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Posts posted by NeedYouLord

  1. Thank you Ms. Stina!!! And much love to you...

    What a Praise of God's Never Ending Provision!!! This is what I'm talking about...Totally giving Him our lives to do with as He pleases and look what He does...I know of His Love and Provision...I've seen the balance in my checkbook-and what I need to pay and nothing seems to add up and yet when everything is done-there is more than enough!!! I've seen things being multiplied too!!! Oh my...By Faith We Walk...You have blessed this ol' girl...Thank you from the bottom of my heart because what you are walking in is so similar to what God is working out in me too!!! Wow...I need to keep hearing (Hahaha...reading) of His Goodness...


    We Know He Loves us and Heals us and Walks with us in all areas of our lives...if we draw near to Him...by faith believing!!!


    Oh Father...I can just even know The Love In My Sister, Ms. Stina...It's beautiful, O God...I ask You to help us give You all our sicknesses ...Your sacrifice, O Lord Jesus...(I can just see Our Jesus on the Cross with all our sicknesses and diseases...For By His Stripes We Are Healed) and in our weakness You are made strong...(Ms. Stina...even though you aren't feeling well...Your testimony of God's Goodness just has me all fired up!!! Thank You!!! That's how strong He can be in our weakness) Walk with us, O Lord, I pray...right through to Our Healing...In The Name Above Every Name...Jesus Christ of Nazareth

  2. Much love Stirstik,


    The exact moment I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God was real: I had been going to AA meetings and was "dry" which is: not drinking but still without Peace or Comfort on the inside of me...I was hearing of A God (I wasn't raised in Church at all) in those meetings that would help us not drink...I didn't know Him...and I was miserable...I didn't know what to do...usually I would just go back to drinking...it drowned out the pain...and it was easier just to drink...but you see I had already heard people that had Hope in them...They were happier not drinking now!!! So drinking for me was no longer the answer...I wanted God...Real Bad!!! I Needed Him and I knew it...He was my only Hope...I was hopelessly in despair!!!


    I was miserable not drinking and I was miserable because God was not Real in my life...so my best thinking in the state that I was in at the time, led me to come within milliseconds of suicide...instead I screamed at God to Make Himself Real To Me Because I Didn't Have Much Time...Every day for 2 long months I lived wanting to commit suicide...still hoping a little though that my life could be different...and so...riding in my car listening to a country music radio station-2 months later...within a split second of time...I felt The Power and Anointing of God Start at my Head and Run Like Honey (His Peace and Love) All The Way Through my Body-All The Way To My Feet...From this time until now-I have heard through my ears differently and seen through my eyes differently...Changed...For The Better...Life is a Journey...His Word is True...Every Word...

  3. Oh yes...it can happen just like that...you aren't alone, Stirstik...Some of us know exactly what it's like and what kind of life addictions can bring...And have lived through it long enough to now know what it is like not living like that...Amazing...and Wonderful...and Different...and Just Awesome!!! Hahaha


    Much love to you...

  4. Amen and Amen...AA was the beginning of my walk with God...Giving me so much Hope...


    Oh The Wonder Working Power of Our Lord...He heals all our diseases...Forgives all our iniquities...Praying Psalm 103:1-5 for Stirstik's Life...That she may walk in The Truth of Your Word, O Lord...In The Name of Jesus...


    Psalm 103:1-5

    Bless The Lord, O my soul;

    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!

    Bless The Lord, O my soul,

    And forget not all His benefits:

    Who forgives all your iniquities,

    Who heals all your diseases,

    Who redeems your life from destruction,

    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,

    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,

    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.


    Much love to you, Stirstik...

  5. Much love to you, Jason...Thank You, Father, That There Is Still A Chance For Jason's Brother to Personally Know You, The One True God Through His Son, Jesus, Our Savior, Lord and King...As I Come Boldly To Your Throne of Grace, I Pray, Father, By Your Power Break The Chain of Addiction In his Life...Take That Desire...Lust of The Flesh...Break That Yoke, I Pray, In The Powerful Name of Our Savior, Jesus-I Pray Healing For his Body, Soul and Spirit...I Pray he Comes To You, O God...In All Your Majesty and Power...You Who Save Those Who Are Lost...Making The Way, The Truth and The Life Possible...Whew...I Pray Bring Laborers Into His Life From Every Side...Glory!!!

  6. Much love to you In Jesus...


    Father...Thank you for Your Grace and Mercy and knowing every little thing we need...Thank you for meeting us at that need as we believe all things are possible with You...Thank You For Loving The World and Sending Your Son, Our Jesus...To restore and make us whole...Thank You For Opening Blind Eyes and Deaf Ears So We Can See You...I Pray Father, Indwell Your Children Mightily For Your Glory...I Pray Walla's Words To his Shift worker lead Be Empowered For Your Purposes...Bring him Into Your Kingdom, O God...I Pray In The Mighty Name of Jesus...

  7. Much love to you,

    Not referring to what anyone has said or quoted...just this: I saw someone that had recorded her "speaking in tongues" and had taken the recording to a university...They discovered that her "speaking in tongues"-that she didn't understand-was a very little known language-I think they said it was practically extinct...yet she was speaking it!!! My my...


    I truly believe that if we had a record of "every single thing" that ever happened in the day of Jesus...there wouldn't be enough books to contain it...


    Much is revealed by The Holy Spirit...Who leads and guides us into All Truth...Whew...Oh Yes He Does...Our Jesus Is Alive and Sits At The Right Hand of The Father...Praying for us...His Word is Alive...and His Word is True...Much love to you In Him...Jesus, Our Lord...

  8. Much love to you In Jesus...In total agreement and placing a Hedge of Protection around you and your family...Casting out the enemy; that his plans cease and desist coming to naught...asking for new hearts and spirits for the members of your family as we endeavor to obey Matthew 6:33 Seeking First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added to you...In The Name of Jesus...

  9. Much love to you,

    Praying Father for Esther's son...That his eyes be opened and his ears unstopped to the unshakable Truth of Our Lord...That He Brings us Out of Destruction Into New Life...I Pray his Mind Be Transformed and Renewed; Desiring Life and Not Death...Father, Camp Your Angels Round About him Until he Can See...The Kingdom is at hand...Whew...Please Help him See Everything Your Son, Jesus, has done, is doing and will do...Show him Lord...Reveal Yourself to him, I pray In The Name of Jesus...

  10. Much love to you,


    Oh my...I remember praying for you!!! Your baby is beautiful!!! Truly A Gift from God...Whew...O God, You Are So Good...


    Daybreak...The same desire of your heart was my heart...to stay home with my child...I believe the impossible is possible with God...Don't give up believing...


    I have been home with my daughter since she was 4 months old...(What looked really bad in the beginning has turned out for good-I was laid off from my job) I actually told God that I had to work...That was 10 years ago!!! In the meantime, God giving my husband a raise!!! 2 of them in fact...and he still doesn't know how that happened...I do...and God took me through the process of learning how to live on what was brought home...He can do miracles...believe me...I believe!!!


    Also, God taking the talents He placed inside me and bringing them out...This only came about through prayer!!! God taking all the experiences of my life; putting them together for something I can do at home...and eventually I will be able to sell these things...In the meantime, I sell other things-but totally on my own time schedule...so I can still Christian Homeschool my daughter and everything else I need to do...Trust God now and always...He makes a Way...


    O God...You have given Life...and a desire of my sister's heart...I Pray To You Now To Make A Way Where There Is No Way...Bringing Hope and Trust and Love and Peace...No Fear...For You Haven't Given Us A Spirit of Fear But of a Sound Mind and Power...Whew...In The Name of Jesus...

  11. From one to another...and knowing that all I needed was a big fat hug...Here is a big fat hug!!! and you can read what I've written later if you want to...Hahaha...Just hugging and hugging because you are wonderfully and beautifully made...no matter what we think of ourselves when everything looks hopeless...we are wonderfully and beautifully made...we just don't know it yet...


    I have been set free from the desire to drink and smoke, by The Power of an Almighty God that loves us...Whom We Can Depend On...You can be set free too...In the beginning when I didn't know anything; as suggested to me, by others that had been set free, I started praying every morning and every night on my knees...To God Whom I Did Not Know...Asking Him (God) for help to not drink just for today...and then at night...Telling Him (God) Thank you that I didn't drink today...I also had a devotional book from AA that I read everyday...The sayings come from The Bible...The meetings were my very beginnings in search of The One True God...That Gives me Life!!! We don't have to live the life we've known...We can have New Life In Him (God)...


    Bring it down to one minute at a time...I'm not going to drink this minute...saying Thank You every minute if you have to...It's very very important to Thank God for Helping us...Saying it out loud wherever I am...In the house, in the car...in the bathroom...Thank You God...For Helping me not drink today...


    I was the only one that put the drink to my lips...or the cigarette to my lips...We can stop putting it to our lips...and we can find out the reasons why we do it...God leads and guides us Into All Truth...


    You are wonderfully and beautifully made...and much loved!!!


    Father...Thank You That You Are Listening To Our Prayers and Cries for Help...Help my sister through the rough times...Light and help her find the narrow path that leads to Life...That leads to Your Son, Jesus...The Way, The Truth and The Life...Lead and Guide her into All Truth, I Pray, In The Name of Jesus...


    It is possible: Because "With God All Things Are Possible..."

  12. Yes, especially today...but everyday, walking with you in The Spirit...helping to hold the rod up!!!


    Father, Thank You For Your Grace and Mercy...Strength...Healing...Provision...Love...Peace...Glory To The Lamb of God!!! Whew...In The Name of Jesus

  13. Much much love to you,


    In case you haven't noticed-I get real personal about everything...Like I'm walking in it...Don't ask me...I don't even understand all of the reasons why I do that yet...


    but anyway...so ok...So one of the so-called "false teachings" is that no matter if I'm saved or not...I can still get wealthy just because there are universal laws of the universe...That's wonderful...Get to it!!! Just how much of that wealth do you think someone would give for the good of advancing The Kingdom of God? They are blind and depending on their own selves...Satisfying their own lusts, needs and wants...The only problem is: It doesn't work for me...


    But, then if I did that, I would have, to not, believe the part of The Bible that said to me: "God gives me The Power to get wealth"...which I do believe...only because it's in The Bible...(and it's ok that to you it means something else...because I know it will...as you will explain it to me...well the only problem is: I've listened to The Bible and I'm being brought from death to life...raised from the dead...and without God I have been completely without...things...


    With God...I need a bigger home because He has multiplied my possessions...had to rent a warehouse...amazing...Huh...And because I own all these things...I can be a lender...and not a borrower...(I remember praying about that-that I knew I wasn't a lender and I wanted to be so bad-because when we are a borrower we are in bondage to the lender) or I can give every single bit of it away tomorrow-to a homeless shelter...or, if it was all gone in one split second...Would I still love Jesus...You Know I Would...For me there is no other alternative...Money or things did not save me and never will save me or give me Eternal Life With Him...Jesus My Lord...Wow...All I can say is The Freedom That Is In Christ Is Amazing!!!


    I do not condone sin...I just want to point out again: that a lot is being assumed here...because I'm sure you weren't there...Assuming is a big mistake for those of us that want to follow and be like Jesus...I know what it looked like but that may not be the truth...I have forgiven...because I know the alternative to not forgiving...Have you? We are given 2 commandments...Love The Lord Our God With All Our Heart...and Our Neighbor As Ourself...


    Shiloh...It may not matter to you that someone would just keep on and on about your so-called sin...Is that loving our neighbor as ourself? (Most that have participated in this thread has testified-I'm waiting on some of yours-to see a part of your tender heart...but I may have missed it...it's ok if you don't though...I won't be back on this thread anyway...and love you anyway...But The Truth Is We All Have Fallen Short...In my opinion...It's time to forgive (yes, even Benny Hinn and Ryan (Rodain) for believing the way he does-the boy is going to be a force to reckon with in the dark places) see I learned a long time ago...My acting as judge, jury and executioner didn't hurt that other person one bit...They didn't even know...Benny Hinn does not know you haven't forgiven him...and the only person you are hurting is yourself...We have to forgive to be forgiven...


    There is something else missing in all this...God's Ways Are Higher Than Ours...and there has been no mention of God's Leading In A Matter...That By His Spirit He Can Lead us...I have experienced that leading...and still do...and if I sit on my "wealth" that only God has given...until He says to do something...I won't do anything...and then when He says: It's time to do this then that's what I will do...To you it looks like I'm just doing nothing...But No...I'm waiting...and that is something...


    It hurts my heart that unforgiveness can exist to this level...And that a beautiful wonderful understanding, wisdom and revelation can be had for the asking...


    There is not much of that going on except with a few of us...Many blessings...and I'm wiping the dust from my feet on this thread..."With God All Things Are Possible"...Much Love To You In HIm...Jesus Our Lord...

  14. Much love again, Shiloh...Nope not doing what you are saying I'm doing...or maybe I am...Judgment should begin In The House of God...1Peter4:4...You are entitled to your opinion...period...

    and I respect your beliefs...you can believe what you believe...I believe good can come from anything...and anybody...


    I think testifying is a very powerful tool...but maybe I did leave out something...I've been helped by the ministries in question...at different times over the years...sometimes just a word given on television...sometimes action taken...also I've been to see 2 of them in person...


    I learned a long time ago that my testimony can not be argued with...So I just state what I have lived through...


    Concerning what all the fuss is about...That others don't spend their money as they should...or as some think they should...


    Again..."I am going to make this crystal clear to you"...With everything that is in me...


    I am not The One True God of Whom They Will Stand Before...and answer to...As will we all...


    I'm not God...you aren't God...I'm not pretending to be God...Before I was saved: I was my own god...meeting all my needs and wants under my own power...


    The Pastors of discussion: will answer to God for their actions...It's my job to love them...and bring the Truth to them if so led...and to learn and be led into God's Truths to the best of my ability...and don't tell me I can't bring The Truth to them...I have contacted 2 in this Whole Country that I was led to contact...In High Offices...with God's Truth...so...if you are so led to help lead them in the right direction...I say get to it!!! Do something instead of fussing!!! Contact them immediately!!! Because in my opinion, the wells are getting stopped up with intolerance and unforgiveness...


    So all this fussing is just about saying someone (our brothers and sisters) are just all wrong and are to be judged, juried and executed while they are still here on earth? I don't participate in that any more...I don't know how well that sets with God from where I sit either...He created them too...See it goes a lot deeper cause I know scripture that talks about this as well...and it ain't pretty...Not a good idea to judge, jury and execute anybody...That is what I did without God...I could look at someone and judge them...Whew...Was I wrong...


    Anyway...Want to know the scripture? Here it is...and it's what you are doing...and it's deep...and I Love You!!! Father...Thank You For Your Word...Thank You That It Teaches me...some things to do and some not to do...Father...all this I see as not moving forward In Your Love and Power...Help us...We need You! Thank you!!! In The Name above Every Name...


    And specifically I know your gift and talent is knowledge about when all this happened and the circumstances etc. etc. and I respect your knowledge...and need it at times...


    But I will say this...This verse is for right now!!! And can change our lives...right now!!! Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things...


    And don't tell me God's Word isn't as sharp as a two-edged sword...because when we get totally honest with ourselves this verse is true...It was for me...and it hurt me to the core to finally see when I judge I'm doing the same thing in my life that I'm seeing them do...It hurts!!! Much love and I didn't even post the verse that says: don't meddle in other people's affairs...Look...I just want to be loved by people that have Jesus in them...that's all...

  15. Much much love to you,


    As promised...More scripture concerning the subject at hand and some things that have helped me along the way...One thing that is just so amazing is the thought that we can actually depend on God for everything...being taken out of the "world: and the "world" out of us...(which is the way things worked in our lives before we were born-again) and in so doing God can actually Work things together for good. I'm all about not having "the love" of money...Nothing wrong with money...and having money...at one time "I loved" money...but now I've got a new lens...It takes money to do things...


    So anyway...Thinking that even the NT believers and apostles and disciples had no money...Well...


    Then Paul dwelt two whole years "in his own rented house," and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him...Acts 28:30-31...and ...verse 24...dealing with exactly the same thing we are dealing with today...verse 24...and some were persuaded by the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved...Wow...Hasn't changed much...


    and these verses are amazing to me...it mentions ministering in material things...Romans 15:25-29  But now I am going to Jerusalem to minister to the saints. For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem. It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in "material things." Therefore, when I have performed this and have sealed to them this fruit, I shall go by way of you to Spain. But I know that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing (NU omits "of the gospel") of Christ. Seems like material things need having...


    With this...I'll end my postings on this thread...unless so led otherwise...


    I know I can't depend on a TV show to be exactly correct but this was mind boggling...I was watching this show where retailers have hired a man and his team to catch shop-lifters...The numbers are staggering...


    $35 Million Dollars of merchandize is stolen every day in the U.S.

    This one particular store was experiencing an $8,000 loss every month. With this man's help $6,000 worth of merchandize was recovered...


    Apparently there are a lot of people that don't know Our God...Because I've experienced this: He supplies all my need...and even some of my wants...I don't need to steal...at all period...


    Much love and may we all seek and find everything God has for us...

  16. Much much love...


    And because of what Rodain just testified of...Everything that God has brought him through...As a believing sister...Believing In The Power of God...and that we are vessels...The hands at the end of my arms do not hurt any longer...and even the breaking out of it all is healing!!! My my...Rodain Being Indwelled Mightily By The Spirit of The Living God...Whew...I have been touched by someone that is living The Words of The Bible...Greater than this shall you do...A Vessel...Brings new meaning to the words: You are gods...By the way...I would strongly suggest getting in Prayer a lot...and "waiting" for God, Himself, to reveal certain things...that way we don't have to walk in false stuff...


    So even that someone doesn't believe concerning Baptism of The Holy Spirit...even though it's In The Bible...you have just witnessed-The Working of The Holy Spirit In Action-on the earth...and I am healed...


    I know of other people that have seen it first hand and still won't believe...anyway...


    God is deeper than any of us can fathom...Not just surface...Not just in our heads but can be in our hearts...even our own spirit (I was blinded so bad that I didn't even know we had one) but our spirit can be born again...which opens up a whole new place to live...we still have the same "body" and the same "will and emotions", which is our soul...and then sometimes slowly, sometimes miraculously we are changed in an instant...Lining up with The Word...A Living Book...Taken out of the "world" and the "world" taken out of us...sanctified...


    We will all stand before Him one day and answer to Him...Well, we can get to know Him now...It's not too late...until it's too late...Today is The Day...

  17. SS,

    Much love to you In Him,


    Not ignoring...Just don't have a lot of time everyday...Christian Homeschool my daughter...And my lens is so different now...


    and fully did not expect all this...Yep...Another lesson...Should be sewing and instead...oh dear...what a mess...I get dizzy trying to keep up with all this...I think I'm supposed to stay real simple...


    I think somewhere somehow we (no...I think I went off the original posting path...) My interpretation of posting is giving what God and His Word says about it...Building up...Encouraging...Putting down what I'm led to post...instead of all this...We could have gone the Way of: "Yes...God Provides...and given my life story of how I've been raised up from nothingness...after working at a steady job for years and years...and the complete and total education (not formal education) that God can give and brings just from prayer and leading and guiding to The Truth of it all...totally living within our means with no credit...and then God (from years of prayer) bringing into fruition what I've waited so long for...and look what can be done...or getting ideas what others are doing to Grow The Kingdom...anyway...It just went into bashing the beliefs of others...Everything can be looked at with 2 lenses...and sometimes The Spirit is shut down in me...so anyway...


    God gives me New Life...And I'm having a hard time seeing "Life" sometimes in what the human parts of us spit out...its always been the human part of us that has just torn me apart...I'm sorry there has been a lot of hurt in your life...There has been a fair share in mine too...That's why Jesus is my best friend...


    But I will say it again: I have not looked up any "doctrines" to see what they believe...I have mainly as instructed "heard" the Word preached and have gone into prayer for hours at a time...Read The Word...Let It Permeate My Whole Self-To The Very Best That Is Possible and Have Waited on God for Many Things on The Inside of me To Be Changed...Working out my salvation with fear and trembling...And "experiencing" My God at times-miraculously...supernaturally...just as in The Bible...amazing...but true...and trying my best to not forsake assembling myself together...with fellow believers...but it sure is hard sometimes...Lord, Thank You...For Everything...

  18. Much love to you In Him,


    Ok...So it seems to me that some have not "walked" where some have "walked"...Again...I just ask that you respect how God has worked in my life, my beliefs and "walk"...and Truths that I have walked in...Truths that some may never ever walk in...may never see the same way...and it's ok...A Wonderful Truth though is don't shoot the messenger...I've learned to take the message exactly as given and keep the parts I'm supposed to keep and throw away the rest because it's not time yet...That Way The Wells Don't Get Stopped Up and The Living Water and Love Can Keep Flowing...


    Some are born with a silver spoon (my step-mother is one...and I decided NOT to go live with my real dad and her mainly because they didn't have God in their life...My mom raised and loved us the best she could-I truly believe I lived the verse of how it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter The Kingdom of God) and so some of us have come to Know God and depend on Him for everything...It's just the Way He Had for me...I truly believe The Plan for my life was orchestrated by God...


    In a previous reference...Why some verses are put with others in my posting...My Bible references those verses-to the other verses...


    (Just to let you know...I truly believe God Is At Work Here and sometimes it takes me a while to stomach some of it though...Loving you...And Thanking God Everyday For Everything...Being content in all things... 


    Have to go back and re-read now and post the other verses I've been given to post...Loving you In Him...       

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