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Posts posted by brightmorningstar

  1. Great OP Tinky.

    The fact is that we have seen the same sort of spirit that existed at Sodom, get out of our way or we will treat you worse.

    The UK Government and the UK media used YouGov polls which asked should there be gay marriage and 56% said yes and 38% no. An equivalent ComRes poll asked should marriage continue to be just one man and one woman and 53% said yes, 36% no. So it does depend on the question asked.

    So it isnt surprising then that most people have been deceived, and people have been loosing their jobs for speaking out against same sex relationships. For example a government advisor on drug policies was dismissed when the lgbt actvists complained about his views on homosexuality, a propsective candidate for the UK Conservative party was dropped a when lgbt activists complained about his perosnal views against homosexuality. Remarkable enough when most of his party agree with him and at least a third of the populartion. What sort of freedom of speech, democracy or representation is that?

    And on top of it all, with all the outrage against Jimmy Saville and the RC priests paedophilia, amazingly the UK's leading lgbt activist who wrote to the Guardian newspaper in 2009 about what he saw as positive aspects of some adult-child sex (with children as young as 9), has not diappeared from the debate but driving it so activily that he claimed the PM is using some of his stuff in his speeches.

    Now another ComRes poll amongst the gay community showed they arent that bothered about gay marriage anyway. So this is a secular liberal and lgbt activist evil on the back of homsoexuality.

    But the battle is far from over. Like the UK Poll tax the western secular liberal 'democracies' will soon find they cant force everyone to agree.

  2. As I said on the other thread...

    So The Administartors of this rejected this man, who recently had and event with 60,000 young people and has raised $3m for caues against traficking, because he, like nearly half the population expresses disagreement with homosexual pratice? Am I hearing right?

    Anyway his conduct in this is impeccable which heaps burning coals on an adminstration that loves homosexuality so much it disctates everything it does.

    Didn't we have this last time round with Rick Warren?

  3. So The Administartors of this rejected this man, who recently had and event with 60,000 young people and has raised $3m for caues against traficking because he like nearly half the population expresses disagreement with homosexual pratice? Am I hearing right?

    Anyway his conduct in this is impeccable which heaps burning coals on an adminstration that loves homosexuality so much it disctates everything it does.

    Didn't we have this last time round with Rick Warren?

  4. regarding those who support or promote same-sex sexual relations:

    'They' arent going to heed any scripture 'they' dont want


    Not content with lying about what the Bible says even lying about their actions doesnt concern them.

    A good and balanced point from Cobalt1959 "That is false. Not every scientist who works in this field says that homosexuality and/or cross-gender is genetically-caused."

    Yet when debating with pro-lgbt activists they claim all scientists agree with them. There is really no winning in this issue, people have decided what they want to believe and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.

  5. They'd probably put you in jail and charge you with a hate crime.
    Then they would be breaching the UN Declaration of Human Rights. But seeing as I have paid taxes for many years I would be entitled to use the facilities dont you think ;-)

    They can pay to upkeep me in prison, and my family and pay for the charities I contribute to etc.

    I can witness to the prisoners.

    Perhaps if I witness that same-sex sex is error in prison they will kick me out of prison.

  6. Good for Chick - fil A It would be good to wear a Chick fil A T-shirt in other places such as KFC and McDo. See if they value the money or same sex sex the most. I can predict the latter.

    UN declaration of Human Rights articles 16 adn 18 protect not only man and woman in marriage, but freedom of religious expression. If the US doesnt want to uphold Human Rights I suggest you guys do what you like.

  7. Winnetou,

    What do you mean why. As I previously described. Why not? LOL

    Every man has, according to the American constitution, inalienable rights.
    OK yes.

    It also is part of it to marry somebody of his or her choice.
    What like a child?

    Sorry but as you know I don’t get fooled. Provided it is a consenting adult of the opposite sex, because that is what marriage. If you are going to suggest man and man then why not drop the requirement for consent and adult, there are people who would like that you know and if every man has a supposed right?

    Now in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, (ie Galatians 3) The prohibitions under the OT covenant were between people honouring God and marriage to those who did not. In Christ there is still the warning not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

    Homosexuals shall have the right to get married if they want this.
    Yes providing its marriage, that is to someone of the opposite sex. To the same sex it is not a right they and the likes of yourself just ignore human rights and claim they do.

    It is bad enough your thinking having people’s identities their sexual desires, but with homosexual it is anatomically dysfunctional. But you come on Christian sites and lie about what the Bible says and what Christians believe. LOL

  8. Well said those who spot that the media pushes the agenda. There are so many people who identify as homosexual on tv and in the arts and music one wonders whether they haven't been given a favourable chance. Nonetheless many are immensely tallented at their art.

    So no wonder the public thinks there are more homosexuals than there really are.

    It should be pointed out as well that lgbt lobbies are in every walk of public life and have consistently claimed percentages much higher than the reality, so no wonder people are fooled.

  9. As to the OP and thread. This is a real problem. The UK PM was referring to gay marriage as a human right but the European court told him it wasnt. Yet still his government refer to the equal rights. Articles 18 and 9 of the UN Declaration and European human rights respectively refer to the right of man and woman to marry and found a family. Same sex couples cant found a family.

    Article 16 of the UN declaration is for the freedom of religious expression and manifestation.

    Yet is no use arguing these realities with people who only think, hear and see what they want to and disregard the rest.

  10. The NT deals a good deal with false teachers, it says not to judge the world but to expel the false teachers and love them as pagans (1 Cor 5, Matt 18)

    The false teachers make a great play for them being Christian, to the point of suggesting they arent is the most un-Christlike sin. Many liberal forums have made such a thing a banning incident. Thus one has all kinds of lying about God flourishing and believers silenced.

    The first thing the church needs to do is dissassociate from these false teachers. The second is to love them and all other pagans.

    I dont want to be a false teacher, look what 2 Peter 2 says about false teachers.

    17 These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” 20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. 22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,”[g] and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”

  11. Watching it, whilst I might accept it was provocation, since when is violent retaliation not punished as well? I think the Police have lost the plot.

    It is obvious to everyone that when media after media items question and mock Jesus, and even cartoons of Mohammed cause death threats that people are scared of Islam. And that there is a problem with Islam.

  12. Usually when someone struggles with a sin, say adultery, we believe they are living a successful christian life when they are no longer in bondage, and, when they are no longer giving in to their desires. Rarely if ever do we demand that the desire itself dies.
    Correct. Struggling with sin and even falling short is not the issue. The issue is people in the church promoting the sin. Of course to focus on Christ and sacrificial love is costly, one of the things it costs us is focusing on ourselves, so in this respect the more does that the less one has the desire to sin.
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