loves you so much that he allowed you to be born, to freely worship him anytime you wish, So.. have you really thanked him lately?

  9. I found myself in a situation last week that left me very scared for my own life. I was so depressed that the thought of ending my life was greater than I could deal with. At the time I thought I had thought everything out clearly but looking back on it now I realize that the devil was doing all my thinking for me. You see, being a pastors wife doesn't keep the devil off my back anymore than anyone else. I had let the stresses of this world get to me. I thought that maybe my problems had gone too far to go to the Lord with because I had carried them for so long on my own that I didn't feel like that he would even want them. Now.. looking back on all of it.. I realize that it was only the devil trying to trip me up. I had a friend tell me that I must be doing something right in my Christian walk for the devil to be paying me this much attention. You see.. he isn't interested in a luke warm Christian. They aren't doing anything for the Lord that bothers satan. I wanted to just thank everyone that has been praying for me in this difficult time in my life but most of all I want to thank the Lord for showing me that not only had he not left me that he had prepared a way out of that valley for me. Isn't it wonderful when you really think to yourself... Now.. how is the Lord going to handle this problem in my life and then he has already gotten it taken care of before you realize what has happened. My Sunday School teacher told me today that if we watch what we feed our minds then the things that come out of our mouths won't be as hard to deal with. Have you ever thought about where every sin that you have ever commited actually started at? It always starts in the Mind.. no matter what the sin is... So if we pay closer attention to the material that goes in our minds that our lives might be a little better. You see.. my life could have been alot different today than what it is if I had've been "all alone" as the devil wanted me to think. So.. If I can leave you with one thought it would be... be careful and mindful of where those thoughts are actually coming from in your head. I know that if it hadn't been for the Lord taking care of me.... the devil would have won that battle in my life. See.. you may put your guard down and let him win battles in your life.. but the big war is already won and he is the loser. So.. when you are having doubts in your head and you can't put a finger on where they are coming from... remember that the Lord tells us that the devil is the author of confussion. Thanks for taking the time to read my newest praise... Love in Christ, Teresa

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