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Posts posted by NeedYouLord

  1.  I come here with a simple(but hard to answer) question, this question has roots in threads about church attendance. So I thought I might open things up for debate as to opinions for ...>>> If Jesus came back in flesh, which church would he go to, and how do you think he would be received? Would he contend for the Truth before church leaders, as he often did in his own time...?? If Jesus came back now in flesh, how would this world receive him??  If you want to use miracles, use them for healing as was most of Jesus miracles .... wouldn't this world want to own, dissect, control or manipulate what they perceive to be scientific knowledge... not knowing God is beyond our understanding? I dunno you tell me.................



    Much love, In my humble opinion and experience...I truly believe Jesus would pray to The Father Which Church To Go To...(notwithstanding the fact that there really is Only One True Church) and He would be unbelievably recieved and then possibly rejected (perhaps people would think that His Healing Power is from the devil-why the devil would heal is beyond me-but anyway). I truly believe He would without a shadow of doubt speak Truth...and probably have to say it in parables so that the lessons etc. would be understood...I truly believe the dilemma of mankind is still the same...the lack of a born again spirit...and Knowing The One True God and Christ Whom He Sent...John 17:3...Jesus!!! I Love and NeedYou...

  2. Fremont...I almost left this earth without Jesus as my Saviour...There was a millisecond's difference...Instead of leaving earth without Him I actually screamed at God to save me...He hears prayers like that-I was desparate and couldn't go on any longer...The Bible says in Romans 10:9-11 (New King James Version-there are other versions easy to read) Romans 10:9-11 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame." There is so much Hope...He did save me and now I have a close personal relationship...Asking For Forgiveness (and talking about everything with someone we trust really really helps) Asking Forgiveness For All That We Have Done Wrong Is Hard Because Our Pride Stands Between us and God...but yet that was exactly why I wanted to leave this earth....I had done some things...God forgives us though...and Loves us...and Gives us New Life If We Don't Give Up...It's not always easy following Jesus but worth it!!!


    When we start we do not have a renewed mind-and we need one...but reading God's Word...and hearing the Word preached...and being with others that believe...well, our lives are transformed for the better...if we don't give up...


    Father, I'm praying for Fremont to come to know You As You Are...Our God...Our Creator...Our Provider...Our Healer...I'm asking for closed eyes and ears to be opened...For I know You are as close as a prayer...The One on Whom we Depend...Protect Fremont, Father...until he (or she) can Know You and Jesus Christ Whom You Sent...In The Name of Jesus, I Pray...We are so Loved!!!

  3. Much love In The Name of Jesus...

    Well we went to a home-town festival last night...What is so wonderful to me is that all the horror and scaring is not in this festival!!! Yeah!!! It was a joy to be with what seemed like thousands enjoying music and games and candy...and it grows every year...


    The MC started announcing things that were going on etc...and then I heard things like: Such and so name...Your mama is up here waiting for you...Lost children...Lost Parents from their children...Oh dear...


    And then there is a mama up here that is waiting on her son...He was up here but ran off...and we can't find him!!! It seemed like this went on for 5 minutes...every minute on the minute the announcement was made that he still hadn't been found...The description of what he was wearing...how old he was...he was a 1st Grader!!! Well you know what was going on in me!!! He had to be found!!! And so I kept hearing the same announcement and the same feelings going through me...And then my mind working the scenerios...oh dear...And all of a sudden prayer started coming out of me!!! In The Spirit and in regular words...Lord, I ask that You Place a Hedge of Protection Around him until he can be found...That no harm come to this little boy and that he be returned to his mama's loving care...In The Name of Jesus...


    Within 3 minutes: The MC announced that the little boy was safe and in his mama's care!!! Glory Hallallujah!!! My heart hurts for the lost...Thank You God...He was Found!!! Whew...Tears of joy now...


    Not saying that I lift myself up for praying!!! But that Jesus is Lifted up for Saving!!! Whew...Oh Yes He is!!! Love you so much In Him... 

  4. Much love, Fez

    Father God In The Name of Your Most Holy Son and Our Savior Jesus...Who is The Door...I am also in agreement that a Hedge of Protection be placed around our brother, Fez, and those whose work it is to protect and preserve the habitat, where he is, for God's Beautiful Creatures Great and Small That Helps Keep Them From Extinction...I Pray Open The Eyes and Ears of The Ones Being Used For The enemies schemes and plans...Open their eyes and ears to the Truth That Will Make Them Free...Open their eyes and ears as You did in Elijah's day...That they see the multitudes of Chariots, Prayers and Angels Coming Against Them!!! Whew...Father...Send messengers into their camp causing them to flee their occupation of death so that the plans and schemes of the enemy come to naught!!! Go before Fez and His Co-Workers Making A Way Where There Is No Way; For Victory and No Further Harm Coming To Your Creation...Again, In The Name of Jesus, I pray...


    I believe without a shadow of doubt that the perpetrators will stop or be stopped...Supernaturally by The Power of God...I am a witness! I prayed that night not knowing for sure why exactly at that moment I started praying...but the man that robbed my husband at gun point-holding a gun to his head-and the gun went off-the bullet went into the steering wheel! and then there was another robbery of another person!!! I prayed for the man to be caught and brought to justice!!! That he not harm another person! I wrote a letter to him, totally anonymously, telling him how he almost made me a widow!!! That I was praying for him to never ever hurt another person and that he Come to Know Jesus, among many other things I told him-My daughter was approximately a year old then...the man was caught and we went to the court date! Turns out they had changed it or something anyway, I couldn't hand the man the letter personally but I gave it to the Assistant District Attorney! He said he would give it to him!!! Oh my...I Believe!!!

  5. Thank You Father...That Your Word is a lamp unto our feet...Lighting Our Path and Making The Way... Psalm 119:105...Thank You that our heart plans our way but that You direct our steps...A man's heart plans his way but The Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

    I found for my life that at times I've had to take a Leap of Faith...Faith without works (doing something) is dead...and I would say: It's you and me, God!!! And as I was leaping and stepping...God was directing...He teaches us to Trust Him during these times too...He is just wonderful!!! My Hope is In Him...so giving up isn't an option anymore...because if we give up, we will never know what The Lord had in store for us...


    I love your name and want to say: The only way is up when we get down to the bottom...and I walk in gratefulness beyond imagination-that The Rock I hit at the bottom was Jesus Christ of Nazareth...Whew


    Father...In The Name of Jesus...I Ask, Seek and Knock for our sister, Rock...That You Light her Path and Make The Way Straight...That she Is Led and Guided Into All Truth and Resides Where You Would Have her...I Pray she Obtains Perserverance-for eventually we are grateful for tribulations...The reason is Your Word Declares In Romans 5:3: and not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope ...I Pray Retained Joy In You...For You Are Our Strength...Thank You For Hearing Our Prayers-Thank You For Walking With us and Being in us, Jesus Christ, My Lord...Amen

  6. Much love to you...I was and still am a "good person"...That's just it-a person...I used to think being "a good person" would get me to Heaven-but at that time there was still Something (Someone) missing in my life...My my...was my thinking wrong...More than anything...now...There are no masks...there is no pretending anymore...when I was born again-I was changed-alot...and now there is alots of Truth that has come to me and is in me...I'm so real it hurts sometimes...just bare bones and simple...nothing is hidden anymore...That is free-ing!!! Whew...Jesus-You did it!!! Yeah!!!

  7. I have been having arthritis pain in my right leg. It is especially frustrating because I like to take a walk every day, but I have difficulty now because of the pain. You can say a prayer for me and I'll let you know how it comes out. I am 68 years old and I figure that it is old age catching up with me.


    Much love to you, gamnot...It is amazing to me how I believe the impossible is possible...How I believe, if for instance, we have something similar of the relationship that some in the Bible had with God...I just believe we can be healed...Wasn't it  Moses? He had no pains wasn't even limping or anything-and how was he? Whew-old...I don't believe God is any respecter of persons...I do believe our relationship can be such that whatever we ask in His Name we receive...I just believe that...I'll pray...and believe with you that you recieve what we ask Him for...He loves you so much that He wants to heal you...that's what I believe...


    The Greatest Love ever known to mankind...Father...Because of Your Great Love for gamnot...I'm asking...Seeking Your Touch Your Anointed Healing for his body...for his joints...for him to move about and do things for Your Good Pleasure...Cover him with Your Love and Heal his body I Pray In The Name Above Every Name...Jesus Christ of Nazareth...Our Savior, Lord and King!!! Love you In Him...NeedYouLord

  8. I'm addicted to this message board. I keep having to pop in here every so often and read stuff and post my wonderful thoughts for all of you to read. Though I am not sure that is a bad thing.


    Yeah...I love this addiction to the message boards...and Jesus...







    I don't think my addiction ever got that bad to the point of obsessive, however I'm not fully healed yet. I guess you can say, I'm working through it.


    Their is a huge number of people in our world that have OCD.It just has not gotten so bad that it affects their life so they are not able to go on with their everyday activities.It is very,very common.


    Okay all. OCD is different from addictions. OCD tells you that you have to flip the light switch on and off 10 times or something bad will happen. :crazy:   I have OCD. In a weird sort of way. My glasses and cell phone have to be in the same spot every night on my nightstand. It just has to be that way. My cup at the dinner table has to go in the same spot above my plate. And other little weird things like that I do.



    LadyKay...You made me laugh so hard...(Keep in mind though I know how things can get with addiction-let's just say-it's not good-but I have to laugh sometimes-especially at myself-to keep from crying-and it's a real good medicine) but the reason I was laughing so hard last night when I read what you wrote..."If I don't put something in the same place every time...I can't find the thing!!!" Hahaha (but I sure don't want to invent another condition-Hahaha) Much love to you In The Name of Jesus!!! Whew He Saved us!!!

  9. Much love to you, Everything in the Bible applies to what it applies to...literally......say The Jews Returning to Israel ...being gathered from other places all over the world (The Holy Spirit enlightened me that in that instance we as sinners are scattered in our sin all over the place...but that God can gather us all up...and return us to Him...


    The Bible is also alive!!! The day that verse entered my life and brought Light into the darkness...Well...It was a miracle...I can take any verse and when enlightened by The Holy Spirit and my permission to be led and guided into all Truth...He can show me several different meanings...


    I can see what Moses did and how he was brought up as the two in us...Flesh and Spirit at war!!! Raised in Egypt (signifying sin-No-I'm just saying it's an analogy...I'm not saying anything about Egypt literally at the moment...Hahaha) but a Hebrew (God) on the inside...and Jesus bringing the two making one man...All I'm saying is that The Bible is Alive and The Holy Spirit does an amazing work on the inside of us...My my...Thank You Jesus...Please Lead and Guide us Into All Truth...In Your Holy Name, I pray...

  10. I just want to cry and hug!!!




    I have done the same thing...Filled the garbage cans to the rim!!! The Church Dumpster-Like 5 big 33 gal. garbage bags of garbage in my house!!! My my...He has been working on and in you...and it's so good!!! You won't be disappointed in anything He does-that is when it's over...Hahaha...It's the getting through it...I'll help hold your hand if you want...pm me anytime...the main thing too...is to do something constructive as soon as that "want to" hits...I had to get my mind on something else...Much love to you...But some things look impossible until we walk in them...and come out the other side into The Promised Land...I know just an analogy but hey, sometimes I get to walk in Heaven right here on earth-in the here and right now...Nothing is impossible with God...Nothing


    Yeah, I saw that about the movies...Proud of you and praying!!! Much much love to you...In The Name of Jesus...

  11. Hi and much love,

    I'm so grateful that I can choose different colors to wear...In the olden days when I was never content or at Peace...rather depressed I would say...I wore black alot...it's easy-it doesn't take much effort...Hardly ever now do I wear black...I was thinking about that the other day...What if I needed a black shirt? Hahaha...I would need to make me one...Love, NeedYou

  12. I smoked cigs for ten years myself. Then I quit on 1/1/10. The past three years however, I've had some trouble quitting w/compulsive buying. I'm hoping to end that one on 1/1/14.


    me too, Willow...amazing how the bills can be paid now...I no longer run out of month before running out of money...Hahaha...And I even stopped smoking before the price went sky high!!! That is if everyone follows the plan we have enough month...Not laughing now...Yes I am...


    and I know definitely how hard it is to stop...I couldn't...I tried and I couldn't...but when the rubber hit the road and I really needed an answer to prayer...I went after Him (My Jesus) with everything in me-not playing-as if my life depended on it-and realized God needed a clean vesssel...cause He doesn't like to put new wine in an old wineskin...


    But really...why should I put off til tomorrow what I can do today...Today is the day of salvation and I truly believe that our salvation is being worked out by us individually as well as collectively...It's a personal relationship for sure...and when I give up and confess and ask forgiveness...He is Amazing!!! I have a perfect example of that now...Apparently my daughter has decided to be real lazy lately...oh my...and not obey very well...don't do that around me...Now you know why God chose me as your mother!!! Hahaha...I had to send her to her room! After a while I said you can come out now...She said, "Mama, do you know what I did?" I said, "No, what did you do?" She said, "Not only while I was in my room, being punished, I read my Bible and do you know what I read? Not only John, she said, but 1 John too!" I said, "You did!" She said, "Yes...and she said, "Mom, I'm sorry...I haven't been obedient and I want to be like Abel...making righteous decisions..." It's been hard today, folks...


    Oh dear...My dear friend, John...talked about Hannah...Oh Lord...You are so good...Wow is all I can say...There is Hope!!!

  13. Christians should definitely have an addictive personality, and should definitely be totally dependent on their addiction (Now, just think it through!!!)


    and does that addiction that I am depending on bring Life or Death? Or am I worshipping an idol? or possibly satisfying: one of the desires that are of this world?


    I am addicted to the One that brings Life! Bringing Peace and Contentment...Bringing me through every storm and every fire and I'm not blown away or burned! Whew...


    Walking out of the desires of this world (and out of The Law) into His Marvelous Light-Walking In The Spirit of God and Not My Flesh!...Fulfilling the 2 new commandments to the very best of the ability given to me by Him!!!


    Thank You Lord!!! You Are So Good!!!

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