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Posts posted by brightmorningstar

  1. As long as they're only barred from doing so publicly, I welcome that law fully.
    that is what Bible believing Christians are up against. The UN Declaration of Human Rights articles 16 and 18 defend man and woman to marry and found a family and protect not only religious freedom of belief, but also its public manifestation.

    Such an attitude is against human rights. what we have is a spirit that is so keen on same sex relations its sees it as a justice issue that must be enforced and that everyone must accept. We saw this attitude manifested by the gay singer Will Young on BBC Question Time last week, seemingly the very extremism the gay historian David Starkey warned about on QT the week before. We are all entitled to our opinions.

  2. I am not concerned about being right, I believe Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the life.

    I am not concerned about non-believers saying Jesus Christ isnt the truth, the way and he life, I am however concerned about people claiming they are believers and saying Jesus isnt the way the truth and the life.

  3. Yes Candice, I said I agree that it is both

    For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is [r]unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committingindecent acts and receiving in [t]their own persons the due penalty of their error.

    Its past tense they did it as well as wanted to do it.

  4. Candice,

    You are mostly right, the bible largley talks about the verb, the actual doing of gay sex (ick) but there are some passages (like Ro 1) that discuss the DESIRE for same sex, not just the VERB.
    I think I am completely right. Romans 1 says men abandoned the natural use of women and committed indecent acts with other men. That is specifically the act having been done as well as the desire lusting.

    You should also consider the way that hatred (a feeling I guess) is equated with murder by Jesus.. the desire and the act were just as evil as each other.
    Yes I agree. In passages such as Mark 7 we see Jesus comparing even wrong thoughts of murder and sexual immorality as unclean.

    Yes I agree with you it is a renewing of ones mind, and death to our desires and thinking to lives and life from Christ. But it is better to worship God and focus on Christ than praying an fasting against our old self life. If we focus on Christ and others we wont be thinking about ourselves or the sin to struggle against.

  5. Amen! So let's keep the main thing the main thing in our discussion of homosexuality. It's homosexuality, not the UltraLibDem Media- Elite term. "same-sex." My brother is my same sex. He is not homosexual. He loves Jesus & serves Him with all his heart.

    Good point, I love my brother but I am not homosexual. Love isnt sex. But should we not be saying 'same-sex sex' rather than 'homosexuality'? Homosexuality is sexuality, feelings/desire. Sex is the anatomy. So when a Bishop makes the idiotic statement that he sees no difference bewteen homosexual marriage and heterosexual marriage I agree with him , the homosexual man can marrry the homosexual woman just as the heterosexual man can marry the hetersoexaul woman. Marriage is dictated by the reality of the physical sex of the couple, and NOT what some men and women may or may not feel about whether they like it or not.

    What do you think?

    There is no concept of sexuality in the Bible. Its a human deception. God created male and female and it was this reason man and woman are united. So using the terms homosexual and heterosexual is already confusing the truth of God's word. One can for example say homosexuality is wrong, but one cant say heterosexuality is right because adultery, incest and the like are heterosexual as well and these are sin.

  6. There is no such thing as a Goth in the Bible. There is no such thing as a Christian Goth. Yes there may be Christians who dress as goths, arguably no problem, but Goth has no relevance to Christianity.

  7. The battle is intense at the moment in the western world. It may seem like degredation is rampant and decay rapid, and it may well be, the Bible shows us that it needs death to come to renewed life, and needs a brokeness to come to restoration.

    What has been said here is of course correct, hearts and minds need to be changed and dark foces are hardening hearts at the moment. I sense the the church in the west is actually more influencial in society now than for one or two decades, if not several decades, in charity and good works. Yet even this doesnt seem to make those who are listening to those have the megaphone, reflect. Take the Roman Catholic adoption agencies that shut because they were no longer able to refer 'gays' to other agencies.. yet since, the number of children waiting in care for adoption has increased and my church is working for and finacially supporting children in care!! Many in society refuse to see the worse situation has followed the changes they wanted.

    So the encouragment is, we know the ending of the story, we know who has one, Christ, and we know that where the Kingdom makes progress there is a shaking and opposition.

  8. God created man and woman to be in union. Christ's NT teaching affirms this is to be faithful. Thus there is no such thing as gays or straights in the Kingdom, just men and women who are created in God's image for His purposes.

    LGBT philosopy sets people apart and creates the idea that God doesnt love them. It also tells them they are different and God created them different. The message is evil, the man or woman who experiences same sex attraction is no worse or better than than the man or woman who experiences adulterous desires or temptation to any other sin. Normally as Christians we confess or teach something is wrong, ie lying or theft or adulterous thoughts, but go away privately to repent when we end up lying or stealing or having adulterous thoughts. Yes the struggle will be difficult for those with same sex attraction, but the key is knowing what is sin and confessing, NOT the falling short which we all do from time to time.

    I am hearing too much these days of 'do Christians understand the despair of homosexuals. The answer could be do homsoexuals understand the despair of single people who have never found anyone to marry? The gospel of Jesus Christ is hope, and forgiveness of sin, not despair. I once saw a gay lobby group, the inclusivechuch I think, say that if same sex relations arent allowed then the gospel isnt good news for homosexuals, and the answer to that is they obviously dont know or believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    And I suggest many more Christians have an ongoing battle against greed that is even more a struggle than wrong sexual desires.

    If we confess what is sin, including same sex sexual relations then we have the truth, and it is the truth that sets us free.

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